Tag Archives: vortex

How to Have It All

You can, have it all. Is it possible to have a passionate marriage, a thriving career, a healthy beautiful body, more money that you ever dreamed of, and enough downtime to enjoy it without running yourself ragged.


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Christy Whitman. is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach and the New York Times Bestselling Author of “The Art of, Having It All” she has appeared on The Today Show and the Morning Show and her work has been featured in, People's Magazine, Seventeen, Women's Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others Christy is also the CEO and founder of the, Quantum Success Learning Academy and Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction program.

Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches and coaching sessions and products. Christy's life changing message reaches over 200,000 people per month and her work has been promoted by and featured with esteemed authors and luminaries such as Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neale Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks, and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Arizona with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim. You can meet her on the web at www.QuantumSuccessBook.com,

I read your bio and I'm thinking wow this woman is where I want to be. So we're going to start out by just asking you a kind of a background question you've accomplished quite a lot. Can you tell us your journey to this point in your career in life.

Searching for purpose

Well, I basically did everything that my parents told me, you know, Go get a degree, get a good job, put money in the Bank, have a nice fit body, find a guy! I had all that, and still I was just really really empty. I wasn't really happy. I was missing an essential part of myself. So I started going on a search for meaning.

I had this you know like when you're really thirsty for water that's how I felt spiritually. I felt like I just didn't know that there's wasn’t any real purpose or meaning in what I was doing. It seemed like the more money I made, it didn’t make me any happier. I went on this quest and really learned about meditation and learned about how our thoughts create our reality and learned about energy and how we are either attracting things to us or repelling things from us.

All these different philosophies started changing me, and I started changing my thoughts one by one and started shifting my energy and things literally just started shifting before my eyes. When I was searching at one point I was thirty pounds overweight, $60,000 in debt, I had just broken up with the latest bad guy, and I moved to California and I didn’t know anybody.

I Had quit my job also so I I had nothing going on in my life, when I found this information and it was amazing because within just a very few short weeks I got a great job, I was transferred to a different part of California, I found a really wonderful man, and I was in an eight-year relationship with, my body naturally went back to normal size.

Using the Law of attraction to have it all

Things were just flowing and easy, and what I was learning about was the universal laws that I now teach. I’ve shared my experiences of how I’ve created a great career, maintained my weight, and attracted an ideal partner. I've been coaching on, Law of Attraction, and, Universal Laws. Besides the, Law of Attraction, I just share my experiences and I share what I do, and what I learned and what I know not to do, and I just created an amazing business.

I'm serving people, and seeing people transform, and I feel passionate about it. Each and every day, back when I when I was in that space, I was making money, I was a pharmaceutical rep, but I didn't feel like I was on purpose. I didn't feel like what I was doing really had much meaning and so I started to really connect with the feeling of what would it feel like that if I did something and I was on purpose?

I didn't know what purpose looked like, but I started just allowing myself to feel that the essence of the purpose, of what it would just feel like. Even if I didn't know the how or the form or anything and then what happened with amazing. I had a book downloaded through me and that became my first book “Perfect Pictures.” I got it published and my family and friends all bought the book and it wasn't like they were the ones to read self-help books.

I started speaking at Spiritual Book Stores and Churches and while I was doing that, doing workshops on my book, I would take people through meditations and they started asking me to coach them. I had no idea back then, and we were talking you know 16 years ago, 17 years ago. I had no idea what Life Coaching was and most people didn't. I decided to just have people call me on the phone and started really appreciating their transformation. I'm grateful that my stuff it's universal and it helps every single person, no matter what circumstance or situation there going through. We can change all of it by knowing and applying these laws.

Tips for having it all

That's an awesome story I Absolutely love it. Dr Wayne Dyer says that that's how he's written all this books. He wakes up at 3.15 am in the morning and it's just downloaded. I just completed a series with the author of the Millennial’s Playbook to Adulting, Millennials do just that.

Whether it's their parents or a guidance counselor or somebody they find a job, they find the guy, and then they get married or something but it doesn't light them up it doesn't light them up because they’re going about it based on the jobs that's available or income or something along those lines.  It's a great thing to teach because whenever you are on purpose and whenever something lights you up and whenever you follow the, Laws of the Universe, which most people don't know what they are, you find happiness.

Most people don't understand the, Laws of Attraction, and how thoughts work. That's the only way that you can design your life. I'm glad that we're going to be diving into that subject in our next episode; but today we want to talk about your book “The Art of, Having it All,” I'm jumping ahead of myself. Before we get in to that. I want to bring attention to the word you used to introduce your coaching program “Quantum Success.

I love the word that you use to introduce your coaching program. I follow Deepak Chopra. He was my first mentor and when I wrote my first book which was called “Becoming Conscious, my Awakening” I talked about the Quantum and synchro destiny; but you're calling it, Quantum Success; so my follow-up question is “what do you feel is the blueprint to your coaching program and what is your definition of quantum success and, having it all, ?”

Using Quantum energy to have it all

I want to say I'm not a superwoman, I'm just an ordinary woman that has learned about universal laws and, having it all. Every single person listening have the power to create your life the way you want it. Quantum success, for me it was really about, I lived the first part of my life not, having it all, so far pushing, striving, setting goals, it was really when I found the knowledge, and the information on energy and that I understood, the energy that you hold while you're moving towards something is even more important than the inert action of the goal.

We're both physical and non-physical beings. If you're not doing that from a place of alignment then any momentum that you take is a waste of energy, it's a waste of time. You know a lot of times people are moving they're doing stuff and they're taking tons of action and it's eventually going to give them the success that they want; but they're going to hit a wall because if their thought process is different or their emotions on how they feel about themselves or even the way they think about themselves, the way they reflect on themselves, the way they judge and solve problems.

All of that stuff holds us back from really being able to allow the alignment and the flow of the, Quantum field, or what some call God, what some call Goddess. That consciousness that create whatever you want. When you start to bring in deliberately, having it all, the kind of energy that you want to experience, whether its success, or love, or abundance, or prosperity, or security.

Success is having it all

As long as you're doing it consistently, because everything is vibration. So when you do the action and take the action towards what you want to manifest and align your thoughts your emotions your perspective with succeeding, in that space of success. You imagine what would success look like? What does, having it all, look like? What would successful feel like?

