Tag Archives: mind body connection

Can You Turn Off Cancer With Your Mind?

In this post Danny Carroll talks about Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer work on terminal cancer. Dr Hamer research indicates that no real diseases exist; rather, what established medicine calls a “disease” is actually a “special meaningful program of nature” and  once we identify the cause of the tumor, then you can, turn off cancer, with your mind by telling your subconscious mind that the issue has been resolved.

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Abouth the guest

Danny Carroll spent the first half of his life in London, UK, and completed his education with a master’s degree from the London School of Economics.  He later moved to India where he now lives and works. Danny has spent the last 17 years studying alternative healing therapies in search of the Holy Grail of health and wellness.

Myrna:  Let’s start our conversation today by first looking at cancer, what is it, why it manifests and how we can, turn off cancer pain, with our minds.

Danny: Okay, can I suggest that we start on the fundamentals and we'll do big picture and then we'll go into the detail? Sure. Is that all right? Yes, conversation flows. Yeah, so let's start on your assumption that cancer is a killer, okay? And let's work around that topic and then we'll move into a specific type of cancers from there, okay? Cancer is not a killer.  People very rarely die of cancer. People die of, cancer treatments.

Okay, so let me let me let me put some meat around those bones, right? Today's medical system, and this is whether it's conventional medicine or alternative medicine, are systems of symptomatic treatment, okay? I'm a businessman, Myrna, and what I've done essentially is, in business, we have this concept that you can never solve a problem by addressing the symptom of the issue.

If one of my employees comes up to me and says, Danny, I've been trying to solve this problem. And they explain to me that they've only been addressing the symptoms. I'll slap them around the head, metaphorically speaking, of course, and say, you're only looking at symptoms of the problem. You can never solve a problem until you address the cause of the problem.

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You can't solve the problem of cancer without addressing the cause

Okay, so I apply those same standards of problem-solving that I use in business, I apply the same standard of problem-solving into health as well, okay? So if we look at the situation that Dr. Hamer was in, for example, the tumor on his testicle essentially is the symptom, it's the outcome of the, so let's play it through. What was the cause of the problem? The cause of the problem was his son getting shot and murdered.

That life crisis, basically, triggers the brain, goes to the part of the brain that manages the testicle, and the brain says, right, we have a crisis. Increase the size of the testicles in order to be able to increase sperm and testosterone production so that we can have a better chance of getting the wife pregnant. But the testicle is just a symptom of the problem.

Okay, the life crisis is the fact that his son was murdered in the same way with the woman whose child got hit by a car, then the cause of the problem is the son, the child getting hit by the car, it goes to the brain and the brain says to the woman's body, okay, we have a crisis, let's get lactation re-going again so that the mother can offer a breast to the child and nurse the child back to health again.

Okay, so the issue that we have in today's healing modalities, and this is both conventional and alternative, all of them, is they're all systems of symptomatic treatment. In conventional medicine, they treat the tumor. The tumor is the symptom, okay? You can never solve a problem by addressing the tumor. You can see that for yourself in conventional medicine. There's a concept called recurrent breast cancer, and that's basically where you have breast cancer again on a breast that's been removed.

Phantom cancer pain

Okay, the breast is no longer there and then you get cancer on a breast that no longer exists. Conventional medicine also has a concept of, phantom limb pain.  I have my leg amputated because I've got gangrene or I've got a problem where I've got an issue with my leg, okay? And I still feel pain in the leg after it's been amputated, okay? So the leg is no longer there and I still have pain. That's actually a common thing. It's a very common thing.  So, How can, the question you have to ask yourself Myrna, how is it possible to have pain in an organ that is no longer there?

Myrna; How is it possible? Because the brain still thinks it's there, just like how you have an imagination, I guess.

Danny: So let me explain, right? We have a life crisis, all of these programs are run in the brain, the brain is the CPU, the brain is the processing unit that manages this entire ecosystem and the brain sends down the message to the organ, right? The organ is the symptom. It's the output of the problem. You can never solve a problem by addressing the symptom.

You can never solve a problem by addressing the organ, okay? Because it doesn't matter if the organ is there or not, the biological program will still run in your brain. If you want to solve a problem by addressing at the organ level, the only option available to you is essentially to have your head cut off. And that is not a good thing to do. I'm not recommending that you do that.

Myrna: No, that will kill the host.

