Category Archives: Life Coaching

Your Eyes: The Lamp Of Your Body’s Light

The eyes are often called the windows to the soul, and in many ways, they are also the lamps that illuminate our lives. The wisdom behind the scripture Jesus taught in Luke “Your eyes are the lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light; when your eye is bad, your whole body is filled with darkness,” goes far beyond the physical realm of seeing with the naked eye.

In this Life coaching episode, we'll delve into the profound meaning of this statement, eyes windows to the soul, and explore how the health and perspective of your eyes can shape the brightness of your life.

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The Eyes are the Light of Perception:

  1. **Positive Outlook and gratitude:** When your eyes perceive the world with optimism and gratitude, your entire perspective on life brightens. Seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty has to do with the, light of your eyes. A, good eye, sees opportunities, solutions, and the beauty that surrounds you.
  2. **Healthy Vision:** Taking care of your physical eyes is crucial. Regular eye check-ups and proper eye care not only ensure clear vision but also contribute to your overall well-being.
  3. **Mind-Body Connection:** The connection between your eyes and your body's well-being is deeper than you might think. Your mental and emotional state can significantly impact your physical health. How many of you know that when you are depressed it means you are looking at the world through bad eyes.
  4. **The Power of Focus:** A, good eye, doesn't just see; it focuses. When you have a clear vision of your goals and dreams, your energy and efforts align, filling your life with purpose and direction.
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Bad eyes: The Darkness of Negativity:


  1. **Limiting Beliefs:** Negative thoughts and self-doubt can cloud your perception, leading to a pessimistic outlook. This darkness can hinder your progress and happiness.
  2. **Physical Consequences:** Stress and negative emotions can manifest physically, affecting your health. Chronic stress, for example, can lead to various health issues.
  3. **Impact on Relationships:** How you view others can also be influenced by the state of your eyes. A negative perspective can strain relationships and hinder personal growth. My pastor is famous for saying that we complain about our husbands yet so many women are praying for one. Ladies appreciate your husbands don’t let a, bad eye, ruin your relationship.
  4. **Missed Opportunities:** A, bad eye, might overlook potential opportunities and solutions, leaving you in the shadows of missed chances.
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Cultivating Good Eyes:


  1. **Practice Gratitude:** Train your eyes to see the blessings and beauty in everyday life. A gratitude journal, can help shift your perspective.
  2. **Self-Reflection:** Regularly reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Recognize and challenge negative patterns to nurture a positive outlook. Get rid of ANTS which are automatic negative thoughts. I will link out to an episode I did on ANTS in the show notes
  3. **Physical Health:** Prioritize eye care, a healthy diet, and stress management. Physical well-being contributes to mental and emotional clarity.
  4. **Set Goals:** Define your life's purpose and set clear goals. A focused and, healthy vision, will guide your actions and infuse your life with light.


Your eyes do more than enable you to see the physical world; they shape your perception, influence your health, and guide your journey through life. By cultivating, good eyes—ones that radiate positivity, clarity, and purpose—you can fill your entire body with light. Choose to see the world and yourself in the best possible light, and watch as your life becomes brighter and more fulfilling.

Additional Resources

Exploring CGM as a Tool To Optimize Metabolic Health

Carly Hayes discusses the importance of using a cgm to improve, metabolic health, and why, blood sugar, is connected to longevity and overall well-being. Metabolic health,  refers to how our metabolism processes energy and uses the food we eat to fuel our bodies.

Less than 7% of Americans are metabolically healthy, indicating a widespread issue with the efficiency of our metabolism. Monitoring, blood sugar, using a cgm, also called a, continuous glucose monitor, is a key aspect of, metabolic health, as it provides valuable information about how our bodies are processing food.

Continuous glucose monitoring (cgm) technology allows individuals to track their, blood sugar levels, in real-time and make informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle to, optimize metabolic health. Carly explains how cgm can be used to identify patterns and trends in, blood sugar response, to different foods and activities, and how this information can be used to make meaningful changes to, improve metabolic health.

Download the podcast here:

How is Metbolic Health Measured

Myrna: So right off the bat, because I had never actually heard of that term before, and I see that your company is labeled as a, metabolic health, company. So tell us, Carly, what exactly is, metabolic health, and what does this entail? I know one of the prongs of it is diabetes, but I think that it encompasses more things. So can you talk to us about what exactly is, metabolic health?

Carlee: Definitely one of my favorite topics to get into and shout out to Dr Peter Attia and The Outlive book. If you haven't read that, that's a really great place to get started on all things, metabolic health, and really level up that knowledge. But when we look at, metabolic health, that word sounds a lot like metabolism. So I like to simplify it a little bit and just think about what even is our metabolism and how can we use that information, because we know now that this is the key to longevity. This is the key to living a healthy lifespan and having a good health span. So when we think about, metabolic health, this is kind of this umbrella term that encompasses how our metabolism works.

