The Shocking Truth About Finding Your Life Purpose: Coach Myrna

In this podcast, coach Myrna shares how she found her, life purpose. We're going to talk about the shocking truth about finding your, life purpose. There's a lot of pressure to find your, life purpose. You've probably heard the saying, “when God says go, just go.” But is that really the best advice?

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How to find your life purpose

In this conversation, we're going to explore the truth about finding your life purpose, and how to overcome any fears or doubts you may have. Back in 2000 God spoke to me and told me to Go that the USA is my, promised land, my land of milk and honey that I should leave my home in Toronto, Canada, my family, friends and Go.

He told me to go and he will show me the way when I get there. So, I packed my bags and moved to Florida and God did as he promised. He showed me the way. He ordered my footsteps. I just followed my intuition and looked for guidance. God said if you GO, I will make you a great nation, and I will make your name great. Today my podcast and my name Coach Myrna, is great, it is heard in 156 countries around the world. Don't wait any longer, listen to this podcast  and find out how to find your, life purpose.

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Synchronicity and purpose

The first thing I did when I got to Florida was to look for an office for my limousine service business. I found an office for my business, but it did not come with parking for a stretch limousine. I couldn’t find a place to park my limousine, so I had the brilliant idea to park it in a church parking lot. My reasoning was that church is only on a Sunday! they are not there during the week.

I promptly received a call from the Senior Pastor who told me if I wanted to park my limousine in the church parking lot, I should write a proposal of what I intended to offer in exchange. When I went to the church to drop off my proposal, I met the pastor who invited me to church.  That started my relationship with Living Word Fellowship church, a relationship that was instrumental in the success of both me and my daughter, who was 11 years old at the time. That was God showing me the way, that was synchronicity.

I just kept moving forward only seeing the next step and never the entire staircase.

My life purpose was to become a Life coach and reach the world

Then God told me Go become a Life coach, I listened and that was also God ordering my steps because the month I graduated from Life coach school with my coaching certificate, was the same month I got fired from my corporate job. I became a self-employed Life coach and again God showed me the way. Someone invited me to be a guest on a radio show, and the radio station WDJY 99.1 FM Atlanta, offered me my own show. Then I heard about podcasting and stared a podcast then I received an email invitation for a TV show on PTWWNTV.

None of this was shown to me when I packed up and left Toronto. God said GO and I went.

Each step along the way God tested me by seeing if I was willing to do the work, he had to see what I was willing to sacrifice. I had to go through the wilderness. God said before I give you a lot, I have to see what you do with a little.

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Go: God will show you the way

I remember when I was so broke and had no money for food or gas. I had worked all week and didn’t make a sale, so I didn’t get paid. God said GO to the ATM. I didn’t think I had any money in the bank, but I went and found I had $40 in my account. Don’t even know where it came from. I was ecstatic.

My life continued to be filled with favor and synchronicity.

I shared my story to encourage you to Go: God will show you the way. Pick up a copy of my book Out of the Snares a story of hope and encouragement and see how God showed me the way.

I believe that I was born to bring light to others, that’s my Life purpose

What’s your purpose?

We see things not as they are but as we are.

You have to believe in the promise. God said I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

If you don’t believe in the word or the spirit what God said about you, then you will Never receive the promise.

Have faith believe in the promise

For example, You have to believe in the word, the gesture and the spirit that God will turn every weapon formed against you for your good.

Everything God is going to do for you is already set aside, but sometimes he takes you the long way. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, that was not the direct route. Just keep asking yourself, what is my purpose.

Just Go,  and he will show you the way.

Additional Resources 

How to Transform your Career with Purpose


Praying for God’s Blessing: The Power of Rain

Is there a drought in your life then you need to tap into the, power of rain. Are you, praying for rain? Rain represents food for the plants and the earth and it also represents blessings from above.

Praying for the blessing of rain is a powerful way to connect with God and ask for His help. The, power of rain, connects us to the power of God. We'll explore how Elijah prayed for rain and what happened as a result. By learning this story, we'll be able to apply the power of prayer to our own lives, and receive the blessing of rain!

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Elijah prays for rain

In this passage in the bible. Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees and prayed to God to end the 3.5-year drought. He kept praying until God showed him in the spirit that the rain was. So he didn’t stop praying until Ahab told him he saw a small cloud because God showed him in his spirit that he was going to send the rain, so Elijah kept praying until he was able to birth what God showed him in the spirit.

He kept looking for the rain. He had his expectors on because he knew the rain was coming. Seven times he sent his servant Ahad to look for rain.

Finally, the seventh time, his servant told him, “I saw a little rain cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.”

Then Elijah shouted, “Hurry to Ahab and tell him, ‘Climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you!’”

This is what faith looks like. Faith is expecting to see in the flesh what God showed you in the spirit

A small cloud was all the confirmation Elijah needed. He started preparing for the rain. God empowered him to run so he could beat the rain, so Elijah started running.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Podvine

Running in the rain

As a child one of my favorite things to do was run in the rain. I always loved the rain. I was born in the rain.

Rain is a blessing. Life on earth could not happen without the rain. When you see the rain don’t run from it, run in it. Walk in it.

How about when you see the rain coming. Welcome the rain. don’t complain that rain is coming.

The pandemic brought with it the drought of many things. What are you praying for today? What are you trying to birth? What did God show you in your dreams that you are expecting to show up in the flesh?

  • Is it the droughts of loneliness
  • Is it a financial drought
  • It is a drought of good health
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RadioPublic Transform your mind

God gives you strength to hold on until the rain comes

Elijah sounded the alarm that the rain was coming and soon the sky was black with clouds. A heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm, and Ahab left quickly for Jezreel. Then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.