If you had the career that you really wanted, that was firing on all cylinders what would that look like for you? I wrote in my last book “The Art of, Having It All,” It’s really about what does having it all look like to you. Is, Having it All, someone else’s definition? It's what lights you up that moves you forward. It's a life force that’s pulsating through you, that wants to become something more. It's up to us as, that non-physical part of that energy.

Cooperate with it instead of trying to cut it off and that's what most people do. Complaining and judging other people or they play like a victim. All those things are literally slicing up and siphoning off your life force energy, and it won't move you towards the desires that you want. We need to ask ourselves. How do I want to feel?

Then start to as much as you can, as often as you can, get in that feeling place. I mean the good thing is about the, Quantum field,  is that this is a holographic universe and so any emotion that has ever been felt can be easily felt by you. Circumstances and situations don't have to happen. We have the capacity as human beings to visualize and to feel our way into things, and to change a thought and you know these are all things that we can do because the thoughts that we have are not real, so we have to direct our thoughts towards what we want and why we want it, to, having it all, and how we want to feel.

Your vortex holds your un-manifested desires

That is awesome, we are so in sync on the things. My next question we're going to be talking a little bit about Abraham Hicks; she talks about the, vortex, when I do my meditation that's what I say. Everything in my vortex will be eventually be available to me, if not immediately but eventually. It’s all about vibration. I was listening to podcast last week and the guest was saying we have Three superpowers, and one of the superpowers was imagination. He reminded me that anything we can imagine, we can create. Whether you're imagining what you want or what you're imagining what you don't want it's real and it's going to manifest.

A lot of people think our, vortex, is outside of ourselves; but the, vortex, is within us. The, vortex, is inside us, so it's not something we have to wait for. It's like we just have to get into alignment with it because it's already there. It's the Creator that pulses pulsates through us. I'm going to get into a discussion of energy for a second. Most people think I'm going to manifest something or, Law of Attraction; but thoughts always create some kind of emotional reaction.

It's really the emotions, so we're viewing something we see something like a tree we look at the tree and we just kind of have the stimulus, we perceive it without eyes and we enjoy it. So energy is flowing in and it's flowing out, it's just kind of like a stimulus we see the ocean it comes in and it comes out. Well when someone says something rude to us or says something hurtful, or maybe you get in car accident, or you lose a loved one, or your bill comes and you can't pay it or whatever it is.

Those moments in life cause us to constrict our energy and we create blocks around it. Those blocks also create a vortex of energy because energy has to continue to move, it goes out, or it goes up, because that is constantly moving, it's never ending. So if energy come through and instead of feeling an emotion, like how that person hurt us or that person was rude or that person made us angry, we constrict the energy.

That creates a block and then that creates a vortex, that vortex is active, it's alive. That's the, vortex, that creates a thought and then the thoughts create a belief. It then creates some kind of physical manifestation of it and then we go, see it's true. You say No matter what I do, I can't seem to get ahead. Men are always cheating on me. We have to be careful and aware of where we're getting energetically charged and start to release those blocks, so that we can get back in that free flow again of feeling the love and the alignment.

The Art of having it all

I do the work, I want to be, having it all, I don't only coach; but I do a lot of mind work because I'm aware at that everything starts in the mind, which is why I call this podcast “The Transform your Mind” because everything starts there. But I loved about the, quantum field, as it relates to success. I actually never thought about it that way until you mentioned it; but you said if you want to move towards something because that's the, quantum field, that's energy that's moving and you have to be an alignment to that goal.

If you I want to red Mercedes but then immediately you say well I can never afford it, that's what you’re talking about, as far as you're not moving in alignment. I Actually absolutely love putting it all together. If you want success you've got to hold what you want in front of you so that you can be strategically moving towards it and also be aware of the energy that you're talking about. If you've got stuck energy, you've got blocked energy or you you're feeling bad then you're actually blocking your flow.

So, the next question I Want to ask you is about the luminaries and thought leaders that you mentioned in your bio. I love them all I didn't know much about Marianne Wilkinson, but I love Dr Wayne Dyer, I'm listening to two of his audio books right now. One is on Balance which is almost the same thing we're talking about today.

I have a Neale Donald Walsch book in my library “Conversations with God” It was one of the best books I have read. I studied that book. And Abraham Hicks, love her. There's was a point in time that I meditated with her every morning. I Picked those three because those are the ones that I know. So what are some of the lessons that you've learned from these luminaries as it you know as it relates to our topic today? Having it all, and, Quantum Success?

I heard of Wayne Dyer probably about 20 years ago. My therapist at the time she was a spiritual psychotherapists, she brought in the spiritual approach, she would hand me CDs, actually back then it was cassette tapes of Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson, and so they were my first two early teachers.

There are only 2 emotions love and fear

I really liked the perspective that Marianne talks about because she would talk about the Course In Miracles and how there's really only two emotions, either love or fear; so that really helped me start to connect with the energy and paying attention between, high vibration, or, low vibration, and then of course Wayne Dyer was huge for me in the whole getting in the perspective of my thoughts.

During that time that's when I was learning that your thoughts create your reality and so I was learning that not all thoughts are real and that we have places where as normal human beings we typically automatically think in these ways and for me it was like wow okay, so I'm normal right and yet I have to change these if I want to continue to change my life.

His work has always just been really touched my soul and in the time that I've been able to meet him and you know it just he really is one of those people that really was because he's passed on, but he really walks his talk. He truly was a lightworker and I could feel that it around him and it was there was an authenticity that and of what he taught and how he lived so that's what I learned about and appreciate him.

He was a very humble man and he never felt better than other people and he really had taught me a lot about ego and in keeping the ego in check and in that sort of thing. The Power of Intention, I mean that's an incredible book. I've been following Abraham Hicks Probably around the equal amount of time around 20 years and I was given a cassette from a little group that I was in in Redding California and I listened to them and you know listening test or channel Abraham and it was like whoa this is really strange and weird and yet I felt good listening to it, not only the words this used but the vibration that I felt.