And if we break that down just a little bit more, what that means is your metabolism is how you process energy. This is how your body takes the foods that you eat and all the factors that you put in to your body and uses that to fuel you throughout the day. So if we're looking at metabolism, some of the things that might tell us how our metabolism is doing are what we'd get in a normal lab draw at our doctor's office, right? So you get a glucose lab, you get your cholesterol, your lipids, also your weight, your waist circumference are kind of encompassed in that category.

But all of those different metrics just tell us that one thing. How is our metabolism doing? Are we taking the food that we eat and using it efficiently? And the scary statistic that's been thrown out a lot lately is that less than 7% of Americans are metabolically healthy. So, like 93% of our population has some sort of issue in the efficiency of their metabolism. So that's critical, right? That's really, really important for us to look at. And I think the thing that I always want people to know is that you have the power to change your, metabolic health, to optimize it and improve it for the future.

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A cgm monitors your blood sugar continuously

Because from its basic standpoint, this is the things that we're putting into our bodies and doing in our lifestyle every single day that influence that metabolic health. And what I do, what, Nutrisense cgm, does specifically, is we look at one part of that. We look at glucose or blood sugar, which I think everyone's kind of this is a buzzword, right? We're all thinking about, blood sugar, and how to, improve blood sugar levels, even if we don't have diabetes.

And that's because of a couple of reasons. But the first is it's really easy to monitor and it tells you a lot of information. So when we look at, blood sugar, this is basically a sign of how our body is taking that food and how it's processing it. And so what I always like to say is our body is really good at keeping glucose or blood sugar, which is the fuel that fuels our body and keeps us going from day to day in a really stable range, right?

But what happens when we have factors in our life and we all do that, push it outside of that range repeatedly, that's when we run into issues. So if we look at a normal metabolism, right, if we eat a meal, what's going to happen is that our, blood sugar, is going to go up, and that's normal. That's exactly what we want to happen. That's a normal impact of having a balanced meal. And what happens then is that we have this hormone, and we can dive into that a little bit more, called insulin, that comes in and helps move that blood sugar from our blood into our cells so that we can use it.

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How cgm helps with dysfunctional metabolism

And if we have a dysfunctional metabolism, which, again, is a lot more common than I think we realize today, what happens is we eat that same meal, our blood sugar goes up, but we don't have the same insulin or that same hormone response to bring it back down into range. So it stays up for longer. We run into all the issues that cascade as a result of that, which we can get into those in detail. But what's happening is we're unable to kind of bring that down and self regulate.

And what's cool about Nutrisense, what's cool about monitoring your blood sugar is you can see that, right? If you're monitoring how your blood sugar is doing, you can see how your body responds to every single meal or factor in your life, and then you can proactively address anything that's keeping it up in that range that we don't want to see to avoid those complications later on. So I think I always think of glucose as kind of the lowest hanging fruit, right? It tells us so much information about our metabolism in our body, and then it tells us where to put our energy and our focus to make meaningful changes long term.

Myrna: Yeah, well, I'm soaking in all this nutrition. I'm actually reading at night. I'm reading Stephen Gundry's book, The Keto code, it's called and basically there he talked specifically about what we're going to be talking about later in the show, which is, continuous glucose monitoring, because he's saying that you need to know how your body responds to different foods. And when we prick our finger in the morning or whenever you prick it, that's not giving you an idea of continuous.

How does cgm monitor glucose levels

For instance, you just said that, yeah, when you eat, you expect your blood sugar to spike, but if you continue monitoring it, you can see if it's going to come down or what is it doing and things like that. But the question I had for someone that's listening and want to understand, metabolic health, so is glucose monitoring the main issue in, metabolic health?

Myrna: So let's say that when I'm having this urge to eat sweets, my blood sugar is okay. So let's move now to the, continuous glucose monitoring. So let's say that let's talk about what diabetes is. So you've eaten, you've got this glucose in your blood. The insulin is there to get rid of the glucose in your blood and get it to your muscles or get it to your cells. But because you've got diabetes, it's still in the blood, right?

So when we have this, continuous glucose monitoring, one, it's telling us that the glucose is still in the blood, I'm assuming. And two, like me, let's say that I ate a meal and I have a spike in my blood sugar, but maybe then it dropped and then I crave sweets, take us through what this, Continuous Glucose Monitor, does with those type of issues.

Nutrisense CGM
Nutrisense cgm

Carlee:  So this is a cgm. So this is the actual thing that sticks in your arm. So, Continuous Glucose Monitor, and I don't have it opened, but if you've seen most people I think have seen this, but it's just a small little it looks like two quarters stacked on top of each other and you insert it into the back of your arm. It doesn't hurts, but it monitors your, blood sugar, continuously per the name for two weeks. And that's really cool because you can see it at all times a day, not just when you're fasting or on average, you see it overnight, you see it for every single meal.

And that information is delivered to your cell phone. So, for instance, we use our own app, but if you use any, cgm, they'll have their own app that you can use. And then in real time, as soon as you scan it or it goes to your phone, you'll see what your glucose is doing in that moment. I think there are a couple of things that it can do or the benefits of the cgm for that reason. The first is that in real time, you are able to see how your decisions impact your metabolism or your, blood sugar.