God will give you special strength to hold on until the rain comes.

Whatever you are lacking do not give up, do like Elijah put your head between your knees and pray until you see it manifest. Your drought will soon be over. The rain may not come today or tomorrow or even next year but keep looking and expecting it will come, it always does and one day you will run in the rain.

Additional Resources

Mind Power: The Amazing Power of Your Mind

Authentically Authentic: Embracing Your True Self

The disconnect between our authentic selves and the personas we project can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and a lack of fulfillment.

Jamaal Wesley is the author of “Authentically Authentic: It's a Journey Not a Destination.” He is also the founder of One Love Jewelry Designs LLC dba Aheri, a jewelry company that promotes self-love and authenticity. Jamaal has spent the last 12 years in the field of personal growth and development, overcoming his own struggles and triumphs. Through his book and jewelry company, he aims to inspire and empower others to embrace their true selves and live authentically.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Authenticity is about being true to yourself and not trying to be someone or something you're not. It's about embracing your individuality and expressing your true self without fear or judgment.

  • Impostor syndrome often stems from societal pressures and influences that make us feel like we're not enough. It's important to recognize when we're trying to be impostors and instead choose to be our authentic selves.

  • Being in tune with our feelings can help us identify when we're not being authentic. If something doesn't feel right or makes us uncomfortable, it's a sign that we may need to make a change and align with our true selves.

  • Authenticity is a journey, not a destination. It requires consistent self-reflection, self-discovery, and self-expression. It's about unbecoming everything that isn't truly you and embracing who you were meant to be.

  • Living authentically creates a space for true love, connection, and authenticity to flourish. It allows us to be closer to the people we love and creates new possibilities for growth and fulfillment.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Being Authentic in a World of Imposters

In a world that constantly bombards us with images of perfection and societal expectations, it can be challenging to stay true to ourselves. However, author Jamaal Wesley reminds us in his book, “Authentically Authentic: It's a Journey Not a Destination,” that embracing our authenticity is the key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Wesley emphasizes the importance of being true to ourselves and not succumbing to the pressures of conforming to societal norms or imitating others.

One of the main obstacles to authenticity is impostor syndrome. Wesley explains that impostor syndrome arises when we try to be someone we're not, whether it's at work, in relationships, or in social settings. We may feel the need to present a certain image or meet certain expectations, but deep down, we know that it's not who we truly are. This disconnect between our authentic selves and the personas we project can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and a lack of fulfillment.

The Journey of Self-Discovery and Acceptance

Wesley's book serves as a guide for those seeking to embark on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. He shares his own experiences and insights, encouraging readers to embrace their true selves without fear or judgment. Through heartfelt storytelling and practical advice, Wesley provides a roadmap for battling impostor syndrome and the challenges that arise on the path of self-expression and identity.

One of the key aspects of embracing authenticity is being in tune with our feelings. Wesley highlights the importance of paying attention to how we feel when we're about to exhibit impostorism. If we feel uncomfortable, out of place, or have a sinking feeling in our stomachs, it's a clear indication that we're not being true to ourselves. By acknowledging these feelings and being honest with ourselves, we can begin to make choices that align with our authentic selves.

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Unbecoming to Become Authentic: Letting Go of Traumas and Conditioning

Wesley's book also delves into the concept of unbecoming everything that isn't truly us. From the moment we're born, we're born into a set of conversations and societal conditioning that may not align with our authentic selves. However, life experiences and traumas can further cover up our true identities, leading us to live inauthentically.

To truly embrace authenticity, Wesley encourages readers to let go of past traumas and conditioning. This process of unbecoming allows us to shed the layers that have been imposed upon us and rediscover who we truly are. By doing so, we create a space for true love, connection, and authenticity to flourish.

Embracing Authenticity in Relationships

Living authentically not only benefits ourselves but also has a profound impact on our relationships. When we show up as our authentic selves, we create a safe space for others to do the same. Wesley emphasizes that authenticity fosters deeper connections and allows for a new world of possibility to emerge.

In the realm of dating, authenticity is particularly crucial. Many people try to present themselves in a way they think will be attractive to others, but this often leads to disappointment and a lack of genuine connection. Wesley's book reminds us that the most attractive version of ourselves is when we are being our authentic selves. By embracing our true identities, we attract those who appreciate and love us for who we truly are.

Embrace Your Authenticity and Create an Amazing Tomorrow

In conclusion, embracing authenticity is a lifelong journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth. It requires us to be in tune with our feelings, let go of past traumas and conditioning, and make choices that align with our true selves. By living authentically, we not only find fulfillment and happiness within ourselves but also create deeper connections and a more authentic world.

As Jamaal Wesley beautifully puts it, “Discover who you are, discover who you want to be, and create an amazing tomorrow.” Embrace your authenticity and let your true self shine.

Additional Resources

Becoming Flawesome: The Journey to Self-Acceptance

Harnessing Vibrational Energy for Mental Health:

Dr. Christopher Macklin, health and wellness practitioner, discusses the mental health crisis and its impact on collective consciousness. He shares his insights as a, medical intuitive, and emphasizes the importance of raising one's vibration to combat mental health issues. Dr. Macklin also addresses the presence of negative entities and offers prayers for protection and transmutation. He encourages listeners to find their burning passion and focus on gratitude and positive thinking. This episode provides valuable tools and perspectives for navigating the challenges of mental health in today's world.