As a pharmaceutical rep I had a big area in California, I would drive around with a cassette recorder on my passenger seat with all these different cassettes. I was really a tuning into a different perspective, I always write whether you know you buy someone's book and you read the book while you're just going to bed at night or you're driving around the car and you listen to a podcast that bless you or you know some kind of media where you're getting a different perspective than what most people think and how most people think because that's going to help you change your perspective. If you're inundated with the news and you know things like that and around a lot of people that are negative it's very hard to get out of that space unless you do something deliberately.

Saying yes to having it all

We're going to get in it to our topic today which is, “Having it All”, or “The, Art of, Having It All” so let me give you a little bit about you know the more a little tidbit that I picked up from you know reading the synopsis of the book. Christy in your book you ask “ ?” You ask the question like a lawyer asks the question a rhetorical question that we know the answer and your answer was a resounding “YES”

Absolutely exactly right. In the, Art of Having it all, you shared precise steps you took to create radical turn arounds in the midst of potentially devastating real-life situations. Freeing yourself of nearly $90,000 of unwanted debt, 30 extra pounds, navigating the turbulent waters of divorce, and this last two are really hard for most people, the grief of your sister's suicide, and the life-threatening illness of your newborn son.

As I read that I get goose bumps on it because you know that's a lot of stuff to have to deal with and I know we've touched on the energy and most of this beforehand as we talked in your bio, and some of the questions to answered already; but can you tag on to anything that you haven't talked about. What advice you'd give out listeners who are going through, as we call it the wilderness of the storm, in their lives right now.

Absolutely all of those things that you mentioned all of them, I got through and grew from them and had them turn out even better than I could have even imagined, because of the fact that I knew about the Universal Laws and that I knew about lack and energy and Lack in abundance and, I knew about emotions and all that. I knew that I needed to focus on my perspective on, having it all, my sons, my marriage, so just even in the case of my son Maxim, when he was 2 months of age he was rushed to the hospital and he had to have open-heart surgery as a tiny little baby.

Crazy, the miracles that were around that are just like the story is incredible. Typically babies that have a transposition of the arteries are usually found in the mother's womb, they see it in the ultrasound and then they do a heart surgery on them, probably one to two days of life, two days of the latest. If they don't catch it, it's usually within you know the first week and if it's not caught within the first week babies usually die in the crib if it's not detected. Wow!

Yeah, he was two months of age and the only thing that kept him alive is he had a little hole between both of his arteries and the valve that closes when a baby typically has their first few breaths, his didn't close so he was barely breathing which we didn't realize; but he if they did ever did this type of surgery on the baby this old so it was just the fact that he was just there and he was wanting to be there.

It's like, I knew that he was going to be fine and so I went I Told my husband I'm like okay listen we can't have anybody else's negative energy we can't have fear we can't have any of this around the situation. The only visual I'm going to hold taking Maxim home with his brother Alex, And the three of you wrestling and growing up and taking vacations and taking them to Disneyland and taking him camping and you know just like all these visions absolutely.

All these different watching and play baseball and so that was the only vision. Our family was freaking out and scared, of course we had to process our own emotions because it was an emotional roller coaster; whenever we were around him we didn't let in any fear energy. We would clear ourselves before we would walk in the hospital to see him and very selective of who we let around him and stuff and we did that because it's like we just wanted to keep in the positive space we wanted to keep in that energy flow of all good things and any possibility of negativity or fear or any lower-level emotions we wanted to keep it out of the creation; because it was it was imperative.

I'm happy to say that he's now seven-year-old boy, he's been cleared for years. He's got a perfect heart. I mean the surgery that they did was two months is like growing with him it's amazing yeah just the coolest kid and you know and just very grateful I mean just amazing and you know so it's that alone you know we would sit there and deliberately write down like okay what are the positive aspects about the situation nothing will go my God your child almost died is in the hospital ICU.

How could you even look for a positive in that situation? Well for me, we had to because we had to keep our vibration high, so I would write out, how I'm grateful how I was at the best Children's Hospital in all of North America, I was grateful that we were close to home and that we had family to take care of our son Alex during the day so we could be with Maxim. Grateful that all the nurses loved him and just all the positive aspects nothing but.

It's a universal law if you're in lack and limitation you cannot create abundance from that place and so you have to get into it's the law of sufficiency and abundance, you have to get into the place of being at peace, feeling that it's sufficient, it's good enough. You don't have to be over the moon excited about it, but at least coming from that place of appreciation and gratitude looking for what's right and good and stuff what's wrong and bad and when you do that your life will continue to change contrast will show up it shows up for every single person but it's how what you do with the contrast when it happens whether it's really extreme or it's minor you know some people get really reactive and how big emotional reactions over very small things and then when things come they're just like oh my God you know so we have to know how to manage our energy.

I'm Going to redress something, I experienced suicide in my family myself. My daughter was engaged to be married, she was planning her wedding and her fiancé, shot himself and committed suicide and like you I'm a very positive person, I wouldn't say that I know how to work energy like you are because you're an expert on that, but in my life I've had a lot of challenges and you know you say that you can look at your book of wars and in my book of wars told me that almost every challenge that I faced, had a positive outcome just like you can you can see now but your son when that incident happened; but for the life of me I couldn't find the positive in that, suicide.

Now I think I'd go back in and I and I think that the positive maybe, like my pastor talked yesterday that sometimes God breaks you so that he can fit you in for your purpose. I think that my daughter came out of that situation a stronger person but at the time I couldn't find the positive, so how did you find the positive energy in your sister’s suicide? There's a lot of suicides going on right now so maybe someone is listening that can benefit from some advice on how to deal with someone close to you committing, suicide?

Dealing with suicide

This is a great question. For me I remember just feeling that I have to make a decision for myself because she chose what she chose and we can't control what other people choose, it was her life it was her decision even Abraham Hicks says that every death is really a suicide. Anyways when someone takes their own life we make it mean so much and it is shocking and it is traumatic, it's not like someone gets a disease and they get degenerative because of that and then they pass, this is something that's horrible, taking that away either but when someone abruptly ends their life in such a dramatic way it is very traumatic on everybody around them.

I would look at my sister it's like okay she chose what she chose what do I get to choose from my life? Then I started asking myself those questions. What do I want for my life? Why do I want these things? How am I going to want to feel? Really start to feel that way; but during the process I will tell you I allowed myself to feel my feelings, when I felt angry at the situation at her and anything I've processed my anger. I didn't go and beat anybody up.

