Tag Archives: purpose

ARETÉ: Mastering The Game Of Life with Strategic Excellence

Understanding the concept of ARETÉ — the Greek word for virtue and the pursuit of excellence in fulfilling one's purpose. In the hustle of everyday life, it's easy to become disconnected from our deepest aspirations and potentials. Brian Johnson, the founder and CEO of Heroic and author of ARETÉ, recently sat down with life coach Myrna Young to discuss tapping into our inner hero, overcoming fears, and living a more purposeful life. Drawing from a wealth of philosophical studies and personal experience, Johnson shares actionable steps toward self-improvement that promise to ignite our heroic fires.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Pursuit of Excellence: Understanding the concept of ARETÉ — the Greek word for virtue and the pursuit of excellence in fulfilling one's purpose.
  • Overcoming Fear with Courage: The role of bravery in confronting life's challenges and the necessity of courage for personal growth.
  • Daily Masterpieces: The importance of tackling self-improvement and excellence daily to create a cumulative impact on our broader life goals.

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Areté Activate Your Heroic Potential
Areté Activate Your Heroic Potential

Understanding ARETÉ: The Ultimate Game of Life

The ancient Greek concept of ARETÉ is a rich and potent term referring to the pursuit of excellence aligned with our purpose. Johnson has embodied this term, making it the north star of his life's work. He discusses with Myrna the notion that the pursuit of excellence must begin with the recognition that ARETÉ is attainable and deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and affirmed by modern science.

“It's the essence of my life's work,” Brian states, as he explains the fundamental importance of reducing the gap between our potential and our actions. When we operate below our capabilities, feelings of regret and dissatisfaction creep in. In contrast, living with ARETÉ fills the void with fulfillment and passion.

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Johnson advises individuals to take some time away from distractions like Netflix and social media to reflect on who they aspire to be. He suggests visualizing our future selves and identifying moments in the past when we felt truly alive and fulfilled. Connecting these two points provides a clearer picture of what we can become.

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The Role of Courage: Embracing Fear as Fuel

One of the supervening messages from Johnson's discussion is the critical role of courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the will to act despite it. Johnson reinforces this through a personal anecdote about his son's reluctance to participate in a chess tournament due to fear of defeat.

“The win there was going,” Johnson notes, marking the importance of the act of trying over the outcome. This illustrates the significance of instilling bravery as a value—not just in ourselves but in our successors.

The act of overcoming our inner doubter, that voice in our heads that beseeches us to play it safe, is essential for growth. Breaking through the fear barrier is a cornerstone of ARETÉ that Johnson passionately upholds: stepping into our challenges is how we kindle our inner hero.

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Making Today a Masterpiece: The Cumulative Effect of Daily Excellence

One of the objectives Johnson outlines in ARETÉ is the principle of making today a masterpiece. The idea is to focus on being our best selves in present moments, which sequentially contribute to a more significant, fulfilling future.

“Make today a masterpiece. Not someday, today,” Brian advises. He emphasizes this by advocating for an incremental improvement approach—stretching ourselves by just a minuscule percentage, repeatedly, can lead to accomplishing seemingly impossible goals.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

This philosophy aligns with Johnson's comment about teaching his son to focus on continuous learning and improvement, rather than solely on winning. By prioritizing our growth and learning from every experience, we tread a path toward mastery in our personal and professional lives.

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ARETÉ: Harnessing the Power of Your Inner Hero

In retrospect, Brian Johnson’s conversation with Myrna Young is a vivid tapestry intertwining the ancient concept of ARETÉ with practical life lessons and philosophies. Readers are left with an empowering message of harnessing inner potential, facing fears with unyielding courage, and building a life of greatness through the accumulation of daily acts of excellence.

Johnson’s tale of his son’s chess tournaments serves as a microcosm of a broader narrative — that our greatest learnings and developments stem from our willingness to confront that which intimidates us. The acknowledgment that personal growth is a result of a steady, intentional, and courageous commitment to betterment is a takeaway that holds profound implications for anyone seeking meaning and vibrancy in their life.

By embodying the principles of ARETÉ such as wisdom, discipline, love, and courage, bolstered by gratitude, hope, curiosity, and zest, we don't just approach life — we sculpt it, day by day, into a masterpiece. Brian Johnson’s insights serve as a reminder that the heroic resides not in the extraordinary but within the reach of our daily choices and courage to stretch just a little further into our greatness.

Additional Resources

Unveiling the Future of Longevity: Gene Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Adeel Khan, an expert in, regenerative medicine, and, gene therapy, joins host Myrna Young to discuss the power of, gene therapy, in revitalizing life and improving health. Dr. Khan explains how lifestyle behaviors impact chronic diseases and emphasizes the importance of sleep, exercise, stress management, nutrition, and purpose in maintaining overall well-being. He also shares insights into his work with world-class athletes and celebrities, as well as the revolutionary potential of, gene therapy, and, stem cells, in promoting longevity and natural healing abilities. Don't miss this enlightening conversation on transforming your health and life.

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Introduction to Gene Therapy

The quest for longevity and the power to reverse aging has always captured human imagination. Today, as we stand on the cusp of medical revolutions, groundbreaking therapies are transforming that quest into a tangible reality. Dr. Adeel Khan, an esteemed figure in the field of, regenerative medicine, delves into this fascinating world in a vivid conversation. From the transformative potential of, gene therapy, to the roots of chronic diseases, Dr. Khan’s insights offer a glimpse into a future where aging could be drastically delayed and health span extended.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Revolutionary Gene Therapy: The introduction of proprietary, gene therapy, using minicircles, offering a new avenue for rejuvenation that lasts up to two years with a single injection.
  • Roots of Chronic Diseases: A deeper understanding of how lifestyle behaviors like diet, exercise, and stress management can control the majority of chronic diseases.
  • Purpose and Longevity: The significant role of having a sense of purpose in improving health outcomes and enhancing longevity.
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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Regenerative Medicine and the Power of Gene Therapy

Regenerative medicine, is redefining the frontiers of healing and rejuvenation. Dr. Khan outlines, what is gene therapy,  stating, “gene therapy, is pretty simple to understand. It’s just basically introducing a foreign DNA into your body.” The innovation here is the use of minicircles, a non-viral vector, which allows, gene therapy, to introduce peptides and proteins to the body safely, with far-reaching effects for longevity. Dr. Khan's explanation underscores the promise this therapy holds: “This peptide delivery mechanism is one injection, and it lasts for one and a half to two years.” The safety is further guaranteed by a “kill switch” – an antibiotic called tetracycline that can reverse, gene therapy, if needed.

These therapies are rethinking treatment options for elite athletes too. Dr. Khan discusses treating NFL players with interventional procedures using exosomes and stem cells. By aiding top athletes to avoid surgery and perform at peak level, this sophisticated approach underscores the potential of regenerative treatments.

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Tackling Chronic Disease with Gene Therapy

Leaning into the role of lifestyle choices in the prevalence of chronic diseases, Dr. Khan illuminates that “the majority of chronic diseases are related to lifestyle behaviors.” He stresses that traditional medical systems often focus on treating diseases instead of delving into preventive measures grounded in everyday habits. He notes, “those are all the big ones, and they all relate… they really relate to how you conduct yourself on a daily basis.”

Dr. Khan also points out the quality of life complications if those fundamentals are compromised, “You can't do a lot of the lifestyle stuff if you're in chronic pain or if you're tired, or if your hormones are imbalanced, or if you're stressed all the time.” Thus, while sleep, nutrition, and exercise are pivotal, the complexities of individual circumstances mean that a one-size-fits-all prescription for healthful habits may fall short without personalized coaching and empathetic understanding.

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The Underrated Health Pillar: Purpose

An intriguing aspect of Dr. Khan's philosophy is his emphasis on the importance of purpose in health. The conversation moved into the realm of psychological and emotional well-being when he remarked, “What's your greater purpose? What's your mission? And figuring out, identifying those is going to give you not only resolve in difficult circumstances, but it's actually better for your health.” This, Dr. Khan suggests, has concrete health benefits – people with a strong sense of purpose can adapt better to stress, have more resilience, and may thereby enjoy better physical health and longevity. Much as a tree with deeply rooted purpose can withstand storms, so too does a person thrive when grounded in their mission.

Transforming Longevity: A Recap of Dr. Khan's Insights

Dr. Adeel Khan’s conversation reignited hope for a future where the control over one’s health span is within reach. The dialogue moved seamlessly from the nitty-gritty of, gene therapy, to foundational health habits, and further into the philosophical domain of finding a purpose — painting a holistic picture of health. His words carry an implicit invitation to reimagine the avenues of aging and to recognize how intertwined our mental states, lifestyle choices, and innovative medical treatments are when it comes to cultivating a long, vibrant life.

