Category Archives: 5 mins with coach Myrna

Fixing the Root VS Fruit – What You Didn’t Know!

Fixing the root and not the fruit. You can’t change the fruit without changing the root. Fixing the root, means we must change our, limiting beliefs, to have  the desired fruits. The fruits of life are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

You may have heard the phrase, external locus of control. That is when your happiness is derived from events outside yourself.

Today I want to talk about an, internal locus of control. That means fixing the root vs fixing the fruits. Putting our focus on beliefs, our roots not our behaviors, the fruit.

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Fixing the root:  your limiting beliefs

In other words, If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.” If you want to change the fruit, you must plant a different seed.

We will look at both of these phrases today because we want to, fixing the root and not the fruit.

Internal locus of control, means that control comes from within. You have personal control over your own behavior. When you have an, internal locus of control, you believe you have personal agency over your own life and actions. Because of this, these people tend to have more, self-efficacy.

If you have an, internal locus of control, you will not let people push your buttons. Firstly, let’s look at people finding our soft underbelly and deliberately pushing it to get a reaction from us. We’ve all had our buttons pushed to the point where we feel we can’t take it anymore. The button pusher may or may not be aware that they are exposing your unresolved hurt or trauma, but the truth of the matter is that the buttons belong to us, and we are the ones who must deal with what comes up. The more we take responsibility for our own feelings and reactions, the less tender these buttons will be.

That is why, fixing the root, and not the fruit is important

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Fix the root of the problem

When you, fix your root, and be at peace with yourself you will find the peace that defies all understanding that Jesus preached about.

The button pushers will stop trying to get a reaction from you, the bully’s will stop trying to make you feel bad about yourself etc.

For the longest time my button was my age. I understand why that guy called Lebron James old. He is a button pusher. He was pushing Lebron’s buttons not sure if Lebron James was ruffled by that or he was secure in his roots. I have fixed my roots on my age issue. Change the way you think of a thing and the thing you think of will change.

So, fixing the root, will have you worrying less about your fruit. By fruit I mean your behavior when someone is nasty to you, call you names, or pushes your buttons, you can just respond by saying that is me. I accept it or that is not me and I reject that. I am not letting that stick to me.

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Journy: Plan Life & self care App

Internal Control Personality Characteristics

Here are some characteristics we get after, fixing the root.

  • Hard working– always putting in effort to achieve goals
  • Confident – recognizing the skills and knowledge required to overcome challenges
  • Physical healthy – considering it their active obligation to eat healthily, partake in regular exercise, and remaining diligent in keeping up with medical appointments
  • Responsible – holding themselves accountable for successes and their mistakes or failures
  • Positive – feeling happiness, peaceful, and relaxed about the future because increased control over life leads to minimal stress
  • Independent – not relying on others for success
  • Studious – valuing knowledge and the skills it contributes to overcome obstacles
  • High self-esteem – respectful of oneself and confident in abilities
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Podhero podcast

External Control Personality Characteristics

When we don't, fix the root, here are the fruits we will reap.

Those with an external control also display a particular set of personality characteristics.

  • Insecure – not confident in their own abilities and continually doubting they can accomplish difficult goals. Low self-esteem.
  • Dependent – reliance on other people for tasks they are capable of doing without assistance
  • Hopeless – feeling emotions like “what’s the point” or as if any response to a life event is futile
  • Passive – resigning effort to surmount challenges because their actions won’t make a difference in the outcome
  • Indecisive – events are not analyzed to the fullest causing difficulty to make concrete decisions


Additional Resources

Jim Rohn on How to Improve Yourself


Let’s Talk About Casual Sex

My grandmother taught me if you give away the cow, then there is no reason to purchase the milk.  What that means if you practice casual sex, there is no reason for a man to marry you.

I got inspiration for this episode from the Fresh and Fit podcast. My son introduced me to this podcast. They have the men market covered. So since this is #1 self-improvement podcast in the world for women, I thought I should get into the conversation and share my wisdom.  The first episode I watched on the Fresh and Fit podcast was about what a high value man looks for in a woman. Good information, I realized immediately that they were picking up where, Kevin Samuels, left off.

