The Game of Life: Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons


The game of life, you have all heard of the expression “When life gives you lemons, make, lemonade.” It is a proverbial phrase that is used to encourage people to stay, optimistic, and to keep fighting in the face of, adversity, or misfortune. Lemon suggests sourness and difficulty in life; making, lemonade, with lemons that is being handed out to you turns the whole sour episode into something sweet, positive, and desirable. In, the game of life, you have to play with the cards you are dealt.

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How to play the game of life

When the British colonized India they built a golf course in Calcutta, and they had a problem with the,  monkeys. The, monkeys, would pick up the balls the golfers hit and put it somewhere else.

They tried to solve the problem by building a fence around the course, but of course, monkeys, climb; so that didn’t work.

Then they tried to lure the, monkeys, away with bananas; but only some were lured away, and others weren’t.

Plus, all the, monkeys, for miles around would show up to feed on their favorite food, so that didn’t work either.

Finally, they accepted defeat and changed the rules of the game.  The new rules had the  golfers play the ball from wherever the, monkeys, dropped it.

This is a great story to illustrate, the game of life. We always have to play the ball where life drops it.  We would all love to be able to place the ball where we think it should be, but we can't.

This is a strange story to depict the mantra “if life gives you lemons make lemonade.” We don’t always get sugar and spice and everything that is nice, most of the time things don’t work out the way we planned  and that is, the game of life.

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When Life gives you lemons

  • make the best out of a difficult situation
  • turn a negative experience into something positive
  • make something sweet out of something bitter
  • embrace life in whatever form it comes
  • look on the bright side of life, every cloud has a silver lining!

My favorite show is Private Practice and Addison made a statement on the show that with this saying:

“We make plans but God make other plans, he has the last word”

Your desire to have a baby could be so strong that you pray every day, you dream of your baby every day; you think of your life with your baby every day; but it’s been 5 years and you are not pregnant. The doctors say you are infertile. Time to play the ball where the monkey dropped it and either adopt a child, foster a child, look for a surrogate mother or start fertility treatments.

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Playing the game of life with detachment

Another example is to practice, the law of detachment. This law states that you should only be attached to your end goal not the journey. If your goal is to retire and travel the world that is your destination. The journey could take you around that golf course several times back and forth, sometimes you would be stuck in the sand box, sometimes you will hit the ball in the lake, but if you keep playing you will eventually get to the 18th hole.

Forrest Gump said it best, life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get so, if life gives you lemons make lemonade.

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Making lemonade from your lemons

  1. Although I was devastated when I was fired from my job, I used the time to go back to college and get my degree.  I now have a better job! This is an example of, the game of life, making, lemonade, out of lemons.
  2. My grandfather lost his job due to the coronavirus, but he decided to keep busy and start his own business. He says, “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
  3. Another anecdote for, the game of life, when one door shuts, another one opens; so become optimistic.
  4. Making, lemonade, out of the lemons in life, my hope is that you look at this moment in time as a learning lesson in, the game of life, and try to find the sweetness of the moment.
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Steps for Simple Easy Homemade Lemonade

  • Juice and strain the lemons. There a couple of tricks for getting the most juice out of your lemons (rolling them, slicing them lengthwise, roasting them), but my new favorite “juicing hack” is to actually crush the whole lemons using my stand mixer. Seriously! Here’s how you do it: Quarter the lemons and put them in the bowl of your stand mixer with the paddle attachment. Use low speed to squeeze the lemons, then strain the juice directly into a measuring cup.
  • Use the lemon juice to dissolve the sugar. Many modern, lemonade, recipes call for making a simple syrup — sugar and water boiled together — for sweetening summer, lemonade, but if you stir the sugar directly into the lemon juice you can skip the simple syrup and get to, lemonade, faster — no heat required.
  • Add cold water to taste. Since the lemon juice dissolves the sugar, we can go straight from lemon juice to cold water and ice and serve the, lemonade, straight away.

Additional Resources

How to Win at the Game of Life


How to Love Yourself and Heal The Body

I was sitting around telling myself I'm sick all the time. I'm concentrating on the pain so I started practicing, self love.  I started loving the parts of my body that didn't hurt , like my hands.  I start really paying attention to my thoughts, how I'm speaking to myself, and within three weeks the pain was gone. It is important to, love yourself.

Jenny Mannion has spent the last fifteen-years helping hundreds of clients re-awaken their energy & passion, rediscover their self-worth, and transform to the person they were meant to be.  After suffering with several debilitating chronic diseases for over seven years, Jenny healed herself in three weeks using techniques she developed, which are the same techniques she uses today to help others heal.

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Jenny helps her clients overcome fear, stress, lack of self-worth, anxiety, and traumatic memories or events with simple to use mindfulness & meditation practices, positive affirmations, revolutionary wellness practices, and community support of likeminded individuals.

Love yourself for healing

Jenny: I was sitting around telling myself I'm sick all the time. I'm concentrating on the pain so I started practicing, self love.  I started loving the parts of my body that didn't hurt , like my hands.  I start really paying attention to my thoughts, how I'm speaking to myself, and within three weeks the pain was gone. It is important to, love yourself.

Myrna: What was your chronic illness was?

Jenny: My first diagnosis was chronic mono. Mononucleosis sometimes leads to a serious condition called chronic EBV infection. In chronic EBV infection, you have long-lasting symptoms and a viral infection that lasts longer than usual after your original mononucleosis diagnosis.

Then they found the Epstein Barr Virus in my blood, then it was fibromyalgia. Then it was a genetic blood disorder, which made me more prone to blood clots.  I manifested a blood clot within three weeks of them telling of this diagnosis and ended up in the hospital for a week. And the last was Ehlers Danlos, which was the most serious because that was what that made them say I'd wind up in a wheelchair.

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Myrna: So you had four things going on with you. Wow.

Jenny: Four things and you keep going I got to keep getting diagnoses.

Myrna: And I know that, Fibromyalgia, which is the only one I recognize from that is very painful, isn't it?

Healing Fibromyalgia with self love

Jenny: Fibromyalgia, was very painful and it was focused on my leg.  It feels  like you have the flu, you are just really out of it. You don't know what you'll be able to do that day; If you can get out of bed.  There were times when I was crawling downstairs wondering if it was safe for me to drive my kids.  You have got to, love yourself,  to push past the discomfort and start healing my body.

It was disempowering. I joined support groups, but those were a little disempowering, too because it wasn't about how will we cope with this illness? It became like almost a one upping, everyone sharing their sad stories,  my husband left me because I'm sick. Well, you know, it wasn't inspiring at all.

So, in really focusing on my mind, and my limiting thoughts about, self love, I fostered my Mind, Body, and  Spirit connection.  Deepak Chopra is so great at teaching about that. Wayne Dyer with intention, really focusing on my mind, because we're on automatic pilots so much of the time. When I started to focus on, self love, I was appalled at the things I was saying to myself.

Myrna: So what exactly did you do?

Attention Shifting for deep healing

Jenny: I started with some forgiveness work. Then I went to the, attention shifting, really paying attention to my fingers that didn't hurt, because my legs were in pain and a lot of my other body parts were in pain so I started focusing my energy on the body parts that were healthy. Then gratitude work and, self love.  Grateful for my comfy bed. I would be in gratitude that I could read to my kids even if I couldn't run.

Myrna: You love Deepak Chopra, one of the things I learned from him was this affirmation:

“Every day in every way, I'm getting better and better. My Biostat is set at a healthy 45 years of age.  I look and feel 45 years old.”  And then you go through about 10 things that you're getting better and better at you know:  So I understand you saying every day that you are getting better and better!

Jenny: Yeah, I'm saying yeah, every day I'm working on my healing every day. I'm getting a little better every day. Yeah, I mean, giving myself that credit to for the work that I am doing, you know I am watching videos, I am listening, I am focusing my attention. Just really be mindful and conscious of the way I was talking to myself and where I was putting my energy.

I mean, we know this all boils down to, energy, our thoughts and emotions, creates our, energy. So, that was one of the big lesson I took away from the secret, that one line!  Every 11 months were 99.9% new so where are we putting our intention?

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The body regenerates every 11 months

Myrna: True every 11 months, you're a new person. But yeah, so that's actually pretty good, because if you're seeing your healing, what you're seeing is your body is regenerating itself.   So, you concentrate on, mindfulness, you concentrate on, gratitude and you practice, self love. You concentrate on your mantras and forgiving yourself.   And you said in three weeks, you were you were out of pain, right? So what do you attribute that to? Do you attribute that to to the fact that you are no longer concentrating on the pain?

Jenny: I changed my, energy. The, energy, flowing through me was creating healthier cells. When I was focusing on my legs and how my legs were in pain, wondering if I could walk today; I really wasn't giving my body an opportunity to create those healthy cells. I was expecting pain and that is what I got.

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Using the chakras energy to heal

Myrna: Yeah, one of the things that I learned from that is that when your, chakras, are blocked that's when disease come through. So when you talk about changing the, energy, and changing the flow I understand.

Jenny: Absolutely, once I started reading about, chakras, (Caroline Myss) was a huge influence)  they resonated so deeply.

Myrna: Let’s talk about how to , love yourself.  You talked about, self-love, in your Bio.  What are some of the, self-love affirmations, and, self-worth, practices that you teach your clients to declare and own their value?

Jenny: Well, it's so important first of all, to have, self-love, and  self-worth. Because if we are thinking we're not worthy and we don't love ourselves, we attract the relationships that reflect that, we attract negative situations.   We're vibrating at that energy to attract those unhealthy relationships over and over. It can be like Groundhog Day, different person, same relationship, you know, so it is really important to, love yourself,  and have, self worth.

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Now on all streaming platforms such as Spotify, apple music, amazon and Pandora.
is a beautiful original song called FAME by James Zada.