I mean there's a proprietary process, anger right it's not raging it's not hurting another person but I would feel my anger. I would yell into a pillow, there's things you can do that are constructive for you that and as long as you're feeling the energy of those emotions and you're not bottling move it and I what you're saying yes yeah If I needed to cry, I would cry. I gave myself permission to cry whenever I Felt like. I needed to cry, I would excuse myself and I will go cry.


Christy I Want to thank you so much for being an awesome guest. Our conversation today on, having it all, was very inspirational and like I said I learned a lot from you. Looking forward to our next talk, we are going to dive a little deeper into “How to use the 7 essential Laws of Attraction to create a thriving joyful and prosperous relationship with your work and money.” I Want to thank everyone for tuning in today to on the radio at www.wdjyfm.com in Metro Atlanta. This podcast is distributed to iTunes, TuneIn radio, Stitcher, Google play and now also on iHeart radio. I would love everyone who’s listening to subscribe so that the podcast can rank higher on iTunes and more people like you can listen to awesome messages like the one we have today. so Christy Until next time Namaste

The Law of Attraction: How Vibrational Energy Works

Ginny Gane, Law of Attraction coach, empowers women to transform mediocre lives into experiences of true abundance, joy, and love through levering the principles of, the Law of Attraction.

Leveraging our vibrational power allows us to create more love, harmony, and freedom in our lives.

Download the podcast Here:


Abraham Hicks started my Law of Attraction Journey

Ginny: I've always been in the self-improvement space. I've been reading all the books from Self-improvement masters like Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra.  I was traveling in Australia for a year on my own and the, Law of Attraction, part of this story is there was a day and I was feeling blah. I said to myself, oh, God, what's going on? What am I doing?

I have no money, blah, blah. And I called my parents told them how I was feeling, and they suggested I get this book called “The Astonishing Power Of Your Emotions” by Abraham Hicks. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, whatever, guys, okay. And so, I hung up the phone, and I picked up my backpack and went to walk back to my hostel and as I was walking along past a bookstore, I saw that exact book on a table in front of the store.

I was like, that, oh, my goodness this cannot be a coincidence. And I looked it over and I'm like, it's $35. I can eat for a year on that. So, I walked away but there was just something that won’t let me leave it alone.  As soon as I read that book, it was the piece I was looking for.  It's what allowed me to feel empowered about my life and have some idea of control over it. I understood things can't just happen to you. That is how I got started and I had never ever thought about it in a business. I just loved it.

I started using, Law of Attraction, in my life. And then a few years later a friend of mine said to me, Hey, you're basically my, law of attraction coach, and I said, What's that? What does that mean? I had no idea, and I was like that this could be a career path. I had always been passionate about doing something I loved. Whatever I was going to pick for work, I wanted to love it. And so, I was like well, I love this.  I would always be reading or talking about, the law of attraction. I never get tired of it.

And so just and I was like, Okay, great. Then the rest is history. And my path here and teaching has just continued to evolve and become deeper and more transformational in, Law of Attraction coaching.

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Feeling good is the doorway for the Law of Attraction

Myrna: I absolutely love that. So, when you read the book, by Abraham Hicks, you were in Australia for a reason.  Why were you backpacking in Australia?

Ginny: You know, the biggest thing that I started to practice was just paying attention to what I was thinking and how I was feeling, because that's like such a foundation right to utilizing, the law of attraction. And basically, building this internal awareness of what was going on because when we do that, then we know what's going on in our, vibration. I would just start to notice how things were matching and lining up.

So, when I woke up, and I felt really good, and I was walking along the beach and feeling happy, and I was like, Oh, you're thinking about how good life is and then you feel happy. Okay, so there's that connection. And then I would find $1 on the ground, or I would run into and have a really nice conversation with someone. I just started to pay attention and notice how, the law of attraction, was at play in my life. And that was I think the biggest shift I made before I really started to do anything else.

I've never really been like, trying to manifest things. I just feel like we're here to live such a full life and a full experience.

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Myrna: Wayne Dyer talks about the power of intention, which is basically the same thing as, the law of attraction. But he also talks about feeling good. When you're feeling good you know your, vibration, is good.

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Change your thoughts change your life

Ginny: I have Wayne Dyer's book called “Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life”. Yeah, feeling good changes your life. What about you? How did you get into introduced to , the law of attraction?

Myrna: Well, like I first learned about, the law of attraction, from to just be Deepak Chopra and then I read Robin Sharma’s book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” Then I bumped on to Abraham Hicks and her work with the, vortex.  I have stuff in my, vortex, that I needed to manifest. That was my introduction and I work with, the laws of attraction, daily.

Let's transition into that. You talked about leveling your, vibrational power, and using, vibrational energy, for manifestation, you mentioned that you weren't very big in manifestation.  but, as a, Law of Attraction coach, to your clients, I'm pretty sure that they want to manifest stuff. So how do you help them?

Ginny:  I find manifesting some of the bigger things in life requires finding that balance of wanting what you want, allowing that desire to flow through you and being happy, feeling good where you're at. It's this tricky because if we get too focused on our desires, what starts to happen is we notice that they're not there. And so, we start activating more of the lack energy or the lack vibration and then attracting more of that.

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But I think one of the powerful parts of manifesting is just knowing we have this power. So, it's not only, the law of attractions, happening, it's happening now in every single human's life. The Law of Attraction, is at play the same way as the, law of gravity. We're using it no matter if we are aware of it or not. There's nothing mysterious or magical we must do.  The Law of Attraction, is here for us 24/7.  And so, the more we pay attention to it, the more powerful it becomes for us. Our, vibration, is attracting things to us.

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Vibrations and the law of attraction

Myrna: So true, we are manifesting whether we are aware of it or not.  People don't understand why they’re getting all these things in their life that they didn't then ask for, but as a, Law of Attraction coach, you know that they are manifesting it from there, vibration. So, explain, what is vibration.

Ginny: We are, manifesting, in every moment of every day and so, the Law of Attraction, works by responding to the, vibration, you're embodying or putting out into the world. So, the way I like to think about it is like we're constantly emitting this energy. And the, Law of Attraction, is constantly responding by bringing conditions that match that, energy. Now we know what that, energy, is attracted by how we feel. So, we measure and interpret, vibration, through emotion.

