Category Archives: 5 mins with coach Myrna

Why Having A Morning Routine Saves Your Day

A morning routine prevents the world from draining you because you fill up your tank in the morning. A typical morning routine involves a spiritual practice, a physical routine and some form of learning.

In this episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna, I share my morning routine and the morning routine shared by Robin Sharma in his book the 5 Am Club.

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My morning routine starts with morning meditation

A lot of people who work 9 to 5 or 7 to 3 etc. have to wake up early to have a morning routine and Robin Sharma teaches that you should complete your morning routine by 8 am.

But that is not for everyone and since a lot of people are now working from home your morning routine can start anytime in the morning.  For example, my morning routine starts around 8 am and finishes about 11.30 am because I work for myself.

So what should be included in your morning routine?

Let’s tell you about mine first and then we will look at Robin Sharma’s from his book the 5 AM Club.

My morning routine starts with my, morning meditation, sometimes I sit on my meditation cushion, but mostly I meditate before I get out of bed because most times I fall back to sleep because meditation takes me into delta brain state of deep relaxation.

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 Your morning routine should include a spiritual practice

After I wake up, I have a cup of tea or coffee and read a few chapters in my bible.  I have also started listing to the Bhagavad Gita. Sometimes I get inspiration after I read my bible for my 5 min segments with coach Myrna.  But I always write in the morning, it seems my communication with source is open.

My morning routine continues at the park for a 5 K walk or I alternate with cardio and strength training at the gym. When I am walking in the park, I am listening to, personal development books, or, personal development podcasts.  I am communing with the trees, rocks and nature. This completes my morning routine around 11 or 11.30 am.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews
This is what Robin Sharma teaches:

Perform the following 5 acts of character training—each morning before 8AM—to help you create consistently superb days. And a spirit that soars.

1. Start your morning routine by Writing a letter of gratefulness to someone who deserves to be recognized. Every person alive today craves sincere appreciation. Handwriting a letter to a good soul is a gift you both get to receive. (This is so good, I have to add this to my routine.)

2. Read from a profound book. We live in a world where very few go deep. We seek informal news in bite-sized chunks and scroll our feeds in hot pursuit of glitter. Before 8AM, sit quietly and read from a great human’s autobiography. Or from a text of philosophy. To ground you on what’s important, before you live out your day.

3. See your highest life. Take 5 minutes, with eyes closed, to imagine yourself behaving and performing as the person you most long to be. Make the movie vivid and colorful and real. Over time—as your self identify rewires—you’ll begin to inhabit the life you’ve invented. (I love this I do a form of this when I am walking in the park. I do a walking meditation I learned from Dr Joe Dispenza where I am imagining my future and walking into it.)

4. Perform an act of generosity. Before 8AM every day, do one tiny gesture to make someone’s life a little better. It could be a smile to a stranger or a hug to your child. Paying for the coffee of the person in line behind you or thanking the bus driver.

5. Turn off your phone until 8AM daily. The early morning hours have deep magic within them. Life’s too short to miss this glory because you’re addicted to technology.


So, there you have 2 different kinds of morning routines. I hope you create your own from the examples outlined above.  It prevents the world from draining you because you fill your tank up in the morning.

Additional Resources 

3 Ways To Let Your Inner Greatness Shine Through

Self Confidence: The Courage To Be You

In this episode of 5 min Fridays with Coach Myrna, I want to talk to you about self-confidence and the courage to be you. The kind that says I know who I am and I don’t need you to validate me. I accept and trust myself and my abilities. I know my strengths and weaknesses. I choose to work on my strengths and not my weaknesses because my strengths are what is going to propel me forward.

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A self confidence story

I heard this story and I want to share with you today to illustrate self confidence and how you see yourself.

Jim worked at a radio station all his life. He was a well-known and famous radio show host. All of his friends and colleges knew him by one feature: if he’s on-air, he is always wearing a suit and a tie. They laughed at him: ‘No one ever sees you, why do you dress like that?’, but he always turned that into a joke.

