Tag Archives: millionaire success habits

How to Replace Bad Habits With Success Habits

Will Moore is a serial entrepreneur and TEDx speaker. This blog is about replacing your, bad habits, with, success habits, thereby  transforming your life.

Habits, are very important. We always say that, it takes 21 days to form a, bad habit, but now some people are actually challenging that. They're saying it takes about three months or 90 days to form a, habit.

Whatever we do on a consistent basis, it forms a, habit,  regardless it is a, bad habit, or, success habit. So, today we're talking about transforming our lives through, success habits, and replacing the, bad habits. The, habit, that we're trying to develop is the, success habit, that leads to  happiness.

Success habits, generally increase your happiness.

Listen to the full interview here: 

Bio and Introduction Bad Habits

Will Moore is a serial entrepreneur, TedX speaker, life coach, and happiness expert. After exiting his delivery startup for $323 million in 2019, Will confirmed what he’d spent the past 25 years researching: True happiness isn’t about money, power, or fame;  it’s about figuring out what makes you happy and taking consistent action on those things every single day.

To do this, Will has thrown out the book on traditional, self-improvement, creating instead a unique system that reduces friction by combining the latest in science and technology with, success habits, and universal principles: gamifying the process and building momentum. Will's company, Moore Momentum, is addressing the “Social Dilemma.” and helping people hold themselves accountable by taking the necessary action to replace their, bad habits,  with, success habits.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

5 core areas to build Success Habits

  • Mindset,
  • Career & Finances;
  • Relationships,
  • Physical Health,
  • Emotional Health
  • Giving Back.

Moore Momentum is committed to helping people fire on all cylinders on their way to becoming an unstoppable force, so they can then pay it forward to help the world do the same!

Myrna: Awesome bio. It sounds that you're very successful. It's everybody's dream to have an exit strategy that makes them several million dollars especially 323 million so that is a great foundation. So, what you are doing with More Momentum? Can you tell us how you got into this journey? Understanding that happiness does not come from fame or it does not come from money or it doesn't come from power as everybody seems to think.

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Understanding Where Happiness Lies

Will: My mom was an alcoholic. She was verbally and physically abusive. My parents divorced early, we moved around a lot. I just never really fit in and I just kind of got to a point where I was basically suicidal in college. Serendipitously one of my professors introduced me to a book, “How to Friends and Influence People” by Mr. Dale Carnegie. It sort of changed my mindset and started to shift me towards what I call a growth owner mindset.

Myrna: I read that book.  I found it very difficult to understand but it is a  classic.

Will: I've read it so many times. It was written back in the 40s some 70 years ago, and still  it still stands today which is to me is a testament of the universal principles. These Universal principles in life,  if you follow them, if you abide by them, if you lead your life by them and build your, habits, around them, you're going to succeed.

You're not going to be happy if you ignore them or try to cheat the system. You're going to struggle, so that sort of opened up my mind to the principle of friends.

It's not about you, give to other people if you want to have more friends than you can handle.

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How to Win Friends

I just took that to heart. I started to shift and I started taking all the poor me victim stuff self talk which was a , bad habit, and started asking people questions about themselves.  It was like my own human science experiment.  I started taking notes, seeing what worked and what didn't. I noticed people responded well when you took interest in them.

I started making, friends, and was becoming more popular.  People actually started liking me, compared to what was constantly being played in my head, “I'm a loser nobody likes me.”

That just started my, success habits,  journey, and I never stopped. I became an insatiable, self-help, beast. I was reading book after book on, self-improvement.”  All the books that I could get my hands on including “Think and Grow Rich”, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, etc.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

My #1 Success Habits was reading Self Help Books

I started to live this more holistic type of lifestyle, I call it  ‘firing on all cylinders’. When you start to develop these, habits, you're building momentum and creating, success habits, in each of the 5 core areas.  People around you can feel your momentum and your energy. When we sold our solar business in 2019 for a combined 321 million, I had enough money where I could say, okay I don't technically have to work anymore I can concentrate on building my, success habits.