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A cgm give you information in real time

So I think if we look at all the different things that we do for our health, or say you have a health goal of losing weight, right, say you are following a specific diet plan or an exercise plan, how long does it take you to see those changes pay off?

You're doing all the hard work, you're putting in the time and the effort, but you might not see those changes for a month, two months, right? It depends. It's not that linear process. And I think sometimes that can be really frustrating for you or for anyone trying to make a goal because it feels like you're putting in the work and not seeing that payoff. I think the benefit of the cgm is as soon as you make that decision, you see it impact you either in a good way or in a not so good way.

And it's that real time data that helps you first learn. I always say the first couple of weeks of wearing a cgm is 90% learning. You're just learning about your body. You're curious, you're trying to see what different foods or activities do to your blood sugar and how that relates to how you feel. And then once you kind of feel good with your data, then it becomes a behavior change piece. It keeps you accountable. You see that change.

You know exactly what happened. And you can use that as kind of a reinforcement to stay on a good path and know that you're making the right decisions in the moment. Those are the big things that are really cool about the cgm.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

cgm's tells you Your homeostatic range

Myrna: Yeah, but I still don't get it. So I want to use real experiences so that me and someone's listening can understand. So when you eat, let's say you eat pasta, your blood sugar is going to spike. It spikes for everybody because that's pasta. So what is this cgm telling me? Telling me that when I eat my blood sugar spikes, are you saying that somebody might eat pasta and it doesn't affect their blood sugar?

Carlee: Break it down a little bit. No, I got you. It's a lot to take in. But, yeah, when you eat a meal, you said it perfectly, your blood sugar is going to raise and it's going to fall after that spike. And that's a normal, healthy metabolism. So within any single response to a meal, you're going to see a peak and you're going to see it come back down. But really what you're looking for in that cgm data is, what does that look like? And there's a lot of small nuances here that I'll try and paint a picture, but what we're looking for is we want that highest value after you eat, to be below a certain level.

And there's a lot of debate about what that level, that quote unquote level, should be. But for a normal, healthy person, from the research that we've seen and we've done, we want to keep that below a peak of 140. So essentially, that's telling you that's where that homeostatic range is. That's where your body's trying to keep it. And if it's going above that range, that's a sign that maybe that meal didn't work really well for your body. Right. If it peaked a little bit higher, that might be a sign that that pasta, hey, we need to adjust that a little bit. So I'll get into maybe some changes that we could make if we have that high spike. So that's first you're looking at the peak. How high are you going?

The other thing you're looking for is how big of a shift you had in your glucose. So we kind of talked about that blood sugar roller coaster, right? If you're having large shifts and then spiking down, that can be a sign that something's not going well or that meal didn't work well for you. Similarly, if you're starting at a really low stage in your blood sugar and then spiking really high, that's. A big shift.

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Metabolic health, Diabetes and cgm

So what that's telling me is, hey, my body responded really strongly to this. This is a big glucose shift, and we want to keep it in that stable range. So this might be something I want to pay attention to. How can I reduce the amount of that shift? And then the third and last thing is how quickly that blood sugar came back down to my pre meal values. So we've already looked at how big of that shift was, what that total peak was, and then how quickly did it come down. And this is essentially telling you, how well did my insulin get me back down to that homeostatic range, right? Was I able to recover from that meal or did I stay really high for really long?

And all of those pieces together tell you how your body tolerated that meal. And so, again, if you have diabetes, a little bit of that is out of your control, right, because your insulin isn't working or responding as well as it should be. But if you're seeing that, then there are definitely some changes you can make in your diet, in your lifestyle to help improve that response. And that's where we hear that term insulin sensitivity a lot.

And that's a good thing. That means if you are insulin sensitive, you are sensitive to the effects of insulin, and your body's able to bring that back down and kind of keep you in a really good range for whatever meal that you have. If you are insulin resistant, on the other hand, which is the defining characteristic of type two diabetes, that means that, hey, your body's trying, right? It's producing that insulin, but we're just not responding like we should.

And so either that blood sugar is spiking too high, or we're staying really high for really long, having big spikes from meals that maybe shouldn't have that big spike. So if we look at that pasta example and this is where I get really excited, because this is where we can make changes and we can try different things and experiment. So say I have that pasta meal and I spike really high. I go above that 140 range, and I know that maybe that was just a larger spike than I want to see.

There are definitely some lifestyle or diet changes we can make. And the first one, and you kind of alluded to this is like your carbohydrates. How can you improve either the type of carbohydrate you're having to help your body process that better, or can you adjust maybe the portion size of that carbohydrate so that it's the right amount for your body? And you did a great job of saying that when insulin comes in and tells our body to bring that blood sugar down, it's bringing it into our muscles.