One day Jim was invited to appear on the TV. There was a show dedicated to the oldest radio employees. For the first time the people, who only knew him by his voice, would see him. Before the recording of the show, the director came to Jim and asked:

– Usually you arrive on time, but today you are 10 minutes late. It’s not horrible, but I’m still interested, why?

– You see, – Jim answered, – at the last moment when I was already dressed up, I noticed that I don’t have new socks. For the first time I was invited to the television, and I thought that simply wearing clean socks is not enough. It needs to be in new socks. So, I needed to go to the store for socks.

– But why do you need new socks? – The director was surprised. – You could have come without the socks, because we will be filming you only in close-up, over the waist.

– You see, to be spotless on-air, I need to feel myself spotless in everything, starting with the shirt and finishing with the pen in my pocket. And if my socks have holes in them, or my shoes are dirty, I’m not spotless anymore.

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Self confidence is an internal feeling

Nobody could tell that Jim’s socks had holes in them, but he could and that meant he no longer had confidence in himself.

Maybe his internal dialogue went something like this

You call yourself spotless that’s a joke you are no better than the bum on the street with holes in your socks.

Self-confidence comes from trusting your abilities: For example, I know that I will pass this test.

Confidence is also trusting how you look. Tell yourself “When I walk into a room people notice me because I am fine.”

Self-confidence does not come from flattery or meaningless compliments because when you don’t get them, you lose confidence in yourself and the negative voices in your head start running on repeat.

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curiocaster podcast

How to be confident: Be yourself

How to be confident, the first step is having the courage to be you. This means that you understand that you are not good at everything and the things you are not good at, you get help with. For example, you are good at seeing the vision but you are not good with the details; so you hire an assistant to help you with the details.  You are still the captain of the ship, you are the master of your soul don’t let anyone else take the wheel because you lose confidence. Be confident that you are going in the right direction.

How to build confidence and self esteem: Self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image all fall in the same bundle—about feeling good about yourself, feeling more like a winner than a loser. What gets in the way? Generally, a cause and a result: The cause is that you learned to be too self-critical, likely by having critical and unsupportive people around you. You never give yourself a break; even the smallest mistake—the burned biscuits—is another demerit and sign of your incompetence. Your expectations are impossibly high, and everything—even the biscuits—is what you’re overall competence is measured by.


How to be confident is always have the courage to be you. Embrace your strengths and accept your weaknesses. There is no one like you, so you better have the confidence to love yourself.

Additional Resources

How to Use Mantras to Build Self-Confidence (The Skill of Self Confidence)



How To Silence The Voices In Your Head

The voices in your head are also called your inner dialogue or self-talk. These voices are always talking; they are always commenting on everything you see. It is a running commentary. The more we try to shut them off, the louder they become. Today I want to bring awareness to these voices because whatever you say to your self is what you are creating.

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We have 5 voices in our head

Psychiatrists say we have 5 voices in our head and only one of them is the voice of God. We have to learn to distinguish between the ego voice and the voice of the holy spirit because listening to the wrong voice can steer you very wrong.

For example. I used to have a voice in my head that encouraged me to write notes to my boyfriends and husbands telling them what I think of them.  I thought I was being real and factual, but those notes damaged my relationships.  Now whenever the voice in my head tells me to write a note, I write it, but don’t send it!

I remember having foster children who stole and I would tell them whenever the voice in their head tell you to take something that does not belong to you then you talk back to this voice NO.

There are 5 voices that we can talk about and here are some thoughts about what they are and how to manage them.  I call them the 5 C’s.

The first three voices are the broadly helpful voices – your Core voice from your higher self, your Confident voice and your Cautious voice.

The other two voices are the ones that can cause real issues.  They are your Critical voice and your Conceited voice.

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What the voices in your head tell you

This is the first way to silence the voices in your head by talking back to them. If the voice in your head is saying things like:

  • You can’t do it,
  • Your success is not going to last and you will be homeless again
  • You are never going to find someone to love you because you are not educated and can’t hold a conversation.