Dr. Christopher Macklin is a multifaceted individual who brings together holistic health and spirituality through his comprehensive background. With a Ph.D. earned from his thesis work, Dr. Macklin specializes in treating a spectrum of emotional disorders including addictions, chronic depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders. As a medical intuitive with the capability to see and interact with angelic beings and energy frequencies, he has developed unique healing protocols that address viruses, Lyme disease, HIV/AIDS, and other challenging illnesses. Author of “Centering the Mind: Healing Chronic Stress, Anxiety, Depression, ADD, OCD, and PTSD in Children, Adolescents, and Adults,” Dr. Macklin is a compassionate practitioner dedicated to enhancing physical, mental, and emotional health through the coupling of divine power and personal intuition.

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The Interplay of Vibrational Energy and Mental Health

Dr. Macklin emphasizes that everything in our existence resonates with vibrational energy. This energy is at the core of our being and influences our mental and emotional health. He suggests that low vibrational states can allow for the attachment of negative energetic entities, which can result in feelings of anxiety, depression, or even contribute to more severe mental health conditions.

“When your vibration drops… there are things called entities. They attach to you… they're low vibrational beings, but they also have a very powerful mind. They can send you negative thoughts.”

The suggestion is to transcend these low vibrations by focusing on positive thoughts, gratitude, and connecting with higher, more benevolent energies. By maintaining a higher state of vibration, individuals can not only improve their own well-being but also contribute positively to the collective consciousness.

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Vibrational Protection and Healing Strategies

The conversation introduces the idea that specific prayers and spiritual affirmations can create a protective shield around an individual. For instance, the “27 Esoteric Merkaba Field Prayer” which Dr. Macklin mentions, is designed to safeguard one from lower vibrations and attachments by encasing them in a vibrational field. Additionally, the practical act of policing one's thoughts—converting negative into positive—is proposed as a daily practice to maintain emotional equilibrium.

“So once you've removed [negative entities], a very important thing is the power of prayer… If you do that three times a day, it will keep them out.”

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Reimagining Mental Health Disorders Through a Spiritual Lens

Dr. Macklin offers a striking reinterpretation of various, mental health, disorders by associating them with vibrational and spiritual disturbances. For example, schizophrenia, often viewed from a purely clinical lens, is posited as a form of spiritual communication—if misguided. Realigning such communications from lower-frequency entities to higher angelic beings could potentially transform the condition into a positive experience.

“These [schizophrenic] people are very gifted… once you've taught them how to navigate it, they get off the pills. They do some amazing things.”

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Gratitude as a Transformational Mental Health Tool

Dr. Macklin coins the importance of gratitude in altering one's life circumstances. He shares a narrative where acknowledging blessings, instead of focusing on a shortfall (a broken bed in this case), led to the unexpected manifestation of a new bed. It's a lesson in focusing on what one has, rather than what is lacking. The law of attraction, thus, becomes a vital cog in this perspective shift.

“I want you to thank God for the blessing of the food on table… She phoned the radio station four days late… ‘The charity came and they gave me a new bed out of the blue.'”

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The Fluctuating Nature of Collective Consciousness

The mental health crisis, emphasized by the global pandemic, had profound effects on the collective consciousness. As individuals grapple with increased awareness of systemic issues, their emotional turmoil compounds the collective energetic field, leading to widespread impacts on societal mental health. Dr. Macklin prescribes focused spiritual practices, such as meditation and energy clearing prayers, to individually and collectively shepherd consciousness towards a healthier state.

“What's happened is that it's coming to the forefront now… we have a prayer to remove it, because us individual human beings, it's really not our job to transmute that collective consciousness.”

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Transform Your Mind Podlink

The discussion culminates with a potent reminder that, mental health, challenges are intricately tied to our vibrational state and collective consciousness. Through self-awareness, spiritual practices, and a concerted effort to elevate one's vibrational frequency, an individual not only heals personally but also contributes to the healing of our collective existence. The steps outlined serve as guiding lights towards a transformed approach to well-being, where vibrational awareness becomes as fundamental as any traditional therapeutic method.

Book Centering The Mind
Book Centering The Mind

Connect With Dr Macklin on the web @

on Instagram  @

Additional Resources

The Truth About Mental Health And Psychiatric Medications

How Toxins Contribute to Inflammatory Diseases and Infertility

Dr. Tom O'Bryan, a functional medicine expert, joins host Myrna Young to discuss reducing exposure to environmental toxins at home. They explore the impact of toxins on fertility, brain health, and overall well-being. Dr. O'Bryan emphasizes the importance of understanding the hidden dangers of everyday items like food, cleaning supplies, and personal care products. He offers practical tips, such as drinking more water and incorporating houseplants, to help listeners take small steps towards reducing their toxic load. This eye-opening conversation provides valuable insights for anyone looking to improve their health and create a toxin-free environment at home.

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The Impact of Environmental Toxins on Fertility

Dr. O'Bryan emphasizes that chronic inflammatory diseases, such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, and diabetes, are largely caused by inflammation. Inflammation occurs when our immune system fights against toxins in our body. Surprisingly, many people are unaware that the foods they eat can contribute to inflammation, even if they don't experience immediate digestive symptoms.

For example, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that women with infertility problems who consumed higher amounts of fruits and vegetables had a higher likelihood of unsuccessful implantation and more miscarriages and stillbirths. However, when these women consumed organic fruits and vegetables, the outcomes were significantly better. This highlights the importance of choosing organic produce to minimize exposure to harmful chemicals.

Dr Obryan's Infertility Story

Dr O'Bryan what inspired you to focus on, environmental toxins?

I was an intern in my education in Chicago and my ex and I could not get pregnant. So I called the seven most famous holistic doctors I'd ever heard of and asked them all what do you do for infertility.  They all told me what they do and I put a program together and we were pregnant in six weeks.  My neighbors in married housing had been through artificial insemination and nothing had worked and they asked if I'd work with them.