And that's a huge sink for glucose. That's like our storage space for glucose. It's kind of our secret weapon for handling carbs. And so the other thing we can look at is, well, can we add movement or exercise around this meal so that we can use those muscles as a sink for that glucose and kind of help it soak up that from the blood so that it's not staying there for too long. So if we're seeing kind of some differences in the spike, the shift, or the return to baseline, those are some levers we can pull, and there are so many more we can get into, but those are some levers that we can have that control over and optimize how we responded to that meal.

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The Nutrisense cgm program

Myrna: Tell us about Nutrisense cgm

Carlee: Well, each sensor, the sensor that we use right now, and I think the technology is expanding, it's growing, which is awesome. The technology we use right now, which is the freestyle cgm, lasts for two weeks. That's just kind of the life of the device. But there's a lot of cgm companies. Ours includes two CGMs per a month. So you essentially get a whole month of data. You just have to switch your cgm in between that month so that you can continue monitoring. So for some people, one month might be perfect, right? If you just want to explore and learn, maybe that's perfect. But if you have a larger goal weight loss or prediabetes or you're trying to manage your own diabetes, then a longer monthly plan might work better.

So even if you don't wear a cgm forever, which most people don't, right? You might wear it for periods of time throughout your life just to see different seasons of your life and how your body's responding. But you'll have that data forever, and that's the power of it. So assess what you normally do one to two weeks. So maybe your first sensor, you're just getting a baseline. You're learning. And what I do, what our team of nutritionists do, and this is what I love what I do, I help people interpret that because, you know, just from this conversation, it's a lot, seeing that peak and the shift and how quickly it comes down.

So I think having an expert there to kind of help unwrap that and untangle it with you and kind of connect it to your goals is really helpful. And then after you've established that baseline, you know what your normal blood sugar is, then you can start experimenting and trying different things and making small Tweaks and observing how they improve your glucose so that you have kind of a set up plan to keep you on the right path lifelong.

Myrna: Well, you also did a great tip or great hack there. And I'm not sure if people noticed it, but I paid attention to it. You said that if you eat protein with your carbs, then it slows down your insulin spike. That's pretty good. When you were talking, I'm thinking, okay, so I don't eat spaghetti. Rarely that do I pasta. But there was a time when you would have spaghetti and meatballs or spaghetti and whatever when I had little kids around, because little kids seem to like that.


Myrna: So how can listeners get access to your cgm tool? Tell us about your website. Your social media handles awesome.

Carlee: Yes. So if you want to learn more about Nutrisense cgm, so, continuous Glucose Monitoring, for Proactive Health, preventative health, or just if you have prediabetes or diabetes, you can find more about us at Nutrisense IO. And that is our website. We have a lot of information about our team and kind of what we offer there. But if you want to just learn more, I think we always posting really fun stuff on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

We're also on LinkedIn, so you can follow us at Nutrisense IO on those as well. So I always tell people that, you know, I'm really passionate about CGMs. I'm sure you know that by now. But even if you don't want to measure your blood sugar, even if that doesn't interest you, you can still do some of the hacks that we talked about today. You can still do those things that optimize how your body's processing that fuel.

Myrna: That's beautiful. All right, guys. Thank you, Carly. Thank you guys for tuning in. And if you're listening to this on itunes, we'd love for you to rate and review and subscribe. If you're watching this on YouTube, we'd love for you to subscribe. I bring you quality guests like Carlee every week so that you can transform your mind, so you can transform your life. Until next time, namaste. Bye for now

Additional Resources


The Benefits of Vocational Training: Unlocking Opportunities for Success

Robert W. Lamar, author of “The Value of High School Vocation Training,” joins Myrna Young on the Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life podcast. Lamar shares his personal experience on the, benefits of vocational training, in high school and how it helped shape his successful, career in construction. He emphasizes the, benefits of vocational training, for students who may not have the means or desire to attend college. Lamar hopes his book will promote the importance of, vocational programs in schools, and encourage students to consider this valuable alternative.

Download the podcast here:

Introduction to vocational training

Robert's journey began in Washington, DC, where he spent his childhood in the Hillcrest Home for Children. Growing up without a father, he faced many challenges but found solace in, vocational training, during high school. He started working early to support himself and discovered the opportunities that, vocational training, classes offered.

During his sophomore year, Robert stumbled upon a vocational program in landscape planning and engineering. This program, sponsored by the Army Corps of Engineers, taught him how to use transits and levels, prepare site plans, and do topography on drawings. The Army Corps of Engineers even guaranteed a job with the Coastal Geodetic Survey upon graduation.

“I was fascinated to learn how to use transits and levels and do drawings. The program went beyond just landscape planning and engineering. We assisted with drawings for different sites, showing where to place plants and trees. It was a comprehensive learning experience.” – Robert

Robert's passion for, vocational training, continued in his junior and senior years when he switched to, architectural drafting. Under the guidance of Mr. Muth, his teacher, Robert honed his skills in, drawing structural and  architectural plans. He even had the opportunity to work on real projects for the Montgomery County School Board, helping design wood shops, metal shops, and automotive shops for new school buildings.