You have to talk back to this voice and tell it

  • “I am going to do it just watch me.”
  • My success may not last, but I am never going back to where I came from.
  • I will find someone to love me because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Another voice is the one that lists the issues on your mind or perhaps makes internal lists of things you need to accomplish. You may also talk to yourself when you’re preparing a speech or a presentation, where you “play” what you’re going to say in your mind ahead of time.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

The negative self talk voice

The self talk voice is the voice that plays in my head the most.  I am always having conversations with other people in my head. I remember once this girl said something to me that I couldn’t get out of my head for months. It was a negative comment and the voice in my head would replay it and replay it over and over again.  It took up residence in my head. The more I tried to stop the replay the more it came back.  I would even shake my head to get rid of this ANT which is automatic negative thoughts.

The volume of this particular ANT diminished over time but your ANT can be self-criticism and this is one way to silence this voice.

Write down your ANT in a notebook and them write responses to them. For example:

It could go something like this:

  • ANT: “I messed up at work. I’m probably going to get fired.”
  • Answer: “Mistakes happen. I do a good job one mistake is not going to get me fired.
  • OR
  • ANT: “My son really acted up today. I’m not a good mom.”
  • Answer: “We all have bad days. I am doing the best that I can”

This is one way to rewind the negative tape playing in your head and record over it.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Strategies to silence the voice in your head

Some of the other ways to silence the voices in your head are:

  1. You have to put word on word – decree and declare
  • My body is blessed
  • My mind is blessed
  • My marriage is blessed
  • Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
  • My children are blessed
  • My grandchildren are blessed

You have to silence the voice in your head by speaking back to them. Because you shall have whatever you say.

It you say that you will live all your life without love, then you will.

If you say to yourself that you will always be poor, that will be your experience.

You have to decree and declare like the apostle Paul said “When I get to the end of my life I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Talk back to your negative voices

You need courage to continue when there is a threat. Don’t let the negative self-talk stop you from finishing the race.

  • What do you remember when things get tough?
  • Do you remember when God brought you out?
  • Do you remember when God made a way out of no way

Talk back to the voice in your head and say God chose me to go through this. If God thought I couldn’t handle it, he won’t let you go through it.

We can’t see the enemy but he is everywhere.  We have to know the difference of being crushed by the Lord and being crushed by the world.

You cannot have change without disruption.  Don’t be sidetracked by the disruption. Don’t let a disruption distract you from your purpose.

Tell yourself that in every disruption there is opportunity.  Don’t fail to prepare for what’s next because you are focusing on what’s gone or the disruption.

Leaders are determined by how much you move things from one place to another moving the disruption to victory.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

There is purpose in every disruption

When you have a purpose, no disruption can move you off your destiny.

T D Jakes says Once the grapes have been crushed you can’t get the juice back into the grapes.

If you want to be wine you have to be willing to give up being a grape.

You cannot have change without disruption.

The voices in your head area distraction, talk back to them or let ignore them.  If you do this they will eventually go away!

Additional Resources 

How to Stop Negative Self Talk

How to Escape The Snares of Loneliness

Loneliness has been linked to higher blood pressure and depression, and an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. We are meant to share our lives with people. It is nature so when we are alone and lonely, Nature has a way of trying to fill the void.

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Filling the void of loneliness

God also promises to give you back a double portion of what you have lost so the first thing you need to do to escape the snares of loneliness is to speak to the atmosphere. Decree and declare that God will fill the void in your life with a double portion of what is missing.

Because we are not designed to be lonely and alone, sometimes we prefer to live in conflict than live alone in an empty house. I have heard so many men including my own father say that when their wife’s left them they couldn’t stand the empty house and they begged her to come back. An empty house, a house void of kids or just the presence of another could lead to depression.

The reason that empty nesters find something to do when the kids leave the house is that they are trying to fill the void in their homes and heart.

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curiocaster podcast

Don't fill the void of loneliness with alcohol or food

  1. Be careful what you use to fill your empty places or use to fill your void of Loneliness.
  • You can’t use alcohol to fill void of abandonment.
  • You can’t use food to fill the void of low self-esteem.
  • You can’t use sex to fill the void of not being enough.

Don’t let anyone use you to fill their void. Do not become the substitute to fill anyone’s void. Not only will you be lonely again when they dump you but you will also feel used and abused.