The opening track comes from the same titled album FAME and is about the singer George Michael.

If you love 80s 90s music but with a fresh modern twist then you'll love the music of James Zada.
You can find out more at his website at

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Forgiveness is a form of self love

Jenny: And I do think, forgiveness, is a great one.  At the, soul, level we know we should love ourselves unconditionally. Unfortunately, there's a long distance between the, soul, and the, mind. When we're just in our groove, that negative self talk is limited.

The limited way we see ourselves maybe from a relationship we had or from our parents or from a job.  There's so many different ways that we can get those messages and we tend to hang on to the negative messages we've received, a lot tighter than the positive ones. So it really is about reclaiming that, self love.

I love the morning and night, because that is when our, subconscious mind, is tuned in. I love the shower in the morning to practice, mindfulness.  We are never mindful in the shower. We're never really there. And it’s such a powerful time, we’re receiving the water element, and we are usually were left alone in the shower.

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Practicing mindfulness in the shower

Myrna: So, what exercises can you do in the shower that you can bring in gratitude and, mindfulness?

Jenny: There are so many different things that we can do that make that our, self love meditation, time worth it.  Most people do shower in the morning. I also love the idea of holding our hands over our hearts and taking some deep breaths and bringing in one of our favorite moments.  We have we're so programmed to replay the worst moments so this is a time to consciously bring in the good times.

Bring in the memory i.e of a loved one cuddling with a pet, maybe the memory of a beautiful vacation that you went on, bring in all the senses, affirm to the world that everything's okay. Because a lot of times we are affirming that things aren't okay.

So, really choosing to be mindful, choosing to listen to the stories you're telling yourself. Do you do something and then say, Oh, I'm so stupid. Well, you know, correct that, catch yourself and say that you're not stupid.

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Meditation and self love is the best form of healing

Myrna: I like that. I like that. I like the shower idea too. I do, energy, work. So I meditate, I also walk in the park every morning and, when I'm going to bed I'm also you know doing, energy work. So I'm in the space, but I never  actually heard anybody talk about practicing, mindfulness, in the shower. I know that a lot of people are not, conscious, in the shower, and I'm one of them. It's just one of those things where you're never actually there. So practicing to be mindful in the shower is profound.

Now, one of the things you talk about is how we can access our body's inner diagnostic system for, deep healing. How we can tap into our body inner diagnostic system, so that we can heal ourselves?

Chakras and healing energy

Jenny:  I consider the, chakras, our inner diagnostic system.  Connecting to those different, chakras, really can heal us.  I also think it's so important to pay gratitude for our body. We have this complex system, going on all the time, we just expect them to work and usually we don't pay attention to them until they start giving us some trouble.

Myrna: Can you explain what, chakras, are?

Jenny: The, chakras, are energetic wheels of, energy, that are in our body? We have seven major ones. We have hundreds in our body, but we have seven major ones. And they're the colors of the rainbow, they run from the bottom of our lower back to our top of our head and each, chakra,  holds a different, energy.

Give you an example the, Root Chakra, at the base of our spine. That's really about the messages we got from our parents from when we came into this world and it makes sense that that includes like our safety. Do we feel safe on this planet walking on this planet, it affects our legs and affects our feet. So as we go as we inform ourselves about each, chakra, we really can it kind of makes sense.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Using the heart chakra for self love

Jenny:  The, heart chakra, is at the heart and it is about our relationships or, self love.  Are we open to receiving love for ourselves? And it makes sense that our chest and our lungs and our heart can be affected by the balance.

So really, when we know the part of us that's not feeling well, we can go to that, chakra, and find out, what is out of balance.  If you're having like, something is hard to digest, your, solar plexus chakra role, will start acting up, which is  your third, chakra.  Each of the, chakras, has its own emotional and physical component and it's so powerful to learn about them. You can download a free chart online to find out which, chakra, controls what.

Myrna: It's really, powerful to learn because our body is always speaking to us. And those little pains aren't to punish us. They are to tell us that something's out of balance. And if we catch it early, we can prevent things from getting really bad. I love that you've talked to your body, you know we can tell our body what we would like it to do for us.

Jenny: Our, energy, goes through the pain and focusing on the pain or taking away the pain on a superficial level like popping a pill doesn't allow, deep healing.  You're not looking at why do I have this headache?  Did something stress me out today? When you really, love yourself, you investigate.

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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

Using the Chakras to investigate pain

Pain represents blocked energy. A lot of women that I've coached have issues with their, throat chakra.  So, if you have issues with your throat or your voice, ask yourself, am I speaking my truth?  Does it feel safe for you to speak your truth? Are you living authentically?

Myrna: That's pretty good. Yeah, I know about the, chakras, and I do a lot of Chakra meditation to clear my, chakras but,  I never thought of them as my, inner diagnostic, system.

I just concentrated on the fact that if you have disease in your body, that means your, chakras, are blocked. Right, and you clear it, but going backwards to say, Well, yeah, you know, if you're having problems with your legs or something or you're having, you know, stomach issues. It could be because of something that came in the, energy, that got stuck there.

That's best, inner diagnosis. And then obviously, once you've diagnosed it, then you could not only heal yourself, but you can also heal your mind.

Jenny: Right, yeah, absolutely. I mean, our mind is so with energetic healing, we know that things can disappear in an instant. But if our mind doesn't change, we also manifest those things all over again. So it is really important to have that mind and a consciousness around it as well.


Myrna: Learn more about the, chakras, and Jenny’s APP Love 365 by visiting her on the web at  There you get links to everything in her community and her courses.  Sign up for the free healing sessions that I offer and yeah, and the first and if you do sign up for Love 365 you learn about the, chakras, every single day for a week, one a day and then you get a love through the, chakra healing meditation, at the end. Jenny’s handle on social media is @jennymannion

Thanks for tuning into the Transform Your Mind podcast and blog.  If you have done so already, please subscribe rate and review us on iTunes.

Additional Resources

Understanding How to Use Reiki Energy for Mind and Body

Finding Joy In Your Nothingness

The,  bible stories, have meaning. In the story of the prophet, Elisha, and the, widow woman,  this,  Bible story, is teaching us that even in your, nothingness, you have something. The, widow woman, had 3 drops of oil. Oil, which represented, joy.

In this episode of, 5 mins with coach Myrna, Life coach, Myrna Young teaches on how to focus on what you do have and not your, nothingness.

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Prophet Elisha and the widow woman

Elisha, was a, prophet, who delivered the, prophetic word, from God to his people. In this, Bible story, he told this, prophetic word, to a, widow woman.

2nd Kings 4: 1-7

A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.”

So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”

Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels and set aside the full ones.”

So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.”

And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.”

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Finding Joy in your Nothingness

The, widow woman, represents the, barren state, nothingness.

  • You are in a, barren state, if your marriage is unhealthy, and you can’t stand to go home.
  • You are in a, barren state, if you hate your job and can’t stand to go to work.
  • You are in a, barren state, if like the, widow woman, you have no money to pay your bills and the bank is coming to take your home.

What this,  Bible story, is teaching us in this scripture is that even in your, nothingness, you have something. The, widow woman, had 3 drops of oil. Oil, represented, joy.

Shut out your senses to find your joy

The prophet, Elisha, commanded the, widow woman,  “Go within and shut the door” that meant shut the door on your senses that tell you your marriage is dead; shut the door on your senses that tell you that you hate your job. Shut the door on your fear that the creditors will come and take your home.

Instead go within and find your, joy. Find your 3 drops of, oil.

  • What is the, oil, in your marriage? Don't focus on your, nothingness. Is your husband a good father? Is he a good provider? Why do you stay? You stay because of the 3 drops of, oil, that you have.

What are the 3 drops of, oil, you have at your job? Your, nothingness, could be you hate your boss, but do you like helping people and providing good customer service? Is the pay helping you to feed your family?

What are your 3 drops of, oil, about having no money and not having enough to pay your bill? Your 3 drops of, oil, i.e your, joy, could be your children and the, joy, they bring you. The, bible, says

Weeping only lasts for a night but, joy, comes in the morning.

Even if you lose your home God will find you another home. Find the, joy, in your, nothingness.

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What is your barren state or wilderness experience

The prophet, Elisha,  commanded the, widow woman, i.e the woman in the, barren state,

“find vessels and begin to pour your 3 drops of, oil, until all the vessels are full”

When you take your attention away from the problems of life and begin to feel the, joy, of having received the things desired, you will have abundance running over. In this, bible story, the, widow, woman’s desire was to pay her debt, so that the creditors won’t take her son as slaves.  She received enough money to pay her debts and have money left over.

When you feel the joy of your marriage for whatever, oil, you have, you will be generously rewarded – for the world is a magnifying mirror, magnifying whatever you hold in your heart.

I am praying for everyone within the sound of my voice that you will find your 3 drops of, oil, and that your cup runneth over.


Thanks for tuning into 5 mins with coach Myrna go find your, oil, and feel the joy.

Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

You Don't Need A Team To Win


How to Raise Your Consciousness And Create Miracles

You can't make, miracles, in your material self, they don't exist there. If you take the time to foster an energetic connection between your, higher self, and your consciousness  you will access the way of, miracles.

My guest today is Dr Mark Mincolla, PhD Nutritional Therapist and Quantum Energy Healer and author of the book The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness

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Mark Mincolla PhD is a Nutritional Therapist and Quantum Energy Healer who has transformed the lives of more than 60,000 patients over the last 35 years. Dr. Mincolla has authored 7 international best-selling books, and has appeared on Dr Oz, Better TV, WFXT FOX25 Boston, KCBS in Los Angeles, along with numerous national TV & radio show, and in regional and national magazines.

His latest book The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Super consciousness is an adventure for the body, mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen—we create them!  In The Way of Miracles, Dr. Mincolla shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he provides his patients and uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect.