Fascination with scientific advancement, woven with the practicality of lifestyle medicine and the depth of human existential needs, forms a rich tapestry where the aspirations of living a fuller life are not just a distant dream, but a foreseeable reality. The knowledge shared by Dr. Khan is not just enlightening; it’s poised to serve as a cornerstone for medicine's future, where aging is not feared but gracefully managed, and a healthy, purpose-driven life is the benchmark of success.

Check out Dr Khan on the web at https://eterna.health/

On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dr.akhan/

Additional Resources

The Hidden Dangers of Hypocrisy: Insights from the Fig Tree

In this post, we're exploring the dangers of hypocrisy. We're looking at the story of the, fig tree, in the Bible, and how Jesus curses the tree for pretending to have fruit. This blog post is a look at the dangers of hypocrisy, and how it can lead to problems in our lives. By exploring the story of the, fig tree, we can learn about the dangers of hypocrisy and pretending to have what we don't have. We can also learn about the dangers of hypocrisy, and the importance of living our lives in truth.

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Jesus curses the fig tree

I want to expand our Consciousness on being hypocritical showing something that we are not. I want to use is my foundational scripture, Jesus curses the fig tree, for not producing fruit and this can be found in

Matthew 21st chapter verses 18 to 19.

So Jesus was returning to Jerusalem and he was hungry.  He noticed the, Fig Tree, beside the road he went to see if there were any figs, but there were only leaves, then he said to the, Fig Tree, may you never bear fruit again and immediately the, Fig Tree, withered up.

I speak a lot about purpose on this podcast and the purpose of the, Fig Tree, was to produce fruit, so when a lot of people talk about this scripture and this passage they're saying that, Jesus cursed the, Fig Tree, because it didn't have any fruit.  But today I want to look at a at a different version of this scripture and see the real meaning behind, why Jesus cursed the, fig tree.

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We are spiritual beings here for a purpose

So first let's look at the purpose part of why we are here.  Your soul chose your body because it wanted to have a certain experience on Earth. We Are Spiritual Beings having a human experience, that means to say it another way the universe wanted to experience itself through our personal, central nervous system.  We are all here to do something special which is why we're all unique and which is why we all have a purpose and we're all here to do something as unique as or fingerprints.

Unfortunately, unlike the, Fig Tree, we don't know what our purpose is. The Fig tree knew its purpose was to produce figs, that is why it is called a fig tree; but the name Myrna or Leon or Mark or John does not tell us what we are supposed to do.  In fact I heard that Jesus was one of the only people that came on at this Earth, came into his body knowing his purpose.  Knowing what he was here to do, but most of us don't, unless we have this direct connection to God where he speaks through our dreams or we're able to hear his voice.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

The Fig tree was pretending to have fruit

In this post, I want to concentrate on the, Fig Tree, not producing fruit and why Jesus cursed it saying may you never bear fruit again. Does  this curse translate the people not bearing fruit and not following their purpose?  We will never know.  Does God curse you if you are not following your purpose, if he says why are you not doing what I sent you here to do?

What Jesus was actually doing when he cursed the, Fig Tree, it was not because the, Fig Tree, had no fruit.  Jesus cursed the Fig Tree, because it was pretending to have fruit by having lots of leaves.  If you were to go and look into, Fig Trees, you will see that when they have leaves or when they're showing leaves it means that there's also fruit. If there's no leaves then we know that there's no fruit, but if you were going to be stomping around like a peacock showing off your feathers, showing off your leaves and then when someone goes to eat you got nothing to offer.

That is why, Jesus cursed the, Fig Tree, so it would not continue to deceive people, spreading his leaves as to say I have figs.  Jesus is telling us that we must bear fruit or we will be condemned to hell.  He cursed the, Fig Tree, as an object lesson to all of us not to be hypocritical,  pretending to be something that you are not.

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Do not be hypocritical by pretending to something you are not

A lot of people show a pretty picture, this is the world we're living in right now. Everybody's got fake stuff, they're showing a pretty picture, but they're dead inside.  It is like dressing up a corpse. Jesus cursed the fig tree, for being all dressed up with leaves, yet had no fruit.  In a word, it had nothing to offer.

I decided to teach on this today because I was reading my Bible like I do every morning and I'm reading this scripture and it just jumped out to me that I should stop and research what is actually happening here, because every time that I've heard the scripture preached in church we are all talking about you don't do your purpose that's why you're cursed right; but nobody ever taught me that it is about pretenders.

I didn't even notice that it was because the, Fig tree, was showing leaves and that's the reason Jesus walked over to it. He saw the leaves and he figured that there's fruit and when the, fig tree, had no fruit that's when he cursed it.  It's not because it was not producing figs.  I'm glad that I stopped and took a pause and put a pin, because God wanted me to share with you that pretending doesn't get you anywhere.

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curiocaster podcast

Do not be a fake by pretending

If you got no fruit, you got no fruit you don't need to pretend, it's better to be real than a pretender.

My grandma would always say do not judge a book by its cover

We live in a society where people are spending a lot of time showing off their leaves, the package on the outside looks good, but when you take a closer look there's no substance, there's no fruit. So they can't feed you whatever it is that you're looking for.  It might not be necessary food, Jesus was hungry, he was looking for real food, but we are hungry for a lot of things.

  • We're  hungry for attention
  • we're hungry for affection
  • we're hungry for real relationships and not, fake love,
  • we're hungry for a lot of things

So ladies look out for those well-addressed Playboys who are showing you the side of him that he wants you to see.  Look at his fruit, what's beneath the show, ask him what does he have to offer you to eat.  Chances are he has nothing, it's just leaves.  It's just clothes, it is just the outer appearance and he cannot emotionally connect, he cannot be faithful, he cannot be your one and only.

Do not be hypocritical like the fig tree

I wanted to tell you look out for, hypocritical people, the Bible always says be aware of wolves in sheep clothing.  You yourselves should not be hypocritical, make sure that what you show is who you are. Do not put on this whole facade, do not put on this whole package.  When people peel off the outer layer, you should be as real as what you're pretending to be.

Thanks for tuning in to this week's podcast episode of five minute Fridays with Coach Myrna.  I hope you're inspired today if you're listening to this on  iTunes we'd love for you to subscribe rate and review.  If you're watching  on YouTube we'd love for you to subscribe and until next time namaste

Additional Resources

How to Nurture Your Seeds into a Tree

Life-Changing Advice from a Navy Seal: Uncover His Secret to Beating Life’s Ambush!

Jason Redman, retired Navy SEAL shares life changing advice to beating life's ambush.  Jason was ambushed in battle and shot 8 times including on round to the face. Jason believes he survived this ambush by tapping into his, overcome mindset. In this episode Jason teaches the difference between:

  • a micro life ambush
  • a mini life ambush
  • a major life ambush
  • How to spot the warning signs of a life ambush
  • How to move forward after a major life ambush
  • What is situational awareness
  • How to become your own point man

Download the podcast here:



Retired Navy SEAL Lieutenant Jason Redman electrifies audiences around the world with his high-energy presentations on leadership, failure, redemption, catastrophic injury, and his breathtaking journey to “overcome all” in the aftermath of wartime enemy ambush and in the face of what he calls life ambushes during the years that followed.

During his 21-year Navy career, Jason spent 11 years as an enlisted SEAL and 10 years as a SEAL officer leading teams in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today he puts his vast experience and expertise to work as a speaker, coach, author, and trainer, helping individuals, teams and organizations of all types and sizes to define and implement lasting change, even in the wake or face of failure, crisis and adversity.

He’s lived through it all at the highest level in his Navy SEAL career: From failures as a young leader that resulted in him almost being kicked out of the SEAL teams, to redemption and leading teams in intense combat operations in Iraq, to being shot eight times, including a round to the face, and nearly dying during an enemy ambush, Jason has lived the OVERCOME Mindset he now teaches others. He has done an incredible job of taking these lessons learned and making them relatable to teams, businesses, and organizations around the world.

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Walking into an ambush on the battle field

Myrna: Can you share your story of walking into an ambush as a Navy Seal and the, overcome mindset, you had to survive being shot several times.

Jason: I'm super blessed individual. I just could not survive that ambush that night without some kind of a miracle. We'll talk about the, overcome mindset, and how that translates to other aspects of life later in the interview. It was an intense night, it was a night at the very end of our deployment as, Navy SEALs. One of our jobs is something we call direct action. We go after the mid-level and high level leaders across the battlefield.