  1. To escape the snares of loneliness you have to be connected to a worshiper or connected to support. If your home is empty, you need someone to talk to on the phone, you need the community of worshippers at your church to escape the snares of Loneliness. Late in the midnight hour when you can’t sleep you need someone you can call who will listen. You need connection to God and man.
  2. You need someone to pull you into something new. You need to find someone or something to hold onto someone to hold you up. Someone you can borrow their strength until God turns it around. Because a fresh anointing is coming your way.
  3. Keep busy get out of the house.
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Transform Your Mind

Here are 5 ways to escape the snares of Loneliness

  1. Take up a new hobby
  2. Volunteer at your local church, hospital, food bank etc.
  3. Get into books and live vicariously through the stories
  4. Go to the movies or go out dancing. You can even learn to dance by joining a dance class.
  5. Get or borrow a dog. Dogs are man’s best friend and you can never be lonely with a dog around. If you’re a dog lover, but don’t have the space, time or money to have your own, then ‘dog borrowing’ might be just the thing for you. Maybe a friend or neighbor has a dog they’d like to get a walk and some company during the day while they are at work. That’s what we call a win win situation.

Loneliness is a real.  If you find yourself with the void of human company, I hope I gave you some tips to escape the snares of loneliness. The flip side of loneliness is enjoying your own company and being okay with being alone. So, people are introverts and truly enjoy their own company.


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources 

How To Get Out Of The Snares of Child Abuse


212 Degrees: The Extra One Degree of Effort

At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees it boils and turns to steam. That steam can power a train. The extra, one degree of effort is all it takes to go from water to steam.  Are you living your life on cruise control? If so, you will always be mediocre and always missing the podium. So, I want to share with you what happens between, 211 degrees, and just one extra degree at, 212 degrees.

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Water boils at 212 degrees

Below 32 degrees, water is solid.

Above 32, water is liquid.

At 211 degrees, water is hot.

At, 212 degrees, water boils, it turns to steam, and steam can power a train. One extra, degree, can change the state of water. One extra, degree of effort, can be the thing that takes you to the next level. One extra, degree of effort, in sports and life, can separate the good from the great. One extra, degree of effort, can change your life.

Here are some examples of that one degree of effort.
  • Olympic – Men’s Giant Slalom 0.17 seconds was the margin of victory that means that the winner gave that extra, degree of effort, to win by 0.17 seconds.
  • Olympic men’s 800-meter 0.05 seconds margin of victory. That means a push at the finish line. 0.05 seconds is a neck!

By giving that one extra, degree of effort, moved them from hot to steaming, these champions achieved results beyond their wildest expectations.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Podvine

Getting to 212 degrees daily

You can get to, 212 degrees, daily. The extra, degree of effort, is something we can all apply ..every day.

This is your life you are responsible for the results.

Those results that can take you beyond your wildest dreams.

So, if you want to win, then it is time to turn up the heat.

Nobody wants a Luke warm person.

Are you Lukewarm in your affections?

Lukewarm in your efforts?

If you are not feeling the heat, you are not pushing hard enough.

Have you ever tried to build muscle? How do you build muscle? You build muscle by giving that extra degree of effort to feel the burn.  When you feel the burn, we always want to stop, but you have to do one more repetition, you have to feel the pain that extra degree of effort to get to 212 degrees!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger said he used to work his arms until they hung limp at his sides shaking.

Do you think he was lukewarm in his training? No, the 6-time Mr. Olympia had steam coming from his nostrils!

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Here are 3 ways to turn up the heat to get you to 212 degrees:

Consider the ABC's of change:

Attitude: Everything starts with your attitude. When you turn up the heat, water starts the process of turning into steam. A small change in your, attitude, can have a positive impact on your behavior. When you have a positive, growth mindset, gritty attitude, your behavior improves. When you believe you can do something, you attack it with more force. Approach everything with the right attitude. You have to believe you can win. Water knows it can turn to steam.