Dr. Mark, my first question here is can you share your journey to understanding the, superconscious, and, miracles? I understand from your bio that you were able to cure yourself of a life-threatening illness?

Book The way of Miracles
Book The way of Miracles
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Introduction to the Way of Miracles

Dr Mark: About five years ago, I made a connection with a wonderful producer from New York; a great film producer who actually produced a film called “The way of Miracles”.

Christina and I became very committed to the idea of trying to get together a terrific film – a game changing movie. We actually thought about a lot of the patients that I've worked with and some of the remarkable experiences that I've had with healing recoveries. I had one woman who had a brain tumor (the size of a tennis ball) and it was in her frontal lobe, they removed it surgically and grew back two months later.  She decided not to go for a second brain surgery.  I just can't go through brain surgery again, impossible.

So I decided to seek out some other alternative methods of healing her brain tumor. I worked with her, putting a very strict anti-inflammatory diet, including a strong concentration of natural supplements. We did a lot of positive mental work as well – a lot of, meditative prayer, and things like that. Over the course of five months the tumor vanished.

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The miracle cure for cancer

The good news is, now she's been cancer free for nine years. That's the kind of story that we've set out to create and produce. In the way of, miracles, we actually have a number of different end stage cancer patients, neurodegenerative, conditions like people with Parkinson’s and things like that. We had truly amazing, miracles, and turnarounds. No question about it, we just let the patients tell their stories.

We just let them essentially connect with the audience and to tell the audience what their personal experience was with, miracles.

In the middle of this process, I was bit by a lime tick and it infected me with, Neuroborreliosis, and the bacteria crippled me. I couldn't walk. I was unable to walk for two weeks. I was unable to move. I was paralyzed for two weeks.

Neuroborreliosis, is a disorder of the central nervous system. A neurological manifestation of, Lyme disease, neuroborreliosis, is caused by a systemic infection of spirochetes of the genus Borrelia.

In the hospital they told me they weren't sure I'd ever recover from that. They said, “we are not confident that you can beat this thing. It was a pretty nasty disease,  but the real day that will live with me for the rest of my life was the 2nd of July, 2018.

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Book: Love Letters for the romantically challenged
Book: Love Letters for the romantically challenged

Sometimes finding the right words can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary! Introducing the new book by Rhonda R. Holmes “Love Letters for the Romantically Challenged!” If you, would you like to romance your lover with words of seduction and fantasy, save your relationship Or, just finding the words to move on. “Love Letters for the Romantically Challenged!” deals with real issues covering a variety of situations in eight categories capturing the essence of what goes on between two people.

If you're willing to go beyond the surface pick up your copy of “Love Letters for the Romantically Challenged! now available at and

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Paralysis the miracle of survival

I was not able to walk at that point, so when I fell on the bathroom floor and hit my head, I couldn't get up.  I was on the bathroom floor for 14 hours, paralyzed and unable to move. I basically had to wait 14 hours for someone to come in and just discover me. During that period of time, I went through deep spiritual work, not knowing that I'd ever walk again.

In fact, while I was on that bathroom floor, I couldn't move anything. I couldn't move my fingers, couldn't move my head, couldn't move anything. I knocked over a bunch of bathroom cleaners and I was inhaling and swallowing them because I couldn't even move my head out of the way. Couldn't move any muscles at all. I was paralyzed from the neck down.

Long story short, 14 hours later, I was discovered and rescued. During that period of rescue, I went to the hospital for several days and went to rehab for several weeks. There was a great burning question within me that, “Would I ever be able to move again”?  Nobody knew the answer to that.  I had to decide would I be willing to live the rest of my life from a wheelchair?”

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Now on all streaming platforms such as Spotify, apple music, amazon and Pandora. is a beautiful original song called FAME by James Zada.

The opening track comes from the same titled album FAME and is about the singer George Michael.

If you love 80s 90s music but with a fresh modern twist then you'll love the music of James Zada.
You can find out more at his website at

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Deciding to Live

I decided I was ready to live regardless of what kind of hand I was dealt. I was prepared to live paralyzed and to continue to write books. I could write books in a wheelchair and continue to do lectures. I could do lectures in a wheelchair and still continue to inspire people.

The long story short again, I went into some deep therapeutic protocols. I took a number of different, powerful herbs that I was familiar with. My diet was an absolutely perfect, anti-inflammatory diet, including a number of different nutritional supplements. I took a little silver and high concentration of herbs that were very powerful against, Lyme disease. Slowly and gradually over a period of time, I got better and now I'm basically fully functional again and back in the saddle.

Myrna: That is such a powerful story. A couple of things I want to circle back is when you fell into the bathroom floor, did the fall make you paralyzed or you fell paralyzed?

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Dr Mark: I had, neurological borrelia, that causes paralysis motion. The, Lyme disease,  caused that, but I think the shock of falling and hitting my head didn't help. The film was just released two weeks ago. People can actually view the film by going to I was ready to present, miracle stories, from patients, I didn't know  that I was going to be telling my own, miracle story.

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Accessing your superconscious for miracles

Myrna: Your book is “The way of Miracles: Accessing your Super Consciousness”. When you were healing yourself, I know you talked being a, nutritional therapist, and you talked about supplements. Can you tell us how the, superconscious, or accessing your, super consciousness, (which is also called your, soul,) and  saying that you're a, soul, and you want to connect to your, soul. Can you share that experience for our listeners who don't understand that?

Dr Mark: I think for starters in my fifth book. The fifth book I wrote is entitled “Whole Health”. There's a section that I wrote about identifying your “I”. We used the word “I” 500 times a day. It's a spiritual identity crisis because we tend to think that the “I” is a material self. It's a personality, it's an ego, it's a physical cellular tissue-based organ-based self, but we're so much more than that. I say that we've become victims of an identity crisis or spiritual identity crisis.

What I ask the readers to do in the book “The way of Miracles”, is to go to the nearest mirror look and look in the mirror, look in your own eyes in the center of your eyes, don't take your eyes off the center of your eyes for 10 straight full minutes. You'll start to find that you're getting in touch with the essence of your being.

Miracles come from the spirit

There's no personality there, there's no ego there, there's no material nature there, but you can feel the presence of your, energy, there – your, soul, your essence, your core, your, spirit,  etc. I think that the objective is to tap into and get used to feeling that beautiful essence of self pure, energy.

I think when you take the time to do that, you overcome the identity crisis that I talked about, because you become familiar with and connected to the eternal self – the eternal being within your being, within yourself that is limitless and it's a, miracle, maker. – The whole premise of the book is that there's two ‘selves’ – a material self and a, spiritual self.

You can't make, miracles, in your material self, they don't exist there. If you take the time to foster an energetic connection between your, higher self, and your core (which I say between your heart and your, soul) you will access the way of, miracles.

When you meditate, you enter into your, soul, but if you meditate with your heart, you give emotional connection to your spiritual nature. When you render emotional connection to your spiritual nature, you access, miracles.

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Emotion is highly charged (it's electrical, it's energy). When you take the time to combine the electrical charge of your emotional being with your, soul, that's when you reach the limitless nature of unconditional perfection; that's when you can actually create, miracles, make miracles, help people with, miracles, and revolutionize your life experience.

Connecting with your soul daily

Myrna: When you go and look in the mirror for 10 minutes and you feel your essence, you feel your, spirit, you feel your, non-physical entity, what do you do next?

Dr Mark: You do it routinely for one thing. You don't just do it once, you do it daily. It's like a, meditation, exercise.  It's like an exercise that brings you closer to your true self and gets you in touch with your true identity.

Myrna: I like the part about the, miracles. You said that we can create, miracles, when we access the, super consciousness. We're talking here about getting in touch with our, soul, but there must be another layer in order to create the, miracles.

Dr Mark: The objective is to get out of the part of you that's limited to step out, step beyond the part of you that is materially bound by its limitation. It's not about, miracles, it's about survival.

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Using the super conscious to become limitless

You move to occupy the core of your, limitless, self. That's the part that I think renders are capable of creating, miracles. Miracles, exist on that plane and your potential to make them happen exists in that plane. If you want to perform, miracles, or live a life of, miracles, you got to go to where the, miracles, are (you got to go to your, soul, your, higher self, and your higher being).

Myrna: Now, let's talk about your book. Your book is “The way of Miracles: Accessing your Super Consciousness”. What would you like readers to walk away with after reading your book?

Dr Mark: A lot of our pain and suffering comes from the fact that we're not whole.  People are always looking for wellness;  vitamins, nutritional stuff (that's exercise) but those are all good things, but you cannot be well unless you're whole.

Miracles from wholeness

So, wellness begins with wholeness and I think the idea of identifying with your whole self and getting in touch with the fact that you're capable of, miracles.  The book is about spiritual identity crisis and it encourages people. It gives people exercises at the end of each chapter like the mirror exercise.  It teaches the readers how to get in touch with their own core.

The mission of this book is to say, there are, miracles, happening every day In our world.  We see a lot of them, but that's largely because we're tuned into the fact that those, miracles, operate in a very deep place within ourselves. If we operate from that deeper place (and not operate from our shallow zones), you'll make more, miracles, than you can ever imagine. I think that you'd overcome the identity problem.

You need to accept and embrace the fact that you're a powerful being. You're a, soul, you're an eternal, soul. You're so much more than a personality with limitations, you’re a soul without limitation. That's what you are and you live forever.


Everybody has been telling us for the longest, while we're, limitless. That we are not limited to this body, but very few people are able to tap into that, super conscious. People can check out my work at

We are a non-physical, we're dual personalities (where we're non-physical as well as physical). The physical is limited, the physical is the personality.  Once we tap into our, super consciousness, our, soul, our, spirit, we become a, multi-sensory, person and not a personality. Once you do all these different things, then you can access the space of, miracles.