That was one of our jobs, when I was in Iraq and we were tracking both outside in and through leadership across with my troops were focused on the weapon western province of Iraq. So, a lot of people are familiar with Iraq, a very dangerous place. We were actually based out of Volusia and tracking leaders.  On September 13, 2007, we went after the number one leader for the outside organization in the Anbar Province, the western province of Iraq. A pretty dangerous guy.

We've been tracking all deployment.  He had been responsible for and ran multiple sniper cells, IV shells, attack cells. He had shot down a Marine Corps helicopter in the fall of 2006. Killing the whole crew on board and they lost five individual and run out of the building across the street.

So, on this night we got orders that he was at this place. We got there and even though there was no one there we noticed some suspicious activity in the building a few yards away. My team leader said hey, I want you to take your team, you know, walk these individuals down let's find out who they are in question. And make a long story short, our enemy leader had been in the first house that we were in right now.

He had moved to the house that was about 150 yards away that we were now moving on and his security detail and shut off a very, very well staged enemy ambush we estimate about 15 shooters with two large machine guns and my team and I walked right into this ambush.

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My overcome mindset helped me survive

My medic, a fellow Navy seal, took a round of bullets right below the knee which almost took his leg off. One of our other guys ran forward to grab him and tried to move him back behind us. There was kind of a bar, there was one tree and a large like John Deere tractor tire and they pull and drag our medic and himself back.

He himself was shot three times while doing this. I was out front and I was trying to shoot and lay down fire. It was at this point I had both machine guns turned on me and I was hit eight times between my body armor and my body I took two rounds in the left elbow which in the moment I thought it shot my arm off.

I took rounds off my weapon and my right-side plates. I turned around to see what was happening with my team and that's when I caught around in the face. That hit me right in front of the ear. Travel through my face took off my nose, blew out my right cheekbones, vaporized my oval floor, broke all the bones in my face and knocked me out. I was pinned down in front of my guys. They continue to fight the enemy. There's this very intense gunfight occurring with me pinned down on the ground and had literally bullets traveling around me.

I came to probably we don't know the timeline. We know the entire gunfight lasted about 40 minutes. So, when I woke up after about 10 mins, I realized that was in a really bad situation. I called out to my team leader and he realized Holy smokes, you know, Red still alive, and they started to extract me. I owe my life to my teammates. I owe my life to an Air Force aircraft called an AC 130 gunship that brought in the closest fire mission.  Meaning they brought rounds in from the aircraft to the ground at military speeds. My team leader did an amazing job coordinating this in between fire and ran forward and got me and hold me back to where they were about a tourniquet on my mangled arms really saved my life.

But the whole time this was happening. There were several things and we'll come full circle now to a little bit of the, overcome mindset. I knew I had lost a lot of blood. I'd lost a lot of blood between my arm and my face and my injuries. And we go through a lot of, trauma medicine, and special operations training. We're probably trained up to the level of a patient, emergency medical technician that would ride around an ambulance. I knew all the signs. I knew that I was going to what we call, hypovolemic shock, from blood loss. I was struggling to breathe.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

In our last moments we think only of our loved ones

And in final moments, I was still pinned down and I started to think that I may die here, I was dying. I was I was literally bleeding out and dying. And there were several things that went through my mind when I was lying there dying but not once did I think about stuff. You know in this life we're all focused on stuff and trust me I like stuff. You know, I love my house. I love you know some of the nice things we have. But I also recognize every day that all that stuff can be gone in an instant. The people you love are all you're going to care about in the final moments in your life, because that's all I thought about.

I thought about my wife and kids and how I would do anything to have another moment just to say I love you. And it was at that point that I also I called out to God. I really need help. I need strength. And that enabled me to have some strength which I can't explain. But I will tell you this, this thought popped into my head in that moment and the thought was this. Stay awake to stay alive.

And if you've ever been severely injured, or something bad has happened you reach a point where physiologically your body wants to shut down and you will become extremely fatigued. And that's what happened. I wanted to go to sleep. I wanted to just let go and go to sleep, but I know I had to stay awake to stay alive and I knew that if I made it to the military hospital, I would live.

The military emergency room. I knew the statistics, from operating overseas that if our if we got our soldiers or wounded warriors to the hospital and they still had a pulse, they had a 90% chance of making it home alive. So that was my focus. You know, stay awake, stay alive, stay awake, stay alive and this stuff there's so many nuances and stories but the bottom line is that's exactly what happened. My teammates managed to get me on the medivac helicopter metabolic and I survived.  My team leader helped me off and I walked 75 yards and got on the helicopter under my own power.

That is the, overcome mindset, and it is this mindset that says I'm not going to give in, I'm going to push until I succeed. I survived this vicious enemy ambush, but everybody gets ambushed in the life. It may not be the bullets and bombs in battle, but it is the bullets and bombs of life. And when you're on the X and the X is what we talked about, point of attack, point in crisis, the point of the incident. We all feel as overwhelmed as if you are on a battle field with bullets flying all around you. You think you're going to die because your marriage ended or your child died. And it is in those moments where we have the ability to drive forward and push ourselves a little further and get off that X, point of attack.

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Major life Ambushes

Myrna: Wow, what a story. I had to fight back tears when you talked about lying on the ground thinking you were dying and wanting one more moment with your wife and kids. Thank you for your service to the United States of America, Jason. I heard you talk about, life ambushes, and the fact that we all have about 5 and I immediately started counting mine!  So, I want to talk about why you think first of all that we get five ambushes in life.

Jason: So the five ambushes came about from interviewing people and just kind of an informal poll.  In order to understand what is a, life ambush, we have to break them down.

There are 3 types of, life ambushes.

There are,

  • micro ambushes,
  • mini ambushes,
  • major life ambushes.

I talked about the average of five those are the, major life ambushes, and the majors are devastated. They will forever leave scars forever.  I'll come back and we'll come back full circle for the, major life ambushes.

The interesting thing, about the X, the point of attack, the point of an incident, the point of the crisis, it's the point of any adversity, everybody in life, finds himself on the X at some point in life. Everyone walks on this X at some point. In battle, we were taught you have to get off the X, point of attack  as quickly as possible because the longer you sit on the X, the harder it is to move forward.

And this is true in any aspect of your life.  If it's a, mental ambush, and you're stuck on the action in your mind, and we all get stuck there and these are these, micro ambushes, they come every day. It's that little voice in your head that says you're not good enough. You're not strong enough. You're the wrong race, creed, color, gender, demographic, etc.

So those are my core ambushes and they come all the time. The formula is the same for all of these, you have to get off the X as quickly as possible. So, my motto I overcome and drive forward and get off that X.

The second level of Ambush is what I call a, mini ambush. And these are I find this fascinating because I meet people all the time who will they'll use the phrase, oh, I had a bad day. And I'm fascinated with this because I'll always say what's the tell me about your bad day and 90% of the time when people use it. They did not really have a bad day. So, I've tried to erase this phrase from my vocabulary. I actually have an entire line of clothing called “No Bad days”

Myrna: What are the, major life ambushes?

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What are major life ambushes

Jason: Sometimes many ambushes, we did it for ourselves. And now we have to navigate through the journey of figuring out how to drive forward.

  • It could be life threatening ailments or injury to you or someone you loved.
  • Sexual trauma to you or someone you love.
  • Maybe the loss of a loved one including the highest one, the loss of a child.

Most people we polled have about five of these, major life ambushes, in their lifetime. I've seen people with more. I know people that have had 10. I myself, I'm getting ready to turn 48, I've had four, major life ambushes. I'd love to get through life with no more.

Myrna: When I heard you speaking, I started counting my, major life ambushes.

Jason: But the here is the fact, the, major life ambushes, are devastating. And I tell people they will they will be permanent scars. They will leave permanent physical, mental, or emotional or the financial scars. And when we look back on those, major life ambushes, they will always hurt. The, minor life ambushes, and the, micro life ambushes, they're in your head, they are schedule disruptions, a couple years later, you'll barely remember them.

But here's the amazing thing about, major life ambushes. I talked about this in the TED Talk.  The, major life ambushes, frequently are the end of something that occurred in your life. It may be the end of a relationship, it may be the end of the job, or maybe the end of your health, your innocence.  Whatever it is, oftentimes what the amazing thing is and once you develop the, overcome mindset, you’re going to figure out how to drive forward and when we figured out how to drive forward no matter how painful it is, the ones that I've been through, so often it becomes a new beginning.

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Every major life ambush builds an overcome mindset

And when you get to the other side of that journey when you climb through the pain and the misery and storms and the darkness, I can tell you probably 95% of the people, get to the other side saying you know it really was hard. I do not ever want to go to the gym, but it's one of the best things that ever happened to me because I grew and got better and, major life ambushes, build us up. Every, major life ambush, no matter how painful they are, they help build an, overcome mindset. You cannot just flip a switch and suddenly have an, overcome mindset.

