Tag Archives: Oscars

Can You Handle Success Like Chris Rock

Success is like a two-faced coin, one side is fame and fortune, the other side is no privacy and no peace. Chris Rock, knew about, success, and that he couldn't retaliate to Will Smith's  slap.

In my episode entitled “Will Smith had 10 seconds to choose a different reality”  we looked at the slap that was heard around the world from Will’s Smith’s perspective.

I agreed with Denzel Washington’s statement to, Will Smith, that when you are at the height of your success that is when the devil comes to destroy you.

The devil was able to grab Will Smiths peace and joy from him seconds before he reached the top of the mountain and the celebration began.

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How Chris Rock handled the moment

But today so want to talk about, Chris Rock. Most men even Pastor Jamal Bryant from Newbirth church in Atlanta, Ga said that if a man slapped him, he would not have turned the other cheek. They would not let anyone take their manhood and bitch slap them on National TV without retaliation.

The first thing my daughter said to me was that, Chris Rock, was so aware. He knew that the person walking onstage was Richard and not Will. He took the slap said “Dude it was just a GI Jane joke” and then completed this moment by saying “This is the Greatest night in television history.” He was present.

So why didn’t the, Devil, take out two black men at the same time? Why wasn’t he able to destroy, Chris Rock, who remained calm?

Why wasn’t, Will Smith, able to handle, success, and, Chris Rock, grabbed his moment. These are the questions I will attempt to answer in this episode.

Chris Rock, also had 10 seconds to make a decision to retaliate, he made a different choice and instead he continued on with the task at hand. He was there to present the, Oscar, for a documentary film.

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Chris Rock was prepared for success

Chris Rock, moment came and he was prepared for it. Apparently, he has been in therapy 7 hours per week for being bullied and abused in school. He was attempting to bury his demons.  Will Smith, also had a coach for 2 years, but his demons returned.

When your moment of, success, comes, if you take it, the universe rewards you. Chris Rock, is making bank. All his shows have been sold out and, Will Smith, will probably not get another movie role for a long time.

So, what does, success, look like to you?

Remember what you have now, you asked God for.

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How does success look like for me

Success, to me looks like a beach front house, a million dollars in the bank a couple of luxury cars.

But I am, successful, now. Everything I have now, I asked God for.

  • I have a successful podcast,
  • I have a TV show,
  • I live in a 5-bedroom house in Florida,
  • I am an American,
  • I have a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful kids.

Don’t tell yourself that you will be, successful, when something happens. Nothing wrong with having goals, but you have to enjoy your life now or you will never be able to enjoy it then.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Happiness does not come with success

I heard both, Will Smith, and Kanye West say

“I have all the money I need, I have the hot wife and kids, the big house, career success but I am not happy.”

How will you handle, success? Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Will smith, decided that the day when he was about to receive his highest honor, he would let the, devil, ruin it.

Chris Rock, responded to being slapped in front of his peers and the world with no aggression; he told, the devil.

“Get behind me Satan.”

He could not have imagined this scene, but maybe as a comedian he was prepared for someone responding badly to his joke and charging the stage.

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Success is like a two faced coin

I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about a rapper who just retired because she didn’t like fame.  Most people want, success, but can’t handle it when it comes.  Success. is like a two-faced coin, one side is fame and fortune, the other side is no privacy and no peace.

Can you handle, success?

This is Life coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna.

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Will Smith Had 10 Seconds To Choose A Different Reality

Will Smith, had 10 seconds to choose a different, thought, before the, concrete set, and, reality, hardened when he slapped Chris Rock on national television

I just finished reading Will Smith’s biography “Will”  I really enjoyed reading his book and recommend it to anyone interested in changing their mindset.

There were 3 main quotes from, Will Smith's, book  that I loved, one of them was “You have 10 seconds until the concrete sets and, reality, hardens.” I think this is a good time to talk about what that really means and reference what happened at the, 94th Oscars, between, Will Smith, and, Chris Rock.

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Will Smith's Biography “Will”

The book starts off with, Will Smith, calling himself a, coward, because he watched his father often slap his mother and reign terror on his family as a child. He felt he was a, coward, because he didn’t do anything about it.

