FAQs on Transforming your Mindset

FAQs Transform your mind podcast

How to Live a Life By Design and become a Co-Creator

Most humans are operating in one of 4 psychological levels:

Level 1 – victim stage, life happens to you

Level 2 – you create and design your world ie you become a co-creator of your life.

Level 3: Servant to a higher calling.  Doing something for the world. You are pushing humidity forward. The universe speaks through you. You are doing it through inspiration.

Level 4: Oneness with humanity, monk like state. You can heal with a touch.


Let’s look at the first two levels since the majority of us will never get to level 3 or 4.

Victim stage – 70% of the world operates at this level.

  • You believe that life is happening to you.
  • You blame everyone for where you are at.
  • You don't think you have any control over what happens to you. You believe what Forest Gump said “Life is a box of chocolates we never know what we are going to get. So you take whatever life dishes out and you tell yourself that such is life.


Level 2: You believe that your, Thoughts create your reality –

  • You become a co-creator of your world.
  • You use your imagination to create in your mind the life you want.
  • You keep your mind positive,
  • you feed your subconscious mind and transform your thoughts into reality.
  • Abraham Hicks calls this the vortex. Your vortex is full of unmanifested potential just waiting to become your reality.
  • You utilize the laws of attraction to bring the things you want to you. The secret is to feel good and use positive energy to transform your, thoughts into things,

What does a Life Coach Do?

A Certified Life Coach utilizes all these skills:

  • Coach helps coachee to define or reconfirm measures of success for the goal and or session
  • Coach explores what is important or meaningful to the coachee about the coachee’s topic and goal
  • Coach helps the coachee define what issues the coachee believes they need to address or resolve in order to achieve what the coachee wants to accomplish in the session
  • Coach helps the coachee choose the order and process that the session should proceed in to best serve addressing the goals and issues that the coachee wants to bring forward.
  • Coach helps the coachee to define or reconfirm what the coachee wants to accomplish in the session
  • Coach helps the coacheee to define or reconfirm measures of success for the goal and or the session
  • Coach explores what is important or meaningful to the coachee about the coachee’s topic and goal
  • Coach helps the coachee define what issues the coachee believes they need to address or resolve in order to achieve what the coachee wants to accomplish in the session
  • Coach helps the coachee choose the order and process that the session should proceed in to best serve addressing the goals and issues that the coachee wants to bring forward
  • Coach checks back in throughout the session to see if the coachee is moving in the direction of the session goal

Coaching Presence:

  •  Coach acts in response to both the person the coachee is (how the coachee thinks, acts, creates, feels, what is important to coachee, and the coachee’s frame of reference) and what the coachee wants to accomplish in the session
  • Coach hears the coachee’s mood, energy, and/or personalitity in the session and responds to it
  •  Coach partners with the coachee throughout the session
  • Coach acts in reponse to the coachee rather than stay in coach’s own thinking or frame of reference
  • Coach does not let the coach’s own journey, story, or solutions influence the session or interfere with the coachee’s exploration of the coachee’s own journey, story, or solutions
How to Become a Life Coach
How to Become a Life Coach


How do I become a Life Coach

Here are the steps to becoming a certified Life coach

1: Figure out your niche – what are you going to specialize in

For example, would you want to coach on happiness?

The goal of every living person is to find happiness.

As a Happiness Life coach, you could coach your clients on the following:

Defining Happiness – What is Happiness, how is it measured

Benefits and Challenges in finding happiness

Finding happiness through networking and getting to know people. Most of us need others to make us happy.

Worksheets and Workbooks for Your Clients, e.g. to remove old conditioning and beliefs.

You could do an Intro on how You found Your Happiness

Peeling Off the Layers – What is making your clients unhappy

Layer 1: Desire (influences/programming/expectations)

Layer 2: Limiting Beliefs (unconscious/agreements)

Layer 3: Ego and Identity (attachments/roles)

Layer 4: Time (past and future vs. the now)

Layer 5: Patterns and Conditioning (rewiring for joy)

Layer 6: Your Current Mood (emotions)

Certification Completion – You are now ready to go do it!


2: Find a school that teaches the foundation of the coaching business as well as the principles


9 Key Considerations for Choosing the Right Coach Training Program for You

  1. What is the training school’s underlying philosophy?

The traditional method of coaching often brings about only incremental and short-lived results. Of course, when you help change a person’s actions, they do get results—but not sustainable results. That’s because the underlying thoughts and emotions that truly drive actions are not addressed. Without changing core thoughts and emotions, individuals eventually revert back to their old habits, routines, and actions.

Find a program that teaches you how to help your clients change the way they think and feel. A program that teaches you how to help clients break through limiting thoughts and emotional responses, and replace them with supportive, empowering beliefs. As a result, clients are moved to take powerful and consistent action.

  1. How does the school deliver training?

A very important aspect in choosing the right coach training school is determining which program employs the most effective training and learning techniques for you. There are many ways to deliver coach training: • Live classroom training • Teleclasses • Self-study • Online training • Group work • One-on-one mentor training • Independent projects and more

At the University of Miami Professional Certified training program, they used teleclasses along with weekend in house training.  This worked for me.

  1. Does the school offer specialized training?

When you specialize, your exact target audience is more receptive to hearing your message clearly. In fact, the most successful coaches will tell you that specialization has been the key to their success. That’s why it’s critical that the training school you choose offers specialty tracks to help you hone your niche and become proficient in the area of coaching in which you are most interested.