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Vocational Training led to career in Construction

“I learned how to draw anything and everything needed inside a building. This experience laid the foundation for my career in construction.” – Robert

Upon graduating from high school, Robert was offered a job by an architect who had reviewed his work. He worked as an, architectural draftsman, for four years, gaining valuable experience in the field. This paved the way for his career in construction, where he specialized in building one-of-a-kind laboratories in Maryland and Washington, DC.

“The knowledge and experience I gained from, vocational training, helped me excel in my career. I could draw any part of a building, whether it was below ground or above ground. It paid off tremendously.” – Robert

After working for various companies, Robert decided to start his own construction company, which he successfully ran for 15 years. He built high-end office buildings and even had the opportunity to work on prestigious residential projects for Aaron Spelling and Jerry Parencio.

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Vocational training led to my own construction company

“My construction company allowed me to showcase my skills and work on remarkable projects. From high-end offices to luxurious residences, vocational training, opened doors for me.” – Robert

Inspired by his own journey, Robert wrote “The Value of High School Vocational Training” to shed light on the, benefits of vocational training. He wanted to encourage mothers, high school students, and anyone listening to consider the, benefits of vocational training.

“I wrote this book to highlight the importance of, vocational training, for students who may not have the means or desire to attend college. Vocational programs, provide valuable knowledge and experience, enabling students to secure well-paying jobs without the burden of student loans.” – Robert

Robert's book also aims to promote the incorporation of, vocational programs, in high schools across the country. He believes that each community should tailor their, vocational training, offerings to meet the specific needs of their area.

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Vocational training programs in High School

“Vocational training programs, should be designed to address the demands of the local job market. By doing so, we can equip students with the skills they need to succeed in their communities.” – Robert

The implications of, vocational training, are vast. It not only provides students with practical skills but also instills a sense of confidence and purpose. By offering, vocational programs in high schools, we can bridge the gap between education and employment, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive.

“Education is never wasted, and, vocational training, is a testament to that. It opens doors and unlocks opportunities for success.” – Robert


In conclusion, Robert Lamar's journey from, high school vocational training, to a successful career in construction is a testament to the, benefits  of vocational training. His book, “The Value of High School Vocational Training,” serves as a guide for students, parents, and educators, emphasizing the, benefits of vocational training, in shaping the future workforce.

By investing in, vocational training, we can empower students to pursue fulfilling careers and contribute to their communities. Let us embrace the potential of, vocational education, and create a future where every student has the opportunity to transform their lives through practical skills and knowledge.

As we move forward, let us remember the words of Robert Lamar, “There's no limit to what, vocational training, can teach you. It all depends on the programs developed in each school and the needs of the local community.”


Can You Turn Off Cancer With Your Mind?

In this post Danny Carroll talks about Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer work on terminal cancer. Dr Hamer research indicates that no real diseases exist; rather, what established medicine calls a “disease” is actually a “special meaningful program of nature” and  once we identify the cause of the tumor, then you can, turn off cancer, with your mind by telling your subconscious mind that the issue has been resolved.

Download the podcast here:

Abouth the guest

Danny Carroll spent the first half of his life in London, UK, and completed his education with a master’s degree from the London School of Economics.  He later moved to India where he now lives and works. Danny has spent the last 17 years studying alternative healing therapies in search of the Holy Grail of health and wellness.

Myrna:  Let’s start our conversation today by first looking at cancer, what is it, why it manifests and how we can, turn off cancer pain, with our minds.

Danny: Okay, can I suggest that we start on the fundamentals and we'll do big picture and then we'll go into the detail? Sure. Is that all right? Yes, conversation flows. Yeah, so let's start on your assumption that cancer is a killer, okay? And let's work around that topic and then we'll move into a specific type of cancers from there, okay? Cancer is not a killer.  People very rarely die of cancer. People die of, cancer treatments.

Okay, so let me let me let me put some meat around those bones, right? Today's medical system, and this is whether it's conventional medicine or alternative medicine, are systems of symptomatic treatment, okay? I'm a businessman, Myrna, and what I've done essentially is, in business, we have this concept that you can never solve a problem by addressing the symptom of the issue.

If one of my employees comes up to me and says, Danny, I've been trying to solve this problem. And they explain to me that they've only been addressing the symptoms. I'll slap them around the head, metaphorically speaking, of course, and say, you're only looking at symptoms of the problem. You can never solve a problem until you address the cause of the problem.

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You can't solve the problem of cancer without addressing the cause

Okay, so I apply those same standards of problem-solving that I use in business, I apply the same standard of problem-solving into health as well, okay? So if we look at the situation that Dr. Hamer was in, for example, the tumor on his testicle essentially is the symptom, it's the outcome of the, so let's play it through. What was the cause of the problem? The cause of the problem was his son getting shot and murdered.

That life crisis, basically, triggers the brain, goes to the part of the brain that manages the testicle, and the brain says, right, we have a crisis. Increase the size of the testicles in order to be able to increase sperm and testosterone production so that we can have a better chance of getting the wife pregnant. But the testicle is just a symptom of the problem.