Myrna: I started my spiritual journey with Robin Sharma’s book “The Monk who Sold His Ferrari”. I understand what you're talking about.

How did you transition to understanding, bad habits, and, success habits? You started off with, “How to win friends and influence people”, How did you combine that into, habits?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Changing your Bad Habits into Success Habits

Will: Success habits, were not as integral and central as they are now for me, as I got deeper into, self improvement, I started identifying my, bad habits. I call them, failure habits, and replacing them with, success habits; but I wasn't doing it  consciously.

I didn't need to shine a spotlight on all my, bad habits, that was causing me, negative momentum, in each of my five core areas.  I just decided to replace my, bad habits, with, success habits.   The book that brought my, bad habits, home was  “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. I read several years ago.

It all comes down to your, habits. You are your, habits. We run on autopilot 90% of the time and we're just doing the things that we have done repeatedly, whether they're good or bad and here's the kicker, habits, don't care if they're helping or hurting you. We are all creatures of, habit.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Your Bad Habits are automatic

Myrna: I go on autopilot mode almost every time I drive so I know what you taking about. I'll be meaning to go someplace different, next thing I end up at the place where I wasn't supposed to go.

Will: That's a perfect example, where your brain is trying to conserve energy. A lot of people have no idea that our brain finds the safest route. To start replacing a, bad habit, find a replacement, success habit.

Myrna: You discovered the, success habits, and the, bad habits, and then you just made it integral to your More Momentum training. Now, let's get to the Seven the Habits of Successful People. You mentioned that you read the book it was written by Stephen R. Covey and it's called “The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People”.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Seven Habits of Highly Successful People

Will: One of the things that people do is they get caught up in thinking that certain, habits, are going to lead to the promised land.  These seven habits is the formula for being happy, because your belief system plus your repeated actions plus time equals who you will become.

  • Habit 1: Be Proactive
  • Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  • Habit 6: Synergize
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

The Book the Secret  had the answer to the universe, but they didn't  have the action part of it. It's like you can't just think about what you want. You got to actually take action, you have to build your, success habits.

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Action is the way to build your Success Habits

Myrna: I love it, you mean you can't just put a picture on your vision board and then 10 years later you manifest it?

Will: Right. That's right exactly. I had a, vision board. I  still do sitting right here.  You have to take consistent action to manifest your vision.

You have go to tell yourself, I got everything within me to kick ass. It's only a matter of time. Obstacles are temporary roadblocks and every step of the way, I'm going to fail forward and I'm going to become bigger, better, faster, stronger, smarter, on my way to becoming this unstoppable force. That's the attitude you got to have, and it doesn't come easily.

It doesn't come overnight and that's why the compounding part – your belief system plus your repeated actions or, habits, plus time equals who you become.  Those actions start becoming, habits, and they turn into things that are actually automatically building your, momentum, along the way versus hurting it. That's how you become the person that you want to be.

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The Mindset of Success Habits

Myrna: What are some, success habits, that we can start doing? Not necessarily talk about the failure or bad habits yet, give us a couple of success habits that you have discovered.

Will:  Your, mindset, is essentially the thoughts that are going through your head Some people have the, bad habit, of talking baldly to themselves about themselves. They say things like

  • You are not good enough
  • I will never be anybody
  • People don't like me
  • They have a victim mindset that says people are always out to get them.
  • Some tell themselves things like I was born this way, there is nothing I can do about it

We have to have the, mindset, that that says, you can't succeed without failing. If you've got a good, mindset, going everything else becomes incrementally easier.

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The Habit of Transforming your Mind

Myrna: I agree with that. That's why this show is called “transform your mind to transform your life” because your mind is the first place to start, human transformation.