Here are some niche coaching specialties:

Life Purpose Coaching • Health and Wellness Coaching • Corporate Coaching • Professional Coaching • Executive Coaching • Relationship Coaching • Transition Coaching • Small Business Coaching . Happiness coaching

  1. Does the school provide business development training to help you build your practice?

When comparing coaching schools, it’s crucial to determine how each school addresses the following question: How will I attract clients and earn income as a coach?

The University of Miami coaching program did not address marketing.  It is very important in starting to make money as a coach.

Find a program that includes in their curriculum classes to help you build your coaching practice through business development, branding/messaging, and marketing.

  1. Is the school an accredited institution? What is its reputation and track record?

The International Coach Federation (ICF), the industry’s governing body that sets the standards, core competencies, and ethics for coaches and training schools alike. Many unaccredited schools have actually been rejected by the ICF accreditation board and some, multiple times. Make sure that the coach training school you’re considering is ICF-accredited, and do not accept any excuses as to why they are not.

If you are going to spend money to get a coaching certification it makes sense to get your certification from an accredited school so you can be accredited as a coach by the International coaching federation.  If not, you can just call yourself a coach and get on with it.  Lots do. Tony Robbins is making millions as a coach and he does not have certification, just lots of experience!

  1. Who are the school’s instructors and what is their background?

One of the things I loved about the University of Miami certificate coaching program is that all the instructors were master certified coaches some have more than 30 years’ experience.  Check to see the instructors listed and make sure they have at least a Certified Professional Coaching accreditation.  That is what I have.

  1. How long will it take to complete the program?

Accredited coach training programs vary in their requirements. Programs range from only 60 hours to more than 300—and from a few weeks long to several years. Most programs that offer ICF certification take a minimum of 6 months to complete, and the vast majority of accredited programs take 12 – 24 months. The University of Miami CPC coaching program was 11 months.

Be sure not to fork over your money for a weekend certificate program.  I have seen them out there.

  1. Where is the coach training 8 school located?

Most schools offer training online; but since coaching is a practical field, they usually have weekend in class sessions.  About 3 of them for a 12-month program.  So don’t sign up for a class in the United Kingdom because you will not pass or get your certificate if you cannot attend the in class training.

  1. How much does the program cost and what’s included in the price?

Coach training programs vary significantly in price, with unaccredited programs starting as low as $2,000 – $3,000 and accredited programs ranging anywhere from $5,000 – $14,000 or more.

University of Miami CPC training program cost $6,000 plus mentor coaching and the purchase of an ethics book.

Here are some coaching training programs:





Free Download: Out of the Snares, How to Heal your Brokenness
Out of the Snares – How to change your mindset

How do I change my Mindset?

In order to change anything, you first have to get clarity.

Below are the types of mindsets, figure out which one you are and hire a coach to help you change if needed.

The Abundance Mindset
Do you think there is more than enough for everyone?
Or do you think that someone else success takes away from yours?
If you have an abundance mindset, you believe that there is enough for everyone
You look at the success of others not with envy; but with anticipation because you know what God can do for them, he can also do for you.

The Pure Potentiality Mindset.
Do you believe that you are pure potential?
Do you believe that you can do anything you want?
Are you lacking in self confidence?
Do you think you have what it takes to make it to the top of your profession?

The Giving Mindset:
Do you believe that you must give to receive?
Do you hold on tight to what you have?
Is money flowing out from and in through you?
Do you believe that you reap what you sow?
Do you believe that you reap according to what you sow,
That if you sow sparingly, you will also reap sparingly?

Karmic Actions Mindset:
Do you believe that the choices you are making now, will affect the quality of your life 10 years from now?
Do you believe that all actions are Karmic? i.e. results in cause and effect?
Do you believe that wherever you are at today, is a result of choices you made yesterday? In other words, you drove here!
Are you able to listen to your soul’s response and evaluate if your actions are lining up with your purpose?
Are you able to tap into the response your heart sends you in the form of feelings to evaluate right choices?

Growth Mindset:
Do you believe that we are pre programed to grow intellectually like we are pre programmed to grow our wisdom teeth?
What do you need to do to grow into the person you would like to become?
Are you willing to S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself?
Do you believe in continual improvement or a static life?
Do you believe in Education? Education is food for growth.
Do you have vision? Vision comes to feed your purpose, purpose fuels your growth.

Service Mindset:
Do you believe that we are here to serve humanity?
Do you believe that the first Law is to love and serve others?
Do you have a passion to serve others?
What motivates you to care for loved ones or do you neglect them?
Success is in direct proportion to your service, you have to put the fuel in before you get heat!

Wealth Mindset:
Are you attached to your money?
Do you seek security? (if you do, you will always chase it)
Uncertainty is the only field that allows for the pure potentiality to create wealth.
Are you poverty conscious? Fearing that you will be poor someday?
Or are you Wealth conscious? True Wealth consciousness is knowing for sure that you can have anything you want anytime you want it.
Are your wealth lessons passed on from your parents?
There is no evolution when you are tied to the past.

Purpose Mindset:
Do you believe that you have taken human form to fulfill a purpose?
Do you ask yourself “How can I serve”
Do you ask yourself “What unique talent do I have to fill a need in the Universe?”
Ask yourself “If money was no problem, what would you do?”
The journey to understanding your purpose is called “enlightenment”
Have you met your soul? Your soul knows your purpose and it feeds you clues in the form of emotions and feelings.
Are you in open communication with infinite intelligence? Are you receiving direction?


Answers to other FAQs

Ask Coach Myrna: How to Start Over?





A Personal Development Blog and Podcast