I said well you know I don't really know what I'm doing but I don't think it'll hurt you. They were pregnant in three months so we're now four months pregnant and just hot to trot to tell the world of what we were learning. Our friends in Chicago had a sister who had two miscarriages that lived in Wisconsin and she would drive down and ask please can I talk to you.  So people started coming to see me and and I was treating people out of my dormatory room.

I realize is that there's not much in medicine that's all or every, but this was every couple that had any infertility problems with hormones, reproductive issues, recurrent miscarriages, premature ejaculations, low testosterone, low progesterone, it didn't matter every couple had as a contributing component to their problem.

Foods that cause inflammation and infertility

They were eating foods that they didn't know were a problem for them causing inflammation.  Because we think if we eat something and if we don't feel bad after we eat it it's okay for us; but we know in the science the ratio is 8 to one.  For every one person that gets, gut symptoms, with a problem with wheat for example there are eight people that don't they get brain symptoms or skin symptoms.

They've got psoriasis or they've got acne or they've got rheumatoid arthritis or they've got thyroid disease, they don't get gut symptoms so if you think that you have to have gut symptoms before you suspect of food is not good for you.

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Detoxing Your Body and Home

To reduce your exposure to environmental toxins, Dr. O'Bryan recommends taking small steps towards detoxing your body and home. One of the most crucial steps is to increase your water intake. Dehydration can hinder your body's ability to flush out toxins, so aim to drink a third of an ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. This simple habit can have a significant impact on your overall health.

Additionally, consider incorporating houseplants into your home. NASA studies have shown that certain houseplants can absorb up to 74% of toxins in the air. By placing houseplants in various rooms, you can improve the air quality and reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals.

Another important aspect of detoxing is choosing non-toxic household products. Many cleaning supplies, cosmetics, and personal care products contain chemicals that can be harmful to your health. Look for organic alternatives and avoid products that contain phthalates, parabens, and other toxic ingredients.

Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more durable and as solvents and stabilizers in cosmetics and other products. They are also known as “plasticizers”. Phthalates are found in hundreds of products, including lubricating oils.

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Reduce Toxins for  a Healthier Lifestyle

Dr. O'Bryan emphasizes that implementing these changes doesn't have to be overwhelming. By dedicating just one hour each week to learning and implementing new habits, you can gradually reduce your exposure to environmental toxins. Start by replacing plastic storage containers with glass ones, incorporating houseplants into your home, and choosing organic products whenever possible.

Over time, these small steps will add up, and you will notice improvements in your overall health and well-being. By treating your body and home like a temple, as Fran Drescher, the founder of Cancer Schmancer, suggests, you can take control of your health and reduce your risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.

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Reducing your exposure to environmental toxins is a crucial step towards improving your overall health. By implementing the recommendations shared by Dr. Tom O'Bryan, you can take proactive steps towards detoxing your body and home. Remember, it's not about making drastic changes overnight but rather taking small, consistent steps towards a healthier lifestyle. By treating your body like a temple and being mindful of the products you use, you can significantly reduce your risk of chronic inflammatory diseases and improve your overall well-being.


Did Alcohol Cause Wendy Williams Dementia?

The Netflix Documentary “Where is Wendy Williams?” opened the discussion if alcohol caused, Wendy Williams dementia. In this episode Coach Myrna explores the link between excessive alcohol consumption and dementia. Is Wendy Williams dementia, caused by her excessive alcohol consumption? Drawing inspiration from the Wendy Williams documentary, Myrna delves into the scientific evidence behind this connection and emphasizes the importance of moderation in alcohol intake. By adopting a mindful approach to drinking, individuals can not only preserve cognitive health but also promote overall well-being and longevity.

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So, since this subject is a hot topic, I decided to do some research and explore the connection between excessive alcohol intake and, Wendy Williams dementia. the risk of developing dementia. I want to shed some light on the scientific evidence and offer insights into how moderation when drinking alcohol can play a crucial role in preserving cognitive health and preventing dementia.

The Impact of Alcohol on Wendy Williams Dementia

Alcohol consumption has long been a topic of concern when it comes to our overall health. In recent years, the potential link between excessive alcohol consumption and dementia has garnered significant attention. This connection was recently highlighted in the, Wendy Williams dementia, where she revealed that she was suffering from alcohol-related dementia.

Excessive alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on our health, both physically and mentally. When people drink excessively, it is often a way to numb emotional pain or cope with difficult situations. In, Wendy Williams dementia, the pain of her husband's infidelity and the resulting pregnancy of his mistress led her to turn to alcohol as a means of escape. However, this coping mechanism ultimately led to the deterioration of her health, the loss of her show, and the devastating effects of dementia.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Understanding Wendy Williams Dementia and its Link to Alcohol Consumption

Dementia is a collective term for a range of cognitive impairments that affect memory, thinking, and social abilities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, but there are other types such as vascular dementia and Lewy body dementia. Research has increasingly explored lifestyle factors that contribute to the development of dementia, and alcohol consumption has emerged as a potential player in this complex equation.

Numerous scientific studies have investigated the relationship between alcohol and dementia, revealing that excessive alcohol intake can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain. These changes include shrinkage of brain tissue and alterations in neurotransmitter function. When neurons are not firing together properly, cognitive decline occurs over time. Additionally, heavy drinking can lead to conditions such as liver disease and nutritional deficiencies, further increasing the risk of dementia.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

The Importance of Moderation and Responsible Drinking

While the evidence suggests a connection between heavy alcohol consumption and an increased risk of dementia, it is important to note that moderation may be the key to preserving cognitive function. Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with certain health benefits, such as the resveratrol found in red wine, which is believed to be good for the heart. However, it is crucial to differentiate between moderate drinking and excessive drinking.