Myrna: You're going to attract conditions that is similar to whatever emotion you're feeling. If you spend a lot of time in anger or frustration, you're going to attract negative conditions that vibrates at the same frequency of anger or frustration.  We never get out of the cycle, that is why we must pay attention to our, emotions, and, vibration.

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Ginny: Yes, and it is there's that's a real thing it’s like this momentum that builds up. So, we will attract frustrating conditions and then we will look at the condition and then feel bad and then we'll look at what is next. It's just the cycle. So, until we become aware of that cycle, we have no chance to stop it or to do something different. So the first thing we can do is just start to become aware of what you are getting back.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Vibration is energy

Myrna: You said something a minute ago that resonated with me, because I work a lot of my, energy. I work a lot of my, vibration. I do it every day several times a day, but mostly, I do it in the morning when I walk into the park because, we know that communing with nature builds of good, vibrations.  I spend a lot of time in nature trying to clear up my, energy.  But you said something a minute ago and it just reminded me that sometimes when you spend too much time on something, you build up resistance.  So tell us where is the line, how long should we focus on something before we started building up resistance to, manifesting, it?

Ginny: Myrna this is the tricky part because this line moves, so depending on what's going on in your life, or what side of the bed you wake up on, your focus will either be really easy and flowing or it will be more resistant.  Only you know how it feels and this is my guidance on this, a lot of people get stuck on this is if you're thinking about what you want and you're thinking about it and thinking about it thinking about it and It's not coming, then there's resistance there, no doubt.

But you must pay attention to how you're feeling when you're thinking about the thing you want. How you're feeling when you think about the thing you want, because it's the thoughts that feels good about what you want that are bringing you closer to it, but if you're having resistant thoughts, even the thoughts even thoughts like this is never going to happen.

Myrna: You're saying okay, I want this. It's not coming, maybe you're saying maybe it's never going to come or you know that kind of, negative thoughts. For example, you are thinking, I would like a red Mercedes and the minute you say you would like to red Mercedes, you immediately have the thought but I can never afford one.  That is a resistant thought and cancels out the manifestation of that red Mercedes.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

How to visualize to manifest your dreams

Ginny: Correct. But you can think about the red Mercedes, and you can end as long as you're feeling open and allowing and joyful and you're like, oh, that's exciting. I love the way that feels, then that's great. But the moment it switches, and this is that line, you were talking about. The moment it switches from like, Oh, I love the Mercedes and blah, blah But when will that happen? Then you're like well, okay, time to stop thinking about the Mercedes.

So, if you're wanting that red Mercedes,  a little bit of resistance there, because you’re noticing it hasn't come yet. It's better for you to start thinking about something completely different, thinking about walking by the ocean. That gives you that same feeling and that opens the pathway for the red Mercedes to come in. This is one of the misconceptions is that we think we need to think about the details of everything we want in order to manifest it. We don't need to need to obsess about thinking about the details. We do need to obsess about being in that, vibration, in that feeling place.

Myrna: Yes, I work on that. I try that okay. So how can we leverage, law of attraction, to manifest our dreams and desires? We talked a little bit about this, but are you talking here about the, vortex, or is the same? Feeling good?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

3 steps for working with the Law of Attraction

Ginny: Yeah. The I kind of give three like simple steps in this. We can talk more about them. But the first thing is to ask yourself that question, I'm sure everyone's familiar with it.

  • What do I really want? You know, how so let's say what do I really want? I really want that red Mercedes.
  • Well, what does it feel like? This is number two. Why does that feel like when you're driving in it? What does that feel like? And so you're I what you're doing is you're identifying the, vibration, that you think that thing will get you.
  • And so now step number three is feeling that way activating the feeling that you want. So we tend to think the car is going to bring us the feeling, but when we're leveraging, the Law of Attraction, we have the power to activate the feeling and then, the law of attraction, can bring us the car. So how would you say that that it feels to be driving in that red Mercedes?

Myrna: I visualize it. I try to, visualize, my hand on the steering wheel.

  • I, visualize, the smell.
  • I visualize the sound that's coming through the radio.
  • I visualize driving down the road in a convertible and the wind is blowing my hair


Ginny: What's the emotion there? What's that emotion when you're visualizing all that? What are you feeling?  Is it like freedom? Joy, happiness, contentment, like what's the what's the emotion there?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Addict

Emotions and the law of attraction

Myrna: Well, my emotion is feelings of abundance and Success. I am feeling good.

Ginny: So, then that's what you take into step three. You want the red Mercedes if makes you feel successful, abundant, and free.  When we identify with the feelings and, emotions, now, we can go straight to it. Now we can start feeling that success on purpose. And we start directing our thoughts to make us feel successful. And then the car can come in because we're in alignment with the feeling of success.

Myrna: I hear every coach talking about walking in it before you receive it. They're not necessarily saying it's, Law of Attraction.

Ginny: Another fun thing about, the Law of Attraction, is it is everywhere. In all the teachings everywhere. It's in the Bible. It's just not always called, the Law of Attraction.

Myrna: In the Bible is called faith.

Ginny: Exactly, yes. Faith is in prayer.

The Law of Attraction, doesn't. play favorites. It doesn't want what's good for you. It just responds to your, vibration. it's not pulling you one way saying, hey, this is your path come here. That's not, the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction, only operates in this physical world and is just responding so it doesn't care. If you feel happy about this or sad about this. It's just going to respond to how you feel about something.


Everything is vibrating at a frequency

So, like we talked about earlier, vibration, is just energy. It's just like electricity, it's energy. And we interpret, vibrations, through our emotions. There's an emotional scale. So, the same as there's a frequency scale of energy, measured in Hertz from zero Hertz to 1000 hertz. Our, vibration, is very similar. It's just a measure of that frequency.

And so there's low frequencies and there's high frequencies, and our, emotions, match up. Our lower frequency, emotions, are those like fear and guilt and sadness. Our higher frequency, emotions, are the happiness, the joy, the hopefulness, those kinds of, emotions. How we feel is our interpretation of the, vibration, we are emitting and what, Law of Attraction, is attracted to.