Danny: We can't run with our heads. We cannot have our heads chopped off, right? But when you look at phantom limb pain, when you look at things like, recurrent breast cancer, when you look at people who still experience colon pain with ulcerative colitis, even after they've had their colon removed, okay? So removing the organ makes zero difference, okay? Because the program still runs in your brain, okay?

Now, this is a problem not only in conventional medicine, but also in alternative medicine. if I go on a vegan diet, so say the child, the woman's walking on the street, the child gets hit by a car and ends up in ICU, okay, the woman's got breast cancer, she feels a lump in her breast, I'll go on a vegan diet or I'll do laetrile or I'll do vitamin C injections or I'll do ozone therapy or immunotherapy or whatever you want to do, right?

It doesn't make any difference because the biological program is designed to keep running until that child is better again. And when the child is better again, basically the purpose of that program has been fulfilled, regardless of whether you offered your breasts to the child to nurse them or not. Once the child is well again, then basically that biological program is no longer required and the subconscious mind will switch it off in the same way it switched it on. Now, the mistake people make is they correlate the treatments they had.

Chemotherapy survival rates

Now, if I put chemotherapy on this program, the effect it has essentially is nothing, okay? All it will do is essentially make me very, very sick and potentially kill me. I mean, of the many studies I've read on chemotherapy.  I quote a study carried out by oncologists in Australia in 2004 on, chemotherapy survival rates. This study gave the survival rate of people who take chemotherapy at barely above 2%, which means that chemotherapy kills essentially more than 97% of people who take it.

And it's not so surprising because chemotherapy essentially is mustard gas. Now, why are they using chemotherapy? They're using chemotherapy because they're trying to kill the cells, okay? Because they think the cells have gone wrong. They think the cells have gone wrong because they don't know what causes the problem and they don't know the purpose of that biological program.

So they think these abnormally fast growing cells basically have gone wrong and they're going to start going through your body and metastasize and kill you from within like some internal roaming army. It's nothing like that. The cells have not gone wrong. The cells have gone right. The only thing is we don't understand what causes the problem and we don't understand the purpose of the biological program.

Okay, so they are right in that the cells are abnormally fast growing, but they think that they are fast growing because the genes are broken or because nature is broken or they've gone wrong or it's been caused by pesticides or it's been caused by cell phone tower radiation and this and that and whatever, all of the things smoking and all of those things that they say that makes these cells go wrong. That is an incorrect conclusion. The cells are going right. Okay. Nature in our lifetime will never make a mistake, not a single mistake. The only problem is we don't understand it.

Myrna: Okay, so if I really understand what you're saying is that we can stop cancer and we can, turn off cancer pain, by understanding the cause of it.

Danny: understanding the cause, the cause is critical. You can, Myrna, you can only ever solve a problem by addressing the cause of the problem. You can never solve a problem by addressing the symptom. Never.

Dr Hamer work with cancer patients

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, basically, essentially unraveled the biological code and he has identified the cause to every every cell in our body, whether it's cancer, whether it's multiple sclerosis, whether it's osteoporosis, arthritis, whether it's autism, whether it's down syndrome, whether it's bipolar schizophrenia, he has essentially unraveled the biological code and he has created something called the, Scientific Chart of Germanic New Medicine, which lays out the cause of every health problem that exists on earth today.

If you sign up to my website, you'll download a 400 page book that has the cause to every health problem on this earth, okay? So let me give you one more of my own examples, okay? I got in 2019, I got cancer in my jaw, okay? All of these teeth are false here, right? These are all false. So I had a problem. I had a fight with my wife over American politics, strangely. Anyway, this triggered a cancer in this part of my jaw.

How I turned off cancer by solving the cause of the tumor

This fight with my wife lasted for approximately five seconds. Five seconds. Okay. And because it was such a short fight, it was very difficult for me to identify the cause of this problem, okay? Anyway, by the time I found the cause of the problem, a big tumor had been added to my jaw. I found the cause of the problem after a lot of digging.  And then when this tumor is removed, it's removed with something called, TB microbacteria.

TB microbacteria essentially rots the tissue that's been added to remove it, okay? I had the pleasure for a four-month period of having the taste and smell of rotting flesh in my mouth and my sinuses, which wasn't very pleasant, but I understood what was going on, right? In that entire process, all my teeth fell out and it destroyed part of my jaw, right? So then I had to have a five-hour reconstructive surgery with a bone graft on my jaw where I had my my jaw reconstructed and the implants in order to put teeth in because I had no teeth there, right?