So when these bad things happen. I don't want to tell you to celebrate that they happen. I know that that's probably a stretch, but instead just lean into it and say okay, I know I have to get to the other side. I have to overcome. I have to get off the edge. Somewhere out there, the sun still shines and I will find that sunlight once again and when I do it's going to be a new path.

I try to explain to people with, major life ambushes, a lot of times people waste a lot of time focused on I want back what I lost. I want to repair this relationship. I want my job back; I want my business back. I lost all this money and I want it back. I want the lifestyle I had before I was severely injured like me, I want my health back. And the reality is it’s gone and never coming back. We have to focus on is how do I get to my new 100% I may not be able to fix what's broken, I embrace the open door. But you know, so many people are focused on the past. We have to focus on the future now. And how do we shape our future? And when we do that, that becomes our new path that becomes our new 100%.

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Major life ambushes always leaves clues

Myrna: that is that is so true. We are always focused on the closed door and not the open door in front of us. So, you said that, major life ambushes, leave clues.  I can understand that a divorce leaves clues. You mentioned that when you walked in to the ambush on the battlefield, you noticed certain signs but you ignored them.  So how does that missing the clues in an ambush in the battlefield and missing the clues of a, major life ambush, in real life? Give us the correlation.

Jason: I have an online course that I teach called The Point Man For Life course. And point men are navigators and leaders in the military. They're very talented individuals, they get us where we need to go. You have to be, the point man, and it's for your own life. You have to be the one that sets your course that understands where you're going.  So, these indicators are the things that many of us through normal human activity. Either choose to ignore, or, procrastinate, we do all kinds of things. I mean, I break these things down.

You know, sometimes it's a blatant sign and I use a stop sign in my course. Like we just ignore it no different than somebody who is not paying attention. And they drive through an intersection and miss that stop sign. And they get hit by a car. Well, you know, afterwards, they're like, yeah, you missed this stop sign. That's, that's a really bleak one. But it happens all the time. It happens in businesses, it happens in relationships. If your spouse is constantly saying, hey, we've lost our intimacy or we're not talking as much anymore if we continue to ignore or just flat out, not pay attention to that, you are going to end up divorced. And then you say, I did not see it coming.

Myrna: Yeah, that's one of the ones I figured out because there's signs that the relationship is ending.

Signs of an ambush

Jason: Sometimes they're more subtle. Sometimes they can be helped. I know a lot of people who have health issues and like, oh, this is really been bothering me, but I'm just going to ignore it. And I'm amazed by how many people will do this because they're afraid of what could happen. And I tell people, you cannot procrastinate, deny or ignore. Those are dangerous things to do, because you're setting yourself up for a, life ambush. I give the example of a friend who was overweight who was successful business guy, but he was overweight. He wasn't taking care of himself physically.

The doctor was like, hey, you really need to start taking care of yourself and start working out. You need to watch your nutrition, you're a ticking time bomb for a heart attack. And, you know, he talked to me about working out and I said, yeah, you can do this. You do that and he never really did it. And then like a year later he had a heart attack and he's like, why did this happen? The signs were there, but no, you ignored them. And so many people do this in life.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

How does situational awareness help in an ambush

Myrna: You also teach about, situational awareness. Tell us what that is.

Jason: So, I teach, situational awareness, in this society, that has to do with awareness and reaction time. We live in this world where we're all stuck scrolling our cell phones and I can't tell you how many people I have watched walking around, and they're totally absorbed in that cell phone, which means they're not paying attention to the world around them. I'm highly trained. I try to train other people up to a basic level. One of the things that we do in our, overcoming survive workshop is awareness and get out of that situation before it ever occurs.

So, you see things before they happen, you see the signs of the ambush. You are noticing the indicators before it ever develops into an ambush and you don't allow yourself to get on the X, the point of attack. You don't walk into that situation. So sometimes you can't help it. And that's where awareness and a little bit of training come in. I really encourage everybody out there to have some level of training for self-defense. I know that your target audience is women. I know there are a lot of women who are afraid of firearms. But I really encourage you learn to use a firearm.

We live in a country that whether you agree with it or not. A firearm can be the great equalizer if someone is coming after you and trying to break into your house or trying to rape or take your kids.  There is a level of training that needs to exist with that and I firmly believe we should get that.

Book: Point Man Planner
Book: Point Man Planner

The Point Man Planner

Tell us about your book The Point Man Planner. What you hope people to walk away with after getting this planner?

Jason: The Point Man Planner, came from the things that I've put in my life. They're also things that I saw in the military and some of these things are interchangeable. I just use a military Special Operations term. So, the idea around this, is that there's four-point man principles that everybody should follow.

  1. Relentless belief in mission: This is what makes a successful point man and what makes successful Navy Seals, but also what makes anybody successful. Mission is synonymous with purpose. I know a lot of people who don't really know who they are. The beginning of the point man planner starts with what are your values?
  2. I mean a lot of people who don't truly know their values, they will they will throw out the cliché values that everybody likes to throw out.  Fitness, family, spirituality but they are the individual that's never in the gym. Now they aren't doing much with their family, they're sure not in church. So those aren't really their values. Your values are what drive your decision.
  3. Have a clearly defined destination and course. Your destination is your long-term goals where do you want to go 10 years from now, where do you want to be?

What a Point Man does

Myrna: Can I interject here? That was the most one of the most beautiful things when you said that when you were in a mission, your point man pinpoints the exact location, not somewhere around a city but the exact number on the map.

Jason: Yeah, so we have to be very specific because most people are not just oh, I want to be rich. Okay, well, what does that mean? You know, I want you know, I want a big house. Okay, well, where and what is your look like? So, you must be very specific to establish because if it's not very specific, that we can establish all the steps to get there, and that becomes our course.  The course becomes all the steps required to get to where we're going. And this is constantly changing our lives, change our hopes, tunes, our desires.

  1. Develop the, overcome mindset: We've established our course, we know our mission, we have our purpose. Well, how do we avoid the ambushes or at least try and reduce them and I'm constantly checking, where are we at? Are we on course and, overcome mindset, to get off the gas because guess what? Life ambushes, are coming. I tell people you're either in a, life ambush, you're coming out, or there's one on the horizon.


You can pick up the Point Man Planner on Amazon or you can find everything on my website www.Jasonredman.com . Follow me on social media.  Every Monday I put out a video called Monday monster and it's just positive content on preparing for,  life ambushes.

Get 50% off 50% off the Pointman for Life Online Course: https://getoffx.com/pointman-for-life-course/?_ga=2.226718749.1473437284.1684181340-1169416450.1585072211

Additional Resources 

Life Mastery: 7 Habits to Create Success

Bring Your Friends Along

When God anoints you for a purpose it not only for you sometimes your appointment is so that you can bring your friends along.

Download the podcast here:


Daniel had all he needed to fulfil his purpose

Let me use a couple of stories to illustrate this. I am sure you have heard the Bible story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego.

You see God had a plan for these boys’ lives. They had a purpose like we all do. God chose them to be the wise men in King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace. The king ordered his chief of staff to find young men who were strong, good looking and healthy to train as wise men to serve in the palace. God made sure these boys were chosen then, God made them excel in their learning to stand out from the crowd. So, they got the job.

God then gave these four boys unusual aptitude for understanding every aspect of literature and wisdom and then God give Daniel the special ability to interpret the meanings of visions and dreams. This talent would be necessary to get him into position for his purpose.

Every aspect of your life has been preordained by God. Nothing is left to chance, believe this.

It does not matter the circumstances of your birth. You are meant for greatness and whatever you need to accomplish your mission, God preloads into you.

Think of yourself as a top-of-the-line sports car. Everything you need to perform at your highest level is preloaded and then some!

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

Daniel had the ability to interpret visions and dreams

Anyway, back to Daniel.  King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and he wanted someone not only to interpret the dream, but to tell him the dream! Sometimes people in authority have some unusual requests. As it turned out Daniel was the only person in the entire kingdom who could tell the King his dream and interpret it.

When Daniel told the king his dream and what it meant King Nebuchadnezzar, appointed Daniel to a high position and gave him many valuable gifts. He made Daniel ruler over all his wise men. But at Daniel’s request the King also appointed Shadrach Meshack and Abednego to be in charge of all the affairs of the province of Babylon. Bring your friends along.

A modern-day version of this story is how Lebron James brought his friends along when he got to the NBA. Lebron hired his friend Rich Paul to be his agent with no experience or degrees in sports related fields. Everyone said it was the worst decision ever. But Lebron understood the concept of bring your friends along. Today Lebron is worth $1Billion in contracts and endorsements and his friend Rich Paul is now the #1 agent in the NBA.  He is now expanding to Major league baseball and the NFL.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Daniel brought his friends along

This is why I want to focus on this topic today. The skill of interpreting dreams and visions were only given to Daniel, but Daniel remembered his friends when he became successful. God does not anoint you with a purpose just for you, you are supposed to help your friends, your family, your community and even the world with your talent.

