Tag Archives: masculine

The Difference Between A Queen and A Princess

The difference between a, princess, and a, queen, is that the, princess, is waiting on someone to come and save while the, queen, has the emotional maturity to know that she has to save herself and her people.

In this episode, Gina DeVee, author of the, Audacity to Be Queen, makes reference to, Queen Esther, in the bible story of how she used her influence with the King to save her people the Jews.  She didn't wait on a prince to save her, she learnt how  to communicate with the King

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Gina went from being a broke psychologist to a multi-million dollar women’s empowerment and lifestyle brand with Divine Living. She has dedicated her career to helping women connect spiritually, start profitable businesses, and create wealth from a feminine perspective. Some of those women include Jen Sincero, who (fun fact!) dedicated her book on money to Gina.

Her first book, The Audacity to be Queen, consolidates over 20 years of experience in transforming women’s lives through the deep spiritual and feminine wisdom of Queenhood.

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The Princess Mentality

The, princess mentality, is tough for us women, because we're read stories from a very young age and most the impressionable time about being a, princess. And how someone else is going to come save us that we will live happily ever after.

So, for us to get out of the, princess mentality, and develop the emotional maturity and the wisdom that a, queen, has, that life isn't perfect. Life isn't fair. It doesn't mean it's horrible, though. either. It's just the way it is.

Gina: I grew up Christian and my book is not overtly Christian, but it is based on the, book of Esther, in the Bible. Jews know the story from the Bible, and for everyone else, it's kind of a Cinderella story, basically, Esther, was the most unlikely candidate to become the, Queen, of Persia.

I was on a plane one day and reading the Bible. I happened to be reading the book of, Esther, that day, and it was the first time that it really leapt off the page. And I was like, this isn't just Esther's story. This is the story of every woman, on some level, maybe symbolically.  We've all been orphaned, exiled, taken out of our comfort zone, and really had been prepared for such a time as this. And I just really saw it almost as the heroine’s journey of us all and started doing retreats and workshops on it. So really, the substance of my work is about being the, Queen, based on the character of, Esther’s story.

Myrna: You okay, so we got that from, Queen Esther. I was thinking you meant when a man calls his woman his, Queen.

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Queen Esther saves the Jews

Gina: I go through a lot more in chapter four in my book, so if anyone wants the cool, Queen Esther, story from when I also realized is, you know, Esther, was under an enormous amount of pressure, she had to risk her life. The king didn't know he had married a Jew, and so she had to reveal who she was, she could have gotten killed. And even under all these pressures, she maintains what the Scriptures say a pleasing disposition, aka positive.

Well, I'm Sicilian, so I can be kind of fiery. One of the things that I do in the book, I talk about the, archetype of Queen, really being our highest self. And then there's all these other, archetypes, that can show up along the way. And as you pointed out, the, Bitch, is one of them. I think that what happens is I wrote about this in chapter three, growing up to feel safe.  None of us grew up in functional families.

Let's just be clear, there is a certain level of dysfunction in families, the way society set things up, we took either two routes, we took compliance, be the, good girl, do everything right, follow the rules, you know, or defiance. Either or both of them, keep us out of our true self. And so, what I found for myself is I lived so long as a perfect and Little Miss good girl, I was so compliant.

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The bitch way of communicating

That when I was done with being the, good girl, I did the pendulum swing into defiance. And it was because I still didn't really feel like I had power. So, I would let these, bitchy comments, kind of blow out of my mouth when I was under stress or feeling cornered, because I didn't know how to be an alliance. And so that's one of the things that I teach in my book is about how we can really speak the truth in love. You don't have to be a doormat; you don't have to not have boundaries. And you don't have to be this, bitch, about it either.

Myrna; All right, so I know exactly what you're talking about. Because people are always talking to me about, tonality, where you know, it comes across very aggressive when I say something, but I don't know how not to sound, bitchy, if I'm annoyed.  But it doesn't mean that I want to be a, bitch, it’s just my direct way of communicating. So, what you're saying is that women can, say what they want to say that's on their mind, but say, in a queenly way, is that what you're saying?

Gina: Yes, exactly. You know, speaking the truth without love. It's just brutal honesty. So, when you when you come from a place of love, you consider your needs, your desires, what it is that you're looking to communicate and you deeply consider the other person also. And so, when you when you come from this place, what you're saying might not be popular, it might not even be well received, but you will feel better about yourself because you will know that to the best of your ability you actually set up a win-win situation.

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The 4 communication Archetypes

Myrna: Okay, so that's basically how you define a, bitch mode of communication.  So that's probably a good segue to talk about. The, archetypes, right. You said there's four, archetypes:

  • The Princess
  • The martyr,
  • The saboteur
  • and the Queen.

So, explain, these, archetypes, and maybe give us an example of the, communication, in each them.