Will: For your career and finances, I'd say very first thing you should do is figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are. Then start focusing on the things you’re good at and make that part of your daily routine. You're moving that stuff forward and then peripherally the other things that need to be done will get done.

 I'd say the top, habit, for that goes back to Mr. Dale Carnegie – “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, is just make other people feel special.

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iHeart Radio

The Habit of Making People Feel Special

Whether it's your significant other, your friends, your family, your colleagues at work, or acquaintances:

  • Remember names,
  • Remember details about people,
  • Be genuinely interested in what they're saying (you may have to fake it at first, because we're all selfish egotistical creatures by nature) but what happens is you actually start to see that they respond to you. They're interested in you, that becomes addictive and then you do become more genuinely interested in them.

It's this feedback success loop thing you get into and it's magical and it just propels your life because, you can't go through life on your own, you got to have other people.

For physical health, I'd say the top, success habits, are:

  • There's your sleep,
  • Watch your nutrition
  • Movement, there's your exercising.
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Success Habits for Emotional Health

The final tip I would give for the final core emotional health and giving back, I'll give two tips because they're kind of slightly different things. For the, emotional health, part the question is

  •  Are you living a life full of passion, purpose?
  • Do you actually enjoy the ride or are you just constantly like looking down scratching off to do's”, trying to just get through the day?”
  • The, habit, of enjoying life and  expressing your passion is important.

I would also say proactively making a list of the things that you love and then making sure that you're incorporating them into your life regularly is a great, success habit. Whether it's doing a sport or whether it's creativity if you're an artist, you like to paint, and you haven't painted in 10 years.   Use technology and sign up for class or get a buddy that you can paint with.

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TuneIn Radio

Erase Bad Habits with a regular routine

Get it into your regular routine because again it's a, habit, like anything else, and if you start doing it then all of a sudden you're doing it, you don't even have time for the, bad habits, to get an opening. With a regular routine thoughts like “Oh, I don't have time for this” or  “Oh, I have conflicting schedules”  A daily schedule starts to improve your life, because you're incorporating more of the things that you love and are passionate about.

The last, success habit,  is “giving back”. I have a mantra that I say to myself every morning. I've memorized it.  I focus on all the things that I want in life and then at the end of it, I talk about what I'm grateful for. So, I get this feeling of  “Oh, man I'm so lucky and it just boosts me up and rocket propels me into the day because I start happy and excited.

Myrna: I love that. That was a good idea to give a, success habit, from each of your five core areas of life. So as we wrap up, so tell our listeners more about your business – More Momentum. How they can get in contact with you and what exactly is your program.

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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

Moore Momentum Training

Will:   https://mooremomentum.com is the website. There's a “see the Momentum Movement” tab at the top and you can sign up. I’ve got a weekly blog and newsletter that I do at the top. There's also the social media buttons (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter)  My Instagram page is  @willmoremomentum. I post viral videos of stuff and I'm trying to make it fun by gamifying the experience. I'm helping people trick their brain into wanting to watch the stuff that's good for them.

I've got the App that's coming up so I super excited.  I think I mentioned briefly earlier, the App it's going to just take everything I've been doing over the last 25 years and culminate it into one device where you can stop your, bad habits, in these five core places and replace them with, success habits.

In the game, you're a rocket ship. You've got your five core cylinders of your engine in order to fly up to the moon and break earth's gravitational pull. You got to get enough momentum to get off the ground by stopping those, bad habits, and replacing them with, success habits, one step at a time. I make sure I take it through very slowly. Remember the law of compounding – if you rush into it, you try to change everything at once. It'll never work then all of a sudden you're flying off to different planets and universes and solar systems and you're meeting aliens along the way.

You're getting universal principles and tips flying through asteroid fields building up your armor and becoming an unstoppable force.

It's super exciting. You can sign up on my website for that as well. If you click on the App, it'll say “be notified when the App is Available.”