So I went for a five-hour surgery. I took one painkiller at the time of the surgery and I took one more painkiller at night before I slept on the day of the surgery, okay? Then I woke up next morning and I thought to myself, I wonder if I can switch this, I hate taking painkillers, right? So I'm like, I do anything I can in order to avoid taking tablets, okay? So I thought, okay, I wonder if I can, switch this pain off. So then I sat there and I thought, right, okay, what is the purpose?

What is the biological purpose of pain? Okay, the biological purpose of pain is to stop you from using a part of the body so it has the time, space and energy to heal, okay? If you cut your finger, okay, If you, when it swells up and becomes painful, if you don't touch it, okay, then you'll have no pain. As soon as you start trying to do the dishes and you put it in hot water, then you go. He's telling you, stop using it. I'm trying to heal this. Let it be. I'll just put it aside for a while. Don't use it. Okay.

How I turned of cancer pain in my jaw

I had 35 stitches, I had no teeth here.  Because my, all the teeth fell out, right? But I can't chew on this side of my jaw, right? Cause I've got no teeth. Okay, so I said to myself, oh, okay, I don't have any teeth here, so I'm not gonna use it.  So I said to my subconscious mind, right, okay, subconscious mind, I understand that the purpose of pain is to give my body the time, space and energy to heal. I'm not gonna use, I don't have any teeth, I'm not gonna use this side of my jaw, switch off the pain. and bang gone. Pain gone.

Myrna: Oh, wow. That's amazing. Okay. Then what happens?

Danny: So then I slept for 20 hours for three weeks with no pain. But what happened is each time I got up and started eating, sometimes food could accidentally go around to this side of my mouth. Right. And then as soon as the food goes around this side, I'm like, ooh, that was a mistake. So then I said, okay, sorry, subconscious mind, that was actually an error. I'm not reneging on the deal, right, okay? I promise you, I'm not going to use this side of my mouth, because I've got no teeth, right? I'm not gonna use this side of my mouth. Please switch off the pain, bang, gone, pain gone, okay? So then I went through a five hour reconstructive surgery on my jaw.

Book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis
Book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis

Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis

Myrna: All right. I think you told me that you can help my friend who has stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, So what do you offer? What is it that you offer? Do you offer a service? Your book talks about palliative care alternative medicine. Do you offer that?

Danny: So my book It's called Terminal Cancers is a Misdiagnosis. This is an introduction to the medical discoveries.  This is the first of a 500 plus book series. I've written five of these. The problem with these medical discoveries  it's taken me 10 years of applied mind in order to be able to understand these medical discoveries. And the vast majority of people are not going to do that.

So what I'm in the process of doing is writing one book on every disease so that when you have one specific problem, I have a breast cancer problem, or I have a ulcerative colitis, or an IBS problem, or I have a psoriasis and an eczema problem, that I'm writing one book on each disease so that you can read that book, and understand the cause of that problem, and then how to resolve that problem in your life.

Okay, so what I'm what I'm doing, what I'm doing is essentially making these medical discoveries accessible, so that anybody with no knowledge or no understanding of a subject can read, understand and absorb to understand the problem. When you understand the cause of a problem, you have a chance of being able to solve it and, trun off cancer pain.  Okay, If you cannot solve it on your own, and on my website, which is my name, www.danny-carroll.com,

I have resources of consultants who like me, been learning these modalities for many years, who you can reach out to, who will guide you on how to identify and resolve those issues in your life.


Okay, so this is the book. It's available on Amazon in audio format, in Kindle format, in paperback and in hardback, and it's available globally. This is essentially an introduction to this body of knowledge.  It's autobiographical. It's the journey I've been on over the last 17, 18 years of both studying many modalities, healing myself and healing others. So this is targeted, it's called Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis.

I've targeted this specifically at, terminally ill cancer patients, very simply because in my experience, they're the only people that have the ears to hear this message.  So the only the only people traditionally who come to me is when doctors send them home to die. So this is targeted at terminal patients for that reason. However, all of the content in there applies to cancer at any stage, regardless.