Gina: Sure, those are four I do write about many, many more in the book, “The Audacity to be Queen” but I think that we all can see ourselves when we are we self-sabotaging? When we are a, martyr.

Gina: The, princess mentality, is tough for us women, because we're read stories from a very young age and most the impressionable time about being a, princess. And how someone else is going to come save us that we will live happily ever after.  So, Princesses, think that there is this happily ever after in this perfect scenario and then becomes very confused and very distraught when it doesn’t happen and real life shows up.

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The language of a Queen

Myrna: One of the things I loved about, Queen Esther's, story is she was pushed into this position, you know, to see to save her people. And she embraced it. I loved the fact that she knew how to talk to the king, right? She knew how to ask the King for what she wanted. I wrote that down her strategy for when I want to request anything from my husband.  Queen Esther, says “if it pleases Your Highness” That is definitely, Queen, language.

I found that story very amazing that, Queen Esther, learned how to talk to her husband to get what she wanted. A lot of people, a lot of women, don't want to give the man the respect in order to get what they want from him. So yeah, the, Queen, archetype is knowing how to communicate like a, queen.

All right so our topic today is, how can women cure to disease to please.  Let's talk about the, desire to please, and the, disease to please, and then how you go about teaching women to cure it?

Gina: So, codependency is really what we're talking about here. It's when we are just operating to get other people's approval, love, admiration. And it's not really a preference. It's like when I was really codependent it's like, it's what I needed to feel safe in the world. And so, I was always monitoring what does someone else want? What do I need to say that's going to make them happy, or it's going to make them like me, or it's going to be acceptable to them?

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

The disease to please

And so, too, oftentimes, modern day women are just terrified of what other people are going to think about them or what other people are going to say, and it stops them from being in the relationship they want to be in or starting the business they want to start or being invisible online. Or speaking their truth. Like there's so much that the, disease to please, holds back someone's truth, it's going to keep them from their destiny.

So, really healing codependency and curing that so to speak in our lives, it’s one of the most courageous journeys a woman could be on, to stop needing other people's permission or approval. And, you know, the more you give yourself permission, the more you approve of yourself, is going to be the way that you're going to attract people who feel similarly and it's the more freedom.  It's the only way you're going to live a free life.

Myrna: Women always feel you know, when they have the, disease to please, is that they always feel being authentic and understanding there, personal power, is the way to not have to feel that you'd like to please whether it's your children, whether it's your man, it's your boss, you know, wherever you feel that you the, desire to please, in order for you to get attention.

You talked about the feminine perspective. How are you differentiating that in being a, Queen?

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

The Feminine perspective of Queen

Gina: Yes, well, one of the reasons why I love the, archetype of Queen, is because she's not all feminine. She's not a goddess. She is not a mermaid waiting for her, prince, to come save her. And she's not all like, masculine, like I'm going to take the bull by the horns and I'm going to hustle and have massive action. The, Queen, is not like the, Tony Robbins, or Gary Vaynerchuk way of being in the world are like that empowered and masculine. The, Queen, has both male and female energy, there is masculine and feminine energy.

It's just the western world is obsessed, addicted really to all things masculine. So, the difference is, masculine energy, which is all things logical, practical, predictable, linear, it's about action. It's about thinking. Those are all these masculine traits and ultimately, masculinity is about giving.

And then, femininity is about the, spiritual, the creative, the playful, the passionate, the nonlinear.  It's a circle, it's about feeling not thinking, it's about being not taking action. And ultimately, femininity, is about receiving.

All of us have seen people in positions of power, whether they're male or female, be the ones giving is in control, you know, initiating, taking that action so that's what we have thought of when we think of success, and it's just a different age and a different time and particularly women need to get better at receiving a compliment, receiving well exceeded attention. Receiving good in your life and let him know there’s a time play and to be creative and relax, rather than always working, being productive, being effective, all that kind of stuff. So, you know, really getting clear that there is, masculine energy, and there is, feminine energy.

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Masculine and feminine energy

Myrna: that's a good one because you're right, women have a problem receiving. They have the, disease to please, because they always want to give and when it's time to receive, they don't know how to receive. I tell my daughter all the time, the same thing. We've got to learn how to receive.

Gina: So, no matter what you're taught, most of us have been taught, money, doesn't grow on trees. You have to work if you want more, money, you have to work harder. And it's about work all the time. And make sure you save up for a down payment for a home and save, money, for retirement and all this logical linear stuff. And the, feminine energy, way is different.

That's all the, masculine energy, and there's nothing inherently wrong with it. It's like a painting of one color. It's one dimensional and there's just other colors to choose from also. So, it's not about not being, masculine, but it's about incorporating the, feminine. So, the, feminine, way it's going to be creative.