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High Value man and casual sex

I will have a future episode on what is a, high value man, and what they look for in a woman, because ladies you at least need to know what men are thinking. Thus, the book and movie Think Like a man.  But today I want to address the phenomena of casual sex. That is women sleeping with men who don’t even call you their girlfriend or woman, much less wife. On the Fresh and Fit podcast they interview women and ask them about their body count aka how many men they have slept with because ladies it matter to a man who wants to make you his woman or wife.

So how did we get here? How did we get from women being virgins on our wedding day to discussing our body count?

I believe that someone put out the false narrative that sex is the way to a man’s heart.

My grandmother always told me that food was the way to a man’s heart that is why women over 40 know how to cook a good meal not an air fryer meal. The new generation do not even know how to cook and today everybody should be able to cook. When I first got married, I used to call my mom and ask her how to cook stuff. My daughter has never called me and asked me how to cook stuff because all she has to do is go on Google or YouTube for a recipe.

The Transform Your Mind Podcast is the #1 Personal Development Podcast for women in the world.

Life Coach Myrna Young
Life Coach Myrna Young

What a High value man looks for in a woman

I talked to my brother, a high value man, and asked him if he cares how many men his woman slept with and he told me he wouldn’t want to know. My follow up question was let’s say she slept with 30 men he almost had a conniption. He said that is almost a roulette wheel. A roulette wheel has 32 numbers. Some women get to 30 men body count in a few years.

So back to the Fresh and Fit podcast. I was trying to find that episode on the high value man and I came across the episode that was a tribute to, Kevin Samuels

It was a call-in show and one guy told a story of how he met a girl in a restaurant and totally ignored her. When he left the restaurant, she walked up to him and asked him “You want my number” and he said no.

So, she Dm’d him on Instagram and they started talking. A few weeks later she asked him if he wanted to come over. He said Yes

So, he went to her apartment and a short time later she was giving him oral sex and then according to him he was smashing it.

Then he left and never called her again and she was blowing up his phone and he never called her back.

His conclusion, the more badly you treat a woman the more she wants you.

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Transform your Mind Podbean

Casual sex and your value as a woman

Men actually believe this because women always seem to love the bad boys. You seen the Whitney Houston documentary?

So, let’s dissect all the things this girl did wrong

Firstly, ladies’ men are hunters, let them hunt. Do not throw yourself at a man. If has the same effect as him finding a dead dog at his door. That’s why women in the olden days played hard to get. This allowed the men to go fishing and enjoy reeling in their catch.

# 2 Why would you invite a man to your house for sex and he hasn’t even invited you out on a date? I am trying to get into her head. Did she think she had skills and that was the way to his heart?

Ladies, according to Andre Paradis, relationship coach, the moment you have sex with a man his emotional connection with you halts. I do not know about all that, I do know that if marriage is your end game no man marries a ho.

One of the topics on the Fresh and Fit podcast is about body count. No man wants to be where everyone else been, that is why they asked the question.

If you haven’t watched the movie, Think Like a Man you need to go watch it. Steve Harvey laid out some rules like the fundamentals, Have the man call you his girlfriend before you take the cooked out of the cookie jar. Let him wait 90 days before you engage in casual sex, in the meantime let him wine and dine you. Let him work for your cookie.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Conclusion: let the man court you before engaging in sex

Casual sex, or giving away your milk before they buy the cow, will make you end up old and alone. I hope this helps someone.

Thanks for tuning into the transform Your mind to transform your life the podcast.  I would love to hear your comments in chat.

Additional Resources

How to Get and How to Keep a Man


What is The Purpose of Unhappiness?

Does your unhappiness have a purpose? Does your negativity change anything? The answer is no, so why do we choose it?

I just finished reading the book The Power of The Now by Eckhart Tolle and he made the statement that we chose unhappiness even though it serves no purpose. He asked the does your unhappiness change anything?

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Childhood unhappiness: Did it serve you

The book the Course in Miracles states that we believe that when we are unhappy our unhappiness buys us what we want. Not true in fact it pushes what you want further away.

Take a child who has conscious parents. Let’s say the child decides to throw a temper tantrum because they want to watch TV or they want a toy or candy. Any good parent will not give it to them, in fact if my kids threw a tantrum or cried for anything, they never got that thing.  Just recently my foster daughter cried because she wanted to watch TV and she thought crying and carrying on would get her TV instead the TV was removed from her room. So, if crying and unhappiness did not get us what we wanted as children, why do you still use it as adults?