Myrna: I will definitely start doing that mirror exercise looking into my eyes which would be looking into my, soul, for 10 Minutes.

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Additional Resources

How to Access God Through Worship


The Pursuit of Happiness: The Happiness Habit

We are all in the, pursuit of happiness. Ask anyone what they want most out of life and they will tell you I want to be happy.  But we have to choose to be happy. Our, happiness, cannot depend on external circumstances whether they be good or bad because everything is temporary.

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So, what is, happiness, or wellbeing? Is it having everything you want in life?

If you like chocolate cake the first bite is heaven, the second bite not so much and the third bite you feel discussed with yourself.

The same goes the external, happiness; It is fleeting and unsustainable.

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How to choose happiness 

Set the intention when you awake every day to be happy. Let your, mantra, be:

  • Lord thank you for this day. I pray that everything will work out for my good.
  • Thank you for this new and wonderful day, I know there will never be another day like this one.
  • Thank you for your guidance all day long and that whatever I do, will prosper. I will concentrate on that which is lovely and of good rapport.
  • I know that I am a spiritual and mental magnet and I attract all things which bless and prosper me.
  • I am going to be happy all day long. I choose, happiness.
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Coach Myrna pursuit of happiness

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The habit of happiness 

Make a, habit, of doing the things that make you happy.

Oprah's bathtub is a thing of beauty. She makes a habit of taking a bath in her beautiful tub that has a waterfall because that makes her happy.

I make a, habit, of walking in the park and listening to stories of people’s lives that had meaning. That is my, happiness habit.

When I am on vacation my, happiness habit, is to read a romance novel as I relax on the beach.

My husband, happiness habit, is to watch movies.

If you create the, habit, of doing things that make you happy, then you will be in, pursuit of happiness

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Happiness from External sources

If You lose your home or your job, that event takes your, happiness, or, wellbeing, with them. You go into depression because the winds of the storm are making the waves of your seas rough; but do you know the ocean is 2 miles deep? There could be hurricane force winds on the top of the ocean, but there is no movement on the ocean floor. It remains calm and unaffected.

That is how we can, choose to be happy, regardless of the hurricane force winds, that is creating chaos in our lives, we can choose to be in the, pursuit of happiness.

You have to, transform your mind, from, jealousy, anger, and depression because we feel badly after we express those feelings.

On the flip side:

  • We feel good when we give to the poor.
  • We feel good when we help others who are less fortunate.
  • We feel good when we, choose to be happy, regardless of how we feel.
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Mindset transformation, is the only way to empower true, happiness. We are all in the, pursuit of happiness, I pray that you find it.

Thanks for tuning into, 5 mins with coach Myrna.  This is Coach Myrna Young until next time Blessings.

Additional Resources 

How to be Happy with Less


How Does Grief Affect Mental Health

Grief, is like going to a movie where you're watching a horror movie and the next person to you is watching a comedy. It was poignant for me to understand that somebody's life can be storming and the next door neighbor has sunshine.

My guest today is Samantha Ruth, grief expert and we are going to be talking on the topic “What does, grief, and, mental health, have in common.” I know that we're in a time where a lot of us are experiencing, grief, – our loved ones are dying left and right. We're in a place where we can't really socialize, so we've got a lot of, grief, and, mental health, issues come in. Samantha will shed some light on how to ease some of the pain and suffering that accompanies, grief.

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Brief bio of Samantha Ruth

Samantha Ruth is a Transformational Psychologist, speaker, best-selling author, and founder of Griefhab, a 24/7 support community for anyone who has experienced a loss. Sam helps people around the world turn their pain into their power by guiding them to be their true selves.

Her mission is to change the way the world views, mental health, so people can openly speak about whatever issues they have, and get the help they not only need, but deserve without fear of judgment, labels, and repercussions.

Sam understands what it's like to feel overwhelmed, lost, stuck, and alone. After unexpectedly losing her husband Jim, Sam felt like her life had been shattered into tiny, unrecognizable pieces. It took this experience for her to learn how to tune out the noise of everything and everybody else and focus on listening to herself. Her favorite quote:

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass … it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

Helping others through their grief

Myrna: Can you share your story of losing your husband and how did that tragedy help you achieve the purpose of helping others through, grief. A lot of times, I firmly believe that God gives you a test so you can have a testimony. God puts you through the storm so you can help other people and that's obviously what your story is turned out to be. Now, can you share a little of it with us?

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Samantha: My husband was everything me. I met him when I was 24 years old and living in Michigan. We were together for a few years, but we were still young, silly and career driven. So, we went our separate ways. During that time, he moved to Colorado and we reconnected in June of 2013. We were married the following August and he passed away unexpectedly just a little over three years later. I had left my family and my career. I was just completely lost and had no idea what to do next.

Grief is like watching a horror movie while someone else is watching a comedy

Myrna: There’s a, grief, story I heard a few months back. This woman told the story that one day, ( she was a psychologist) she  and her husband were going to pick up their son from the Airport. He’s wasn't her child, it was her husband's son and he was turning 18 the next day. They were going to go pick him up from the Airport and she decided to walk her dog before they left. While she walked her dog, her husband said he was going to jump in the river for a quick swim (that’s something he did every day).

While she was walking her dog, she suddenly heard him scream. She didn't pay much attention to it, because she knows he was a strong swimmer. When she heard him scream again, she decided to go to investigate. She saw her husband clutching a tree in the middle of the river, apparently there was some kind of a wild current that day and her husband was trying to hang on to the tree, but the current was too strong and he was swept away.

She actually physically saw him drowned right in front of her eyes. Her whole world shattered, she was overcome with, grief. The hardest thing she had to do was telling his son that his father died in his 18th birthday, knowing that he would never be able to celebrate his birthday again.

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Grief is like a black cloud

Until that story, I never really understood, grief. She said when you have, grief, it's like you don't have sun anymore, but your neighbor has sun. She said she would get up in the morning and while she had this black cloud of, grief, her neighbor would be getting up and going to get his morning paper and clueless of what's going on at his next door neighbor!

Grief, is like going to a movie where you're watching a horror movie and the next person to you is watching a comedy. It was poignant for me to understand that somebody's life can be storming and the next door neighbor has sunshine.

Myrna: You said your, grief, was like your world shattered into tiny pieces? Can you expand on how you handled that?

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Grief is invisible

Samantha: I also want to add that, grief, is also invisible. We don't have a cast over a broken arm or something that people can see. We live in this world that avoids the uncomfortable conversations.  The first year after my husband died was a complete blur to me.  I was in deep, depression. If you told me we went to Japan together, I would trust your memory over mine. I went through the motions, I survived.

I am a psychologist trained in, trauma, and there was pressure. I don't know if your friend who's also a psychologist experienced that, but there was pressure to bounce back quicker than anyone else would, because it's what I do and I couldn't or wouldn't do that. I had to find my own way. There were sunny houses all over the place, but I felt like I lived in a forest.  I had to figure out how to get through the maze all by myself.  The world expects you to get back to work, your family, everybody's pulling from a different direction.

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Book: Love Letters for the romantically challenged

Self care is important in grief and loss

I made a conscious decision because I was in so much pain, I had to take care of myself.  I went in a direction that was unfamiliar to me and to everyone else, which made more noise, but, self care, was the way through.

So, to anyone struggling with, grief,  I encourage you to find the strength to listen to the voice inside your head, don't listen to the others.

Myrna: You're able to take the knowledge that you learned from going through that traumatic experience to help others through, grief.  You founded the company called Griefhab,  can you tell us about your company.

Samantha: I am on a mission to change the way the world views, grief, and, mental health, because my experience showed me how similar the two were.

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Grief and loss because of the Coronavirus pandemic

Myrna: We're on in some unprecedented times with the, Coronavirus pandemic. How does your company help other experiencing, grief and loss, because of the, coronavirus pandemic?

Samantha: Tuning out the noise and not letting people expectations like – “Hey, you should have gotten over it by now.”  What I mean, and my advice as a psychologist is, you need to have a support system and that's important. Grief, can be isolating and you can feel different and lonely and there are people who get it.  The pandemic has uprooted millions of people's lives and you are not alone.

Talking really does help even if somebody is just listening and they're not actually physically doing talking, it does help. Talking is the way through, grief. Please, loved ones and friends, be patient with us. It might be uncomfortable for you, but it is the only way we will heal.

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What does grief and mental illness have in common?

Myrna: What does, grief, and, mental illness,  issues have in common? What are the, stages of grief, and how does it affect your, mental health?

Samantha: I do not believe that you can grieve without, anxiety, and, depression. Going through the grieving process, there are such stigmas around both. I've lived with the world of, mental health, stigmas when I was  early in healing journey. I learned that people treat someone grieving the same way as they treat someone with a, mental illness; they don't know how to act around them and they don't know what to say. I felt all of these stigmas and all I had done was lose my husband.

What, grief, and, mental health,  have most in common is that they can be isolating and alienating. That’s the reason I am trying to make noise and let the world know that everything we know is backwards. We have to talk about it, we have to lean on each other and the stigmas are backwards.  We need each other. I am one voice and anyone that's willing to share their personal stories by raising their hand and saying I am not okay, even just saying “I'm having a bad day”, will erase the stigma.

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Depression and anxiety is a stage of grief

People don't know we're grieving. It's invisible, mental health. They can't see, depression, or, anxiety.

Samantha: You can't grieve without going through, anxiety, and, depression, it is one of the, stages of grief.

Myrna: They also say that there are, seven stages of grief. So, where does the, anxiety, and, depression, fit in?

Samantha: Well, I mean there's pressure to attend A, B, C, D and E immediately after, grief and loss.  I haven't spoken to anyone who has experienced, grief and loss, that doesn't have some sort of, anxiety, about going back to work or attending an event, even if it's virtual.