The, feminine, is like, do I even want to own my home? Maybe I would rather rent my home and have, money, to travel because that's part of my value system. Or maybe it's actually a smarter for me to take the, money, that I would put into a house was only going to make X amount over X number of years and put it into a different kind of investment that maybe didn't exist when our parents or grandparents told us save for a down payment for a house or real estate.

You know, and so that's the, feminine, approach of being more creative or spiritually guided or not so logical and linear but being circular and looking at other possibilities that might even be smarter.

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Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Feminine energy is creative

Myrna: Yeah, I like the creative approach to this definitely right. Feminine energy, is definitely creative. We were built to create. So that is that is definitely, feminine energy. Yeah, so I like that. All right, so yeah, so is there anything else that you want to share that I didn't ask you?

Gina: I think the thing to really keep in mind especially right now for everyone, I don't know anyone that's not reconsidering their life with everything that we've all been through. Everyone's asking what am I doing with my life and you know reevaluating is this even where I want to live?  Is this the relationship I want to be in?  Is this the job I want? If you have a business, is this the way I want to be doing business?

I really do invite everyone to deeply explore what else is possible because the truth is, we're not going back to the way it was before the pandemic. That world is an era and consciousness that is done and over. So, a new world opens up, it's about new and expansion and expression and creative possibility.

So, if you're yearning for something more, a better life, lean into that. If there's desires that you used to put off and said, well, I'll do that later when the kids go to college, or when I retire, when there's enough time or money left over. What if you started with your desires, what if you prioritize yourself? What if you said no, what if you set a boundary when everyone's used to you being so available?

Book Audacity to be Queen
Book Audacity to be Queen

The Audacity to be Queen

Myrna: How does everything that you teach circle back to being a, queen?

Gina: Yes. So, the book “The Audacity to be Queen” starts out about how the epic life is possible. Because we got to get back into dreaming. We got to get to especially as adults, we've gotten a lot of things knocked out of us our self-confidence, things haven't worked out.  And it can be really tempting to just sit on the sidelines, take it easy, play small, stay safe, you know, whatever that is, so we got to get back into dreaming event.

And then chapter two is on, spirituality, is your superpower. I'm too old to be working that hard anymore. It’s is time for us to really let Spirit and God come in and open us up for miracles, and we got to open up for big opportunities. The way that the Bible talks about my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher.

They say you can work hard, but not work smart. When you get the call of God in your plans and whatever, then you don't have to do it. And then, when things don't go your way, like being able to rely on, spirituality, first of all, that's where faith comes in.  And then we get into really exploring much more deeply the difference between, masculine energy, and, feminine energy, and what it actually means to be, feminine. It's not just about lipstick and a manicure. It's a whole skill set and way of being in the world.

And then in chapter four talks about like the ultimate, Queen, and how for all of us, this is such a time to be a, Queen. We have been prepared to, be of service to our people. So that's the real foundation, we're all meant to be queen and we're in our lives, like what happened? Why are we not swinging? So, we got to look at some of the unconscious thoughts and beliefs about, self-sabotage, and the, disease to please, and the comparison trap and all of the lack of mind training that most of us have not had. And there's a lot of tools and exercises in the book that really teach us the mind training.


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Why Leading With Feminine Energy Gets Results

Allyson Chavez, prosperity and success coach stops by the show to teach us how to embrace, feminine energy, and get us out of push and hustle which is, masculine energy, to flow and pleasure.

We talk about how women can embrace, pleasure, as a success tool without feelings of guilt and shame. Allyson turned her business around after filing for Bankruptcy to over 2 million in 3 years by getting out of, masculine energy.

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Allyson Chavez is a prosperity & success coach for ambitious, God-centered women. She teaches women how to get phenomenal results with ease, bend time & space, achieve their goals without hustle or grind, and reshape their reality in feminine energy (no more constant pushing)!

She is a sought-after speaker on mindset, prosperity, universal laws and success strategies for relationships and life. She is the bestselling author of The Prosperity Approach. Her work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, and hundreds of television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.

Allyson believes that challenge is necessary on your journey to success–but the struggle isn’t! Her mission is to end the struggle and bring joy to the lives of millions of women around the globe.

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Using your feminine energy to get into flow

Allyson: I was coaching women, I was teaching them to be successful. And I was in hustle and grind and constant push and figure it out and make it happen. And I'm not good enough and all of that nonsense that we go through. And actually, I built my company from nothing to multiple six figures in just over two years. But I didn't have the right, mindset. I didn't have the right structure behind me as far as like my own belief system.

I was just in so much, masculine energy. And so, my business began to crumble. And the harder I worked to save that thing, the faster my business fell, and it landed in a what I like to call like financial Armageddon.  It was translated into a chapter 13 Bankruptcy several years ago, and when the dust settled, and I had a moment of clarity, I was like, wow, I created this and I didn't mean to. I wonder if I can create my way out of it. I bet I can.