All negativity is resistance. Negativity ranges from irritation to fierce anger.

The ego believes that through negativity, it can change reality and get what it wants. It believes that through unhappiness it can attract a desirable condition or dissolve an undesirable one.

If your mind did not believe that unhappiness works, then why would it create it?

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Podbay FM

Negativity keeps undesirable conditions in place

The fact is that negativity does not work; instead of attracting a desirable condition, it stops it from arising. Instead of resolving an undesirable one it keeps if in place.

Its only useful function of negativity, is that it strengthens the ego and that is why the ego loves it.

What is the ego? The ego is that portion of the human personality which is experienced as the “self” or “I” and is in contact with the external world through perception.

No other life form on the planet knows negativity, only humans. Just as no other life form poisons the earth that sustains it. Have you ever seen 2 ducks fight? They fight and then go their separate ways and then flap their wings to release the negativity and they are done. Humans carry around that negativity for decades. He did that to me! This negativity becomes, depression.

There is a line in the Matrix that says that Humans destroy their environment or land and then moves on the next place. What are you destroying with your unhappiness?

Transform Your Mind
Transform Your Mind

What is the purpose of unhappiness

Think about it. Has nagging your spouse ever resulted in him becoming the spouse that you want them to be or did it have the opposite effect? That is why the Bible teaches that a man would rather live on the roof top than live in a house with a nagging wife.

So today, I want to shine a light on unhappiness. Why do we create it if it does not get us what we want?

There are life situations that create unhappiness

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

How to be happy:  we have 3 choices:

  • We can remove ourselves from the situation
  • We can change how we think about the situation
  • Or we can accept the situation completely.

These are the options in, how to be happy. What good does it we do none of the these things, but just live with unhappiness? If you can successfully find which negative behavioral and cognitive patterns are making you unhappy, and address them, you’ll be able to start feeling happier in less time than you may think.

I will tell you what it does. It creates disease in the body and sends you to an early grave, but it never gets you what you want. Unhappiness serves no purpose other than to make you sick.

Even if you throw a temper tantrum and you get the toy in the store or your spouse gives in. Ultimately your unhappiness returns. It is only temporarily satiated.


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna.

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Find Your Purpose: What's in Your Hand

Your Suffering is Part of Gods Plan

As Christian’s we just celebrated Jesus the Christ and the fact that he bore our sins on the cross. His suffering and the shedding of his blood is the symbol of our deliverance and, God plan. He died as Jesus and arose as, Jesus Christ.

Jesus transformed into The Christ. Christ is the spirit that lives in all Christian’s baptized in the Holy Spirit.

There is no Christ without the cross.  The same goes for everyone else. Suffering is part of Gods plan to open the door to your enlightenment.
In this episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna, I share how to use your suffering as your spiritual practice.

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Suffering is the doorway to enlightenment.

Enlightenment is the resurrection.

So, if you are suffering right now, pick up your cross and carry it. Know that God will send someone to help you carry your cross, and at the end of your suffering, because it will end, you will receive your reward.

The Bible says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.

At the end of your suffering, you will be transformed.

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”

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Organifi green drink

Gods plan is to get you to your purpose and destiny

Gods plan, is a detailed proposal to get you to your, purpose and destiny.

God has a plan for your life he will not answer any prayer that works against the plans he had for your life.

So Pray according to, God’s plan, and say if it is your will God, then I will obey.

Jesus said “Fatherif you are willing, take this cup away from me—nevertheless, not my willbut yours, be done.

You discover the details of, Gods plan, by walking by faith.

Gods plan, will not destroy you, your suffering is only temporary.

Your suffering is part of, Gods plan, to make you stronger.

Your suffering could be to bless the people connected to you.

Trust that all things work together for your good.

Sometimes Gods answer is not yet.

Not at this moment, but expect it later.

