Tag Archives: career advice

How To Pray for a Job as a Job Seeker

If you are a, job seeker, spend time with God in, prayer; you will get direction on how to get that, dream job, because with God nothing is impossible.

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Introduction Prayers for the Job Seeker

My guest today is Sonia H Cameron. Sonia is the author of “God Help Me Find A Job: 21 Prayers For The Job Seeker

Book: Prayers for the Job Seeker
Book: Prayers for the Job Seeker

This is such an important message for today's climate where there are millions of people unemployed and are, job seekers. You may be praying “God to help me find a, job” and maybe not only help you find a job; but hopefully your, prayers, are also for increase. A better, job, or even a raise in pay.  Some states are considering raising the minimum wage.

I want to reference a scripture on, prayer, it is found in Psalms 141: 2

“Let my, prayer, stand before you like incense.  Let my uplifted hands be like the evening offering”.

I personally believe that the language of God is faith and, prayer.  You must have faith that anything you ask for in, prayer, that you've already received.

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How To Ask God to Help You Find a Job

We're going to take a deep dive into, prayers, for the, job seeker.

Myrna – Sonia what led you to believe in, prayer?

Sonia – First of all I want to introduce myself.  I am the blogger from blessthework.com.

I was led to write the book in 2020 when I heard that there were 17 million people unemployed during the pandemic and my heart just went out to those people.

I was inspired to start pinning, prayers, and the book just flowed out of me. I got an editor and the book just came into place in about six weeks.

Christians need God's Help to Find a Job

In 2008 I was released from my, job, and I really did not know what to do or how to proceed.

I had been a, Christian, all my life; but I never thought about, God, being present in my career.  I never mixed, God, and career together.  I was in a situation where I went on an interview and they asked me, why I left my most recent position, and I didn't tell the truth. I was afraid to tell them I was fired so I lied and told them I was laid off.

Myrna – That’s a common fear among, job seekers, but as a, Christian, you probably felt badly because you told a lie.

Sonia – Correct. I was distraught because of this lie and I just started praying.

I said, God, you know I messed up.  I'm depending on you to help me, find a job.

I'm going to stand in my truth the next time someone asked me, why did you leave

your last job.  I'm going to tell them it just didn't work out.

God did help me, find a job, so I started writing and blogging about it, because I felt like it would help the, jobseeker.

I post tips on acing the, job search, and other useful information on my blog for the, job seeker,

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Tips on How to Find a Job

Here are 2 tips on, how to find a job, or propel their career forward. Tip # 1 is:

  1. Rehearsing your wins because when you're in an interview you need to brag on yourself. A lot of times when a person gets released from a, job, they feel badly about themselves and they lose confidence.  But if you take the time to write your story and what you've accomplished in your last, job, eg.  You were promoted, you were responsible for saving the company lots of money on an initiative etc. These wins give you confidence.
  2. Number two is to take a baby steps every day towards your goal to, find a job. My suggestion is to do one thing a day. Whether is making phone calls or sending an email or taking an assessment. Take baby steps.

Myrna – This is good. My pastor preached a sermon on creating your “book of wars” you record all your victories and all your wins. This is powerful to help you when you feel low. The book of wars is mentioned in the bible.

In an interview they're going to ask you what are your strengths, so if you convert your wins to your strengths, it's an excellent way to brag on yourself.

Sonia – On my website blessthework.com I have a road map and a calendar of things that you can do daily to lead you to your next, job.

Why is Prayer important for the Job Seeker

Myrna – I want to get back to, prayer.  Why do you feel that, prayer, is an important component to the, jobseeker?  You share 21 prayers in your book; but before we get into specific, prayers, why do you think that the, jobseeker, should lead with, prayer?

Sonia – A lot of times people feel like it's impossible to get the next, job, or their, dream job; but Luke 1:37 says

“Nothing is impossible for God!”


So, if you spend time with, God, in, prayer, you will get direction on how to get that, dream job, and nothing will be impossible.  If you don't spend time reading the, scriptures, you won't have that confidence. You must spend time in, prayer.  Sit and listen to inspirational songs or gospel songs.  When you are still, you will get downloads of next steps from the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus went back to heaven, he left us a comforter and a friend, and that person is the holy spirit.  When you spend time in the presence of God, the holy spirit will minister to you and tell you what your next step should be.

Myrna – I definitely believe in that wholeheartedly.  I sit still and meditate on the word.  I meditate on the life that's flowing through my body and try to be aware of God's presence. I'm always listening for instructions from my spirit guide.

When you are looking for a, job, or have any other goal in life that you're believing and, praying, for, whether you are praying for a spouse, a job, your health, you should listen for next steps from God or the Holy Spirit.

Keto Diet plan
Keto Diet plan

Prayer for the Job seeker

Heavenly father you are the most powerful God, you are my rock and my salvation.

I must be honest; fear has taken over my thoughts lately.  I know this fear is not an emotion that comes from you and I know that faith in you is the remedy for fear.

Thank you for changing the atmosphere of my life because of your power inside of me I am no longer afraid.  I will not fear famine, I will not fear criticism, I will overcome the thoughts of not being smart enough.

I am not afraid of economic reports, because you control my personal economy.  I am not scared of being in the wrong demographic. I am determined to break past my fear of failure. I am full of faith that I will get your provision for a new, job.  I know you will exceed my expectations because you keep all of your promises.

I believe the scripture that says “for I am the lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear I will help you Isaiah 41.

In the name of Jesus, I pray Amen.

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 Prayer for connections for the job seeker

Heavenly father you are all knowing God. I need you to connect me with the people who will assist me with my, job search. You know me and everything about them, you know the skills I need to connect with the right people.

Thank you for making me an excellent communicator so that I can tell people how to help me.