Myrna: All right.  I was reading something new today and it made me aware that everything is vibrating at an, energy, the walls in your house, the bed that you sleep in, the trees in nature, the rocks all are vibrating at an energy frequency. When I go to the park, I sit on rocks because the rock is vibrating. I'm trying to blend with the, vibrational frequency, of the rock.

Ginny: That's why we feel so good in nature, because nature is connected to source, what you are talking about is Alignment.  Alignment is when your emotions are like in alignment with our God Self, or our Source self, that nonphysical part of us. And so, when there's alignment between how we're thinking and feeling, and that other part of us we feel good.

Nature, animals, they stay in this mostly connected place. That's why we love to be around them. They're just unconditional love pouring through. That's why it feels so peaceful to be in nature is because we're literally surrounded by these, vibrations, that are all in alignment.

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 A champion's Mindset 

Book A Champion's Mindset
Book A Champion's Mindset

 Myrna: Tell us about your book  “A Champion’s Mindset.” I know that your first book that you read from Abraham Hicks was regarding emotions, but she also talks about the, vortex, tell us about your book.

Ginny: Yeah, my book was exciting to write.  I just want people to know that they have the power to create their reality. That's available for everyone, no matter where you are, where you're starting, your past anything. We all have this capacity. And so, my book goes over the basics of how to start leveraging this and applying it in your life.

So just like I said, those three steps are in there and there's a process that that walks you through what's going on how to start paying attention, and just gives you this understanding. I think one of the biggest things for me that allowed me to step into my power was just knowing how and why I was creating my reality. And so that's what a champion mindset is about is like helping you understand so that you can be the champion of your own life.

Myrna: Yeah, a champion mindset, right. Of course. This show is all about, you know, transforming your mind.

Ginny: It is when you go from this place of being a victim and not in a bad way, but just feeling like life is happening to us, like we're the victim. It even pops up for me now occasionally. When I forget, oh, yeah, you can change how you feel about this. Whether it's the traffic or the weather, we have all these preconceived ideas about why this is happening to me, but we must remember we are the Co-creators of this life.

We get to work with life, that life isn't just an accident. It's not just happening to us. And so,  we go from this place of victimhood to this place of empowerment.  The freedom that comes from that  is what is also on a global scale, we need empowered individuals in order for our world to become more peaceful.

You can pick up a copy of the Champion’s Mindset on Amazon or wherever you get your books.

I love to hang out on Instagram @ginnygane  my website is www.Ginnygane.com.

Additional Resources


Understanding the Healing Powers of The Earth

We aren't in easy communication with, nature, like we used to be, and the reality is our vibration (that is our healthy and healed vibration), is the same as the earth's vibration. If you go outside and you touch a tree, it feels so good to be out in, nature, because, it's healing to us. So,  put your hands on a tree, sit down on a park bench, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the earth.
It doesn't even take any time. It's literally seconds before your body drops into that healing frequency and starts shifting to a different vibration and matching. It's called, resonance.  Your body finds, resonance, with the other vibrations.

I'm very excited to bring to you an, earth, healing expert, her name is Amy Dempster. Today, we are going to be talking about “Understanding the Healing Powers of the Earth”. This is an interview that you have to listen to because I don't know all there is about, mother earth, but there's healing in the, earth.

Download the full interview here: 


Communicating with the earth

I try to attach to, earth, or communicate with it on a daily basis when I walk in the park, but I don't know what I'm doing. I just know it's good to be there. So, today, I'm hoping that Amy can share with me some of the things that would make my walk and my communication with the, earth something that can be more beneficial to me.


Amy Dempster helps in understanding, the healing power of the earth. What began as openly sharing her spiritual journey on her popular blog Following Hawks, has become a resource for others wanting to learn how to, communicate with nature, and share their own unique healing gifts with the, earth.

Together with the, Spirits of the Land, in the mountains of northwest Montana, she tends, seven portals on the land, where she lives, along with any grid keeping work she is assigned. She also leads the Earth Tenders Academy, an immersive online journey to help others reestablish their connection with their ancient ancestors, learn to communicate with the seen and unseen forces in their environment and respectfully offer their healing energy to places in need. Amy is also the host of the podcast The Earth Keepers.

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Understanding the healing powers of the earth

Myrna: Tell us your journey into understanding the, healing powers of the earth. Is this a gift that you were born with or is it something that you nurtured?

Amy: The journey certainly has developed over many years and at this point it wasn't something that I was super aware of. As a child, I did grow up on a farm and I spent a lot of time outside. I was with, nature, all the time, but I don't remember having like really clear, communication with nature, until I was an adult working and kind of being in a city atmosphere for a long time, and a lot of days and a lot of years.

What does Hawks has to do with it?

Back in 2008, I started having these kinds of unusual experiences with, hawks, (the birds). It wasn't like they weren't in my environment or hadn't seen them before, but they started coming really close to me repeatedly over and over. It happens once and that was kind of cool, but when it happens three, four, five and six times, you start saying – there's something going on here that someone trying to send me a message, like what's going on.

That really led me to start asking more questions. It's hard to remember now, as 2008 doesn't seem like that long ago to me anyway, but it feels like at that time there just wasn't as much information.

There weren't as many resources as there are now. I could find bits and pieces about kind of, animal communication, or that type of thing, but nothing quite seemed right. I really just kind of continued along and asked more questions. I was meditating on a regular basis, and after a number of years, I received a pretty strong message that it was time to move where there were pine trees and water.

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Starting communication with trees

It surprisingly happened fairly quickly over a period of just a few months before my husband and I moved to Montana. It was in that journey, and after moving and getting settled in, I would go out for walks on a daily basis. My neighborhood had these tall towering pine trees and I started realizing that these, trees, were sending me messages and that I was receiving this communication, which again seemed really kind of strange to me.

I didn't want to tell anybody, I didn't want anyone to know I was talking to the, trees. It was a bit weird for me at first, but it really sparked my interest and imagination. I started asking a lot more questions like – well, if I can receive these messages from, trees, then it seems like I could probably talk to them too, like they should be able to understand me.

So that was really when I started diving in a lot deeper into just kind of learning how this works, learning how to, communicate with nature, the wisdom that's all around us all and the time that we can tap into.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Interpreting messages from Hawks

Myrna: That's amazing. That is absolutely a story  why, Hawks?