And I really feel like that's the moment when God and my angels were like, she is ready. She's gonna learn. He's ready to suit up and get on the field and actually go do this. There were three really important things that God needed to teach me:

  • First it was understanding the difference between, feminine energy, and, masculine energy.
  • balancing the two and then leading with the, feminine.
  • I had to learn how money actually works on a spiritual and energetic level.
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Feminine energy grew my business to multiple 6 figures

I learned how to change my beliefs and subconscious programs. And I learned those three things actually really quickly, and I started to apply them and within six months, I went from a bankruptcy to $232,000. I went from six clients to 97 clients in the same amount of time, I released 45 pounds.  And it was the easiest, most effortless, most supportive 45 pounds I have ever released in my life. I did that in about four months, transformed my relationships with my spouse, with our children.

And just like all of life changed in amazing ways. And that was about three years ago. Now we've done over 2.1 million over the last three years. I've  kept the weight off. I've kept the, feminine, on.  I've been on this planet too with everybody else over the last three years. So, like there have been ups and downs as well. We've had heartbreak in our family. We've had the flow of money problem just like everybody else has, but it's been amazing how we've been able to navigate it so much better. Because of these things that I know and especially leading with, feminine energy.

Myrna: So, I understand that, masculine energy, at work. I've had this really interesting guest on my show, The episode is called “What men Want In a Woman” he's coming back again, and he's saying that women should have their, masculine energy, at work, but they should leave it in a drawer at night. And when they go home, they switch on the, feminine energy. You're talking about working with, feminine energy, at work.

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How to shift from masculine energy to feminine energy

Myrna; What was the catalyst in your shift from, masculine energy, to feminine energy? I mean, you went into chapter 13. But that doesn't inevitably say, hey, I got to change to, feminine energy. What happened there?

Allyson: The catalyst was that I was robbed of joy.

So, first and foremost, I want to make a distinction. We're not talking about male and female; we're talking about energies of creation.  Every gender has both, feminine energy, and, masculine energy, as women were meant to lead with our, feminine energy. So, if you think about an analogy, if we have a river bank, the river bank is, masculine energy, and the river is, feminine energy.

If we only have the river and no riverbank, that water gets very destructive. It goes everywhere. It seeps into everything, but it doesn't have a whole lot of power, because it's got has no direction behind it. If we only have the river bank, but there's no river flowing that river bank has no purpose.

And that's why if we as women are in constant, masculine energy, constantly building, the constant framework, the structure, the strategies, the tactics, without letting the feminine lead, which is the vision, it's the imagination, it's the flow. It's the experience we desire to have. And so the, masculine, and the, feminine energies, are complementary energies. Feminine energy, is very circular or spiral in the way that it moves, masculine energy, is very linear in the way that it moves.

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Masculine energy is very linear

Think about how women have conversations. We go, here we go there we go back there. Then we circle back around here, like leaping everywhere. And men have a very hard time following that because they're in, masculine energy, which is very linear. But when we as women lead with our, feminine, the, masculine energy, is actually divinely designed to serve the, feminine. Regena Thomas shower is an expert on, feminine energy, and she says the primary function of, feminine energy, is desire. And the primary function of, masculine energy, is the production of that desire.

So what's here to support us in our dreams, as I've been pondering, and I've been doing research and my own experience, what came to me intuitively was feminine is the experience and masculine is the execution. So, it's understandable why women in business whether you own your own company or whether you're working in a corporation, we are like, all masculine all the time, because it's about production, right? It's about productivity. It's about getting stuff done and meeting your numbers and all of those things that are really important here.

But that doesn't serve anybody in the workforce if women are just behaving like shorter, less hairy men.  We are robbed of a really important creative energy, which is the, feminine, and a lot of women think okay, I'm gonna wear some pink hoop earrings or hoop earrings and then that's going to make me feminine. No, that’s not, feminine energy!

Myrna: Yes, we want to be in that, feminine, flow. We want to start in, feminine energy, and keep it throughout the day. The, feminine, is all about connection. It's all about community.

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Living The Tao Spiritual Podcast

No need to feel guilty about feminine pleasure

Myrna: Let’s talk about, feminine pleasure, without feeling guilty shame I was listening to the Jay Shetty podcast and he was interviewing Alex Cooper, she is apparently the female Joe Rogan. So, I listened to one of her episodes on Call Her Daddy, and she was selling, vibrators.  And she was saying the, vibrator, it's going to come in a non-disclosed box so you don't have to be ashamed. So as women we are all ashamed about, feminine pleasure.