Lord I believe I will recognize people who can solve a problem for me. I pray that as I spend more time with you, you will connect me to those who have influence and can give me favor with colleagues, human resource associates and industry leaders.

Thank you for the divine connections, that will help me reach my destiny.  I believe John 15:7

“if you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you”.

In Jesus name I pray Amen


Myrna – Tell us a little bit more about your book “God Help Me Find A Job: 21 Prayers For The Job Seeker” and about your blog.

Sonia – My book is available on amazon. In fact, I have two books one just came out this year it's a companion journal to the, prayer, book.  The companion journal lets you journal about your job search journey and it asks key questions.  It allows you to write your own, prayers, because everybody's, job search, journey is unique.

In the back of the book I have a job search organizer. This, job search, organizer lets you record your search, records the employers that you have put applications in with who you talk to, what kind of salary they offer etc.

Both these books are available on amazon. I have a blog for, prayers, and a blog for advice on your career and the name of my website is blessthework.com. You can follow me on Facebook fan page @bless the work of our hands.


Myrna – Thank you for being my first guest on the Preach the Word Worldwide Television Network.  It was an on-time message.

Additional Resources

How to Access God Through Worship


The Millennials and Gen Z Playbook: Unpacking Limiting Beliefs

Arika Pierce is a generational strategist and Attorney, author, a, millennial coach, and speaker.   She introduced me to this new Terms, Xennial, and, Gen Z.  Arika has a unique perspective and
has developed strategies and techniques to bridge, Millennials, and,  Gen Z, to generations before and after them.

The term, Gen Z, is the micro generation between, Generation X, and, millennial. I was born in March 1980 and, Millennials, you know the years vary a little bit in terms of the source the
source that's defining, Millennials, but usually they're born between 1981 and 1996; and so I'm sort of in this in-between place where I remember life without you know technology being in
your hands and having the internet.  I remember way before any apps.

The, millennial, generation is better understood than the, Gen Z, and they're more successful, they don't necessarily live up to the bad rap that they get in the media and from other folks so helping
them to sort of break out of that, millennial, negative brand.

All right, so what do you feel are some of the limiting mindsets that Millennials have?

I'd like to turn to your book on page 15, you say that, Millennials, are described as Entitled, Impatient, Tech Obsessed, Pampered, Self-absorbed and Lazy.
So, that's how people feel about them; but how do they feel about themselves? According to your research how does that affect some of the limiting mindsets that they have?

I think it's a great question,  I wish more people would Ask, because I feel like there's lots of people that are talking about what they think, Millennials, are like and
not as many people asking what do, Millennials, and, Gen Z, know themselves. How do they view themselves? I'll say this I think that, Millennials, don't view themselves as any of these of these adjectives that you just Listed. Certainly none of these are very Positive; but I do think that they have a mindset that backed by parts of their upbringing. So, for example Millennials are definitely part of that feeling everyone gets a trophy generation.  They definitely have a mindset where everyone is equal. I think in many ways that can be limiting especially as they transition to adults and transition into their careers and into the workplace.

Do Gen Z feel Entitled?

The reason why I say this is because I think, Gen Z, oftentimes feel they're entitled. They feel that on their first day of work they could be the boss.
Even though they have zero work experience, they still feel that everyone is equal and so they should have all the same access and an ability to share their mind and speak
their views.

Gen Z, communicate and the level of transparency that they're they've grown accustomed to again I think you know for, Gen Z, the mindset is that communication should be quick, it should be easy, you don't necessarily have to think too much about it, you could just send someone over a text message.

I think that can be limiting especially as you transition to work. Sometimes we need to be more thoughtful with our approaches especially at work and in professional capacities. I mean
sometimes you need to think through what you say, and how you say it, who you're saying it to.

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Can you explain it what exactly is adulting and how does that relate to our topic on millennials today?

Adulting,  just means that you're doing the duties and the responsibilities of a fully developed adult. Millennials, use it a lot you know to be funny; but I do think that there
is that the term does make a lot of sense.  I mean I think it could be used as both a verb and an noun.  I do think for, Gen Z, specifically the transition to adulting has been a
little bit tougher than previous Generations. So that's why there's so much emphasis on, adulting.

I see with a lot of, Millennials, that I Coach, I am a, millennial coach, there is a reluctance to sort of let go from Childhood.

What are some of the plays that you talked about in your book to help Millennials transition to, adulting?

What I try to do in the book is give very actionable advice. It'd be really easy to write a book and say go out and be a successful adult and make good decisions,  Exercise, drink water, and keep a job and save money right? I would say a lot of us don't create goals; but the specifics are not there.  So I really use every chapter to give very clear or actionable advice on how to do specific things. For
Example, when I talk about how to look for a job.  I go through the Specifics.

Why it's important to have things like a LinkedIn profile, when you're applying for jobs.
How to make sure that you are presenting your best self on interview day.  What to do in terms of following up after an interview.
Once you have the job, how to keep the job and again I am very specific. I say things like on your first day set three goals of the things that you
want to accomplish at that job.

Career Advice for Millennials

Do you want to work on a certain project? Do you want to get promoted within six months? Things like That. I go again very detailed to make sure you get to work on
Time. Getting to work on time, being at your desk ready to work as soon as you know you're supposed to be there. Etc.
Networking when you go to a networking event make sure you speak with three people and stay 30 minutes after. All of those types of things make you a successful adult. That's why I called it a,

I tell stories of based upon my own, adulting, experiences.

I like what you say about your brand is that you are the CEO of ME Incorporated, the chief marketing officer for the brand to call you.
As a coach that's what I teach my clients, that you are you are the lid.


Arika how you readers pick up a copy of your book?

To purchase a copy of my book “ The Millennial’s Playbook to Adulting” you can visit Arika on the web @


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Additional resources 