Excessive alcohol consumption, as demonstrated by Wendy Williams' experience, can tip the scale towards detrimental effects on cognitive function. Drinking three bottles of wine in one night or consuming a bottle of vodka is excessive and can have long-term effects on brain health. The key is to strike a balance between enjoying the potential benefits of alcohol in moderation and minimizing the associated health risks.

Health organizations, including the World Health Organization and national health agencies, provide guidelines on alcohol consumption. These guidelines emphasize moderate and responsible drinking, with clear definitions of what constitutes a standard drink. Adhering to these recommendations can help individuals maintain a balance between enjoying the potential benefits of alcohol and minimizing the risk of developing dementia and other health issues.

Netflix Documentary Where is Wendy Williams

The Wendy Williams documentary shed light on the devastating effects of alcohol-related dementia. Each story and documentary serves as a reminder of what not to do and the importance of learning from others' mistakes. Excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to an increased risk of developing dementia, highlighting the importance of moderation and responsible drinking.

As we navigate the complexities of health and lifestyle choices, it becomes evident that excessive alcohol consumption can have long-term consequences on cognitive health. Adopting a mindful approach to alcohol intake not only promotes cognitive well-being but also contributes to overall health and longevity. While it may be tempting to indulge in excessive drinking for temporary relief or enjoyment, the potential long-term effects on brain health and the risk of developing dementia should serve as a sobering reminder to prioritize moderation and responsible drinking.

Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of dementia. The scientific evidence highlights the structural and functional changes in the brain caused by alcohol, leading to cognitive decline over time. Moderation and responsible drinking are crucial in preserving cognitive health and preventing dementia. By adopting a mindful approach to alcohol intake, individuals can strike a balance between enjoying the potential benefits of alcohol and minimizing the associated health risks. Let us learn from Wendy Williams' experience and make choices that prioritize our long-term cognitive well-being.

What is Dementia:

Dementia is a collective term for a range of cognitive impairments that affect memory, thinking, and social abilities, significantly impacting daily life. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, but other types include vascular dementia, and Lewy body dementia. Research has increasingly explored lifestyle factors contributing to the development of dementia, and alcohol consumption has emerged as a potential player in this complex equation.

The Science Behind alcohol related dementia:

Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between alcohol and dementia. Excessive alcohol intake has been linked to structural and functional changes in the brain, including shrinkage of brain tissues and alterations in neurotransmitter function. These changes may contribute to cognitive decline over time. Additionally, heavy drinking can lead to conditions such as liver disease and nutritional deficiencies, which can further exacerbate the risk of dementia.

Moderation Matters with alcohol

While the evidence suggests a connection between heavy alcohol consumption and an increased risk of dementia, it's important to note that moderation may be the key to cognitive function. Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with certain health benefits, particularly for the heart. For example, 2 glasses of red wine because of the resveratrol from grapes, is good for the heart. However, exceeding recommended limits like drinking 3 bottles of wine in one night, can tip the scales towards detrimental effects on cognitive function.

Guidelines and Recommendations:

Health organizations, including the World Health Organization and national health agencies, provide guidelines on alcohol consumption. These guidelines typically emphasize moderate and responsible drinking, with clear definitions of what constitutes a standard drink. Adhering to these recommendations can help individuals strike a balance between enjoying the potential benefits of alcohol in moderation and minimizing the associated health risks.


The Wendy Williams documentary highlighted, Wendy Williams dementia. The reasons stories are told is not only for entertainment purposes but to allow us to learn from the mistakes of others. As we navigate the complexities of health and lifestyle choices, it becomes evident that excessive alcohol consumption may contribute to an increased risk of developing dementia. Acknowledging this potential link underscores the importance of moderation and responsible drinking. Ultimately, adopting a mindful approach to alcohol intake may not only promote cognitive well-being but also contribute to overall health and longevity.

Unleashing the Wow Woman Within: A Journey of Body Building

The transformative journey from living an ordinary life to one that makes people turn heads in awe — becoming a, wow woman — is an inner trek that involves self-reflection, self-love, and a breadth of personal development. Based on insights shared by Katia Stern, a life coach, author, and self-proclaimed, wow woman, this process isn't just about external perceptions; it's a profound internal evolution that shapes how a woman sees herself and, subsequently, how the world sees her.

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Key Takeaways Becoming a Wow Woman

  • Embracing Personal Audacity: Commit to pursuing your desires and stepping outside conventional boxes after the age of 40 — it's never too late to transform and inspire.

  • Self-Love as the Foundation: Prioritize self-love and acceptance, understanding these are prerequisites for a significant transformation.

  • Navigating Femininity and Masculinity: Learn how to balance masculine and feminine energies, especially in relationships, to maintain healthy dynamics and personal satisfaction.

From Now to “Wow”: Decoding the Transformational Process

The conversion from an everyday woman to one that captures attention and admiration often involves charting a path that catapults personal development to the forefront. Katia's body transformation journey was a pivotal starting point where she embraced an inspiring vision — competing in fitness bikini body building competitions.   This goal was neither born from dissatisfaction nor merely the desire to look better; it came from an acknowledgment of personal potential and the pursuit of a compelling vision.

This goal-setting, or rather, desire-setting, is a testament to the power of aspiring for meaningful and far-reaching objectives. As Katia asserted, “It's not a nice thing. And I was doing that outside part. I was doing pretty well, but that didn't bring me that satisfaction that I was searching for.”

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The Role of Self-Love in Personal Transformation

The cornerstone of becoming a, wow woman, as illustrated by Katia, lies in cultivating profound self-love. This isn't merely about pampering oneself with external luxuries — although these can be expressions of self-love — but about the transformative acceptance of one's starting point, forgiving oneself, and undertaking actions that align with self-care and respect. Katia Stern conveyed the nuance of self-love, emphasizing, “Self-love is how you would want your partner, your lover, would want to treat yourself.”