Your friends have a mission and purpose as well and sometimes your only purpose is to get them in position. Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego’s mission was to show that their God is the only true God. Their God was the only God deserving of their worship and if they were thrown into the fiery furnace, their God would rescue them.

And that is what happened. These boys were thrown into the furnace because they refused to bow down to a statue. When King Nebuchadnezzar threw them in the furnace bound, he witnessed with his own eyes 4 men walking around in the furnace unbound and unharmed. The 4th man being the Angel God sent to protect them from harm.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

This is why you bring your friends along

The King then made this decree “If any man whatever race or nation or language speak a word against the God of Shadrach Meshack and Abednego, they will be torn limb from limb and their houses will be turned into heaps of rubble.”

So if you ever make it to the top, remember your friends and bring them along.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources 

Using Astrology to Understand Your Purpose

How to Transform your Career with Purpose

For some people their, career, is closely interwoven with their, life purpose. Keshia Morris, is that person, Political Activist and Project Manager with Common Cause.

In this interview on the Transform your Mind radio hour and podcast, Life Coach and Mom Myrna Morris Young, trace the story of, Keshia Morris, as an undocumented alien, to her starting her career as a Psychologist, to getting a tug from God to transform her, career with purpose, to help with our democracy.

Listen to full interview here:

Introduction to a Career with Purpose

Keshia Morris is  the project manager for the, Census 2020, with Common Cause and is getting a lot of media attention because of the Trump's administration efforts to add the question “Are you a Citizen” to the, Census 2020.

Keshia Morris, talks about the importance of the Census, the reason the Trump administration was trying to add this question and, Common Cause, fight for a fair democracy.

The media attention started when, Keshia Morris,   wrote an amazing article that was published in the Miami Herald that highlighted her, career, with purpose.  In this article she talked about our personal journey to becoming permanent residents in the United States and why the question on the Census asking “Are you a Citizen?” would have a negative affect on our democracy.

After that article was published, several podcasts and radio personalities wanted to interview her.

Before we could get to what God has done in Keshia’s life as far as her chosen, career, with purpose.  She chose me to be her mother. I knew from the moment she was conceived that she was born to do great things. She was conceived on my honeymoon and was born 9 months later on my 30th birthday. So even without being conscious I knew that she was born with a, life purpose.

Again without being yet conscious; but understanding the principle of generational increase,  I started my journey to becoming an American Citizen.  I believed that there were more opportunities for my children here in the USA.

Both my children are Canadian,  and maybe my  assumption was incorrect, but our perceptions become our reality.

Keshia Morris,  went through high school as an, undocumented alien. The beauty of this country is that children didn't require papers to go to public school until higher education. Without a vision, I could have sent her back to Canada to go to college; but that was not even a consideration. I paid out of state fees for  her first 2 years of college. I could only afford one class; but she was in College.

I got married again in 2006 and my husband sponsored both of us, and we became  permanent residents or documented immigrants.

Keshia received her BA  and started out on her intended career as a  Psychologist.

How Keshia's Became On Purpose, career coaching

One day while listening to the audio book “A long walk to Freedom,” by Nelson Mandela, she had what is called a Damascus experience. Everything that was before was no more. So this is where I want to pick up the story.

Setting Goals and purpose for your career?

I want to start off by saying that you tell my story so much better than I do. Just laying out for our listeners how I got to the moment where I decided I wanted to do something new with my career.  I had always thought that I that I was going to be a psychologist.  As a child people kept telling me that oh you know you're great at giving people advice, so I thought  I might as well make a career out of this and try to achieve the American dream.

Psychologists make a lot of money.  I started getting into listening to audio books in my car and as I listening to Nelson Mandela’s  “A long walk to freedom”  I would say in the very first few chapters of the book,  I feel like it changed me and changed my trajectory of my life almost immediately.  It was also the time of the sequester where the government was shut down.  I interpreted this as wealthy special interests groups were getting in the way of  government and our lawmakers not being able to do their jobs.   I didn't feel like this was right,  so I felt an extreme tug to try to do something about it.

I had already invested over 4 years as a Psychology major and started with my masters degree credits which were not inexpensive.  I had already amassed about $30,000 in student loans before  listening to Nelson Mandela's book.  I felt an immense tug from God that becoming a political activist was my, career purpose, I wanted to help change the democracy the United States of America.

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How to look for signs that your, career, is on  Purpose

Question #2: How did you know that this was God. What were the signs?

I knew it was God because it changed the trajectory of my life in seconds.  I was now a new woman and had a firm grasp on what my, career, should be.

Things lined up for you. I was a new Life Coach at the time and you requested a coaching session. I remember it,  like it was yesterday. Because what I said out loud was not what I was thinking. I told you to go for it. To make a plan and pursue this goal.

  • You applied to schools and got into your number 1 choice, American University,
  • Before graduation you got an internship at your number 1 choice for employment, Common Cause,
  • You received a job offer with, Common Cause, immediately after graduation. So we know that you were on, career purpose, because God opened doors.

Why family support and career coaching is so important to your career

Question # 3: What advice would you give our listeners who face obstacles. No family support, not accepted to schools, kids at home etc.

I would tell them to believe in the vision that you can have it all.  Believe in yourself, believe in God and believe in their, career purpose,

Keshia Morris, you are getting National attention now as the Project Manager for  the 2020 Census at Common Cause. The Trump administration has been very unfriendly towards immigrants and, undocumented aliens, and intended to use the question “Are you a Citizen?” on the, Census 2020, to instill fear to the non-Citizens,  so as to set up, Gerrymandering.  Common Cause fought for this question to be removed from the Census and won.

Question # 4 Please explain the importance of having this question removed from the, Census 2020, and what exactly the Census does for our democracy.

Gerrymandering is  manipulating districts to give one party advantage over the other.  We have definitely seen a lot of gerrymandering being done by Republicans;  but we do absolutely know that Democrats do it as well.

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What is the Census 2020?

The Constitution mandates that a Census or accounts of all people that live within these United States be counted for apportionment purposes every ten years.  So every ten years the Census Bureau takes counts of everyone that lives here.  That is including illegal aliens, that is including children and newborns.  Everyone should get counted.

What this count does for our democracy is it apportioned the amount of seats in Congress.

There are 435 seats and the House of Representatives and those 435 seats are distributed based on population size.  Right now about each congressional district has about 700,000 people.

In a State like Florida, for example that has a population of maybe six to nine million people, but say only eight million people were counted in the, 2020 census, that means that Florida would get less congressional representation than it actually truly deserves because one million people were not counted.

The Trump administration wanted to add this last minute question “Are you a Citizen”  to the, Census 2020, I say last minute because usually each question is tested and vetted thoroughly for about three years before a question can be added to the census. It has to go through Congress and an approval processes.  The Trump administration came in and decided they were not gonna do any of that, and just announced that they were going to add this question to the,  Census 2020,

Census Bureau researchers have found that if this question were to be added to the,  Census 2020, about 6.5 million people would not answer the census form and thus insure a fair census.  So advocates like, Common Cause, but really across the board, millions of people stood up and said that this is wrong.  Common Cause, took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court sided with us.  They said that the Trump administration cannot add this question to the, Census 2020, they called the reason the Trump administration gave to add this question, contrived.

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TuneIn Radio

Myrna: I heard you say in one of your interviews that the data that comes from the, Census 2020, is confidential and  it's illegal for anybody to use this information for harm to the people. I know you said that if this question was on the, Census 2020, 6.5 million people would not have answered because they might be afraid that someone will come to their door.  But what you said is that information is never presented in such a way that somebody can know who filled out the form, and if they were going to actually use information from the data, they will use the information as a collective.

I am curious as to why research shows that 6.5 million people WOULD NOT  have responded to the, Census 2020, if the question “Are you a Citizen” was on the form?

Keshia Morris: My answer to that question is twofold.

The law states that your responses on the census cannot be used to cause harm to any person.   That means that it can't be sent to ICE to enforce immigration law.  It can't even be sent to your landlord if you have too many people living in in your household.  However, what the Trump administration wanted to do, was to create fear.  That information isn't always communicated correctly and even if it was, people don't trust that the Trump administration would follow the law.

So it's better just not to have the question on the, Census 2020, whatsoever.