Allyson: So, here's the thing about, feminine pleasure, pleasure lights a woman up the same way pressure lights a man up, it fuels us in very in very different ways. So, women have been taught that, pleasure, is something to be ashamed of, that, pleasure, is a waste of time, that downtime is a waste of time. And if you go into any sort of, pleasure, now you're behind in your work. And so why would we even do that? But women are fueled by, pleasure, the same way men are fueled by pressure.

And, since you said the word, vibrator, so we're gonna go here, but we're going to be really clinical about why women and men are designed the way they are. So, the reason why women are fueled by, pleasure, is that pleasure actually connects them. We have a natural connection with the eternal. Now that doesn't mean that men aren't spiritual, but women are more naturally wired to the eternal than men are. We are built to receive the, feminine, is a receiving energy.

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Feminine energy is a receiving energy

Feminine energy, it's all about receiving and we have a, pleasure portal, an organ in our body that has one function, one function only, and that structure is called our is our, clitoris. In order for men to receive, pleasure, there has to be a functionality to it, as well for them to be able to receive, pleasure, through, sexual organs. But women don't have to do that, women can just receive that pleasure and it literally connects us to God. So, if you think about those times when you have been in, pleasure, isn't that when you get inspiration?

Isn't that where you feel open? And you get wonderful ideas and you feel connected and you can see God more clearly in your life and you just love people more, because you're receiving that, pleasure. So, women get fueled by, pleasure. Men get fueled by pressure, because men connect pressure to a sexual experience, because men have to experience pressure in order to ejaculate. And so, that's creativity that's creating life. That's potential life, potential creation. And so, men thrive in pressure because it reminds them of creation, and their part in creation, where women actually thrive on, pleasure, because that's their part of creation is pleasure.

Myrna: I actually heard that in order for the sperm and the egg to connect, there still has to be orgasm. I don't know how true it is. But what you're saying is that we're getting, pleasure, from our, feminine energy, that's our function in this whole creation process.

Receiving pleasure is not only sexual

Allyson: And pleasure doesn't just have to be sexual. And I think this is where lots of women take it.

Myrna: I agree, pleasure is not always sexual. I get immense, pleasure, from walking in the park and listening to inspirational material. I get pleasure from dancing.  A lot of people get, pleasure, from food.

Allyson: People get, pleasure, from a lot of things. Right? Yeah. And this is what happens when you are in, pleasure. A hormone is released called, oxytocin, in our body. And, oxytocin, is a connecting hormone. Some people call it the cuddle hormone. It's why, when you're in pleasure, you want to share it with somebody, you want to reach out to your girlfriends. That cuddle hormone when we're in, oxytocin, and it helps us with our radiant as women.

Now when we are task oriented, and we're checking the boxes and we're crossing off the to do list, what we get hit with is, dopamine, and, dopamine, is that that sense of achievement that means you are in, masculine energy.

It's different, because it makes you feel accomplished that feeling accomplished is a much different experience from receiving, pleasure. Both are important, but if we're in too much, dopamine, that actually inhibits, oxytocin, which is why so many women will hit goals and still feel unfulfilled. That was what I experienced, you know, where we were making more money than we'd ever made and all I felt was tired. Then my business coaches would say “now double it.” And I'm like, are you kidding me? I just ripped up my entire soul for that. And now I got to double that thing.

Pleasure lights us up

And so that's why that's what I meant by like that price tag was way too high. I was in, dopamine, and I was in pressure, but I wasn't thriving in it because we thrive in, oxytocin, and in, pleasure. Here's what happens to us physiologically as well, when we're in, pleasure. It actually helps us to focus more. If you've got brain fog going on. There are lots of different contributors to brain fog, but I fully believe that one of them is you're in too much push and you're in too much, masculine energy. So, if you'll pull out of that, and you'll get into some, pleasure.

Myrna: How can single mothers find pleasure?

Allyson: Single mothers need community, women need a community and more so than anybody else would be single mothers who are wearing the mother and the father hat all the time and the provider and the nurturer hat like all the time, they need that support group. They need their community of people that will encourage them, people that can give them breaks every once in a while so that they can reconnect with their identity, reconnect with who they are.

Start your day in, feminine energy. Start your day in quiet and if that means waking up 15 minutes early, then wake up 15 minutes early. It's the greatest gift you can give to yourself and do a breathing meditation where you just breathe in and you breathe out and listen to soothing music with the whole intention of opening yourself up to receive, because God or your higher power wants to connect with you. Your higher self wants to guide you, wants to do the heavy lifting for you. You just need to put yourself into a position of receiving in order for that to happen.


Let us know how we can reach you online, your website. What is your free gift for us?

Awesome. Thank you. So, I think that the, feminine, is a deeper dive so I actually created a free download. So you can look at the list of, feminine qualities and masculine qualities right there laid out for you. You can also find out what it looks like when we show up in disempowered feminine or disempowered masculine, so you know which energy you're playing in more often than not.