Okay, the life crisis is the fact that his son was murdered in the same way with the woman whose child got hit by a car, then the cause of the problem is the son, the child getting hit by the car, it goes to the brain and the brain says to the woman's body, okay, we have a crisis, let's get lactation re-going again so that the mother can offer a breast to the child and nurse the child back to health again.

Okay, so the issue that we have in today's healing modalities, and this is both conventional and alternative, all of them, is they're all systems of symptomatic treatment. In conventional medicine, they treat the tumor. The tumor is the symptom, okay? You can never solve a problem by addressing the tumor. You can see that for yourself in conventional medicine. There's a concept called recurrent breast cancer, and that's basically where you have breast cancer again on a breast that's been removed.

Phantom cancer pain

Okay, the breast is no longer there and then you get cancer on a breast that no longer exists. Conventional medicine also has a concept of, phantom limb pain.  I have my leg amputated because I've got gangrene or I've got a problem where I've got an issue with my leg, okay? And I still feel pain in the leg after it's been amputated, okay? So the leg is no longer there and I still have pain. That's actually a common thing. It's a very common thing.  So, How can, the question you have to ask yourself Myrna, how is it possible to have pain in an organ that is no longer there?

Myrna; How is it possible? Because the brain still thinks it's there, just like how you have an imagination, I guess.

Danny: So let me explain, right? We have a life crisis, all of these programs are run in the brain, the brain is the CPU, the brain is the processing unit that manages this entire ecosystem and the brain sends down the message to the organ, right? The organ is the symptom. It's the output of the problem. You can never solve a problem by addressing the symptom.

You can never solve a problem by addressing the organ, okay? Because it doesn't matter if the organ is there or not, the biological program will still run in your brain. If you want to solve a problem by addressing at the organ level, the only option available to you is essentially to have your head cut off. And that is not a good thing to do. I'm not recommending that you do that.

Myrna: No, that will kill the host.

Danny: We can't run with our heads. We cannot have our heads chopped off, right? But when you look at phantom limb pain, when you look at things like, recurrent breast cancer, when you look at people who still experience colon pain with ulcerative colitis, even after they've had their colon removed, okay? So removing the organ makes zero difference, okay? Because the program still runs in your brain, okay?

Now, this is a problem not only in conventional medicine, but also in alternative medicine. if I go on a vegan diet, so say the child, the woman's walking on the street, the child gets hit by a car and ends up in ICU, okay, the woman's got breast cancer, she feels a lump in her breast, I'll go on a vegan diet or I'll do laetrile or I'll do vitamin C injections or I'll do ozone therapy or immunotherapy or whatever you want to do, right?

It doesn't make any difference because the biological program is designed to keep running until that child is better again. And when the child is better again, basically the purpose of that program has been fulfilled, regardless of whether you offered your breasts to the child to nurse them or not. Once the child is well again, then basically that biological program is no longer required and the subconscious mind will switch it off in the same way it switched it on. Now, the mistake people make is they correlate the treatments they had.

Chemotherapy survival rates

Now, if I put chemotherapy on this program, the effect it has essentially is nothing, okay? All it will do is essentially make me very, very sick and potentially kill me. I mean, of the many studies I've read on chemotherapy.  I quote a study carried out by oncologists in Australia in 2004 on, chemotherapy survival rates. This study gave the survival rate of people who take chemotherapy at barely above 2%, which means that chemotherapy kills essentially more than 97% of people who take it.

And it's not so surprising because chemotherapy essentially is mustard gas. Now, why are they using chemotherapy? They're using chemotherapy because they're trying to kill the cells, okay? Because they think the cells have gone wrong. They think the cells have gone wrong because they don't know what causes the problem and they don't know the purpose of that biological program.

So they think these abnormally fast growing cells basically have gone wrong and they're going to start going through your body and metastasize and kill you from within like some internal roaming army. It's nothing like that. The cells have not gone wrong. The cells have gone right. The only thing is we don't understand what causes the problem and we don't understand the purpose of the biological program.

Okay, so they are right in that the cells are abnormally fast growing, but they think that they are fast growing because the genes are broken or because nature is broken or they've gone wrong or it's been caused by pesticides or it's been caused by cell phone tower radiation and this and that and whatever, all of the things smoking and all of those things that they say that makes these cells go wrong. That is an incorrect conclusion. The cells are going right. Okay. Nature in our lifetime will never make a mistake, not a single mistake. The only problem is we don't understand it.

Myrna: Okay, so if I really understand what you're saying is that we can stop cancer and we can, turn off cancer pain, by understanding the cause of it.

Danny: understanding the cause, the cause is critical. You can, Myrna, you can only ever solve a problem by addressing the cause of the problem. You can never solve a problem by addressing the symptom. Never.

Dr Hamer work with cancer patients

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, basically, essentially unraveled the biological code and he has identified the cause to every every cell in our body, whether it's cancer, whether it's multiple sclerosis, whether it's osteoporosis, arthritis, whether it's autism, whether it's down syndrome, whether it's bipolar schizophrenia, he has essentially unraveled the biological code and he has created something called the, Scientific Chart of Germanic New Medicine, which lays out the cause of every health problem that exists on earth today.