Amy: I think, hawks, are participating in humanity's awakening. We receive intuitive messages or messengers in this form. It's always unique for each person individually, but there are some kinds of general statements for different animals or different birds. Obviously, whenever you have an animal coming to you or a dream or something you can look it up and find out what the kind of main messages are.

Often times with, hawks, the messages is  (they have that higher vantage point view, they can see the big picture, they can see over a larger area and a lot of times that's the message)  clarity. Hawks,  are really connecting and really kind of being in this in between of the spirit realm and the earth realm. They're like floating above us and seeing that big picture.

Now, when I see, hawks, it really feels to me like the message is you're on the right path, you're on the right track, keep going, keep going in this direction and see the big picture right in front of you.

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Communicating with nature: trees, rocks and mountains

Myrna: I have always been intrigued about, communicating with trees, and rocks. I was interviewing a guest once and she told me she was climbing a mountain and the mountain was speaking to her.  That conversation has stayed with me for a long time. Let's expand on that because I'm very curious about that. You're walking in, nature, and the, trees, were speaking to you. What were they saying?

Amy: As humans, we have kind of created language that we believe to be the one way to communicate and the reality is within the, earth realms, everything else is still communicating without language. They are  communicating intuitively or telepathically. So, as humans, that's just not a skill that's cultivated in most of us from childhood learning how to receive those kinds of intuitive messages or information.

Intuitive communication with trees

Everybody receives them differently, and it's really easy for a lot of us to dismiss especially when it's something like a feeling or a sense.  We would notice that our stomach started hurting when we went into that house, but dismiss it as weird. That's, telepathic communication, sending you a message.

Communication with trees, is considered clairaudience.   This is when you are hearing voices, but no one is there.  That is how messages come in, it sounds like you're talking to yourself in your head. A lot of us just think – I just made that up. For me, it kind of felt like the, trees,  put thoughts in my head that I didn't put there.
They would say things like go down that embankment and pick up that trash!
Everything in our environment is animate and energy just like we are. Some are more willing and eager to talk to humans than others. I always suggest people start with house plants, because I think it's really easy to start communicating with your plants.  We feel comfortable talking to our house plants.
I know a lot of people who talk to their plants and they say that it makes them grow and stuff.
Myrna: Yes, people that have gardens do talk to their plants.

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Communication with your house plants

Amy: It's easier to start with things like, house plants, around your house that you might already have a relationship with and I always say the bigger and older it is, the slower and quieter the communication. A mountain for instance might take some more time to really tune into, so if you're just starting to practice, communication with nature,  you might not want to start with a mountain because you might feel like nothing's happening.
Start slowing down, tree communication, might only come in one word or one feeling instead.
We are physical and spiritual beings and there are lots of spiritual things we can't see. When we're,  communicating with nature, trees, rocks or mountains, is it actually the non-physical world that we're communicating with.
We are all both physical and non physical at the same time and that includes, trees, rocks, and mountains. When you hug a tree you are communicating with the spirit that surrounds the tree.
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Matching the vibrations of nature

We have our physical body that we tend to think of as the entirety of ourselves, but we do have our spiritual body which you might call your soul.  We communicate with our soul as part of our non physical body. We also have our energy body which is just outside of our physical body, (people call it an aura). You have that energy that's vibrating outside of your body and , trees, has the same energy.
You can communicate, you can feel the energy of, trees, you don't even have to put your hand all the way up to them, you can feel their energy body. Your energy body or spirit starts communication with its energy body even though you are not conscious of this.
That's why plants and, trees, are easier initially to make those connections with, because we can physically see them in our environment.  As opposed to the many other energies that are present on, earth. I call these energies, spirits of the land.
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Communicating with the spirits of the land

Myrna: You said you learned to speak with the, spirits of the land. So, not only can you have, communication with the trees, and rocks, but also the, spirits of the land, that we can't see, but we know they exist. How can we learn to communicate with the, spirits of the land?
Amy: The first things I always recommend to people in this kind of communication with the, spirits of the land, is to slow down.  We’re accustomed to walking through the, earth, at a certain pace, usually with our headphones on our ears. If you're going to go on a walk around your block or the walk in your park, go by yourself.  Leave your phone behind and be quiet and walk slowly.
Whatever pace you would normally walk at, cut it in half (which won't be slow enough). The point is to start noticing things in your environment like a flower or a tree that is different from the other, trees. When we're moving fast, it's hard to notice that there's a, tree, that's really vibrant and beautiful.

Establishing communication

Those are ways that the, spirits of the land, are saying, ‘Hey look at me over here, come over and talk to me,” but if you're walking or moving too fast and kind of skipping over or thinking all the, trees, look the same, you can’t establish communication.
They're very different and you want to initially just start noticing what catches your attention. Which, trees, are a different color green than all the others? When you see something like that, then you can approach that tree or that plant or that rock or whatever and just kind of say I would like to connect with you.
You can say it in your head if you are worried about looking like the weird lady talking to, trees, in the park and initially start that conversation. Just say is there anything you'd like to share with me? Or oh gosh! Your flowers are especially beautiful. I love that color of purple (those types of things). It's really would just be like meeting a new friend.
Establish communication before you go hug a tree and ask before you touch it, because  maybe the tree wants to be touched or maybe it doesn't.
Therefore, establishing that kind of boundary  make them know that you'd like to communicate.  You may or may not receive any immediate message back, but again we have to start getting used to using our whole body and whole energy body for that communication.