It's a tidal wave of, anxiety, it comes and it goes and it doesn't end. You get through in the beginning, it's like you're drowning and you come up for air and you find a buoy or somebody to hold on to (that's one of your support system). That's how it is for a while, then eventually you can swim and float and then all of a sudden, a wave comes out of nowhere and knocks you down and it could be a month later or a year later or even a decade later.

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Book Holly the Elf

Is there an end to grief?

Myrna: As a psychologist, is there a way to do something to prevent the, grief, coming back like a decade later?

Samantha: It doesn't get better, it gets different and that's why people expect holidays, anniversaries and certain life events to be difficult days. But it could just be next Tuesday and it could be a difficult day for no reason. The good things you experience are met with sadness, because the person you want to share it with the most isn't physically here, so, grief, is always there.

Something would knocked me to my knees in the beginning and I would be down and out and I would barely get myself back together, and then something else would come and knock me right back to my knees (it's not like that now). If something happens, I can cope and get through it. It's still painful, but I have learned how to navigate so that I'm not back down on my knees.

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Grief vs trauma

I went to the University of Michigan and I can't perform the same way I did, my brain has been permanently altered because of the, trauma, of grief.

Myrna: That is very interesting, trauma. They call it big “T” – traumas and little “T” – traumas. Now, what you're saying someone with, grief, should take it one day at a time. Work with the present moment, that is how everything changes. You can't go back into the past, you can't go into the future, all changes happen in the present moment.

Myrna: Let's say that I have somebody that's going through the grieving process, what are some of the things that I can do to help? This is very important because I remember what you shouldn't say to somebody. What can we say or do for someone experiencing, grief?

How to Help with Grief

Samantha:  Say “I'm here for you”. Don’t ask “what do you need”, is a very stressful question. We don't know the answer, so just be there for us. Give someone experiencing, grief and loss, multiple choice questions, not essay – say I'm going to the store and I'm getting you stuff. Do you want bread or milk?  I can answer that question.

Myrna: Yes, the same woman who lost her husband in the river said that people came to her home and helped her clean her house and cooked for her, because these are things that you have no interest in doing during the grieving process, but nobody ever really thinks about that.

Samantha: Grief, is a tough journey and something each one of us is going to experience in our lives because death is something that happens and it's unavoidable. Not everybody lives until they're 95, there's going to be sudden death at 30s, 20s or whatever. Where people don't expect it and that's when it's harder, but we're all going to be touched with it.

Mental Health stigmas

Myrna: How can we help break some of the, mental health stigmas?

Samantha: I think it's similar to, grief, I think by talking about it, we break the stigma.   When I tell people I have, anxiety, a lot of people ask questions because they don't know. Telling one person or starting one conversation helps break the stigma of, mental illness.  It doesn't have to be going on the news and telling the world, but we won't change things if we continue to hide it and make it like it's something bad.

Myrna: Tell us about your book, why you wrote it, what do you want the reader to walk away with at the end of reading it?

Permission Granted to Grieve

Samantha: My second book was called “Permission Granted to Grieve”. I think it's important that the world understands that you have to grieve, you have to heal, you can't ignore it. Everything I'm saying is the same for, grief, and, mental health.

My upcoming book is called “Ruthless”. My last name is Ruth and I lost my husband. I became ruthless, but ruthless is perceived a negative. So, redefining ruthless is my journey. I want people to see negative things as strengths and perceived weaknesses as advantages. I'm taking this negatively charged word and making it okay.

Myrna: Tell us about your company Griefhab and your 24/7 support community. How can someone get in touch with you? What is your website? Tell us how you help people at Griefhab?

Samantha: There are two elements to Griefhab; one – it's 24/7 support community. You don't have to wait until your next appointment to talk to somebody. You don't have to struggle, there's always support available and that's a free community on Facebook. You can go there on FacebookGriefhab or it's on my website


There's no judgment, this is about healing your way and asking the questions that you don't feel safe asking anywhere else. People who feel that they need more support like I did, like sending out the death certificates and dealing with the creditors and all the things like getting the light bulb changed, finding somebody to get your groceries and make things, so you don't have to do anything.

I do all of that in addition to working with you. When I had to present a death certificate, it knocked me down. So, I want other people to know those are tasks that we can do for you, so you can just heal.

Myrna: Thanks for tuning in to the Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life radio podcast and television show. If you've not done so yet, please rate and review us on iTunes so that we can get this message out to a wider audience. Until next time, blessings.

Additional Resources

Understanding Mental Illness: My Bipolar Life


Synchronicity: Is It A Coincidence?

Synchronicity, is the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related, but have no discernible causal connection.

Spirituals guru’s like Deepak Chopra says, synchronicity, operates in the spirit realm. Our, vibration, and energy attract people and things to us to help us to carry out our purpose and sometimes to guide us in another direction.

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Understanding Synchronicity

Everything in our physical world is made up of, vibration of energy, including the walls in your house, your bed and our thoughts.

Our thoughts are the most powerful, vibration of energy.

Any thought that is repeated over and over in your conscious mind will make an, imprint, into the, subconscious mind.

Once this, imprint, takes place, it becomes a, vibrating force, and attracts to you the people, places and things, circumstances, events, etc. that matches the images you have within. You have the real power to influence and direct the things that happen to you with your thoughts.

What is an example of Synchronicity

Let me give you a personal example. I talk about this in my book Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement 

Back in 2004 my ex-husband and I were going through a rocky marriage. I was constantly thinking of ending the marriage, but I kept it going because he was sponsoring me to become a permanent resident in the United States. During the application process, I left the country to go to Toronto for my brother’s wedding and when I tried to return to the USA, I was denied entry because I did not apply for a travel pass.

I spent a very painful week in Canada and my husband did not care if I ever came back. So, my thoughts were constantly on “I can’t go through with this. I can’t stay married to this man.”

I was able to get back into the United States (if you want to hear the story pick up a copy of my book)

My very first day back to work I met my current husband. I took the train to and from work and he was the officer working the train to verify ticket purchase. I walked on the train and he was standing at the door doing a ticket check.  Our eyes met and sparks flew.  Two weeks later my husband and I had a fight on Father’s Day, and we called it quits. Nothing about this chain of events was a, coincidence, this was, synchronicity.  My permanent residence application was denied with my ex-husband and my current husband sponsored me and my children.

“The most strongly endorsed explanations for coincidences are God and fate” God promises that everything will work out for your good.

Synchronicity vs Coincidence

Coincidence vs synchronicity, are related, but distinct terms. The term coincidence, describes a seemingly related series of events that occur without apparent cause. The term, synchronicity, requires that the individual ascribe deeper meaning to the, coincidence; like the story of how I met my husband.

Pay attention to where coincidence is leading you.

Synchronicity, is energy when you change your, vibration of energy, you start attracting more of what you are feeling. This is the, Law of Attraction.

One practice to clean up your, vibration, and start attracting, synchronicity, into your life is with, imprinting.

Imprinting, is like learning your times tables

It has been, imprinted, into our, consciousness.  We never forget.

Visualization with imprinting

I bet if I asked you what is 7*7 you don’t have to think before responding 49. I learned that 55 years ago!

We can also, imprint, empowering beliefs.

Let’s say you believe that you will be successful.  Visualize daily that you are successful now.

Visualization, is imprinting

Your, subconscious, will pick it up and you will start seeing synchronistic events start showing up in your life.

Additional Resources

Are You Trapped By Your Past?


Understanding the Healing Powers of The Earth

We aren't in easy communication with, nature, like we used to be, and the reality is our vibration (that is our healthy and healed vibration), is the same as the earth's vibration. If you go outside and you touch a tree, it feels so good to be out in, nature, because, it's healing to us. So,  put your hands on a tree, sit down on a park bench, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the earth.
It doesn't even take any time. It's literally seconds before your body drops into that healing frequency and starts shifting to a different vibration and matching. It's called, resonance.  Your body finds, resonance, with the other vibrations.

I'm very excited to bring to you an, earth, healing expert, her name is Amy Dempster. Today, we are going to be talking about “Understanding the Healing Powers of the Earth”. This is an interview that you have to listen to because I don't know all there is about, mother earth, but there's healing in the, earth.

Download the full interview here:

Communicating with the earth

I try to attach to, earth, or communicate with it on a daily basis when I walk in the park, but I don't know what I'm doing. I just know it's good to be there. So, today, I'm hoping that Amy can share with me some of the things that would make my walk and my communication with the, earth something that can be more beneficial to me.


Amy Dempster helps in understanding, the healing power of the earth. What began as openly sharing her spiritual journey on her popular blog Following Hawks, has become a resource for others wanting to learn how to, communicate with nature, and share their own unique healing gifts with the, earth.

Together with the, Spirits of the Land, in the mountains of northwest Montana, she tends, seven portals on the land, where she lives, along with any grid keeping work she is assigned. She also leads the Earth Tenders Academy, an immersive online journey to help others reestablish their connection with their ancient ancestors, learn to communicate with the seen and unseen forces in their environment and respectfully offer their healing energy to places in need. Amy is also the host of the podcast The Earth Keepers.

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I can't get over the amazing quality of these Ana Luisa earrings! So elegant and dainty and I love the fact that they are 14 karat gold plated so I can keep them in as long as I want, and they will not infect my ears. Ana Luisa Jewelry offer exceptional quality, crafted with care from the best noble metals and come with a 365-day warranty.

Today I am pairing my Chic earrings with the layered chain necklace set. 3 necklaces – two rope chains with a beautiful medallion as the center piece. I love this look it can luxurious and simple at the same time. I choose these pieces because I can wear them with just plain white tee shirt and jeans, or with an elegant black evening dress. I plan to interchange the medallion with the Ana Luisa green Aventurine stone necklace to give me some calming energy.