His father’s legacy was also the year that he made, Will Smith, and his brother Harry build a concrete wall so Will learned his concrete, analogy, from personal experience “You have 10 seconds until the, concrete sets, and, reality, hardens.

Will used this analogy when his friend and fellow performer Ready Rock did not come out on stage for his set when he called for him, because he was jealous of Will’s success. He gave him 10 seconds to make a better choice and when he didn’t, reality, set and Will never called for him again.

He used this same concrete, analogy, of, reality, setting, when his girlfriend Melonie was about to go out somewhere and he told her not to go and she walked through the door anyway. The, concreate set, and the, reality, was that it was over. Will Smith, set her clothes on fire and never saw her again.

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This episode is brought to you by The Jordan Harbinger Show.

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Shawn Achor leveraging the happiness advantage and DWade A life Bigger than basketball


And https://www.jordanharbinger.com/dwyane-wade-a-life-bigger-than-basketball/

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Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock

By now you have all heard or seen the, slap, on national television. Will Smith, did not like something that, Chris Rock, said about his wife. Chris Rock, make fun of her hair, and now he himself had 10 seconds until the, concrete set, to change that, reality.  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3,  Will Smith,  walked up on stage and slapped, Chris Rock, in the face and the, concrete set, and reality hardened.

He can never take that back regardless how much he cries, how much he apologizes he can never take it back, it will live on, on the internet forever.

The concrete has set and, reality, hardened. Whether you believe, Chris Rock, was wrong to joke about Jada’s bald head, we know it was wrong for, Will Smith, to walk on stage at the, Oscars, and, slap, him.

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Will Smith Grew up with Domestic Violence

Will Smith's father was a bully and he grew up with  domestic violence, seeing his father  slap his wife and kids until his mother eventually left him, and in an out of body experience, Will Smith, became his dad. He got out of his seat and slapped someone because he did not like what he said about his wife.

In his autobiography, published in November 2021, the actor describes at length the appalling, domestic violence, he and his three siblings witnessed his father, Willard, inflict on his mother.

“When I was nine years old, I watched my father punch my mother in the side of the head so hard that she collapsed,” he wrote. “I saw her spit blood. That moment in that bedroom, probably more than any other moment in my life, has defined who I am. I am a, coward”

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Will Smith thinks he is a coward

Will Smith, says “Within everything that I have done since then — the awards and accolades, the spotlights and attention, the characters and the laughs — there has been a subtle string of apologies to my mother for my inaction that day. For failing her in the moment. For failing to stand up to my father. For being a, coward.

“What you have come to understand as ‘Will Smith’, the alien-annihilating MC, the bigger-than-life movie star, is largely a construction – a carefully crafted and honed character designed to protect myself. To hide myself from the world. To hide the, coward.”

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Training the mind to make a better choice

So how do we make better choices in the 10 seconds before the, concrete sets? You have to, train the mind.  Just like you can’t learn to swim when you are drowning, you can’t make good choices when you are thrown in the fire; unless the, mind, is trained on what to do in the fire and then takes over on autopilot.

Start training your mind to make the right choices because when the, concrete sets, there is no going back, reality, becomes permanent.

When you feel that rage bubbling up inside you, choose a better, thought.  Count to 10 and breathe because the devil is driving around looking for people to destroy. The prison is full of both men and women who had 10 seconds to choose and made the wrong choice.

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What would have happened if Will Smith chose a better thought

Ready Rock made the wrong choice, Melonie made the wrong choice and now Will Smith, made the wrong choice. Let’s imagine that, Will Smith, had continued to pretend that he liked the joke. In those 10 seconds he would have laughed while seething inside, 40 mins later he would have accepted his, academy award, and realized that had reached the pinnacle of his career. The concrete would have set on joy and victory and he would have gone home and forget about Chris Rock’s joke, but the, concrete set, on a bad choice and now no one will forget.

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This is Coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Hope to see you back here next week until next time blessings

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Can you recognize your failure symptoms?