If you sign up to my website, you'll download a 400 page book that has the cause to every health problem on this earth, okay? So let me give you one more of my own examples, okay? I got in 2019, I got cancer in my jaw, okay? All of these teeth are false here, right? These are all false. So I had a problem. I had a fight with my wife over American politics, strangely. Anyway, this triggered a cancer in this part of my jaw.

How I turned off cancer by solving the cause of the tumor

This fight with my wife lasted for approximately five seconds. Five seconds. Okay. And because it was such a short fight, it was very difficult for me to identify the cause of this problem, okay? Anyway, by the time I found the cause of the problem, a big tumor had been added to my jaw. I found the cause of the problem after a lot of digging.  And then when this tumor is removed, it's removed with something called, TB microbacteria.

TB microbacteria essentially rots the tissue that's been added to remove it, okay? I had the pleasure for a four-month period of having the taste and smell of rotting flesh in my mouth and my sinuses, which wasn't very pleasant, but I understood what was going on, right? In that entire process, all my teeth fell out and it destroyed part of my jaw, right? So then I had to have a five-hour reconstructive surgery with a bone graft on my jaw where I had my my jaw reconstructed and the implants in order to put teeth in because I had no teeth there, right?

So I went for a five-hour surgery. I took one painkiller at the time of the surgery and I took one more painkiller at night before I slept on the day of the surgery, okay? Then I woke up next morning and I thought to myself, I wonder if I can switch this, I hate taking painkillers, right? So I'm like, I do anything I can in order to avoid taking tablets, okay? So I thought, okay, I wonder if I can, switch this pain off. So then I sat there and I thought, right, okay, what is the purpose?

What is the biological purpose of pain? Okay, the biological purpose of pain is to stop you from using a part of the body so it has the time, space and energy to heal, okay? If you cut your finger, okay, If you, when it swells up and becomes painful, if you don't touch it, okay, then you'll have no pain. As soon as you start trying to do the dishes and you put it in hot water, then you go. He's telling you, stop using it. I'm trying to heal this. Let it be. I'll just put it aside for a while. Don't use it. Okay.

How I turned of cancer pain in my jaw

I had 35 stitches, I had no teeth here.  Because my, all the teeth fell out, right? But I can't chew on this side of my jaw, right? Cause I've got no teeth. Okay, so I said to myself, oh, okay, I don't have any teeth here, so I'm not gonna use it.  So I said to my subconscious mind, right, okay, subconscious mind, I understand that the purpose of pain is to give my body the time, space and energy to heal. I'm not gonna use, I don't have any teeth, I'm not gonna use this side of my jaw, switch off the pain. and bang gone. Pain gone.

Myrna: Oh, wow. That's amazing. Okay. Then what happens?

Danny: So then I slept for 20 hours for three weeks with no pain. But what happened is each time I got up and started eating, sometimes food could accidentally go around to this side of my mouth. Right. And then as soon as the food goes around this side, I'm like, ooh, that was a mistake. So then I said, okay, sorry, subconscious mind, that was actually an error. I'm not reneging on the deal, right, okay? I promise you, I'm not going to use this side of my mouth, because I've got no teeth, right? I'm not gonna use this side of my mouth. Please switch off the pain, bang, gone, pain gone, okay? So then I went through a five hour reconstructive surgery on my jaw.

Book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis
Book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis

Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis

Myrna: All right. I think you told me that you can help my friend who has stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, So what do you offer? What is it that you offer? Do you offer a service? Your book talks about palliative care alternative medicine. Do you offer that?

Danny: So my book It's called Terminal Cancers is a Misdiagnosis. This is an introduction to the medical discoveries.  This is the first of a 500 plus book series. I've written five of these. The problem with these medical discoveries  it's taken me 10 years of applied mind in order to be able to understand these medical discoveries. And the vast majority of people are not going to do that.

So what I'm in the process of doing is writing one book on every disease so that when you have one specific problem, I have a breast cancer problem, or I have a ulcerative colitis, or an IBS problem, or I have a psoriasis and an eczema problem, that I'm writing one book on each disease so that you can read that book, and understand the cause of that problem, and then how to resolve that problem in your life.

Okay, so what I'm what I'm doing, what I'm doing is essentially making these medical discoveries accessible, so that anybody with no knowledge or no understanding of a subject can read, understand and absorb to understand the problem. When you understand the cause of a problem, you have a chance of being able to solve it and, trun off cancer pain.  Okay, If you cannot solve it on your own, and on my website, which is my name,,

I have resources of consultants who like me, been learning these modalities for many years, who you can reach out to, who will guide you on how to identify and resolve those issues in your life.


Okay, so this is the book. It's available on Amazon in audio format, in Kindle format, in paperback and in hardback, and it's available globally. This is essentially an introduction to this body of knowledge.  It's autobiographical. It's the journey I've been on over the last 17, 18 years of both studying many modalities, healing myself and healing others. So this is targeted, it's called Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis.