You can get that at www.prosperity approach.com/ataglance.  But this was so helpful for me to just really start doing a really beautiful dance between the feminine and the masculine and leading with my feminine. I also have a podcast it's called the prosperity approach. And so, if you want to hear my philosophy and practical tips for actually living in prosperity, rather than waiting for prosperity to come to you before you live in it, I would love to have you join my audience there as well. You can also head over to over to Allysonchavez.com You can join our free Facebook group. It's called the prosperity experience. And I actually have regular master classes where we talk about mindset, where we talk about how to change those programs and how to lead with that feminine and you can find out more information about that at prosperity approach.com/free-masterclass

Additional Resources 

How to Embrace Female Sexuality and the Divine Feminine

What Men Want In A Woman

Andre Paradis, relationship coach, shares insights on, what men want, and how to revert back to nature and polarity to make our relationships work. If you want to know how to have healthy fulfilling long-term relationships, listen to the end. What men want, is a woman who is sweet and lovely and warm and, feminine, and attractive and magnetic. 

Download the podcast here: 



Andre Paradis, is a Relationship Coach, NLP Coach, Educator of Effective Communications, Published Writer, Public Speaker, and Ordained Minister. Andre Grew up in Canada, and while on vacation in Los Angeles he was scouted and became a professional dancer. He has danced with legends including Michael Jackson, Prince, Paula Abdul, Julio Eglesias to name a few.

He then attended a workshop called “Understanding Women” in 2006 and started studying with some of the biggest relationship masters (Dr. Pat Allen, Dr. Esther Perel, Dr. John Gray, Shantie Feldhan and Alison Armstrong). He started sharing his knowledge with friends and family. He saw that this knowledge actually helped people lead happier lives with the people they love. He found his purpose in life… The Big Calling deep inside him. He then sold his successful Auto Shop and launched Project Equinox Coaching to help men and women learn to build stronger long lasting and healthy Love relationships. For some clients, He even officiate their weddings.

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Men are from Mars Women are from Venus 

Myrna: I have a question about a book that I've read and I still have in my library.  You said that you studied under Dr. John Gray who wrote the book. Men are from Mars Women are from Venus. What did you learn from studying with Dr. Gray about women?

Andre: Well, the bulk of his work has changed since the beginning from Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Dr Grey now explores men or women differences, like how we respond or act differently. What motivates a woman and what motivates a man and vice versa. The past 10 years though, the bulk of his work became the chemistry of our bodies that creates the behaviors that we do. So how does, estrogen, and, testosterone, affect our physiology.

A man's brain is full of, testosterone, the structure of his brain is similar to a woman, but the main mechanism is different, because it functions on a different fuel.  This creates all kinds of behaviors, reactions, ways of operating and the, Hunter brain. The, Hunter brain, is about, conquering, competing, fighting, pushing, penetrating, you know, control everything that's in, Hunter brain. That's the paradigm of, testosterone, chemistry.

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Women's brains are soaked in Estrogen 

So that's what’s Dr Grey’s work in past 10 years was all about that. The innate differences explained through chemistry. And for the lady is same thing similar brain soaked in, estrogen, creating a whole different machine, a whole different engine, with behaviors, reactions, temperament, blah, blah, blah. In our culture right now, everybody's about equality, so understanding the beginning of equality, the, feminist movement, equal rights equal pay equal opportunity, is important.

With equality a man should be more, feminine, more feminized, more vulnerable, more talkative, more sweet, more sensitive, to be a good man.  A woman should be strong, independent, powerful at all costs, in order for her to be valued and valuable in the world. Well, there's a big huge price to pay for these shifts that are not natural. Everything I teach is Nature and Science and not my opinion. So, if you go back to nature, these things don't work very well.

If you consider now that relationships are the hardest thing for people to attain and sustain, where it should be the easiest because we have equality now, right? Well, no, the reason for this is what I teach. What's happening out there is women are more miserable. The women in our culture for the past 15 years, almost 20 years now actually, are more unhappy than ever in the entire history of mankind.

Myrna: That’s because they can't find a man.

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Why women can't find a man 

Andre: And why is that right back to the same thing I'm talking about earlier. I'm so busy because my clients call me because they're realizing they're being sold a lemon that's exactly how they put it. They tell me I am a badass but that gets me absolutely nowhere with a man. Men don't ask me out and if I manage to get a date, he smiles and goes nice to meet you and I never see him again. I can't get past the first date. What is wrong with me? Like what is what's wrong with me? The answer is you're, masculinized, you're too manly for a man.  

Myrna: I have so much circle backs in that don't get too far. When you were talking about the men and the woman, how the man is the hunter personality with the, testosterone, and the woman is supposed to be, feminine, but now women are bad asses and are not, feminine. So, the  question I have, is that why there's a rise in, lesbian and gay relationships?  Is that is the reason that those kind of relationships are blossoming, because at least you've got the same, estrogen, and, testosterone, levels.