The Consequences of Repressed Femininity

A recurring theme in Katia's discourse was the nuanced struggle women often face with suppressed sensuality and femininity due to societal norms and professional obligations. She shared insights on how these societal pressures compel women to adopt a more, masculine energy, mainly when ascending professional ladders and fulfilling multiple life roles. The challenge, therefore, lies in re-embracing one's femininity, especially in romantic relationships where the interplay of masculine and, feminine energies, is crucial. Katia advised, “Use that, feminine energy, to establish trust in the universe and learn to surrender, to create a space for a masculine man to step in and balance the dynamic.”

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Becoming a Wow Woman: Finding your Unique quality

A, wow woman, essence is deeply etched in her ambition to fuel dreams and desires that align with her true self — not dictated by external expectations or comparisons. It's an invitation to live boldly and authentically. Katia sternly rejects generic standards of success and ‘wowness', advocating instead for a personalized approach, “my wow is not your wow.”

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iHeart Radio

Reframing Goals as Desires: The Power of Language

Language plays a fundamental role in shaping our mindset towards achieving our ambitions. Katia’s recommendation to replace the word “goal” — which carries a certain masculine weight — with “desire” is a strategic reframe that can energize and feminize the pursuit of our aims. This shift in vocabulary can have a profound effect on our mental approach, influencing our perseverance and excitement towards achieving these desires.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Synthesizing Transformation to Wow Woman

Katia Stern’s narrative shows us that the wow is not just a badge of external marvel; it’s an inside out revolution of self-perception, confidence, and the art of balancing our power. By cultivating self-love that manifests as a disciplined commitment to our desires, embracing our inherent femininity, and trusting in the power of personal evolution without the bounds of age, every woman has the capacity to evoke her own brand of wow. Through this, she becomes an inspiration not just for herself, but to others who are privileged to witness her transformation.

Through personal audacity, self-love as the foundation, and navigating femininity and masculinity, Katia Stern implores women worldwide to embark on their own journeys of remarkable transformation. It's a clarion call to stop waiting on the sidelines, embrace the complex tapestry of emotions and experiences, and step into the spotlight of your own life's stage where wow is not just an exclamation, but your state of being.

Additional Learning
women body building
women body building


The Economics of War: Understanding China’s Rise

This blog looks at the economics of war, with China's rapid, economic growth, and expanding global influence, this have raised concerns about the potential for conflict and the need for containment. In this article, we delve into the key themes discussed in the podcast episode.  We explore the history and policies of China, the role of technology in warfare, and the case for containment. By understanding these issues, we can better comprehend the challenges posed by China's rise and work towards a more secure future.

About the guest 

Ptolemy Pruden is the author of the book “China Rising: The Case for Containment” and the host of “The Common Sense Defense” podcast. He is an expert in national security issues and focuses on educating everyday Americans about the importance of China's global expansion and its impact on families and children. Pruden has a deep understanding of China's history, policies, and economic strategies, and he aims to raise awareness about the need for strong defense policies to prevent conflicts and maintain peace.

Download the full episode here:

In this episode on China you will learn:

  • China's economic growth, has been accompanied by a shift in its policies towards greater assertiveness and expansionism.
  • The use of technology in warfare has transformed the nature of conflict, with rapid decision-making and automation playing a crucial role.
  • Containment is seen as a necessary strategy to prevent conflict and maintain stability in the face of China's ambitions.

China's Rise: History and Policies

China's rise as a global power can be traced back to the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Under the leadership of Xi Jinping, China has pursued a policy of aggressive expansionism, aiming to become the dominant global power by 2049. This shift in policy has been marked by the militarization of disputed territories, crackdowns on dissent, and the imposition of control over minority groups.

China's economic growth, has been a key driver of its rise. By investing in infrastructure projects and securing access to raw materials in other countries, China has become the world's second-largest economy. However, this economic success has also fueled concerns about China's intentions and its ability to exert influence over other nations.

book China Rising: The case for containment
book China Rising: The case for containment

Technology and Warfare: The Changing Landscape

Technology has revolutionized the nature of warfare, with rapid advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and quantum computingQuantum computing, is a multidisciplinary field that uses quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than classical computersIt involves aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics, and includes hardware research and application development. These developments have enabled faster decision-making and the automation of certain military processes. In the context of, China's rise, technology plays a crucial role in both offensive and defensive capabilities.

The use of technology in warfare has also raised concerns about the potential for cyberattacks and espionage. A cyberattack is any intentional effort to steal, expose, alter, disable, or destroy data, applications, or other assets through unauthorized access to a network, computer system or digital device. Threat actors start cyberattacks for all sorts of reasons, from petty theft to acts of war China's control over technology companies and its alleged involvement in activities such as spying through apps like TikTok have heightened fears about the security implications of its rise.

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Staying out of war

Collectively we can stay strong and stay out of War.  I think inevitably the most important thing that we want to do is stay out of War.  Americans are tired of War, we've had war after war after war and and I think we're tired of tired of War, but to accomplish being free from war you have to have policies in place and capabilities in place.  So that people respect you,  and they don't want to go and push your buttons.

So China which came to into being from 1949 the People's Republic of China, they have grown amazingly over the last nearly 90 to 100 years to where they are today.  They have gotten stronger particularly since Xi Jinping has been in power.  Since 2012 they have expanded the way that they want to influence the world, from just being a economy that just grows which called we called a peaceful Rise.  We started communicating and trading with China and kind of built up their economy, starting in 2012 when they entered into World in 2000 World Trade Organization their economy just shot up big time.