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I LOVE them, their pieces start at $39, and they are currently running the biggest sale of the year. You can get 60% off on the second item. That website again is


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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Understanding the healing powers of the earth

Myrna: Tell us your journey into understanding the, healing powers of the earth. Is this a gift that you were born with or is it something that you nurtured?

Amy: The journey certainly has developed over many years and at this point it wasn't something that I was super aware of. As a child, I did grow up on a farm and I spent a lot of time outside. I was with, nature, all the time, but I don't remember having like really clear, communication with nature, until I was an adult working and kind of being in a city atmosphere for a long time, and a lot of days and a lot of years.

What does Hawks has to do with it?

Back in 2008, I started having these kinds of unusual experiences with, hawks, (the birds). It wasn't like they weren't in my environment or hadn't seen them before, but they started coming really close to me repeatedly over and over. It happens once and that was kind of cool, but when it happens three, four, five and six times, you start saying – there's something going on here that someone trying to send me a message, like what's going on.

That really led me to start asking more questions. It's hard to remember now, as 2008 doesn't seem like that long ago to me anyway, but it feels like at that time there just wasn't as much information.

There weren't as many resources as there are now. I could find bits and pieces about kind of, animal communication, or that type of thing, but nothing quite seemed right. I really just kind of continued along and asked more questions. I was meditating on a regular basis, and after a number of years, I received a pretty strong message that it was time to move where there were pine trees and water.

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Starting communication with trees

It surprisingly happened fairly quickly over a period of just a few months before my husband and I moved to Montana. It was in that journey, and after moving and getting settled in, I would go out for walks on a daily basis. My neighborhood had these tall towering pine trees and I started realizing that these, trees, were sending me messages and that I was receiving this communication, which again seemed really kind of strange to me.

I didn't want to tell anybody, I didn't want anyone to know I was talking to the, trees. It was a bit weird for me at first, but it really sparked my interest and imagination. I started asking a lot more questions like – well, if I can receive these messages from, trees, then it seems like I could probably talk to them too, like they should be able to understand me.

So that was really when I started diving in a lot deeper into just kind of learning how this works, learning how to, communicate with nature, the wisdom that's all around us all and the time that we can tap into.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Interpreting messages from Hawks

Myrna: That's amazing. That is absolutely a story  why, Hawks?

Amy: I think, hawks, are participating in humanity's awakening. We receive intuitive messages or messengers in this form. It's always unique for each person individually, but there are some kinds of general statements for different animals or different birds. Obviously, whenever you have an animal coming to you or a dream or something you can look it up and find out what the kind of main messages are.

Often times with, hawks, the messages is  (they have that higher vantage point view, they can see the big picture, they can see over a larger area and a lot of times that's the message)  clarity. Hawks,  are really connecting and really kind of being in this in between of the spirit realm and the earth realm. They're like floating above us and seeing that big picture.

Now, when I see, hawks, it really feels to me like the message is you're on the right path, you're on the right track, keep going, keep going in this direction and see the big picture right in front of you.

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Communicating with nature: trees, rocks and mountains

Myrna: I have always been intrigued about, communicating with trees, and rocks. I was interviewing a guest once and she told me she was climbing a mountain and the mountain was speaking to her.  That conversation has stayed with me for a long time. Let's expand on that because I'm very curious about that. You're walking in, nature, and the, trees, were speaking to you. What were they saying?

Amy: As humans, we have kind of created language that we believe to be the one way to communicate and the reality is within the, earth realms, everything else is still communicating without language. They are  communicating intuitively or telepathically. So, as humans, that's just not a skill that's cultivated in most of us from childhood learning how to receive those kinds of intuitive messages or information.

Intuitive communication with trees

Everybody receives them differently, and it's really easy for a lot of us to dismiss especially when it's something like a feeling or a sense.  We would notice that our stomach started hurting when we went into that house, but dismiss it as weird. That's, telepathic communication, sending you a message.

Communication with trees, is considered clairaudience.   This is when you are hearing voices, but no one is there.  That is how messages come in, it sounds like you're talking to yourself in your head. A lot of us just think – I just made that up. For me, it kind of felt like the, trees,  put thoughts in my head that I didn't put there.
They would say things like go down that embankment and pick up that trash!
Everything in our environment is animate and energy just like we are. Some are more willing and eager to talk to humans than others. I always suggest people start with house plants, because I think it's really easy to start communicating with your plants.  We feel comfortable talking to our house plants.
I know a lot of people who talk to their plants and they say that it makes them grow and stuff.
Myrna: Yes, people that have gardens do talk to their plants.

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Now on all streaming platforms such as Spotify, apple music, amazon and Pandora.
is a beautiful original song called FAME by James Zada.

The opening track comes from the same titled album FAME and is about the singer George Michael.

If you love 80s 90s music but with a fresh modern twist then you'll love the music of James Zada.
You can find out more at his website at

Communication with your house plants

Amy: It's easier to start with things like, house plants, around your house that you might already have a relationship with and I always say the bigger and older it is, the slower and quieter the communication. A mountain for instance might take some more time to really tune into, so if you're just starting to practice, communication with nature,  you might not want to start with a mountain because you might feel like nothing's happening.
Start slowing down, tree communication, might only come in one word or one feeling instead.
We are physical and spiritual beings and there are lots of spiritual things we can't see. When we're,  communicating with nature, trees, rocks or mountains, is it actually the non-physical world that we're communicating with.
We are all both physical and non physical at the same time and that includes, trees, rocks, and mountains. When you hug a tree you are communicating with the spirit that surrounds the tree.
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Matching the vibrations of nature

We have our physical body that we tend to think of as the entirety of ourselves, but we do have our spiritual body which you might call your soul.  We communicate with our soul as part of our non physical body. We also have our energy body which is just outside of our physical body, (people call it an aura). You have that energy that's vibrating outside of your body and , trees, has the same energy.
You can communicate, you can feel the energy of, trees, you don't even have to put your hand all the way up to them, you can feel their energy body. Your energy body or spirit starts communication with its energy body even though you are not conscious of this.
That's why plants and, trees, are easier initially to make those connections with, because we can physically see them in our environment.  As opposed to the many other energies that are present on, earth. I call these energies, spirits of the land.
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Communicating with the spirits of the land

Myrna: You said you learned to speak with the, spirits of the land. So, not only can you have, communication with the trees, and rocks, but also the, spirits of the land, that we can't see, but we know they exist. How can we learn to communicate with the, spirits of the land?
Amy: The first things I always recommend to people in this kind of communication with the, spirits of the land, is to slow down.  We’re accustomed to walking through the, earth, at a certain pace, usually with our headphones on our ears. If you're going to go on a walk around your block or the walk in your park, go by yourself.  Leave your phone behind and be quiet and walk slowly.
Whatever pace you would normally walk at, cut it in half (which won't be slow enough). The point is to start noticing things in your environment like a flower or a tree that is different from the other, trees. When we're moving fast, it's hard to notice that there's a, tree, that's really vibrant and beautiful.

Establishing communication

Those are ways that the, spirits of the land, are saying, ‘Hey look at me over here, come over and talk to me,” but if you're walking or moving too fast and kind of skipping over or thinking all the, trees, look the same, you can’t establish communication.
They're very different and you want to initially just start noticing what catches your attention. Which, trees, are a different color green than all the others? When you see something like that, then you can approach that tree or that plant or that rock or whatever and just kind of say I would like to connect with you.
You can say it in your head if you are worried about looking like the weird lady talking to, trees, in the park and initially start that conversation. Just say is there anything you'd like to share with me? Or oh gosh! Your flowers are especially beautiful. I love that color of purple (those types of things). It's really would just be like meeting a new friend.
Establish communication before you go hug a tree and ask before you touch it, because  maybe the tree wants to be touched or maybe it doesn't.
Therefore, establishing that kind of boundary  make them know that you'd like to communicate.  You may or may not receive any immediate message back, but again we have to start getting used to using our whole body and whole energy body for that communication.

Communication with trees is usually a feeling

The communication might be a warm feeling in your heart or a flutter in your stomach or a breeze that kicks up right after you ask; that's why we have to move so much slower and be quiet. This is to allow this information to flow in and for you to start getting accustomed to how you receive information.
Just take a few minutes even once a week. Your normal path is going to make a huge difference and you'll start noticing. I mean even the fact that you'd walk there for a while before you notice you're interacting, the more that kind of two-way conversation is happening, the more will be revealed to you, the more you'll see.
You will begin to say things like “I swear that wasn't there before”  that means  you're at the vibration. You're at the right frequency to be tuned in and dialed into it and see a lot more than just what's visible to your eyes.
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The healing powers of the earth

Myrna: I love it. I can't wait for that tree at the park to start talking to me.
I was listening to a podcast this morning and the doctor was talking about COVID-19 and some of the things that you can do to help with your, immune system, and to prevent your body from being seriously compromised with COVID-19. One of the things he talked about was walking in a park and just seeing the green. He said the green does something to our, immune system.
Amy: We aren't in easy communication with, nature, like we used to be, and the reality is our vibration (that is our healthy and healed vibration), is the same as the earth's vibration. If you go outside and you touch a tree, it feels so good to be out in, nature, because, it's healing to us. So,  put your hands on a tree, sit down on a park bench, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the earth.
It doesn't even take any time. It's literally seconds before your body drops into that healing frequency and starts shifting to a different vibration and matching. It's called, resonance.  Your body finds, resonance, with the other vibrations.
Being in, nature, really does boost our, immune system. Even just looking at, nature, has been proven to lower our blood pressure and relax us and boost our, immune system.