Andre: Yeah, well, not the way you think. And I think if I'm reading your mind a little bit here right now, it's not quite that because men have always understood men better than their women. And the same with women, they understand each other better than men.  But throughout history, that's actually the, polarity, that brought men and women together. So, that is not the problem. What is happening, is culture if we are going to peel the onion back.

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Latch Key Kids can't form relationships as adults 

We have, latch key kids, who were not nurtured as kids so they can’t form relationships as adults. When you have children, babies, infants, toddlers, young people, young kids unable to bond with their own parents, they become anxious as far as in the relationship, anxious or avoidant in relationships. They've never been bonded to somebody who loves them, so they feel abandoned.  The anxiety of puberty makes it even worse, and they will become young people who cannot create healthy bonds.

They just can't do it. Now what happens we talk about, gay and lesbian relationships, in the news, that new wave. A young girl needs so much nurturing connection emotionally, the, feminine, for mother, the young women who went without being with her mother will do it later in life with another woman.  For men it’s a little bit different for men they turn into the part of them that's missing.

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Authenticity Atlas podcast

Why men don't want badass women 

Myrna: Is it true that's, badass women immediately get disqualified because she's gonna throw the fact that she makes more money than him in a man’s  face?  

Andre: You know, I'm sorry, but it's more energetic than that. If you're gonna be a, badass woman, and be a pain in the ass about it, like you push it in my face. That you are better than me. That is not the energy that men are looking for from women.  That's a man on man. I always say ladies when you can be, badass, but if you're gonna throw your balls in my face, we're gonna have a problem. And that's what, badass women, do put their balls in everybody's face. They're so proud which is fine.

You can be proud of what you do, but when you lead with that, you're more, masculine, than, feminine. You're actually arrogant a lot of times, and for sure you're irritating. Absolutely freaking irritating. If you think men like to be irritated by women, this is not why they want to date you. They want to date you because you're sweet and lovely and warm and, feminine, and attractive and magnetic. Not irritating, not pushy, not controlling, not in my face. Not sitting there like go ahead, prove it your way.

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Men don't want women with bigger balls than them 

So my clients, when they find out that men aren't finding them attractive and don't ask them out, they feel completely invisible.  This is because your, balls, are bigger than his and that's irritating and off putting. You can have, balls, all you want, you need to be, masculine, to create anything to make money, but I say leave them, balls, in your desk drawer. When you get home and in public, you'd have to be a woman to attract men, otherwise they don't see you, you become invisible to men.

Myrna: So, the answer to that question is not all women that are making money and are, badass, just the ones that are throwing their, balls,  in a man's face and leading with, masculinity.

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What men want in a women 

What do men want? You said that one, a man wants a woman that's, feminine.  Let's also touch on equality. Does a man want a woman that's making as much money as him? By the way, when I asked my husband that question, he says, I can become a kept man but not If you're gonna throw it in my face.  

Andre: In my world, you could have a penis and not be a man. I believe there are three types of men:

  1. The real man: They know who they are. They know, what men want. They hold themselves accountable for everything; they have character. They have competence, you can't mess with them. You can't fuck with them. You can't derail them.  They're solid, they're strong. You can count on them all that stuff.
  2. The second type of man  is that guy who’s man enough to have a job, but it's a little job, he's not gonna have a good car, he drives a little shitty car and lives in the basement of his mother's house or he's got three roommates. No girlfriend and is silly. So, these guys are messy enough to do life. Small but okay. Except when it comes to women, they don't want to ask you out. They acquiesce and want to do whatever movie you want to go see. They are not sure, what men want. 
  3. The third kind of man are boys, they are passive and, feminine. They don't want to work. They want you to work. They're so happy that they are not paying for anything. They don't want to work, they're allergic to work.  They're offended when you say, just man up. They look like boys.  They're often very pretty because they are, feminine and want to attract women with their bodies. Their looks are lean and sexy. They absolutely don't know, what men want. 
Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

What men want: A feminine woman

We now raise men to be not, masculine, but soft, sensitive, passive, and that’s toxic.  A real man scoops women up and say hey, I'm taking you out to dinner, seven o'clock and wear some good shoes, because we are going salsa dancing afterwards.  But we shame them out of this. We say that's pushy.

What men want, is a, feminine woman. A, feminine woman, want a, masculine man. They don't want boys. Men that are boys are so smooth, they’ll tell you everything you want to hear in three days after meeting them! Oh, I think I found the one of my life, you are the one. So, he says all the right things for the first five or six weeks you finally think oh my God he is my soul mate.