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War and The Case for Containment

Containment is seen as a necessary strategy to prevent conflict and maintain stability in the face of China's ambitions and war.  By working with allies and leveraging collective resources, countries can create a stronger deterrent against Chinese aggression. This includes investing in military capabilities, such as upgrading existing ships and developing new technologies.

Economic measures also play a role in containment. By reducing dependence on Chinese goods and companies, countries can limit China's economic power and influence. This requires a shift in consumer behavior and a greater emphasis on supporting local industries.

Containment is not about isolating China or engaging in a direct confrontation. It is about setting boundaries and ensuring that, China's rise, does not come at the expense of regional stability and the rights of other nations. By adopting a proactive approach, countries can work towards a more secure future while maintaining diplomatic and economic ties with China, thus preventing war.

Alitu the podcast maker
Alitu the podcast maker


China's rise, as a global power presents both opportunities and challenges. Understanding the history and policies of China, the role of technology in warfare, and the case for containment is crucial for navigating this complex landscape. By working together and adopting a proactive approach, countries can mitigate the risks associated with war from, China's rise,  and ensure a more stable and secure future.

As we continue to grapple with the implications of, China's rise, it is essential to remain vigilant and informed. By staying engaged and actively participating in discussions surrounding China's policies and actions, we can contribute to shaping a more balanced and peaceful world order.



Unlocking the Healing Power of Sex and Sexuality

Sexuality often remains a taboo topic, shrouded in mystery and replete with stereotypes. However, beneath the layers of cultural narratives lies an immense potential for healing, personal growth, and intimate connection. In this riveting podcast episode, Life Coach Myrna Young and Dr. Liz Letford unveil insights into how sex can transcend mere physical gratification, becoming a tool for profound emotional healing and restoration of the, nervous system. By delving into the intertwined worlds of relationships, body awareness, and emotional responsiveness, this exploration reveals how truly transformative the act of sex can be when approached with vulnerability and consciousness.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways on Sex and Sexuality:

  • Sexual Healing and Emotional Freedom: Understanding the deeper emotional currents within sexual experiences can lead to significant healing of past traumas and emotional blockages and promote sexuality.
  • Dynamic Relationship Roles: Men and women can benefit from exploring both giving and receiving roles in sex, breaking away from traditional power dynamics and discovering personal empowerment.
  • Body Church Movement: Dr. Liz Letford's unique practice uses collective somatic experiences, such as movement and sound, to create coherence among diverse groups for systemic healing, unity and sexuality.

The Intersection of Sex and Emotional Well-being

A core theme that emerged from the discussion is the relationship between, sexual intimacy, and emotional well-being. Dr. Liz articulates a perspective where physical closeness serves as the doorway to not just pleasure, but also the space where one can confront and heal unresolved emotional conflicts. She describes how every sexual encounter acts as a stage, reflecting earlier life events that may have impacted one's psyche, a process especially potent when memories tied to these emotions elude conscious awareness.

The interaction of sexuality  with emotional well-being underscores the raw potential that lies in our physical interactions to act as a conduit for catharsis.

Dr. Liz notes, “Our sexual nature, our erotic nature, is exquisitely designed to heal our emotional, our physical, and our spiritual bodies.

The healing is not just an abstract idea but has tangible effects, from soothing hormonal imbalances to aiding in recovery from emotional scars. The implications are vast, suggesting that by redefining sex as a mutual, emotionally-attuned experience, individuals can work through deeply entrenched issues and foster more harmonious relationships.

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Reshaping Power Dynamics in Sexuality

The dialogue seamlessly shifts to contemplate the energy dynamics within sexual relationships. The traditional script writes men as givers and women as receivers, but Dr. Liz challenges these norms by advocating for a fluid exchange where individuals can alternate roles. The notion presented is not to obliterate gender roles but to empower individuals to explore their sexuality and embrace both dimensions of giving and receiving power.

Quotes from Dr. Liz encapsulate this shift: “ultimately power […] everyone deserves to taste what that tastes like.” By acquainting oneself with differing polarities of power, a person can unlock a more versatile form of expression and connection. Embracing one's full spectrum of capabilities creates room for a more fulfilling and equitable intimate interaction. Men learning to hold space for potent, feminine energy, and women discovering their own assertive power can reinvigorate the foundations of personal and partnership growth.

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Stepping into Sexual power as a Dominatrix

When your body feels safe, that's when your body opens up to its healing bliss. Its this bliss ecstatic state, which we've called orgasm. And so if you are receiving only because you've been told that, because you said society told you to do that because you're afraid.

If you've never expressed what it's like to give, to penetrate, to take, and all of the expressions of that penetrative energy, your system has the potential to be out of balance. And so I teach this, I have something called dragon school, where I teach women how to step into their power, their containment. What we've traditionally associated with the men is giving, penetrating, holding. And so I went to dominatrix school and trained as a dominatrix.

I don't necessarily need to use pain, or deep penetration, put pleasure where the pain is. So I don't really identify as a dominatrix, but it's the closest thing that people can associate with what I do. So I teach women how to step into their dragon archetype, their protector. They're badass. And it's really so healing. So just by embodying these other energies, we are able to express the thing that we've been told is not nice to be expressed, or, shame on you, or.

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Collective Healing Through the Body Church Movement

Dr. Liz introduces a communal aspect of healing rites through the, Body Church movement. Blending physical movement, sound, and storytelling within an intentionally diverse group setting offers a profoundly inclusive platform for societal healing. Moments in the conversation shed light on the idea that sharing and witnessing each other's emotional journeys can foster understanding and empathy across historical divides such as race, gender and sexuaity.