Behavior: Growth and improvement happen in small, consistent acts over time. Show me your habits and show me how you are acting and behaving and I will show you how you will perform. Water changes when its temperature changes. We perform better when we make positive changes in our behavior and have better habits.

Consistency: You can't do something just once and expect to see change. When water gets to, 212 degrees, it starts to steam, but if you remove it from the heat then drops back down to, 211 degrees, it will return back to just water at 32 degrees. If you can't stay consistent, you will fall back to who you were, lukewarm.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources

Motivate Yourself with The Power of Positive Thinking


Why God Loves Gratitude

Gratitude, is at the top of the, positive emotions, list and is an energy that attracts goodness into your life. Jesus, said, gratitude, can also make you, whole.

Welcome back to the transform your mind to transform your life the podcast. You are listening to 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. Today I want to teach on the topic Why God loves Appreciative people.  I want to use as my foundation scripture Luke 17:15 to 18

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you whole.

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Why you should express gratitude

My Pastor Apostle Glover preached this message a few weeks back and it brought to my awareness that I have a good life because I came back to say thanks to God.

Just to be sure I knelt at the alter and gave God thanks for every blessing in my life.

I am big on, gratitude, my parents taught me to say thanks for everything I received. I never complete an email without thanking the person who sent it.

I have had personal relationships with people who were never appreciative of what others did for them and because of that never experienced life’s abundance and always struggled. They were never, grateful.

The 10 lepers healed by Jesus

Jesus said to the one leper, who returned that his, gratitude, or faith made him, whole. Why is, gratitude, so important to God?

Gratitude, is at the top of the, positive emotions, list and is an energy that attracts goodness into your life. Jesus, said, gratitude, can also make you, whole.

10 Common Positive Emotions 
  • Joy.
  • Gratitude.
  • Pride.
  • Serenity.
  • Interest.
  • Amusement.
  • Hope.
  • Awe.
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Podbay FM

What is the Definition of wholeness?

To be, whole, means that your insides match your outside. In other words if you feel peace and joy on the inside, life will present you peaceful experiences on the outside.

On the other hand, if everything in your world is chaotic then you know that you have no internal peace.

Wholeness is the state of being perfectly well in body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit.

God expects us to give thanks for our blessings or we will not be well in body soul and spirit. That why God loves appreciative people.

How many times you have heard people say that they had huge financial success, but no peace or happiness on the inside? They did not feel fulfilled. That’s because there were not, whole. Maybe they are one of the ones who never came back to thank the Lord for blessing them with abundance and overflow. Only, gratitude, makes you whole.

When you live in, gratitude, God promises to pour our blessings you don’t have room to receive.

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curiocaster podcast

Express gratitude to the people who helped you

Don’t be like the nine, lepers, who were so happy to be healed that they forgot to come back and thank the person who healed them.  Remember to thank the people who helped you along the way. Not just your parents, but teachers, friends who were there for you in your time of need, supervisors who trained you or didn’t fire you when you messed up and of course your team. The people who help you succeed.

When you, give thanks, that energy seeps into all areas of your life creating, wholeness.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind
Practicing gratitude can:
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve immune function
  • Enable quicker recovery from illness
  • Allow one to enjoy more robust physical health
  • Promote happiness and well-being
  • Reduce lifetime risk for depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders
  • Help with coping more effectively with everyday stress
  • Show increased resilience in the face of trauma-induced stress
  • Help protect from the destructive impulses of envy, resentment, greed, and bitterness


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. I hope you were inspired to always give thanks and be, grateful, because God loves appreciative people. Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources 

Look At The Heart Not Outward Appearance

Why Birds Fly Together in a V Formation

Ever noticed the beauty and grace of, birds, flying together in the sky? Ever wondered who selects the leader and why all the, birds, follow the leader?

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Birds fly in a V formation

Birds, fly together in a, V formation, because the aerodynamic V, formation, reduces, air resistance, for the whole flock. With their wings moving in harmony, the feathered group continues its course across the sky, covering more ground together in, community, than they could as individuals. When the, bird, at the front gets tired, she will move to the rear of the, formation, where the, wind drag, is lowest, and a more rested, bird, takes her place.