Myrna: I absolutely love it. Wow, so that's great not only for adults but for children teaching them that they can do anything. If they want to get to the moon or to get to the top of their goals. Whether it's a, success habit, or a, bad habit, you just keep doing it. It's actually pretty good to replace those, failure habits, and make them into, success habits, so you can do it.

If you found this blog and podcast inspirational, please subscribe, rate and review The Transform Your Mind Podcast on iTunes. Leave your comments below if you have, bad habits, that you need to change into, success habits.

Additional Resources




How to Become Debt Free By Shifting Your Money Mindset

Toyin Crandell, author of the Money Mindset Shift and host of the Millionaire Money Podcast, talks about helping her clients ditch their limiting beliefs about, money, by shifting their, money mindset, design a simple, proven and customized, financial freedom, plan so they can, build wealth, become, debt free, and create a new legacy.

Download the podcast Here: 



Toyin Crandell is the host of the Millionaire Money Podcast, a best-selling author, a financial mentor, an international speaker, and the founder of Money Mindset SHIFT.

She specializes in helping business owners and career professionals ditch their limiting beliefs about, money, design a simple, proven, and customized financial freedom plan so they can build wealth, get rest, and create a new legacy.

She has coached thousands of individuals and families, helping them increase their wealth by $10s of millions of dollars and pay off millions of dollars of debt while enjoying their lives in the process.

Using the principles she teaches, Toyin Crandell went from being stuck in tens of thousands of debts, having no food for her family to building eleven streams of income and running her own multi-million-dollar company.

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Transform Your Mind Podcastland

How Toyin Became a money mindset coach

Toyin: I was in full time ministry and I loved what I did. Me and my husband are both professional musicians. That's how we met. So,  I was like, God is good. Life is good. Who needs, money.  December 2016 we were living in a tiny basement apartment. The apartment was so small. I think our whole apartment fits into my current master bedroom now. It was so small; you had to go sideways and do a shuffle to get some clothes out of the closet. And we had a little six-month-old daughter, I really didn't care. I didn't even notice any of these things.

We had our daughter and I remember one evening my husband had brought me dinner in the bedroom. Because we didn’t have a dining space and I'm eating dinner, and I was just like, Baby, where are you? You know, he's not in the room like there's nobody else in the house but me and him. So, I said to him come eat over here. And he comes in the room and I'm just casually asking him, what are you having? I was eating some canned stuff. And he said, I am having chocolates and I was like, what do you mean chocolates? And he said Toyin we're out of food.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews
Transform Your Mind Podnews

Dinner was canned food and chocolate

I found out that week he had been giving me the rest of our food because I was nursing our daughter. And even the chocolates that he was eating were not chocolates that we bought. It was because it was December it was Christmas season and people had given us a gift of a box of chocolates. So, he was living on that, so I could feed our baby and that was my very first, forceful wakeup call where in my mind I thought to myself, Oh, my gosh, this isn't working, money, matters.

I started having 1000 thoughts in one second, I’m thinking to myself, we need to be able to feed my daughter. It's one thing when you're single and you don't have food and you can eat rice from January to December. Nobody cares. But now have a daughter that I am responsible for, so I get this wakeup call, what do I do? Me and my husband very resourceful people, I tell him it's not working. I've been watching a ton of webinars. I've been listening to all these different things to try to learn from people. And I was not working, else we would have food in the fridge.

So, I get my first coach and this person was a, business strategist, and they helped me to like start thinking more like a business person as opposed to thinking like a Lottie, Dottie person. And I remember in February I had collected $7,000 in cash and I was like oh my goodness, this is the breakthrough we've been waiting for.

Myrna: What did you sell to make the $7000?

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BEING BLACK IS TRAUMATIC ENOUGH!!!, “Walk A Painful Mile In Our Agony Shoes” is an untraditional new style of poetry. The books’ theme is based on being black in a America. Each poem will put you in the shoes of blackness as we walk, march and run through this pernicious society. With over 40 poems and pictures depicting black love, black unity, black creativity, black self-hate, black struggle, discrimination and mental Illness and other more personal poems. This book was very emotional for the author to write because each poem is tied to the emotions felt before, during and after the Black Lives Matter protest.