The Trump administration has given up on their efforts to add the question “Are you a Citizen” on Census 2020, but they are now trying another way to get this information. President Trump has now issued an executive order to get administrative data to be collected for the purpose of redistricting.  Common Cause, is fighting for this not to be the case, and it  absolutely will be challenged through litigation.

Facts about the, Census 2020,

Section 2 of the Constitution requires a count every 10 years of every person residing in the United States—citizens and non-citizens, newborns and seniors, documented and undocumented, homeowners, renters, and the homeless. The, 2020 Census, will be in full swing during the Winter, Spring and Summer of 2020.

Counting hundreds of millions of people is an immense undertaking, and it’s critical for state legislators to start preparing now. Census data determine the allocation of more than $800 billion in annual federal funding and are often used in state and local policy-making, decision- making, and research. An inaccurate census in 2020 would jeopardize state funds for over 300 federal programs and compromise crucial supports for marginalized communities. 

Census data are also used for the reapportionment and redistricting processes and therefore vital to advancing a fair and representative democracy. Ensuring that all residents in your state are counted will require funding, coordination, and commitment from policymakers but will provide your constituents the resources and representation they deserve.

Research shows that if the question “Are you a Citizen” was on the, Census 2020, 6.5 million people would not fill in the Census thereby states would be unrepresented by millions in congress.

Myrna: From listening to all your numerous interviews I will list them. I have learned that the Census data is confidential and it is illegal for anyone to use that data to target aliens.

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Myrna: I have had a front row seat to your growth from a Psychology major into a political activist. I have watched you take the mike and rally a crowd. I have listened you spout very technical data about the history of our democracy with names and dates of legal documents.  As your mother, I am impressed by your transformation.


How to Master career strengths

Question # 6: Take us through how you released your fear of public speaking. What did you do to get yourself from this abstract fear of speaking and communicating to what you do now?

I am still working on being an effective communicator and working past my fear.  My fear has lessened a bit,  there was a time where I mean I couldn't get in front of people and I couldn't say two words without my voice shaking, without saying um a hundred times, without looking completely lost. So yeah  I definitely think that I have I've experienced some growth and really all I can say, well the main thing I can say that got me around the corner is practice.

There's that Malcolm Gladwell books that says you need like 10,000 hours of practicing something to be an Expert.  You just named a bunch of the interviews that I've done; but you know each of those interviews requests, I started off by saying NO.  because the fear is still there.  But I able to overcome the fear by resting in the fact that this is for a, life purpose, and  I am working towards the goal of having this democracy be the best that it can be.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

How to Transform your, Career, with  purpose

As we wrap up our show today, I want to leave you with these thoughts.

There is a difference between living an active life and a, purpose driven life. We all lead active lives. To be active does not mean we even have to physically do anything. We could be mentally active and be making plans and, setting goals,  etc. but not going anywhere. But when we are living a, purpose driven life, our energy and activities has a, life purpose, and meaning. Pause to reflect the purpose of your chosen, career. What is the meaning of your, career, purpose.  What is the quality of the energy you are expending. When you have a, career,  of purpose, the more energy you expend, the more renewed you are. On the other hand, when you are not on, life purpose, the energy you expend is not renewed, instead you end your day depleted and diminished.

A, purpose driven life, and, purpose driven career, alters the course of history.  I hope you all find yours.

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Keshia Morris, one final question What do you want your contribution to be to God’s Kingdom?

To make this country's democracy the best it can be, that is my, career purpose,

How can any of our listeners get in contact with common cause to support the organization, volunteer for the census or reach you for speaking engagements or interviews?

Listeners and readers can reach me at

Keshia Morris
Census & Mass Incarceration Project Manager
Common Cause
805 Fifteenth St, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
(o) 202.736.5774 |

 Additional Resources for, Career Purpose, and Census 2020




Today’s Ruling on the Census Citizenship Question Still Leaves Room for Worry


Ep. 116 – The Census: All the Facts & Why It is Important





Using The God Shift to Find Purpose and Destiny

My definition of a, God shift, is anytime you ditch disruption or delay in your life, collide with, God's purpose, in moving to a greater, destiny. And it's important because many of us are pursuing the wrong place. And sometimes that's a physical place. But sometimes we're also putting energy into the wrong places in terms of our relationships, and our destiny

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Myrna: What is the concept of the, God shift? And why is it important when we're navigating the seasons of life to get to our destiny?


Shayna Rattler, the Founder of A God Shift ™ Movement, is an ordained prophet, author and speaker who empowers individuals and organizations around the world to experience a God shift that moves them into a greater destiny, expectancy and possibility. She is passionate about helping others develop a deeper understanding of God and the identity they have in Him. Her wit and humor make God’s word relatable and her direct communication style makes it actionable.

Shayna has helped celebrities, influencers, military officers, political dignitaries, pastors, corporate executives and seasoned entrepreneurs achieve personal growth and organizational excellence. She and her businesses have received multiple awards, she has published multiple books and has been featured in over 450 media outlets. She is also the host of A God Shift Podcast and A God Shift TV show

Shayna: My definition of a, God shift, is anytime you ditch disruption or delay in your life, collide with, God's purpose, in moving to a greater destiny. And it's important because many of us are pursuing the wrong place. And sometimes that's a physical place. But sometimes we're also putting energy into the wrong places in terms of our relationships, and our mindset.  The Lord is so committed to the results in our lives and getting us to where he desires us to be. That if there's anything that we're putting energy into, that is not on the path that he has planned for us, he will shake us up and he will use things like disruption and delay in order to get our attention. That is what I call a, God shift.

But that attention is really an invitation that there's another level of destiny that await us. And so, since so many people are personally in the wrong place and putting energy into the wrong things, It's important that we respond appropriately to God's invitation so that we can really get everything that he has for us.

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Navigating the seasons of life

Myrna: So when are you talking about the, seasons of life, are you saying that how we incorporate the spring, summer winter, seasons of life?  Are you saying the negative disruptions are the winter season and the positive disruptions are the spring and summer season?

Shayna: Yes, we all have seasons in our lives that mimic the natural seasons related to the weather. It's just the natural ebbs and flows of life. But sometimes it's a season of waiting. Sometimes we're going through a season of we've accomplished everything that we've set out to do, yet there's still an inkling in our belly that there's another level of success with our name on it. So, it's not always negative. I do believe that sometimes the negative seasons like the winter season are the ones that we pay the most attention to.

Oftentimes we give the, winter season of life, the most attention to in terms of resources and effort, but it can be all of those things. Sometimes a, season of life, can be I just sent my kid off to college and this is the very first time that I've ever been alone in my entire life.  Whatever it is that you're experiencing good, bad or indifferent, is contributing to a particular, season of life.

Myrna: So, if God has a purpose for you, and you're putting your energy into a different purpose, we said that the, God shift, is when God sends some kind of disruption so that he can get your attention.  The disruptions could be illnesses, the disruption could be disappointment etc. So, when you talk about the, God shift, how do we use those disruptions to get us back on the correct path?

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Disruptions are not always negative

Shayna: First, we have to be clear that the disruption is not always negative. A disruption is any unexpected circumstance in your life. So, you could unexpectedly get a major job opportunity that requires you to move to a part of the country or part of the world that you know nothing about and it can make you uncomfortable and it can come with fear and doubt. However, it's the most money that you've ever made in your entire life and gives you the opportunity to have more impact and influence than you've ever had in your life. So, I think we first have to be clear that disruptions don't have to be negative occurrences. But that's one of the misnomers.

The question is, are we going to see what it is that he needs us to see? Are we going to learn what it is that he needs to learn? Are we going to go where he needs us to go? We have to be able to identify, why is the Lord using what it is that he's using to get my attention? Why is he using it now? And what do I need to do as a result of that? That's kind of the backdrop of a, God shift, is that we're pursuing a path that is not in alignment with the ultimate, destiny, that God has for us. He uses something to shake us up to get our attention. Now, how are we going to respond? Just like if I send you an invitation to a dinner party at my house? How are you going to respond?

Sometimes it can be that you're on one path and you're at a crossroads and you wonder should I stay on this path? Do I do something different? Are your opportunities in relationships? Are they drying up? Do you find yourself always relying on other people to pray for you? You don't feel like you have enough power and authority to be able to pray for yourself. You're waiting idly on God to do everything and you don't recognize that you have a role in your life. Sometimes people feel burned out. Sometimes people feel anxious. There's a number of things that you can identify that something is just off and you may not know exactly why it's off or how to fix it, but you know, whatever this season is that you're experiencing right now, you don't want to stay there.

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Our seasons are paths to our destiny

Myrna: Right, you don't want to stay there. Just like the natural seasons, the, seasons of life, are not permanent. It's the flow of life and you keep moving towards our, destiny.  You don't want to linger in that winter season for sure. Okay, what can get in the way of successfully sifting through the, seasons of life, especially the difficult ones to get to, destiny?