As humans there are lessons to be learned from, birds, about the power of, community. When we move with others there is little we cannot accomplish.

I was listening to the Jay Shetty podcast a few days back with Kevin Hart and when asked about his success Kevin said he is successful because of the people on his, team.  He says we can never achieve success as a solo act. I have heard this said in so many different ways. Like there is no I in team, etc.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Birds soar heavenward in a community

That is why I wanted to use this analogy as a teaching today.  As, birds, swoop, drift, and glide, inscribing magnificent patterns across the sky, with serene displays of grace and beauty. Who says you can’t look good as you climb to the top! Birds have long been a source of inspiration, because they can be messengers from the spirit realm, or a symbol of the human soul, as they cast off their earthly mooring and soar heavenward with upturned wings, fluttering gracefully, effortlessly and free… More magnificent still is the inspiring sight of, birds migrating, progressing steadily across the horizon in a solid, V formation, that is a singular pattern too unique to be mere chance.

All of us can feel empowered to take on daring challenges of growth and expansion in a community of likeminded individuals.  We can either do it alone and work hard flapping our imaginary wings or we can glide upward with our, support group or, team.

Just like Moses needed someone to hold up his hands when they were tired, members of your, team, can hold us up when we are tired and take on some of the tasks. The energy of others in a group also builds up our energy and their presence lends power to our wings during this journey across the sky of life.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

A support community help us cope with tragedy

When unexpected gusts or storms blows our way, we can choose to find refuge in the loving shelter of friends and family and let someone else lead for a while. If your wings begin to ache on your journey, look around for somebody else to fly at the front for a while. All of us move faster when we move together.

We can also use the analogy of, birds flying, together in a, V formation, to support us in difficult situations like, tragedy, grief, weight loss, fitness etc.

At times we need to tap into the collective strength of a group to deal with trauma that is why support groups like AA and mothers who have lost children are necessary for healing.  When you get together in a, community, of like-minded individuals, people who have had similar experiences as yourself, then it makes the journey back to wholeness so much easier, because like the, birds, who take turns at leading and retreating, in the group when you are strong you support and encourage others and when you are weak someone from the group supports you by holding you up.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna.

Additional Resources 

How to Assemble Your Power Team Like WandaVision

Kevin Samuels: Black Women Over 35 Are Low Value

The late, Kevin Samuels, controversially said that, Black women, over 35 cannot get a man because any, high value man, could get a younger woman.

The gist of his message was that women over 35 who are single with children are like used cars. Top quality men don’t want them since they they are, low value, and the, high value man, have options and they exercise these options for younger women with no children and baby daddy drama.

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The 35 and Single Black Women Dilemma

So here in lies the dilemma.  Even though women were calling, Kevin Samuels, a scum bag, he had a huge following of men because they knew he was talking truth. These so called, high value men, were willing to rip into a man of God Dr.  Jamal Bryant, senior pastor at New Birth in Atlanta, in defense of, Kevin  Samuels.

It is true that, black women, over 35 are looking for the, high value man, and  men over 35 are looking for younger women? How do we know this is true? The reason I know this is true is because everyone is looking and nobody is finding love, because love is not about hair, booty, breasts or skin color. Love is about chemistry, it is an energy.

So, ladies my, dating advice,  to you is you must age like fine wine, you have much more to offer a man and you need to let him see this. You have experience.

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iHeart Radio

Dating Advice for Black Women

Remember that relationship you walked out of in your 20ths, now you realize that it was the best relationship you ever had. There is a lesson in every failure.

So now that you are 35+ and single; what have you learned about men? What I have learned is that the, high value man, would sleep with the 35+, black woman, with the good hair and the booty, but they look for more in the woman they marry.

So, while you are sitting on the shelf, make yourself ready for your husband. You have to become,  wife material.