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Podhero podcast

How to Pray like Jesus

Learn to pray like Jesus, father if it is your will take this cup of suffering away from me. God’s answer could be immediate or his answer may be not yet. Carry your cross just like Jesus did. He knew it was his purpose and that is why he came. Most of us do not know why we came, but I can guarantee you if you are suffering it is meant to teach you something that you need to accomplish your purpose.

Suffering is the doorway to your transformation.

Most of us suffer in relationships, but if we are conscious and aware, we will see that we are building strength and character going through and then one day, you get your joy back. One day you arose. One day you got your grove back.

Your suffering becomes your spiritual practice that leads to your awakening.

Accept your suffering like Jesus did. The miracle is in the surrender.

This is how surrendering, far from waving the white flag, becomes the ultimate tool for empowerment and positive action.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

When you surrender suffering stops

When you are able to stop wallowing in the unfairness of what life dealt you and all of the shoulds that never came to be, your mind will be free from suffering. Suffering also stops when you surrender to the present moment and  rumination and recrimination about the past.

When I stopped fighting with my situation, my scope and options for positive action became clear, and at that point I was in full control of the little space in life that I actually could control—me.

When I stopped questioning the situation in which I found myself. Some of it was unfair, the result of what I took to be other people’s unjust actions, but at the same time, a lot of it was the result of my own actions, as well as pure chance. While I learned some lessons looking backward, the key to my recovery was accepting where I was and look forward to how to get myself out of it.

My immediate action was to seek help, first from friends and then from a therapist, something I would have previously stigmatized as self-indulgent. Overcoming the shame of that opened the floodgates of what was possible for me, and everything was up for grabs. I learned to surrender.


Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna.  Hope to see you back her next week same time for another episode.  Until next time namaste. If you have not done so already please subscribe to iTunes and leave a review.

How God Uses Coincidence To Get You To Your Destiny

Setting Goals In Clock Time vs Psychological Time

Setting goals, in, clock time, means we are not emotionally attached to them. We are able to enjoy the journey and not just the destination.  But when you, set goals, in,  psychological time, you are never fulfilled when you achieve them.  You have heard of people who, set goals, and when they attain these goals, they are only happy for a brief moment and then they are unfulfilled again. That is because they are psychologically attached to the goal. The subconscious mind is telling them that until this goal is achieved, happiness is not possible. Or until this goal is achieved, they are not successful.

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Setting goals in psychological time

Let’s say owning a house on the beach is your symbol of success and you tell yourself that until you live on the beach in a beautiful mansion, you cannot feel fulfilled or feel successful. This means that you are not going to enjoy the journey.  You are psychologically tied to living on the beach as your means to the end.

Or let’s take the goal of being married. Most women have this goal.

Marriage could be a symbol of acceptance that you are enough, because someone says you complete them, or they can’t live without you etc. Marriage could symbolize the success you dreamed of as a little girl.

But what happens when you achieve this goal? Does it create lasting happiness? The divorce rate is 50% or higher. Nothing wrong with that goal but do you stop living until you get married.  Are you enjoying all the perks of being single?

Does achieving any goal fulfill you forever? You know the answer to the question.

No it does not.

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Setting goals in clock time

That is because goals set using, psychological time, says that until this event happens, you will not be happy or successful or fulfilled.  When you achieve these goals, you are happy for a few days and then you are not.

Goals set with, psychological time, never fulfills because the goal post is always moving.

It is okay to set goals, but you must enjoy the present moment.

You must enjoy where you are now.

If you ask yourself what is lacking now, the answer should always be nothing.

Goal setting, in,  clock time, says If success comes, I will accept it, but if it doesn’t, I am okay with that too.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

That is why we can’t tell ourselves that until something happens in life then we will be happy, fulfilled, complete etc. because not only can you die waiting for this goal to manifest, but if you achieve this goal, you will still not be complete or happy. Why because you have to take care of the inside before things on the outside.

When you take care of your inside, joy is always your partner. You are happy with or without.  You are happy for the breath of life.  If you add success to this you will find fulfillment.

Additional Resources

How To Conquer The 5 Most Common Causes of Failure

How To Use Faith To Get What You Want

The Magic of faith is in your beliefs. Your beliefs are the currency of faith. Faith is essential to manifesting your desires. It is the currency of the spiritual world. It is the currency of God.

Trust God and have faith that he will give you the desires of your heart.