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Book Being Black is Traumatic enough
Book Being Black is Traumatic enough

Helping people to become debt free

Toyin: I was helping people to become, debt free. So, here's the funny thing. I had debt in the past and I thought that, debt freedom, was, financial freedom, because I didn't understand, money. So, I learned how to be, debt free. And I had started teaching it as a business casually, I didn't even plan it. I just became, debt free. My friends were like, Oh my gosh, you’re, debt free. How did you do it? I Started telling my friends, and they became, debt free. I'm spending all this time talking to people and they're all becoming, debt free. And I wasn't getting paid.

So, I was like, I should get paid for this. So that was what had started like me charging for teaching people how to become, debt free. What happened was in the same month where we're emailing about rent and bills, I get this favor to get into a room with these technical, millionaire mentors. And these are people who are running businesses that are in the hundreds of millions of dollars and

I'm in the room with them learning from them. I started noticing these guys they don't talk like me, I started noticing so many little things. And I realized that I had been in so many circles. We prided ourselves on our, struggle. I get in this room with these actual, millionaires. And one of the men had this chart and it started with:

  • struggle,
  • survival,
  • sustained success,
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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Shifting your money mindset from struggle

He asked us in the room, where are you on this ladder? And like earlier that year he met me in February have been like at least I mean, sustained success, but at this point, I am under, struggle, again. And I just remember thinking to myself, if I don't figure out what is holding me back financially, I will always be under, struggle.

I realized that the problem isn't to be, debt free, because I had become, debt free. I was, debt free. But the problem was my mind was so against having, money, that even though our expenses was the lowest you could imagine. We reduced our income to be lower than even those expenses, because we were so used to, struggle.

Myrna: I teach that all the time. Let’s label this, mindset. It's called a, poverty mindset.

Toyin: That's exactly right. That means no matter what actions you take, you produce, poverty. And in that month, I create this process. So now let me talk about how we got to 11 streams of income. I create this process where I just started asking myself questions. I got honest with myself on a level that I had never been honest with myself before. I asked myself:

  • What are the limiting beliefs I have about, money?
  • What is my actual relationship with, money?
  • What am I doing wrong?
  • What is my pattern with, money?
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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Why shifting your money mindset works

So now I see the problem and I create this shift process. I didn't know anything about neuroscience back then. I didn't know anything about, mindset coaching.  I just knew I was sick and tired of, struggle. So, I use this process for myself. I never thought I would even tell anybody about it.

The next month, November, we had more income. And my husband pointed out to me, he's like, hey, you just had more, money, come in, in November this month, than all of last year combined. And he says to me, what are you doing? Do you have a new offer? Do you have a new business like what are you doing that I didn't hear about? Honestly, I was shocked. I hadn't looked at the numbers from that frame.

And I said to him the only thing I did was change my, mindset. I thought to ask myself, I wonder if this mind process would work for my clients because I haven't taught them anything about mindset. It was all strategy and our success rate because our success rate was around 50%. The industry average ranges between 3% to 50%.

In coaching, our success was 60. I used to be proud of that. But I used to be so frustrated about the remaining 40%.  Why were these 40% still in poverty? When I started teaching, money mindset, our success rate went to 95%, our people start scaling and becoming, millionaires.

In the process of up leveling my mind every single year, I'm honest about this. I am a human being I still have, money mindset, challenges, the difference is the level.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Becoming a millionaire by shifting your money mindset

Myrna: You're no longer scratching the bottom.