The seven portals of the land

Myrna: Let's talk about the, seven portals of the land. What are these, seven portals, and how do you open them?
Amy: This is where we have to get more flexible with our brains and our thinking and our multi-dimensional nature.  A lot of people are familiar with what's called, energy lines (grid lines) in the, earth, but the, earth, has an electromagnetic frequency and it is concentrated in certain areas.
Oftentimes, that's where you'll find real big religious temples. The reason they were built there is that the belief that it was easier to commune with the divine in these locations.  There are places all over the world where kind of this energy is heightened.

The vortex of energy portals

What gets created there is an, energy portal, or a, vortex. It's just a swirling bowl of, energy, and what you have in that is the ability for energies to move through and use their, consciousness. We oftentimes think about time travel as like – you step in a box, you push a button and you go somewhere else. But, it's really we're just using our, consciousness, to shift into other dimensions and that's what's happening in, energy portals.
You can think of it as being, (even in these places where great religious importance) is that people were using their, consciousness, through prayer and reverence to be able to commune with the other side.
What happens in, energy portals, is that energies are able to come in whether those are angels or ascended masters or star beings or wherever else in the, multi-verse, there are energies they can move through and we can also use our, consciousness, to move through them and go into other realms.

Portals of the land

There are seven, portals, on the property where I live. I took a couple of years before I was able to communicate with this, energy.
I am certain it was the, energy, that I cultivated doing the work that I do over a number of years in that place, made it kind of a safe energetic spot for these, portals to be. It was my spirit guides which I have come to learn over time and other fragments of my soul that are coming in and telling this version of me – Hey you already know how to do this, so help us out here on the new plane.
Myrna: Anybody that's listening and want to hear more of this can connect with Amy on her podcast called “The Earth keeper”. Now, tell us about your podcast. Do you invite other, earth, keepers guests or it's just you?
Amy: It's just me. It is just me kind of talking on all of these different topics, kind of depending on what's coming through for me. I share a lot of my personal stories and kind of how I figure some of these things out and the interactions that I have with other energies and with the, earth. I talk about all of these kinds of multi-dimensional topics.

Communicating with rocks and mountains

Myrna: Can you communicate with the Mountains?
Amy: Absolutely yes, I think I might even have one podcast about this. It's calked communicating with Valencia. This is communicating with the mountains.
Myrna: That's awesome. How can our listeners connect with you? I'm sure your podcast is on all the podcast players, but tell us your website. How they can connect with you. What are your handles on social media and things like that?
Amy: My website is . You can find the podcast there. You can find everything that I do there. My Instagram handle is @followinghawks. I have a free Facebook Group called “the following hawks earth keepers community”. There's also a spot on my home page where you can sign up for a free training with me – where I talk all about how to communicate with the, spirits of the land.
Thank you, guys for tuning in to the Transform Your Mind Podcast. If you're listening to this on iTunes, remember to rate and review because this is good stuff. Until next time, blessings.
Additional Resources 


You Don’t Need A Team To Win

You can win without a, team. Whenever you get out of your comfort zone and go against the masses you will first be ostracized, but that is where personal growth occurs.

Welcome to, 5 mins with coach Myrna.  Today I want to coach on the topic “You Don’t need a, team, to win.”  I am sure you have heard the name, Colin Kaepernick.  He is an NFL quarterback turned, activist. He is bi-racial born to a Black father and White mother. His mother gave him up for adoption at birth and he was adopted by White parents.

Download  to the audio here:


All his life, Colin Kaepernick,  had been discriminated against because he was black. People would see him with his white patents and ask them if he was bothering them. He was called names like Thug, because he braided his hair. He was discriminated in the NFL because he was black and there are only a handful of Black quarterbacks.

Because of this history, he was tired of Black men being brutalized by white officers and decided to take a stand.  His motto ,

“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

Kaepernick, decided to do something about it. He took a knee to the National Anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality in the United States while his teammates stood in reverence.

Everyone was in an uproar, President Trump called for him to be fired. When he became a free agent, he was blackballed and no team offered him a job.  But he became an inspiration to other Black men in the NFL and they started taking a knee to the National Anthem.

Kaepernick the Activist

Today, Kaepernick, has been rewarded the largest contract to date with Nike.  He was given the highest honor from Harvard University the W. E. B. Du Bois Medal and he got a chance to tell his story in a Netflix documentary “Black & White”  about,  Institutional racism.

Institutional racism, is “The collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their color, culture, or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behavior that amount to discrimination through prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people.”

Kaepernick's victory proves that, You don’t need a, team, to win.

Winning without a team or support

Whenever you get out of your comfort zone and go against the masses you will first be ostracized, but that is where personal growth occurs.

You can’t grow sitting in your comfort zone

Stand up for yourself and take a stand against wrongdoing at work, in your home or on your community. You don’t need a, team, to win you just need God to be on your side.

What I love about the Old Testament is that nobody did anything without consulting God. David, Saul, Samuel, Elijah they all consulted God before they went into battle. We as a collective have lost that communication with God, but if you are doing good then you know God is on your side and he is the only team member you need to win.

Winning requires Determinization

Finally, winning without a, team, requires, determination. Teams, need to have the, determination, the grit, and the heart to rise to the occasion and so do you. Nothing is ever going to be easy, the road to holding a trophy or being awarded a top prize is often filled with obstacles that will test every aspect of your character.

It doesn't matter what the score is or what the final records will read, if you are in the game, you need to give everything you have. It doesn't matter if you are blackballed like, Colin Kaepernick, you still need to stand up for what you believe is right. This is the mentality that will lead to, winning without a team. Champions recognize that losing and failure are both simply tools that they will use to build success.


Remember ” Winners never quit and quitters never win” Vince Lombardi

Thanks for tuning into 5 mins with coach Myrna. Tune in Next week for another episode of 5 mins with Coach Myrna. 

Additional Resources


Rewiring Your Brain To Develop a Fitness Mindset

Marathons, can be everything from 25 miles to 200 miles potentially. What I love so much about them is the, fitness mindset, you have to develop to complete them.  Everyone on a, weight loss, journey has the same issues, it's like – Oh, I want the ice cream in the fridge, the voice in your head is telling you to eat that ice cream, you have to learn to override that voice and don't eat the ice cream.  It's the exact same voice that tells you that you can't do this, weight loss, thing.

I'm talking to Brian Keane. He's a personal trainer, nutritionist, best-selling author and ultra athlete. Today, we're going to be talking on the topic; “Rewiring Your Mindset for Fitness.”  In order for you to keep going even when your body tells you to stop, you've got to have a, fitness mindset.

Listen to the full interview


BRIAN KEANE: Over the past seven years, Brian has gone from working full time as a schoolteacher to one of Ireland and the UK’s leading thought leaders on all things health, fitness and nutrition. Brian is the author of two best sellers “The Fitness Mindset” and “Rewire Your Mindset.

On top of his ever-growing social media platforms, with over half a million followers, he also hosts one of the world’s top health podcasts which is #1 on the iTunes Health Charts. He has spoken at major wellness events around the world such as Wellfest Ireland, Mefit Dubai and was a Keynote speaker at Google HQ in Dublin for their 2018 wellness event.

Among his many fitness and athletic achievements, Brian has transitioned from a professional fitness expert to an, ultra-endurance athlete, running, through the Sahara, the Arctic, and completing a 100-mile ultra-marathon.

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I can't get over the amazing quality of these Ana Luisa earrings! So elegant and dainty and I love the fact that they are 14 karat gold plated so I can keep them in as long as I want, and they will not infect my ears. Ana Luisa Jewelry offer exceptional quality, crafted with care from the best noble metals and come with a 365-day warranty.

Today I am pairing my Chic earrings with the layered chain necklace set. 3 necklaces – two rope chains with a beautiful medallion as the center piece. I love this look it can luxurious and simple at the same time. I choose these pieces because I can wear them with just plain white tee shirt and jeans, or with an elegant black evening dress. I plan to interchange the medallion with the Ana Luisa green Aventurine stone necklace to give me some calming energy.

I absolutely recommend checking out Ana Luisa ❤️
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I LOVE them, their pieces start at $39, and they are currently running the biggest sale of the year. You can get 60% off on the second item. That website again is


Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

How Brian's journey to a Fitness Mindset Started

Myrna: Can you share your  journey from school teacher to an, ultra endurance athlete?

Brian: I started to work as a, personal trainer, for two years. I worked as elementary school teacher during the day and worked as a, personal trainer, at a gym at nighttime. Basically, I tried to get that business up and, running, and eventually, I got to the point where every time I got paid from a, personal training, client. I was like, I can't believe I'm getting paid for this!

Myrna: We're going to talk about a,  fitness mindset but, how did you get to  the, entrepreneur mindset?

Brian: I found the success clues.  It didn't really matter whether it was leaving a teaching job to overcome that fear or somebody that's trying to lose 100 pounds of weight. We all have these stories that hold us back. We all have these fears and insecurities. When I was starting to develop that, fitness mindset, it became my whole philosophy.  When it comes to, fitness, you need to have a little education on how to get in shape and it looks different for everybody.

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Now on all streaming platforms such as Spotify, apple music, amazon and Pandora.
is a beautiful original song called FAME by James Zada.

The opening track comes from the same titled album FAME and is about the singer George Michael.

If you love 80s 90s music but with a fresh modern twist then you'll love the music of James Zada.
You can find out more at his website at

Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast
Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Nutrition and the fitness mindset

My nutritional philosophy is doing what you can stick to.  What's your goal?  What foods do you enjoy and how do you find a diet that you can stick to over the long term?’ It doesn't need to feel like a diet.  That's my whole nutritional philosophy to have a, fitness mindset. It's the same for weightlifting.

Not everyone does, ultra marathons. Most of the people I work with do a daily step count, they hate exercise. So we go cool, you've got 10,000 steps today, that's a start. I want you to do some exercise every day, so 10,000 steps that's okay.