Trust that all is well.

Hold the vision and trust the process.

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Have faith and go with the flow

Go with the flow, try not to constantly swim upstream.

Tune into guidance and intuition, you let the universe take you where you want to go.

You also must commit to being faithful. A lot of times, things don’t come when you think they should.

You are either doing something or you are waiting for something to happen. You are either committed or you are not.

Obstacles become opportunities when you are committed

With commitment, failure is not an option

Get clear of what you want and why you want it that helps you stay committed

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Transform Your Mind

Ask and have faith that you will receive

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What specifically do I want to happen? include details.
  • Why do I want this to happen?
  • How will I feel when I achieve this happens?
  • Am I willing to ask for support if it does not happen?
  • Will I refuse to give up?
  • Am I excited about making this promise to myself?
  • Will I enjoy the journey from where I am now to where I want to be?

The bible says, Ask and you will receive. You must have, faith, that you father in heaven will give you the desires of your heart all you have to do is ask for it in prayer.

If you don't ask you don't get -Gandhi

Ask and you will receive – Jesus

When you ask you get.

Ask with confidence and certainty.

Ask with determination and persistence.

Ask clearly and precisely.

Ask for what you want.

Ask for a discount.

Ask for a major guest if you are a podcast host like me.

Ask for a loan.

Ask for a date.

Ask for affection.

Ask to be of service.

Ask for the listing if you are a realtor.

Ask for the sale.

Ask Ask Ask.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Ask and believe you will receive

See yourself in possession of what you are asking.

Connect with source and Ask God in prayer. Learn how to, ask god for what you want.

Make a strong declaration this is what I want and I not settling for less.

When you ask you get it immediately but it is held in your, vortex, as un-manifested potential.

Whatever you ask for have already manifested vibrational and are waiting for you in, the vortex.

Vibrational reality, always precedes, physical reality, whatever you hold in your hand you first held in your head. Your, vibrational reality, is how you are feeling most of the time.  It’s the thoughts you are having that translate into the emotions that you are feeling.

Most people are influenced by their, physical reality, to the exclusion of everything else.  If something happens in their, physical reality, they react to it.  They have thoughts and judgments about what is happening and those thoughts and judgments translate into feelings about what is happening.  We’ve all been there and done that.  It's part of being human in this physical world.

To get into the, vortex, and activate, the law of attraction, you need to work with your, vibrational reality, for the things you asked for, you must reach for the best feeling thoughts in every moment. This is, how you ask the Universe for what you want.

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Curiocaster podcast

The law of attraction works with faith

Think good feeling thoughts.  Stuff your, vortex, with positive energy and with good feeling actions.

  • like walking in nature
  • meditation,
  • singing your favorite song
  • hugging your children,
  • hugging your spouse,
  • talking a hot bath,
  • getting a massage

Ask for what you want, have faith that if you ask you will receive, remain committed to the journey.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources

How to Let Your Desires Flow

Rules Game Of Life: Know Where You Want To Go

Rules game of life,  # 1 Know where you want to go. A lot of us have goals, but we focus on all of them at the same time and that is why most of us never accomplish any of them.

There is a Guyanese proverb that says that you can be a “Jack of all trades, master of none.” That means if you have all these trades, you can never be great at any.

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Focus on one thing at a time

The captain of a ship knows he can only dock at one port at a time. A quarterback in a football game knows the goal of the drive is to get to the end zone and score a touchdown. Once he has accomplished one touchdown then he starts planning for the next touchdown. Rules of the game, both the Captain and the quarterback knows to, focus on one thing, at a time.

So, the first rule of success in the, game of life, is knowing where you want to go. You set one goal and, focus on one thing,  concentrate all your energies on that goal first, then after you accomplish that goal then you move on to the next goal.

Let’s say where you want to go is to save $20,000 for a down payment on your first home. That is the direction you want to go in, you shouldn’t have that goal of saving $20,000 and another goal of let’s say getting your Master’s degree at the same time.  Chances are you will accomplish neither. Since you should, focus on one thing, at a time.  First focus on your down payment and then after you move into your home, then you could focus on getting your Master's degree.