He listens to me. He's curious about me I have someone to talk to.  Next, you know, he's like moving to your house, borrowing your car because he can't afford to fix his piece of shit. You're walking his dog because he won't do it. You're lending him money that he promised to pay back, but he never does. You're working two jobs while he's sitting on the couch smoking a joint and spooning the dog.  

Myrna: You're talking such truth! How do you get out of that relationship? Kick them to the curb?

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What men want, not a masculine woman 

Andre: The terrible thing about this whole situation is when you, masculinize, women, this is the type of men they attract. They attract boys. I teach nature, it's all about, polarity. Opposites attract. We know this about everything. Right? Two magnets, positive and negative, try to push two positive magnets together, right? It doesn’t work. The, masculine man, is strong, independent, powerful, conquering, controlling, pushy, fighting, all that stuff and he attracts the, feminine woman, who is more passive. Because she's smaller and weaker, more passive and she needs a big strong guy.

 It's the same all over nature. Like everything. There's a, polarity, there's two different pieces of a puzzle. that come together to complete a good dynamic. When a woman is more, masculine, and she's stuck there because of her up bringing or her culture. Her mother telling her you don't need that man. You can’t depend on men, so make sure you're independent and strong and get your own.  So, when you raise, masculine women, that's what you attract, boys.

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The Badass woman: can she become feminine and get a man 

All my clients that are strong, independent, powerful and they're, badass women, and they're so proud of it, are in relationships with boys, one after the other.  So, if you want a, masculine man, to provide, and protect, you have to be the opposite, feminine, to the core. I help my clients, we do actually get them from being too, masculine, after having neglected their, femininity, typically started in childhood. It's always something that started in childhood. And we're just going to calibrated them here.

Myrna: What do you tell them to do? How do you help them become more, feminine?

Andre: So how does a woman to be more, feminine?

Andre: That is simple and it's individual for all and there's plenty layers in this and the more you do it the more you get practice. The, masculine, is to be in your head and, feminine, is to be in your heart and your body. Masculine women, are stuck in their head and everything warm, radiant, lovely about them is out the window. Masculine men, live in their head we're not in our hearts naturally. Right? We have to be logical and conquerors and fighters, we can't think about how we feel.

Doesn't matter how you feel. It needs to be done. How many times have you heard me say that? We care how you feel. It has to be done. Right?

Feminine, it’s about how you feel. Anything that makes you feel good, right?  If you feel sexy, you're sexy.

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TuneIn Radio

What men want: to prove that he is the best suitor  

Myrna: Does, sex, too early in a relationship prevents building a healthy long term love relationship? Women my age were always told by their grandparents don't give it away.

Why would a guy pay for the cow when he already got milk?

Andre: That's another long answer, but I'm gonna try to keep it short.  But again, its nature. In a nutshell, a woman's body and, sexuality, is her currency. Back in the days, men went towards building character, building their businesses, building their finances, so that they were adequate to call on women. They would compete against each other to be the top suitor for the best women. The guy who's got more resources has more choices. But older men became more attractive on some level, because they have more power, they have more resources, they have more assets.

Men had to build themselves up to be competitive enough to be the chosen one by a good woman.  A, feminine woman, would let herself be wooed by him, but they would not cross the line into, sexuality, until he was committed. Because, sex, that's her currency. Right? You want a good woman? You gotta be good, man. When you throw that out the window, now a man doesn’t have to work for it. This is part of what's happening in our culture. Again, not my opinion, just facts. When women give away their bodies for dinner this is what happens.

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iHeart Radio

What men want: A woman they can trust 

You meet a guy, you date him once, twice, three times. He like, let's roll. The women think that starts intimacy. The reality is for men, that killed it. Why does early, sex,  kill a long term relationship? Because in nature, he has to prove himself that he is good guy, that he's got character, he's got to impress her.  

And now he gets picked with almost no effort. He buys dinner three times and women put out. He's thinking I can't trust this woman. Now again, this is not a thought process is the limbic brain, the lizard brain saying, I can't trust this chick because she'll sleep with anybody. I didn't have to do anything to get her to sleep with me.

Women sleep with men because they feel it will make them his girlfriend but no amount of, sex, ever convince a man to commit to a woman. That's not it. It's the opposite.

Myrna: Let me let me interrupt that one because I've heard that men don't trust a woman if she sleeps with him on the first date. I think that they're almost expecting to sleep with you after three dates or three weeks.

Andre: You could change the rules, but it's still not working.  That's never going to work. It's never worked. And it's the worst when nobody's getting married.


Connect with Andre on the web:

My storyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33PM5ehssWM

FB Page: Project Equinox with Andre Paradis  

FB Private Group for Ladies – Freehttps://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=dating%20and%20relationship%20insights

YouTube: Project Equinox with Andre Paradishttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc-n26dzlCN0dcAXgubSjGQ

Additional Resources 

How to Embrace Female Sexuality and the Divine Feminine