It's just about what can you do in the long term or what can you stick to? I think that the, fitness mindset, is all about – here's the basic education on how to lose weight or how to build muscle or how to get a bit stronger and here's the, mindset, to keep it because that's the really important thing. You talk about, mindset, on your podcast all the time; the, mindset, is what allows you to keep it and developing is what's going to reap the most dividends over time.

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Staying the course: weight loss tips

Myrna: It's sustainable change when you change your, mindset. It’s actually sustainable.  If you change your diet or you change something external, it's not your, mindset, then it's easy for you to revert back to your old habits.

What are the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to their diet? Can you share some, weight loss tips?

What are some, weight loss tips, if you want to lose 20 pounds?

Weight loss vs fat loss

Brian: I’ll surely give you some, weight loss tips, because when it comes to understanding, weight loss, or, fat loss, first thing is not confusing those two things because they're two different things.

Weight loss, is lowering the numbers on a scale. Fat loss is reducing the amount of fat in your body.

A lot of people use those terms interchangeably, but they're actually two different things. It is very easy to manipulate, weight loss, a lot of them fad diets – bad diets, juice diets etc. They manipulate, weight loss, because they massively restrict calories, reduce carbohydrate and as a result you will weigh less when you step on a scale, but doesn't mean your fat levels have come down.

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Weight loss from Fat reduction

Whereas, fat reduction, on the other hand, is that you've got what's called a calorie deficit that your body has to take some of that stored fat and burn it for fuel. When it comes to, weight loss, there's only one thing you really need to understand –  it's how calories basically work.  If you consume too many calories, more energy is added to your body. Your body takes that extra energy and stores it as fat, the same thing works in reversing a calorie deficit.

If you consume fewer calories, your body doesn't have enough from food. It has to go into storage body fat and use that for food. So, when people know that it's really about finding what dietary system works for and what you like to do:

  • People will do a, keto diet,
  • Some will go,  plant-based diet,
  • Others will go for clean eating,
  • Some people will count their calories,
  • and a few people will find other plans that works for them.
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Jumping In:  Planning Your weight loss

I'm all about the basic science of, nutrition, when it comes to calories and then finding a nutritional plan that you can stick to over the long term. When it comes to, weight loss tips, it's about sustainability and finding what you can do over the long term.  If you want to go a bit stricter with this, you don't have to count every calorie, you don't have to do any of these things, you just have to make a little more of a conscious food choice.

What am trying to say here is understand that, weight loss, and, fat loss, are two different things, just figure out what you're tracking. However, I recommend that anyone who's obese or overweight should track, weight loss, because it's easier. You don't have to track fat, you're better to just step on a scale and see, but if you're somebody that just wants to feel a bit better and drop a dress size or two or just have your clothes getting a bit looser, you need to track body fat.

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Building mental toughness and a fitness mindset

Myrna: One of the things that you have done is not only you've gone from school teacher to, personal trainer, but you've developed,  mental toughness, because you're now an, ultra endurance athlete. How does somebody build mental toughness, and a, fitness mindset, to achieve some of their, weight loss, or, fat loss, goals?

Brian: When it comes to, mental toughness, I think breaking down the misconceptions around it is probably the most important thing before you go into the tips.   One of the, mental toughness, issues I had was realizing some people were born mentally tougher and some people were just mentally tougher as opposed to realizing that it's something that you develop over time.

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Mental toughness and fitness

It's like a muscle-like, what I call your, mental toughness,  muscle, the more you exercise it, the more you develop it, the stronger it gets.  When it comes to, mental toughness, they're kind of two sides of the same coin with self discipline (i.e. when you exercise that muscle and get stronger) over time. When it comes to developing, mental toughness, what I normally ask  people is “Can you anchor your day in two or three things that will support you moving forward?”

Successful people do what they have to do regardless of how they feel or think.

You can develop that, mindset, anybody can develop that, mindset, over time. It's one of my brain tattoos. Another way to put that is you're not always motivated for fitness, right? But do it unmotivated until you feel motivated.  What I mean is you do it until when becomes natural.

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Running for fitness

I don't really enjoy, running, that much, but I run a little every day just to keep that, mental toughness, muscle ticking. I'm sitting here thinking of the, mental toughness, of running a marathon over 100 miles, and maybe after 25th miles you're broken down. You can't seem to go anymore, but you put in a one foot in front of the next and your foot feels like rubber yet you keep going.

Myrna: I don't know if you have read the book “Can't Hurt Me” by David Goggins or the book  “Finding Ultra.”  Finding Ultra was about a 40 year old guy who was having problems walking up the stairs and then he transitioned to become a plant-based,  ultra endurance athlete.  It was so fantastic reading about his journey to becoming an, iron man, and, ultra endurance athlete. Of course, David Goggins talked about the, fitness mindset, in his book “Can't hurt me”  he kept going on his marathon runs sometimes, running, on broken legs – developing the, mental toughness, to keep going at all costs.

This is the exciting part of this interview, you don't like, running, yet you run 100 miles ultra-marathons. Tell us about that.

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Marathons are the metaphors for life

Brian: Marathons, can be everything from 25 miles to 200 miles potentially. What I love so much about them is the, fitness mindset, you have to develop to complete them.  When you're running an earth, marathon, like it's the biggest metaphor for life of all time.

Even a normal, marathon, is difficult  for the average person.  You get tired;  you don't want to continue. The pain is unbearable,  the voice in your head is telling you to stop, but you just have to learn to override that voice and put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.

Everyone on a, weight loss, journey has the same issues, it's like – Oh, I want the ice cream in the fridge, the voice in your head is telling you to eat that ice cream, you have to learn to override that voice and don't eat the ice cream.  It's the exact same voice that tells you that you can't do this, weight loss, thing.

When you let the negative voice in your head win

You have to learn to master and control that voice in your head and you get better at that over time as you consistently move forward on whatever journey you're doing. For me, it was so. What happened to me (probably the best story), I can give here was in 2019. I ran through the arctic circle in a, marathon, of about 230 kilometers. The tip is north of Sweden, it was minus 40 degrees the coldest I've ever experienced.

There was one point where (I have a photo up on my Instagram), where my eyelids froze over because obviously you've got water in your eyelids and it was so cold. My eyelids froze that I couldn't blink properly and it kind of gives you an idea on the conditions. But, 86 kilometers from the end of that race, my Achilles tore so that the tendon at the top of your ankle just above your ankle and now the likes of David Goggins, and hearing these people helped me massively, because they've been through these conditions.

We talked about the race where he was pooping himself and had to strap up his foot with stress fractures. I would read a lot of those books, listen to a lot of those podcasts in the lead up to these events. When my Achilles tore 86 kilometers from the end in the arctic, it was a case of well – “I'm not coming back to finish this and do this again”. I'll be like if I don't do it now, I'm not coming back and for me, I had a little of self-awareness, that I think everyone needs to bring to their own mindset. For me, I'm not able to give myself a, plan B.

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Never Have a Plan B when developing a fitness mindset

I can't give myself an out because from experience to somebody that's quit races and backed out of things and pulled out of things, if I give myself an out, I generally take it when times get tough. When I went to the arctic, I had no, plan B, my goal was I either finish this or get to the Arctic Circle line which is 230 kilometers from where I started or I get shipped out on a helicopter. I was like, it sound crazy now, but I had to make that commitment to myself before I go now.

Not everybody has to do that, but having some version of no, plan B (like somebody else's no, plan B), is you don't buy your favorite foods while you're starting on a, weight loss, journey until you get to a certain point where you can reintroduce them.  it's all relative in terms of how somebody would apply that into their own life. For me, developing that, fitness mindset,  was just putting one step in front of the other and keep moving forward.

Anyone can develop that, fitness mindset, over time, that no, plan B, mindset. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, whatever that is, you've lost 100 pounds and you're trying to lose 150, but you've gone up 10 pounds. What do you need to do now that's going to help you get back on track? It might be taking a break, and it might be going forward. It’s relatively based on the goal and you use that. You develop that going forward and you use the failures feedback. It's never just a success.

Book: The Fitness Mindset
Book: The Fitness Mindset

The Fitness Mindset: Book

Myrna: Tell us about your books “The Fitness Mindset” and “Rewire Your Mindset”

Brian: Rewire Your Mindset, is an extension of the, Fitness Mindset. The Fitness Mindset, is the book that I could give to people that would help them with their, fitness, journey. This is how you get in shape and how you stay in shape. It's a short book for people who don't really read books.

Rewire your Mindset, on the other hand was the book that I didn't feel like I could go to the grave inside me. That was the book I needed to put out on paper.  If something ever happened to me,  I wanted my daughter to be able to read it. I wanted to get this book out of me,  it was my legacy book. They were written in two completely different frames of mind.

The, fitness mindset, gets them up and running with their, fitness;  rewire your mindset, cements it. They're like –  Oh! my God I am in the right place now, I'm a believer.


Rewire Your Mindset,  it's very much all the misconceptions and beliefs that you have so you can take ownership back in the decisions you make. I split it up into, health, wealth and, fulfillment. Like the four quadrants, these are the areas of your life that need the most work.  Rewiring your mindset, so that you can get out of your own way effectively”. I love the quote, it's normally attributed to the Buddha, but I don't know who it's from.

Your biggest enemy live between your two ears. Buddha

The whole book is about rewiring the way you see things so that the enemies in between your two ears can go after the body.  You can go after the dream job you want, you can go after the family relationship you want, you can go after the things that make you feel fulfilled. In my case, it's ultra endurance events and spending time with my loved ones and my family. Other things that make me feel fulfilled and light me up inside is conversations like this one!

Myrna: As we wrap up Brian, it's been an incredible conversation with you. I love your energy and physique. Congratulations on your podcast. What's the name of your podcast?

Brian: Brian Keane podcast.

Additional Resources

How to Maintain Sustainable Weight Loss

Why is Renewing Your Mind Important?

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