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Podhero podcast

Game of Life: Your rewards equal effort

In the, game of life, your reward is in direct proportion to your service. So how will you earn this $20,000?  You have to provide a service to get it.  Don’t dream of winning the lottery.

We just watched the Super Bowl game.  Let’s look at Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes as an illustration of having one primary goal and working only on that goal. Patrick Mahomes is rewarded handsomely for his service for his ability to score touchdowns. He is paid millions and I mean millions because of this ability. He has studied his craft and become the best and his knowledge of the game and how to achieve his goal of getting to the end zone, makes him valuable to any team. He concentrates of one drive at time, that is his, focus is on one thing. One touchdown at a time, one game at a time with the end goal of a championship.

So, you need to do the same. What skills do you need to have to accomplish your primary goal today?  What do you have to do to become the best at what you do. Since service is in direct proportion to reward, how will you increase your service?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Podvine

Rules Game of life

These are the, rules game of life, know where you want to go and, focus on one thing, at a time. This message is for me as well. I am speaking to myself. I have lots of goals and I was working on all of them at the same time and that is why I wasn’t gaining traction. I have 6 goals and I was concentrating on all of them.  Now that I understand the, rules game of life, I have picked one goal and am focusing all my attention on this goal. I already work on improving my skills every day. I already learn something new every day. Since my rewards is in direct proportion to my service, I am confident that my rewards will come. I know if you build it, they will come. 

Remember the quote from Alice in Wonderland “if you don’t know where you are going then it doesn’t matter where you end up.”

So become one of the 5% of the population who know the, rules game of life, they know where they are going and is working the playbook, setting up plays, celebrating first downs and getting to the end zone. You must have singular focus, you must know that people are out to stop you, and you must know where they are and avoid a collision.  Patrick Mahomes played through an injury, you must know that you will have challenges and problems on your way to your goals, successful people succeed in spite of their challenges.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources 

The Game of Life: Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons


Bring Your Friends Along

When God anoints you for a purpose it not only for you sometimes your appointment is so that you can bring your friends along.

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Daniel had all he needed to fulfil his purpose

Let me use a couple of stories to illustrate this. I am sure you have heard the Bible story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego.

You see God had a plan for these boys’ lives. They had a purpose like we all do. God chose them to be the wise men in King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace. The king ordered his chief of staff to find young men who were strong, good looking and healthy to train as wise men to serve in the palace. God made sure these boys were chosen then, God made them excel in their learning to stand out from the crowd. So, they got the job.

God then gave these four boys unusual aptitude for understanding every aspect of literature and wisdom and then God give Daniel the special ability to interpret the meanings of visions and dreams. This talent would be necessary to get him into position for his purpose.

Every aspect of your life has been preordained by God. Nothing is left to chance, believe this.

It does not matter the circumstances of your birth. You are meant for greatness and whatever you need to accomplish your mission, God preloads into you.

Think of yourself as a top-of-the-line sports car. Everything you need to perform at your highest level is preloaded and then some!

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Transform Your Mind

Daniel had the ability to interpret visions and dreams

Anyway, back to Daniel.  King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and he wanted someone not only to interpret the dream, but to tell him the dream! Sometimes people in authority have some unusual requests. As it turned out Daniel was the only person in the entire kingdom who could tell the King his dream and interpret it.

When Daniel told the king his dream and what it meant King Nebuchadnezzar, appointed Daniel to a high position and gave him many valuable gifts. He made Daniel ruler over all his wise men. But at Daniel’s request the King also appointed Shadrach Meshack and Abednego to be in charge of all the affairs of the province of Babylon. Bring your friends along.

A modern-day version of this story is how Lebron James brought his friends along when he got to the NBA. Lebron hired his friend Rich Paul to be his agent with no experience or degrees in sports related fields. Everyone said it was the worst decision ever. But Lebron understood the concept of bring your friends along. Today Lebron is worth $1Billion in contracts and endorsements and his friend Rich Paul is now the #1 agent in the NBA.  He is now expanding to Major league baseball and the NFL.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Daniel brought his friends along

This is why I want to focus on this topic today. The skill of interpreting dreams and visions were only given to Daniel, but Daniel remembered his friends when he became successful. God does not anoint you with a purpose just for you, you are supposed to help your friends, your family, your community and even the world with your talent.