This practice pushes the boundaries of individual healing into the realm of collective catharsis. It suggests that to address the societal fractures, an embodied approach that taps into the resonance of human connection is key. As Dr. Liz remarks, “It's vibrating the body and entraining the body to a different frequency.” This notion of communal vibration shifts the focus from isolated experiences to shared human truths, potentially bridging gaps of misunderstanding and opening pathways to societal reconciliation.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Unveiling the Transformative Implications of Sex and Sexuality

Throughout the transformative dialogue between Myrna Young and Dr. Liz Letchford, it becomes abundantly clear that sex is more than an act; it is an interplay of energies, a canvas for emotional expression, and a pathway toward personal and communal fulfillment. The exploration transcends conventional understanding, positioning sex as a platform for healing past wounds, rebalancing power within relationships, and even serving as a community ritual for collective healing. This forward-thinking approach reimagines intimacy, encourages individuals to step into their full expressive potential, and fosters a more connected and empathetic society, stirring the vibrations of change through the shared rhythm of our bodies.

Additional Resources

Tantric Sex: How to Use Tantra Energy during Sex

Art of Fluidity: How to Flow Like Water

Water is a powerful force of nature that can teach us valuable lessons about life. Just like a river flowing through its banks, we too encounter obstacles and challenges along our journey. By mastering the art of fluidity, we can learn to navigate these obstacles with grace, ease, determination, and humility. In this article, we will explore the wisdom of water and discover six ways to flow like water in our own lives.

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Key Takeaways: Flow Like Water

  • Embrace change: Water does not resist obstacles; it finds a way around them. Similarly, embracing change is crucial for personal growth. Learn to adapt to new circumstances, challenges, and opportunities with a flexible and open mindset.
  • Cultivate resilience: Water does not break; it bends. Developing resilience is key to navigating life's ups and downs. Like water, bounce back from setbacks and view challenges as opportunities to strengthen your resilience.
  • Find your path: Water finds its path. Rivers don't flow in a straight line; they meander and adapt to the landscape. In life, discover your unique path and be open to exploration. Allow yourself the freedom to evolve and pursue your passions.

Embrace Change like Water

Water is a master at adapting to change. It does not resist obstacles; instead, it finds a way around them. Similarly, embracing change is crucial for personal growth. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and the ability to adapt to new circumstances, challenges, and opportunities is essential.

As Coach Myrna Young explains, “Embracing change is crucial for personal growth. Learn to adapt to new circumstances, challenges, and opportunities with a flexible and open mindset.” When we resist change, we limit our potential for growth and development. By embracing change, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences.

Cultivate Resilience

Water does not break; it bends. It is a powerful force that can withstand tremendous pressure. Similarly, developing resilience is key to navigating life's ups and downs. Just like water, we can bounce back from setbacks and view challenges as opportunities to strengthen our resilience.

Coach Myrna Young emphasizes the importance of cultivating resilience, stating, “Developing resilience is key to navigating life's ups and downs. Like water, bounce back from setbacks and view challenges as opportunities to strengthen your resilience.” Resilience allows us to bounce back from adversity and continue moving forward. It enables us to face challenges head-on and overcome them with determination and perseverance.

Find Your Path

Water finds its path. Rivers don't flow in a straight line; they meander and adapt to the landscape. In life, it is essential to discover our unique path and be open to exploration. We must allow ourselves the freedom to evolve and pursue our passions.

Coach Myrna Young encourages us to find our path, stating, “In life, discover your unique path and be open to exploration. Allow yourself the freedom to evolve and pursue your passions.” Just like water, we must adapt to the circumstances and flow with the current. By finding our path and staying true to ourselves, we can navigate life's challenges with authenticity and purpose.

Stay Present

Water is fully present in the moment, whether it's flowing gently or crashing with force. It teaches us the importance of mindfulness and staying present in our own lives. By practicing mindfulness, we can respond thoughtfully to situations rather than react impulsively.

Coach Myrna Young highlights the significance of staying present, stating, “Practice mindfulness to stay present in your own life. This allows you to respond thoughtfully to situations rather than react impulsively.” When we are fully present, we can make conscious choices and act in alignment with our values and goals. It enables us to navigate life's currents with clarity and intention.

Water Goes with the Flow

Water effortlessly moves with the current, adapting its course accordingly. It teaches us the importance of letting go of rigid plans and going with the flow. Going with the flow doesn't mean being passive; it means being adaptable and responsive to the circumstances.

Coach Myrna Young shares a powerful visual, stating, “Imagine being in a rapid and paddling against the current. You're not going anywhere. But if you sit back and let the river take you where it wants to go, it's a much more pleasurable experience.” When we stop fighting against the current and go with the flow, we allow life to unfold naturally. We embrace the unknown and trust that everything is happening for our highest good.

Learn from Nature

Observing water in nature provides profound lessons. From the tranquility of a pond to the power of a waterfall, water exemplifies adaptability and fluidity. Spending time in nature allows us to draw inspiration and reflect on our own journey.

Coach Myrna Young encourages us to learn from nature, stating, “Observing water in nature provides some profound lessons. Spend time in nature to draw inspiration and reflect on your own journey.” Nature has a way of reminding us of our interconnectedness and the wisdom that can be found in the natural world. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

In Conclusion

Mastering the art of, flowing like water, is an ongoing process. Embrace change, cultivate resilience, find your path, stay present, go with the flow, and learn from nature. These are the steps towards living a more adaptable and fluid life. As we navigate the currents of life, let us remember the wisdom of water and strive to be flexible, resilient, and graceful in our journey.

So, the next time you sit by a lake or watch a river flowing, take a moment to reflect on the lessons water can teach us. Embrace the fluidity of life and allow yourself to flow with grace and ease. Remember, just like water, you have the power to adapt, overcome, and find your unique path.

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