Toyin: I remember it took us from $60,000 a year to 130,000 a year to 600,000 a year to over a million in a year, so we were growing every single year. I would literally sit my butt down with my process and say, Okay, what's the new level? What's the new identity that God is calling me to operate in. Because guys, money, is never just about the numbers.  When I set goals, when I push and when you want to push, you're not doing it just because of the, money;  money itself is neutral. It means nothing.

All it is a marker of the value that you are bringing to the world and you are allowing yourself to receive. And so, I realized the more people I can serve this, money, thing is just a way for me to see how many people am I helping? How many people am I making into, millionaires, or whatever the goal is.  I'm a finance person naturally, as soon as the, money mindset, got figured out, we were off. We now have 11 streams of income.  We've got real estate properties, you've got dividends, we've got stocks, we've got royalties, we do workshops, plus, passive income.

Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV
Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV – Become a Master of Your Money 

Passive income streams

So, we have, passive income, streams and active income streams, but all of it came out of one thing one thing a, money mindset.   Start your income making machine, you need an income making machine that allows you to do all the other fun things that you want to do. What your income making machine will not produce unless you face your, money mindset.

So, unless you look at your, money mindset, and allow yourself to be able to get to a level you've never been you are not going to become a, millionaire.  We coach people who are, millionaires, and we coach people who have not worked a job in eight years and the conversation may be different, but we are training the subconscious.

Shifting our money mindset

Myrna: So how do we shift our, money mindset?

Toyin: Okay, the first thing that you want to do is you need to get honest with yourself about what's not working. If you cannot be honest with yourself about what's not working in your finances, you will never fix it. And this is actually the hardest part, being honest with yourself. Most people never want to do that because it sucks to look in the mirror.

And so, the first thing that you guys want to do is to get your, money, right.  You have to sit down with a pen and a paper and write down what are the patterns that I am seeing happening In my life that are giving me clues. The, money mindset shift, is simply follow the money.

So, for example, if you have a savings account, and your savings account, never crosses 5k, some of you guys you're doing very well your savings account may never cross 100K.  You get what I mean? Like everyone has those limits, where were the ones that never crossed 55 bucks.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

What's your money pattern?

When there is a pattern, we often get lost in the story. The reason my account never got past $500 was because my fridge broke down. The reason was because I chose to go and shop this time.  The stories will always be different but I don't look at the story, I look at the pattern. What is the pattern, the pattern is when you hit $500 your money disappears.

So right now, what are the patterns that I am noticing in my, money?  I will save this specifically for those of you who earn a higher amount than people around you, you are in one of the most dangerous positions financially. Why? Because when we work with a lot of, millionaires, and we find that because you are doing better than most people, everyone around you is super impressed.

They're like, Oh my gosh, Look at your income. And a lot of these people don't notice whether or not, money, is staying. Yes, you're working hard. Yes, you're bringing in bank. Yes, you're making the dollars; But you're not building generational wealth. You're not keeping any of it. You're not keeping it. But once you shift your, mindset, you have to take action.

Book money mindset shift
Book: Money Mindset Shift

Toyin's book Money Mindset Shift

Myrna: I know you just started your podcast. Tell our readers how they could connect with you.

I'm the host of the Millionaire Money Podcast. It is so much fun. We just teach business owners and career professionals how to think like a, millionaire, make wealthy decisions and take strategic action so that you can actually create the, millionaire, bank account and lifestyle that you want. So, our goal in that podcast is literally helping you to get your first $100 million dollars.  We're going to be taking you to the next level. So that's the podcast.

And then the second thing is some of you guys may be saying, I'm ready to shift this brain of mine, I am ready to actually begin to live out the wealth that I'm looking for. For those of you guys you can go to www.moneymindsetshift.ca and you're able to watch a free master class. Now we have two master classes. One of them is for everybody, and the other one is specifically for business owners who are currently at six to seven figures. So, if you're thinking seven figures is a masterclass for you. And if you're a career professional or business owner and looking to earn your first million then the second master class is for you.

Additional Resources

Is True Wealth Financial Freedom?