Your friends have a mission and purpose as well and sometimes your only purpose is to get them in position. Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego’s mission was to show that their God is the only true God. Their God was the only God deserving of their worship and if they were thrown into the fiery furnace, their God would rescue them.

And that is what happened. These boys were thrown into the furnace because they refused to bow down to a statue. When King Nebuchadnezzar threw them in the furnace bound, he witnessed with his own eyes 4 men walking around in the furnace unbound and unharmed. The 4th man being the Angel God sent to protect them from harm.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

This is why you bring your friends along

The King then made this decree “If any man whatever race or nation or language speak a word against the God of Shadrach Meshack and Abednego, they will be torn limb from limb and their houses will be turned into heaps of rubble.”

So if you ever make it to the top, remember your friends and bring them along.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources 

Using Astrology to Understand Your Purpose

Life Lessons From Chris Rock’s Revenge on Will Smith

There is a saying that revenge is a dish best served cold. Chris Rock's revenge on Will Smith was served cold, almost one year later from when Will Smith walked up on stage at the Oscars and slapped him.

The entire world was waiting on a response from Chris Rock after Will Smith walked up on stage and slapped him at the Oscars last year for making a GI Jane joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s hair or lack of it.  

Everyone wanted to know why he did not respond by slapping him back, by having Will Smith arrested, by suing him etc. Chris Rock did none of the above.

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Chris Rock waited until he was ready to take his revenge

People started flocking to his comedy shows to hear what he had to say about the slap heard around the world. Nothing.  

All he said was he would talk when he is ready.  

He probably received hundreds of invitations to tell his story but like he said he refused to play the victim by going on Oprah or Gail King and telling his victim story.  

What he did was to wait almost a year from the date of the incident and make himself millions from a Netflix special recorded live in the process!

And everyone tuned in to watch after all we had waited a long time. And we were not disappointed. It was brilliance from start to finish.  

Chris Rock
Chris Rock

Chris Rock's Revenge: He did not keep Will's Wife name out of his mouth

Will Smith told Chris Rock after he slapped him to keep his F**king wife name out of his mouth so, Chris Rock's revenge, was to continually speak her name.  Chris Rock responded by going hard with her name in his mouth and Will Smith cannot do a thing about it. He called Jada Pinkett Smith a predator for F**king her sons friend,  he called her a Bitch and said that she started the fight by saying he should boycott the Oscar’s a few years back because Will Smith was not nominated for an Oscar for the movie Concussion.

Will Smith continued the fight by walking on stage and slapping Chris Rock apparently he was triggered by the first joke, so now Chris Rock says he is finishing the fight.

According to Chris Rock, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith chose to put their business on Red Table Talk to get ratings and in the process emasculating her man by making him a laughing stock of the entertainment world.

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Here is what people are saying about Chris Rock's revenge

Stephan A Smith on his Know Mercy podcast made a point as to why? He agreed with Chris Rock's revenge, he said it was his right. He also said Jada Pinkett Smith does not need the money, or the fame. She has had a successful career and her husband until that point was well respected in his industry.

So What are the, Life lessons, we can learn from this beef between Chris Rock and the Smith’s?  

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Here are 3 Life lessons I want you all to be aware of:
  1. Don’t react to an injustice, instead respond after you have had time to think about it. If Chris Rock had reacted he won’t be making millions from a Netflix special.
  2. The Lord says revenge is mine, but if you must seek revenge, then don’t just destroy the other person, build yourself up in the process. While Will Smith’s fame sank like an anchor on a ship, Chris Rock was selling out his shows. Chris Rock's revenge, could also be tarnishing the name of Will Smith forever. 
  3. Finally, the Bible teaches those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The Smith family has a lot of stuff going on and they chose to share everything on Red Table Talk, so that means they live in a glass house. Everybody can see inside. So, if you throw stones and someone throws one back, then it will break your glass windows and doors and sometimes the damage is so severe that you can’t build it back. I think that was, Chris Rock’s revenge, on the Smith’s was so complete that they may never recover from this insult. He threw rocks that they let the world see and he used it to embarrass them both. Be careful what you share.  

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources

Will Smith Had 10 Seconds To Choose A Different Reality