6 ways to become wife material
  • Learn to speak on a variety of topics, men are no longer attracted to the dumb pretty woman anymore.
  • Learn the rules of basketball and football.  Most men like sports so, you must learn to like them as well, so he doesn’t have to go out with the boys to watch the game. He could watch it with his woman.
  • Learn to cook dinner for two. A man wants to marry a woman who can cook.
  • Get a gym membership, men like to hold muscles not fat.
  • Learn to control your tongue, sometimes silence is the best answer.
  • Learn to build up a man and not tear him down. Life and death are in the tongue, speak life into your man. Encourage him, listen to him, support him.
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TuneIn Radio

Kevin Samuels YouTube Videos

I listened to, Kevin Samuels, most famous video. This video had 3M views and over 3K comments when I watched it months ago! Kevin Samuels, was speaking to a woman who was 35 had a 13-year-old son and was making 6 figures. She said she wanted a, high value man, who made 6 figures because when she dates men below her pay grade, she gets idiots.

Kevin Samuels, asked her from a scale of 1 to 10 where would she fall and she said 6. He then told her that, high value men, who make 6 figures are in the top 10% of all men and have options.  They are not looking for an average, black woman,  35+ with a 13-year-old son, he called her a, low value woman.

He is correct, they are not looking for you, but if you age like fine wine and prepare yourself while you're fermenting, they will take a sip of you and become intoxicated.

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Black women prepare yourself to become a high value woman

The other thing I have learned is it may have been a long time since you have been held by a man and you can't wait to jump into bed; don't do it. A man must respect the woman he marries. Don't sleep with him until he calls you his girlfriend and you are sure he is not married!

There is a dilemma for, black women, over 35 who are single with children, but finding love is not impossible. I got married at 46 with a 16-year-old daughter. The chemistry was right and I was prepared. So don't let anyone tell you, you are a, low value woman, and that you are like a used car. Antiques cars are more valuable than new cars. You have wisdom, skills, and know how to treat and keep a man.


Hope this helps someone.

You have been listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna, I want to invite you to join my Facebook group called Lifecoach, for inspiration throughout the week.  Until next time Namaste


The Power of Salt

The power of salt, salt is used for flavoring, preserving, fertilizing and other uses.  It is the ingredient we want to be most like. What happens when we, lose our saltiness?

In Mathew 5.13 Jesus declared You are the, salt of the earth. But what good is, salt, if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.

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Salt is not just to season food

Today I want to teach on the, Power of Salt, because, salt, is not just for seasoning food.

So, what does, salt of the earth, mean? Are we, salt of the earth, in our relationships? On our jobs?

Salt, is used for, flavoring, salt, is used for, preserving food, salt is used for fertilizing and to kill weeds. Salt, is used to de ice roads so you don’t slip and slide.

The, power of salt, can be seen in the colonization of India by Britain. All Britain wanted was the, salt!

Let’s look at the uses of salt and thus the, power of salt.

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Salt is used for flavoring food

Salt, is used for, flavoring food. We all know, salt, makes food taste better, either by adding flavor to something that would otherwise be bland or by enhancing flavors that are already there. Have you ever eaten bland food? You don’t want people to label you bland or boring. To be the, salt of the earth, you have to bring the flavor to your relationships. This is where your personality shines.

Salt is used for Preserving food

Salt, is used for, preserving meats. Salt, was the ancient equivalent of refrigeration. If you wanted to stop meat or fish from decaying, you could rub in salt and make it edible for longer. This was the main reason salt was so valuable.

If you are a Christian, you are Disciples of Jesus, and he sent us into the world to keep it from decay, preserving its goodness and preventing it from becoming corrupted or ruined.

How are you preserving your relationship with your spouse, your children, your co-workers? Just like how you preserve meat by rubbing salt on it, you should preserve your relationships by rubbing kindness into them.

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Salt is used for Fertilizing

The power of salt, can also be seen in, fertilizing. Several ancient civilizations used salt as a fertilizer for the soil, and depending on the conditions, it could help the earth retain water, make fields easier to plow, release minerals for plants, kill weeds, protect crops from disease, stimulate growth, and increase yields. The reason this matter is that Jesus specifically describes his people as the, salt of the earth, which in a rural, farming culture would have been significant.

Disciples are fertilizers. We’re meant to be in those places where conditions are challenging and life is hard. We are sent to enrich the soil, kill weeds, protect against disease, and stimulate growth.