It's just most people before the terminal cancer will never pick it up. So that's why it's targeted at terminal cancer patients. It's the first book in a 500 book series. I'm building a new media brand called the Healing Tribune. The tagline is the cause of disease made simple that is available on my website danny-carroll.com all of the 500 books will be available to read for free on my website.

I'm on all, all of my social media @thehealingtribune. So @thehealingtribune on YouTube, on Pinterest, and Facebook.

Additional Resources





Learn How to Get Back to Basics With These 7 Core Values

In order to transform your life, you must first transform your, mindset, by getting, back to basics. The principle here is that there's a, mindset connection, that we need to make for these seven elements to become our, core values.

The reason that people are not activating the, basics,  in their life is because there isn't a personal, connection. The, mindset, happens before any strategy or tactic can form our, core values.

My guest today is  T.J Loeffler is a transformational coach and author.

Listen to the full interview here: 


T.J realized the right path is actually a change in, mindset, so he wrote the book “Back To Basics: How To Get More Out Of Your Life by Doing Less Than You Think” T.J’s seminar called “Welcome to Yourself” was inspiration from God about establishing our, core values.


Our identity “who am I” as the first step in “Welcome to Yourself. Our identity does shape our decisions which then shapes our legacy,  our day-to-day priorities and our, core values.


Your past equals your present, if you keep stumbling and hitting your foot on the same thing, until you clarify it and see it, you're going to continue doing that.

Transform your Mind Podcast Index
Transform your Mind Podcast Index

How do we go from “Welcome To Yourself” to “back to basics”?

T.J – Success is really about progress not perfection. Getting, back to basics, started because I was burned out. I was exhausted, and I needed to heal. I realized that until I went through the process of actually healing, changing and growing myself, there would be no way I’d be able help somebody else. I needed to reflect on my, core values.

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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

That's how, back to basics, came about, it’s like put on your mask first.  You've got to heal yourself. You've got to be able to become whole again by focusing on your, core values.

The seven Core Value System

I teach about the seven, core values, elements or the, core pillar, system.

These are the key elements in the, back-to-basics,  model.


  • Diet
  • Sleep
  • Movement
  • Active rest
  • Reflection
  • Connection
  • Fun

How do we define FUN

Fun, is an interesting one, somebody who's reading this might say okay that sounds kind of cheesy; but let me tell you exactly what I mean. People who grew up in homes where there was extreme anxiety or anxiousness, guess what goes first, fun.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

So, people who don't know how to return to joy in their life, might have grown up in an environment that was not necessarily healthy, and they learned how to cope with that by doing things that are no longer working for them, like over working.  So when you use that, fun, tool of, back to basics, it puts the, fun, back into your life.

Connection and Back to Basics

The principle here is that there's a, mindset connection, that we need to make to these seven elements our, core values.

The reason that people are not activating the, basics,  and, core values, in their life is because there isn't a personal, connection. The, mindset, happens before any strategy or tactic.

So, when you're asking how do people get, back to basics?  The first thing you need to do is to recognize the need to prioritize your, core values.

I would prioritize my day, when I didn't know what I was doing.  I was trying to figure out how do you grow a business; how to get more clients? I prioritized learning how to eat right, and eat on time and have enough energy in my own life.

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Transform Your Mind Pocket Casts

A Healthy Diet is a Core Value

Diet – If you don't eat right, you have no energy.

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, you're probably looking for the bottom line: How much do you need, and what foods have them? The list below will help you out. It covers all the vitamins and minerals you should get, preferably from food. Calcium Foods that have it: Milk, fortified nondairy alternatives like soy milk, yogurt, hard cheeses, fortified cereals, unfortified almond milk, kaleHow much you need:

  • Adults ages 19-50: 1,000 milligrams per day
  • Women age 51 and older: 1,200 milligrams per day
  • Men age 51 – 70: 1,000 milligrams per day
  • Men 71 and older: 1,200 milligrams per day

What it does: Needed for bone growth and strength, blood clotting, muscle contraction, and more

Don't get more than this a day: 2,500 milligrams per day for adults age 50 and younger, 2,000 mg per day for those 51 and older


Foods that have it: Milk, liver, eggs, peanuts

How much you need:

  • Men: 550 milligrams per day
  • Women: 425 milligrams per day
  • Pregnant women: 450 milligrams per day
  • Breastfeeding women: 550 milligrams per day
What it does: Helps make cells Don't get more than this much: 3,500 milligrams per day

Sleep is important to reduce Stress and is a core value

Sleep – If you don't, sleep, then you can't function. Movement and exercise that's obviously very important to, fun.