Communication with trees is usually a feeling

The communication might be a warm feeling in your heart or a flutter in your stomach or a breeze that kicks up right after you ask; that's why we have to move so much slower and be quiet. This is to allow this information to flow in and for you to start getting accustomed to how you receive information.
Just take a few minutes even once a week. Your normal path is going to make a huge difference and you'll start noticing. I mean even the fact that you'd walk there for a while before you notice you're interacting, the more that kind of two-way conversation is happening, the more will be revealed to you, the more you'll see.
You will begin to say things like “I swear that wasn't there before”  that means  you're at the vibration. You're at the right frequency to be tuned in and dialed into it and see a lot more than just what's visible to your eyes.
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The healing powers of the earth

Myrna: I love it. I can't wait for that tree at the park to start talking to me.
I was listening to a podcast this morning and the doctor was talking about COVID-19 and some of the things that you can do to help with your, immune system, and to prevent your body from being seriously compromised with COVID-19. One of the things he talked about was walking in a park and just seeing the green. He said the green does something to our, immune system.
Amy: We aren't in easy communication with, nature, like we used to be, and the reality is our vibration (that is our healthy and healed vibration), is the same as the earth's vibration. If you go outside and you touch a tree, it feels so good to be out in, nature, because, it's healing to us. So,  put your hands on a tree, sit down on a park bench, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the earth.
It doesn't even take any time. It's literally seconds before your body drops into that healing frequency and starts shifting to a different vibration and matching. It's called, resonance.  Your body finds, resonance, with the other vibrations.
Being in, nature, really does boost our, immune system. Even just looking at, nature, has been proven to lower our blood pressure and relax us and boost our, immune system.

The seven portals of the land

Myrna: Let's talk about the, seven portals of the land. What are these, seven portals, and how do you open them?
Amy: This is where we have to get more flexible with our brains and our thinking and our multi-dimensional nature.  A lot of people are familiar with what's called, energy lines (grid lines) in the, earth, but the, earth, has an electromagnetic frequency and it is concentrated in certain areas.
Oftentimes, that's where you'll find real big religious temples. The reason they were built there is that the belief that it was easier to commune with the divine in these locations.  There are places all over the world where kind of this energy is heightened.

The vortex of energy portals

What gets created there is an, energy portal, or a, vortex. It's just a swirling bowl of, energy, and what you have in that is the ability for energies to move through and use their, consciousness. We oftentimes think about time travel as like – you step in a box, you push a button and you go somewhere else. But, it's really we're just using our, consciousness, to shift into other dimensions and that's what's happening in, energy portals.
You can think of it as being, (even in these places where great religious importance) is that people were using their, consciousness, through prayer and reverence to be able to commune with the other side.
What happens in, energy portals, is that energies are able to come in whether those are angels or ascended masters or star beings or wherever else in the, multi-verse, there are energies they can move through and we can also use our, consciousness, to move through them and go into other realms.

Portals of the land

There are seven, portals, on the property where I live. I took a couple of years before I was able to communicate with this, energy.
I am certain it was the, energy, that I cultivated doing the work that I do over a number of years in that place, made it kind of a safe energetic spot for these, portals to be. It was my spirit guides which I have come to learn over time and other fragments of my soul that are coming in and telling this version of me – Hey you already know how to do this, so help us out here on the new plane.
Myrna: Anybody that's listening and want to hear more of this can connect with Amy on her podcast called “The Earth keeper”. Now, tell us about your podcast. Do you invite other, earth, keepers guests or it's just you?
Amy: It's just me. It is just me kind of talking on all of these different topics, kind of depending on what's coming through for me. I share a lot of my personal stories and kind of how I figure some of these things out and the interactions that I have with other energies and with the, earth. I talk about all of these kinds of multi-dimensional topics.

Communicating with rocks and mountains

Myrna: Can you communicate with the Mountains?
Amy: Absolutely yes, I think I might even have one podcast about this. It's calked communicating with Valencia. This is communicating with the mountains.
Myrna: That's awesome. How can our listeners connect with you? I'm sure your podcast is on all the podcast players, but tell us your website. How they can connect with you. What are your handles on social media and things like that?
Amy: My website is followinghawks.com . You can find the podcast there. You can find everything that I do there. My Instagram handle is @followinghawks. I have a free Facebook Group called “the following hawks earth keepers community”. There's also a spot on my home page where you can sign up for a free training with me – where I talk all about how to communicate with the, spirits of the land.
Thank you, guys for tuning in to the Transform Your Mind Podcast. If you're listening to this on iTunes, remember to rate and review because this is good stuff. Until next time, blessings.
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How to Live in Infinite Possibility

In the world of, Quantum physics, it was discovered that matter can be both a particle and a wave. That everything exists in the wave format, infinite possibility,  until it is observed. So to live in, infinite possibility, is to know that you have a, vortex, of un-manifested possibility waiting to become your reality. 

In this episode Life coach Myrna Young teaches on living in the state of, infinite possibility. Quantum physics, tells us that until something is observed, it is in the form on the infinite.

Listen to the full interview here: 


Observation turns the wave, infinite possibility,  into a particle.

Let me explain:  when we are born we have, infinite possibilities. We were all born with a purpose and the talent to fulfill that purpose.  God said

“ I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

But God also gave us free will, which means that we got to choose which road we wanted to take in life. Either towards our purpose or away from it.

As a kid we dreamed big, we lived in the state of, infinite possibility,  We wanted to become doctors and lawyers, firemen and policemen, scientists and movie stars. Our future was a wave full of, infinite possibility.  Them someone told us, we were not good at math, so we could never become a doctor or a scientist; because you have to be good at math to become a doctor, so that un-manifested possibility that was in your, vortex, is no longer. 

Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

Your, Vortex, represents your Law of Attraction 

The wave, infinite possibility,  is now observed and has become a particle. Regardless if that statement is true or not, it is now your reality, because perception is reality. You now no longer want to be a doctor or scientist; but think about maybe becoming a nurse or Art teacher because you don't need to know math. 

I once interviewed Ilona Selke the author of the book “Dream Big, the Universe is listening”. She writes whatever you set your intention to, the universe conspires to bring it to you. That is called the Law of Attraction. If you missed that episode Download that episode now on iTunes now, or any of the podcast players.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr, I have a dream speech sees the, infinite possibility, of race

I love Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and his I have a dream speech. As a pastor and man of God, Dr King lived in the, infinite possibility, that this country would treat a man based on his character, and not the color of his skin. That possibility still exists today but it is still un-manifested in our, vortex. 

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

So in this episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I want to remind you that You are the Universe apply the Law of Divine Oneness to your Life. You are made up of the same matter as the stars and the Ether. You are an infinite being with, infinite possibilities,. Do not limit yourself, because as soon as you make that observation, you become limited to what your flesh could do.

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Transform your Mind Spotify Podcast
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As James Allen said, As a man thinketh so is he. You become what you think about, so think as a wave and embrace the, infinite possibilities, of your life.

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