Shayna: There's a lot of things that some of the main ones that I see are expecting things to look in the next season like they've looked in previous seasons, especially if we continue with your analogy of the natural seasons. Sometimes, assignments and seasons expire? Our purpose doesn't change. Our, destiny, doesn't change. Our calling doesn't change, but seasons and assignments expire. And many of us the reason why we are not into the next level of, destiny, that God has for us is because we don't give ourselves permission to let go of a season that has expired.

Myrna: How do you help clients navigate the, God shift, and get back to, purpose and destiny?

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Purpose and destiny leaves clues

Shayna: I would say that purpose and destiny leaves clues. So if we look at my own life, and we look at previous assignments, when I was a young girl, probably a preteen, I volunteered in the activities department in nursing. And one of the things that I enjoyed the most was we had a bed bound patient that if they moved her, it would kill her.

And so I would ask her if you could go anywhere or you could do anything where would you go? What would you do? And then before I would come back the next time I would go to the library, and I would find a book about what it is that she said she would do and where she would go and I read it to her, so I was helping to make her dreams come true. So that was Clue #1 on my purpose and destiny.

You fast forward a couple of years, I became a therapist, and whether I was helping someone who'd had a stroke, learn how to brush their hair again, or someone who had just had a hip replacement learn how to navigate the bathtub again. I was making their dreams come true. That was Clue #3. I advanced into owning my own business and being a business coach. I was making people's business dreams come true.

And now in the faith-based space. I'm helping people get into their, destiny, teaching them how to make their dreams come true that, God’s purpose and destiny,  has for them because there's usually something that's blocking them seeing it.

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Look at past assignments to see your destiny

And so if you look at the, assignments, that I had, from a pre-teen to now being 45 years old, my purpose and destiny on this earth is to make people's dreams come true. That's the impact of that I am designed to have and so you know I said a minute ago people use the words assignment, calling, purpose and destiny interchangeably, but they're not the same thing. Your assignment is to your calling is how you help them. Your, purpose, is why you're here. What is the impact that you're meant to have? And your, destiny, is where your purpose takes you.

So, you see my calling, zigzagged a little bit in terms of how I helped people, but my purpose has always been to make people's dreams come true. Although I've done it in different assignments and in different, seasons of life. So, for if someone came to me and said, Shayna, what is my purpose? I'm not even going to try to come up with some deep prophetic word. I'm going to ask them. Tell me about your previous, assignments, that you've had. And let's see if we can identify a common thread that has been woven throughout those assignments. I would ask them, tell me about your passions and tell me about your frustration because I think we're those two things intersect.

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Formula to unlock purpose and destiny

Write down this formula. It's called the ABCs to unlock heaven. This is how you use the authority that scripture says that we have.

  • The A is aligned, we first have to be aligned with His Word, His willingness ways. This is not new age, a woman will name it and claim it. Just focus on what it is that you want and got out. We're not talking about none of that. Witness camp. We're aligning with God's will and His Word
  • The B is for belief. It's not enough for us just to believe that God is able, but you have to believe that he'll do it for you.
  • The C is the most important as C stands for confession. As a believer the most powerful weapon that we have is our mouths. And we have to use our mouths and make sure that our speech is in alignment with everything that we're believing for and everything it is that God says that we can have. That's why there are scriptures like speak those things that are as though they were that's why there's scriptures that says.

Let the poor say I am rich. Let the weak say I'm strong. So we have to make sure that every word that comes out of our mouth now is in alignment with what we want. Stop talking about what you don't want, stop talking about what did not happen. You need to begin to declare what it is that you want to see happen.


Myrna: You have a free resource that you want to share with the listeners, tell them how they can get a hold of you. Talk about your podcast about your podcast and TV show.

Shayna: Absolutely. So, we've talked a lot about, God shift, and all of us are shifting in some capacity in our lives. And anytime, no matter what we're shifting from or what we're shifting to. There's always four primary areas of our lives that we're going to have to shift. But there's four shifts that are going to be required. And so, I created a free guide called “When God says shift, and inside that guide, you'll discover what those four shifts are to help you shift successfully. You can grab this at  www.Godsaysshift.com. And if you want to find out about anything about us, our website is www.AGodshift.com You can find out about our books, the television show, the podcast, everything all in one place. If you're looking for me on social media, I'm the most active on Instagram @agodshift there as well.

Additional Resources 

How God Uses Coincidence To Get You To Your Destiny

Listen To Your Heart It Reveals Your Purpose

One way to find your, purpose, is to notice what makes you, weep, or angry.  Because that is your, heart, responding to what’s on the outside that is linked to something on your inside.  For example, do you, weep, when you hear a child has been abused or a dog left outside in the heat without any water? Then maybe God wanted you to do something about this and that is why he pre-wired you to care.

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Nehemiah wept for days

We see an example of this in the, bible story, of, Nehemiah. Nehemiah, asked his brother a simple question. “How are the, Jews, finding being back home after being in captivity”

Nehemiah, brother replied “Not good. They are in trouble and disgrace because the, walls of Jerusalem, have been torn down and the gates destroyed by fire.”

When, Nehemiah, heard this, he wept for days until he felt compelled to do something about it. At the time he was not a rich man, a man of influence, or had any other qualifications to rebuild a wall; he was the Kings cup bearer.  But that did not stop him from asking God to make the King favorable to his request to rebuild the, walls of Jerusalem.

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Nehemiah found his purpose

Nehemiah, had this immense calling to do something, it made him sad because he really didn’t think he could actually do anything about it.  Remember he was not rich; he did not have any influence or so he thought. While serving the king wine one day, the King noticed he was sad and asked him why.

Nehemiah, replied “I am sad because the city where my ancestors are buried is in ruins.” The king asked “How can I help you?” What a strange response from a King. This is because, Nehemiah, had already petitioned God to go before him and soften the, heart, of the king.

So, Nehemiah, responded “Send me to Judah to rebuild the city where my ancestors are buried.”

The King responded “How long will you be gone?”

Again no pushback, the King did not even ask, Nehemiah, how he plans on accomplishing this task. He just said just let me know how long you will be gone!

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

Stacey Abrams: A present day Nehemiah

How many of you felt angry or sad at things happening around you, but felt you could do nothing about it because you are a nobody without money or influence?  I have heard lots of present-day, Nehemiah, stories of men and women tackling huge issues and building a movement. The first one that comes to mind is, Stacey Abrams, in, Georgia.

Stacey did not win her groundbreaking 2018 campaign for governor, but she did not quit. She got right back to work because she understood that she didn’t need the title of governor to make a difference in the lives of Georgians.

But let’s unpack our Nehemiah story. The truly amazing thing about this story is that he completed the wall in 52 days. He, organized, what the enemy called poor feeble, Jews, to work together. Everybody did a little bit. I think today we call this, grassroots organizing, or, boots on the ground, and he did it without technology. No telephones, no internet!

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

How to Find Your Purpose

Why was he so successful, because it was his, purpose.  It was his, soul’s purpose, and that is why the, organizing, forces in the universe came together to make it happen. How did, Nehemiah, find his, purpose? He wept for days when he heard that his people were living in shame and his, heart, told him he should do something about it.

In a similar way, your, purpose, has a way of finding you.  It could jump off the page of a book you are reading, you could hear a term and like, Lifecoach, and know that is what you are supposed to do. Are you trying to find your, purpose in life? Reflect on what elicits emotion from you. Listen to your, heart.  It will direct you to your, purpose.

Nehemiah, built a wall, what can you build? Can you build a community center for the youths in your community, so they can get off the streets? Can you build a school in your village, so the kids can get an education? Can you build wells in third world countries, so that poor people can drink clean water?


Whatever is causing you pain, you can do something about it. You are, limitless, you only need the, desire; the, organizing, power of the universe will do the rest.

This is 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna, I hope that you are on, purpose, and if not,  you must learn to listen to your, heart, to find your, soul's purpose. Join my Facebook group Lifecoach to be inspired throughout the week.

Additional Resources 

Your Pain Reveals Your Purpose

Find Your Purpose: What’s in Your Hand

Are you trying to find your, purpose? Take inventory of what's in your, hand? Unfortunately God does not make your, purpose, clear, you have to check your natural gifts and talents to gain clarity.

“What's that in your, hand?” the LORD asked, Moses. Moses answered, “A staff”

The Daily Bread, “What's in your hand”

Our Daily bread puts it this way:

“If you have a tendency to despair over lost opportunities or if you worry about the future, ask yourself this question: “What is right in front of me?” In other words, what circumstances and relationships are currently available to you? This question can get your focus off a past regret or a scary future and back to what God can do in your life. What is God's intention for your life, what is your, purpose, gifts and natural abilities?”