Highly successful people can have all the money in the bank and  still can't have, fun.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Addict
Transform Your Mind Podcast Addict

What’s the difference between active rest and sleep?

When you're actually sleeping, there's a fluid that washes over our brain and actually, helps us detoxify or take out some of the toxic thoughts that are built up as proteins in our brain.  So, if we're chronically under-slept, we're allowing this protein not to do its job.

I don't know if this is a scientific parallel equivalent, but you could think about this protein as kind of plaque buildup in your brain. If we are not sleeping well enough, if we're not sleeping long enough, we're not getting the cleansing that needs to happen in our brain, so we end up with what negative thinking.

If we continue over to, active rest, a lot of people that we're working with are hyperactive. Hyperactive is the opposite of hypoactive, so when you think about hypoactive that's more like reclusive or lazy.

People who are wired to be hyperactive or have taught themselves that this is how I get through hard situations that's not a bad thing, however your body is not meant to be in a state of fight flight or freeze.  So unless we can move from sympathetic tone towards parasympathetic tone or from fight flight to rest and digest state, our body is not going to be able to process things the right way.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Fight Flight or Freeze prevents digestion

For example, your nutrients from your food. You can eat all the kale and salmon you want, but if your body is in, fight flight, or freeze state you're not going to be digesting that food properly.

So, active rest, helps you down regulate, it helps you go from that state of, fight flight or freeze, where you might be anxious or you might be shallow mouth breathing to a state where you're more rested while awake.

Body meditation is now a trend, because people are over stimulated and they need a way to effectively down regulate. Here's the key it's like you're hijacking your body your mind and your body have a, connection, that you need to make and many people have lost that, connection.

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Active Rest is not Meditation

Active rest, helps you kind of re-establish that as does movement and other things.

The, mind-body connection, is what yoga does.

We're coming through a, pandemic, it's going on now for over a year.  Many people might be feeling the consequences of that. You can feel isolated and alone in a city of 8 million people.

The key for, connection, is not quantity it is quality. The problem is people try and find, connection, through others before finding, connection,  with God.  It's not that you can't have, connection, with God through others, but it's that there's an intimate personal encounter that God wants to have with us.

Connection to God should be a core value

We host the presence of God, you're connected to him wherever you go, but there's really a development and cultivation that needs to happen to learn how to host the presence of God.


A lot of people do not understand the authority they have over the atmosphere in their home for example. They do not understand the awareness, or they don't have the awareness to understand the environments that they're entering into every single day.


I think research has shown that we do need people, it's nice to have a relationship with God, but we actually do need people.


What is your research on loneliness?


Even though you might be spiritually connected to God, you still need people.


Tell our listeners how they can connect with you. You said that your book is delayed, but tell us about your first book and your website, coaching and your podcast.


If anybody listening or reading, first I hope first and foremost you receive what was shared today from Myrna and me as seeds. That's my encouragement to you that when you receive seeds, you can let those seeds grow to trees and over time you know that is really something that you look at in your life. Let those seeds become your, core values.


If you want more seeds, you can go to my site is tjloeffler.com and there you'll find not only the podcast, but you'll also find access to everything else that Myrna mentioned, and the podcast is just a great way to start. The podcast is a great way to continue working on your mindset. My podcast is called Mindset with T.J Loefler.


You can listen to the podcast or you can purchase the book from my website corepillars.com. It's called “Back to basics how to get more out of life by doing less than you think” teaching you the, core pillar, system.


I also want to invite you guys to join my Facebook group Lifecoach. If you have not done so already please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and leave a review.


My team and I were referencing this scripture and I would like to leave this with you. I believe this will be encouraging to somebody who's reading this blog.


1 Timothy 6:6, NIV: “But godliness with contentment is great gain.” … 1 Timothy 6:6, NLT: “Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.”


When we find contentment with what we have and no need for more, we know that we can truly rest in God's presence, however I would also say if you're reading this and you do have a desire for more, that's a healthy desire.


So, godliness with contentment is great, but you don't have to be satisfied, there's more out there so keep going.

Additional Resources

Ask Coach Myrna: How to Start Over?

How to Create Positive Core Beliefs