So, when, Jesus, said we are the, salt of the earth, he meant that God will use us for flavoring, preserving, destroying, or fertilizing?

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Salt of the earth

When, Jesus, talked about salt losing its “saltiness” or “savor,” it refers to a process in which the compounds of salts naturally disintegrate over time. We, lose our saltiness, when we no longer bring value to this world. We are no longer, flavoring, fertilizing, preserving or enriching the lives of others.

If you are, salt of the earth, then life without you would be bland and tasteless. Are you preserving your marriage or your relationship with God? Are you fertilizing the soil of your mind and killing the weeds? If not, you have lost your saltiness.

You are (like) the salt for the soil, a stimulant for growth. If you become like the savorless salt, you are no longer good for anything.

What are you doing to make sure you don’t lose your saltiness?

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Here are 3 ways to become the salt of the earth

  1. Nourish and solidify your relationship, today and tomorrow.
  2. Become the best at what you do. Be indispensable. There is no replacement for salt.
  3. Be salt' deliberately seek to influence the people in your life by showing them the unconditional love of Christ through good deeds and service.

Additional Resources 

Understanding the Healing Powers of The Earth

How To Bloom In the Desert

The, desert, is a harsh, dry place sometimes called the, wilderness, and most of us have to go through it to get to our promised land.  In this episode of, 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna, I teach you how to, bloom, in the, desert.

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You have to go through the desert

There is no, promised land, if you don’t go through the, wilderness. You have to go through the, desert, to get to your, promised land.

You can’t drive by in your air conditioned vehicle. You have to spend some time in the, wilderness, and learn how to bloom in the dry harsh conditions.

You have to go through something to get to something

There is no, promised land, if you don’t go through the, wilderness. You have to go through something to get to your, promised land.

In the Bible, the term “Promised Land” refers to a specific region of land that God endowed to His chosen people, as part of their heritage. (Genesis 12Genesis 26:3Genesis 28:13) God first gave this pledge of land to Abraham saying, “I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River.” He then reiterated the vow to Abraham’s descendants until the time came for His people to claim their inheritance.

The people of Israel wandered in the, wilderness, for 40 years before they were ready to inherit the promise.

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You have to spend time in the wilderness, you can't drive through

You have to spend some time in the, wilderness. You can’t pass through in your air conditioned vehicle. You have to spend some time in the, wilderness. The, wilderness, is your in between place. You have to spend time there, but God does not intend for you to stay there. God did not intend for you or the people of Israel to die in the, wilderness.

If you die in the, wilderness, then you were never supposed to inherit, the promised land.

God promises to make a way out of no way, but in order for you to understand that promise you have to find yourself in a situation with no way out.

The pandemic was a, desert place, over a million people died. We couldn’t drink from our church, our family, our jobs, all the places we drank from was closed off to us.

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God sends help in the desert

The profit Elijah found himself in the, desert, and God sent him to a brook where the ravens fed him. Find your brook.  What is feeding you in your, desert place?

God says that no weapons formed against you shall prosper, he did not say the weapons will not be formed. You have to hold on and find the strength to fight the enemy and the weapons formed against you.

Sometimes you have to spend some time in the, desert place, in the place of loneliness, in the darkness of the night. The promise that joy comes in the morning is your scripture of your, promised land. Find your brook and hold on to the promise.

Even if you are in a fruitful place on the mountain top, if you keep walking, you will have to pass through the, desert! Life is made up of hills and valleys.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Your experience in the wilderness allows you to bloom

If you look back on your life you grew most in your, desert place.

What can cause a desert to blossom into a rose? Roses need water. They don’t do well with intense heat from sun blazing all day. It has no shade.

Is there anyone reading this who has blossomed while living in a concrete jungle?  Who has blossomed living with abusive parents?  Who has blossomed in the desert place of extreme property? Read Viola Davis story and it will give you hope that you could be the rose that, blooms in the, wilderness.

The purpose of the, desert, is to teach you how to walk with the giver of living waters, The Holy Spirit.

Additional Resources

Your Struggle is Part of Your Story