Ways to find your Purpose
Ways to find your purpose

Finding your purpose

You may be at a crossroad in your life and want to change careers but you don’t know what you want to do. To find your, purpose, ask yourself, what do I have in my, hand? What are my gifts and natural abilities? Take inventory of your natural talents and abilities. What are you good at? What do you like to do? What have others told you that you are good at?

What did Walt Disney have in his hand when he was broke and out of a job? Answer.. he had in his hand the natural ability to Draw. That pointed him to his, purpose, of creating the “happiest place on earth”.

What did Nelson Mandela have in his hand when he was imprisoned for over 27 years in a small cell? Answer. He had the natural ability and gift to lead. His, purpose, was to lead his people out of Apartheid. God put in his hand the natural ability to forget self and work for justice for his people.

How did J.K Rowling find her, purpose? She was broke and a single parent with no support? She asked herself, How can I figure out what to do? Her answer.. she checked what she had in her hand, what was her gift and natural ability. She was an English teacher. She used her love and mastery of the English language to create a story in her mind and then put it to paper. The Harry Potter empire was born.

How I found my purpose

In my book “Out of the Snares” I share How I found my, purpose, by checking what I had in my hand. I had in my hand the ability to write and to tell a good story. I had a love of people and the compassion in my heart to want them to succeed, so I transitioned to becoming an Author and a Life coach.

If you are trying to find your, purpose, check what's in your, hand. What do you have in your, hand, that God gave you at birth to build his Kingdom?

Use what you have in your, hand. You were created with a, purpose, God gave you the skills and, talents, you need to complete your task. Stop waiting for the right time.

Check out what Propel Women article said about finding out your, purpose, by referencing the bible story of Moses and how God used what was in his, hand.

Stop asking when you are going to get your gifts or, talents, or calling and see what’s in your, hand.

But there’s a bush that is burning and, Moses,’ life is about to get flipped upside down.

What is in your hand?

Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?” Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied. The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses, threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it.” [Ex. 4:1-3]

In Exodus chapter 3, Moses, had many doubts and many fears. He came up with tons of excuses. But God asked, Moses, what was in his, hand.

We know, Moses, has a shepherd’s staff in his hand, a dead thing. But then he laid it down and it became a snake. A dead thing became a living thing, and a dangerous thing at that. So dangerous in fact that, Moses, actually runs from it! God says to pick it again and it becomes a dead thing again.

Just like God told. Moses, I believe God is telling people today to lay it down. Will you not lay down your identity? Many of us are defined by our job, our education, our financial status, or marital status. But Galatians 2:19 reminds us that, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Yes, it’s no longer about me, but rather Christ who lives in me. God is saying, Let me be the one to give you identity. Find your identity in me.

Our passion is our purpose

Before we find our passion and, purpose, we must be willing to lay down our influence and recognition.

The recognition of man pales in comparison to what God has called us to. God is asking if you’re willing to lay down our dead things so he can make them come to life. Many people are living lives that are dead; it feels comfortable and safe and controllable.

But when God gives us a vision for our life like He did with Moses, we’re able to see the power God has for us, the purpose he promises us, and the plan he wants for us. It might scare us. Some might even want to run away from because it’s terrifying and they won’t know how to handle the amazing things God has for them.

Pick up your copy of “Out of the Snares” and understand the Biblical principles behind the story of Moses and the “Burning Bush”. Learn how our “Burning Bush” is our passion and natural talents.

Order your copy today.https://myhelps.us/book-order/

Trying to find your, purpose? Need help understanding what is in your hand? Let me Help you. Get 4 coaching sessions for $200.00 with the order of “Out of the Snares.”

Place order here:


Additional Resources 



How God Uses Coincidence To Get You To Your Destiny

In this episode of 5 Min Fridays with Coach Myrna, we look at the,  Bible story, of, Joseph, to see how God uses, coincidence, to get us to our, purpose and destiny.  I show that there are, no coincidences in life, that every moment has been, preordained.
So, if you have been feeling unlucky because you had, coincidence, show up in your life that did not feel good, I want you to know that every event has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

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Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Bible Story Of Joseph and destiny

I want to use the, bible story, of, Joseph, the son of Jacob to show how God uses, coincidence. Joseph, was born with a purpose, prearranged by God. It was determined in his mother’s womb or before.

Because he was born to his father in his old age, his father Jacob loved him more than his 10 other brothers. That created jealousy. His brothers hated him because he was his father’s favorite. When Jacob made, Joseph, a beautiful robe of many colors, his brothers became even more jealous of him.  Then Joseph, started dreaming about his brothers bowing down to him and he decided to share his, dreams.

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Bad move, never share your, dreams, of success with others even family members because they will secretly hate you and want you dead. They may not try to kill you as Joseph’s brothers wanted to do, but maybe they would wish evil on you.

The good news is whatever God ordains no man can change.

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Shawn Achor leveraging the happiness advantage and Dwayne Wade A life Bigger than basketball


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How God Used Coincidence to get Joseph to his purpose and destiny

It is amazing how God orchestrated getting, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose.

  • First, he got Joseph’s father Jacob to love him more, thereby creating a fire starter.
  • Then he gave, Joseph, dreams, and inspired him to share them with his brothers, creating hatred.
  • Then he gave his brothers opportunity to sell him into slavery by inspiring his father Jacob to send, Joseph, alone to find his brothers.
  • The slave traders then sold, Joseph,  to the pharaoh’s captain of palace guard Potiphar.

How would, Joseph, get in position to fulfill his, purpose, if these apparent, coincidences, did not take place?

There are, no coincidences in life,  everything is, preordained, in God’s plan.

What you think is bad luck is actually God getting you in position for greatness.

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Joseph story of coincidences continues

Potiphar’s wife has the hots for, Joseph, but when he wouldn’t sleep with her, she seeks revenge by accusing him of trying to rape her and so Joseph is thrown into prison. The same prison that the Pharaoh sends prisoners from the palace.

Later Pharaoh throws his cup bearer and his baker in prison and who oversees them, Joseph!

Then God gives them both, dreams, and tells, Joseph, the interpretation of their, dreams. It so happens that in 3 days both, dreams, come through according to, Joseph's interpretation.   The cup bearer is returned to his role in the palace and the baker was killed.

A full 2 years later the Pharaoh had 2, dreams, that he needed interpreting and that is when the cup bearer remembered, Joseph, the Hebrew slave who interpreted his, dreams, in prison.

Pharaoh sends for, Joseph, who interprets his, dreams. Joseph, tells Pharaoh that the, dreams, meant God is notifying him there will be 7 bountiful years followed by 7 Years of severe famine.

Pharaoh then makes, Joseph, administrative head of Egypt second only to himself. Everyone needed to bow down to him.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

God's purpose for Joseph realized

God’s, purpose, for, Joseph, was to be the instrument that would save the Egyptians from all dying in the famine that was, preordained, before, Joseph, was born. The famine would have also have wiped out all of Abraham’s defendants as well and that would have made God’s promise to Abraham, that his defendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky to be void, and how many of you know that God is not man, he does not lie. He used, coincidence, to move, Joseph, in position to realize his preordained, destiny.

Coincidence is to get you to your destiny

I wanted to share this story with you today to illustrate that you were born with a, purpose, and there are no, coincidence, in life. Every moment is, preordained. Think of all the, coincidences,  God had to orchestrate for, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose and destiny. Most of them not in, Joseph, favor.

My life has been the same.  There were several, coincidences, that got  me to my, purpose and destiny. If I was to pick up my story from the time I arrived in Canada from Guyana.

I met this girl working in a factory making zippers. She took me with her to look for a better job. That, coincidence, got me a job at Scotia Bank and she did not find work. While I was at Scotia Bank, I met my second husband who was 12 years older than me and schooled me in life and suggested I go back to college.

After college I started selling computers.  the, coincidence, of how I met Tony Robbins. Tony came to town and sent free tickets to my company for his “unleash the power within” conference.  Tony Robbins inspired me to unleash my power within and I became the top female limousine operator in Toronto Canada.

This, coincidence,  brought me to Miami Florida. Miami was my Egypt, it is where I needed to be to fulfil my, purpose.  I will stop here, but you get the picture. There are, no coincidences in life, every step in your journey is, preordained, and is God’s plan, even the steps you take backwards.

Conclusion coincidence

So, if you feel you have been lucky or if you feel that you are unlucky, I want you to know that every, coincidence, has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

This is life coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna.  I want to invite you to join my private Facebook group called Lifecoach. Hope to see you next week.  Namaste

Additional Resources 

How to Awaken to Your Soul Purpose