I've targeted this specifically at, terminally ill cancer patients, very simply because in my experience, they're the only people that have the ears to hear this message.  So the only the only people traditionally who come to me is when doctors send them home to die. So this is targeted at terminal patients for that reason. However, all of the content in there applies to cancer at any stage, regardless.

It's just most people before the terminal cancer will never pick it up. So that's why it's targeted at terminal cancer patients. It's the first book in a 500 book series. I'm building a new media brand called the Healing Tribune. The tagline is the cause of disease made simple that is available on my website all of the 500 books will be available to read for free on my website.

I'm on all, all of my social media @thehealingtribune. So @thehealingtribune on YouTube, on Pinterest, and Facebook.

Additional Resources




Be Shamelessly Persistent: Keep Knocking Until the Door Is Opened

In this life coaching podcast episode, I’ll explore the concept of being, shamelessly persistent, and how it can be a transformative force in your life.

Download the podcast here:


In Luke chapter 11: Jesus shares a story of a man knocking on the door of his friend’s house asking for 3 loaves of bread to feed a guest at his house. His friend yelled through the door. Go away we are retired for the night. But Jesus teaches that if the man kept knocking his friend will eventually get up and give him the bread because of his, shameless persistence, and so Jesus said I tell you, keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for, keep seeking and you will find. Keep knocking and the door will be opened to you.

So today in this life coaching session with coach Myrna I want to encourage you to be, shamelessly persistent. I remember way back my pastor called me tenacious.  I was not sure if that was a compliment but it was, it meant that I was, shamelessly persistent, in getting what I want.

In the journey of life, obstacles and closed doors are inevitable. Whether you're pursuing a personal goal, a career aspiration, or seeking to overcome challenges, the key to success often lies in, unrelenting persistence. It's about refusing to let setbacks and closed doors define your path.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Here are 5 areas in you life to be shamelesly persistent.

  1. **Dealing with Rejection:**

Rejection can be disheartening, but it's also a stepping stone towards success. Embracing, shameless persistence, means that you don't let a “No” deter you. You keep knocking on doors, sending out applications, or pursuing your dreams until you hear a “Yes.”

  1. **Learning and Adaptation:**

Being, shameless persistent, isn't about mindlessly repeating the same actions. It's about learning from each attempt and adapting your approach. This continuous improvement leads to increased chances of success.

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  1. **Building Confidence:**

Each knock on a closed door takes courage. Over time, these actions build your confidence and resilience. You learn that you can handle rejection and setbacks, making you even more determined to succeed.

  1. **Inspiring Others:**

Your unwavering persistence can inspire those around you. When people see your determination, they may offer support, guidance, or opportunities you wouldn't have received otherwise.

  1. **Achieving Goals:**

Some doors are heavy, and it takes multiple knocks to open them. However, if you stop knocking, you'll never know what was behind that door. Persistence often leads to breakthroughs and the achievement of your goals.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Examples of success after being shamelessly persistent :

  1. **Famous Authors:** Many renowned authors faced numerous rejections before their works were published. J.K. Rowling, for example, received multiple rejection letters for “Harry Potter” before finding a publisher who saw its potential. J.K was, shamelessly persistent, and it paid off.
  2. **Entrepreneurs:** Steve Jobs was fired from Apple, the company he co-founded. Instead of giving up, he started other ventures and eventually returned to Apple, transforming it into one of the most successful tech companies in history.
  3. **Inventors:** Thomas Edison famously said, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work” when working on the light bulb. His, shameless persistence,  led to one of the most transformative inventions in history.


Being, shamelessly persistent, means embracing rejection, learning from it, and using it as fuel to knock on more doors. It's about recognizing that closed doors are not the end of the road but opportunities waiting to be unlocked. So, whatever your goals, dreams, or challenges may be, remember this mantra: Keep knocking until the door is opened. Your persistence might just be the key to your success.

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Surviving Stage Four Ovarian Cancer: Lessons Learned

Nancy Rugart Plummer, a survivor of, stage four ovarian cancer, and, metastatic brain cancer, shares her powerful story and the lessons she learned from her journey. She discusses her diagnosis, treatment, and the challenges she faced along the way. Nancy emphasizes the importance of early detection and self-advocacy in cancer prevention and treatment.

She also highlights the role of caregivers and the need for support and understanding during the cancer journey. Nancy and Robert Rugart discuss the lessons they learned from Nancy's cancer experience and how they have applied those lessons to their lives. They emphasize the importance of getting affairs in order, finding reasons to fight, and taking life one step at a time.

Download the podcast here:


Key Takeaways:

  • Early detection is crucial in cancer survival, and it is important to be proactive in seeking medical attention and advocating for oneself.
  • Caregivers play a vital role in supporting cancer patients and helping them navigate their journey.
  • Getting affairs in order, such as creating a will and discussing end-of-life plans, is important for everyone, not just cancer patients.
  • Finding reasons to fight and focusing on the joys of living can provide motivation and strength during difficult times.
  • Taking life one step at a time and being open to change and adaptation can help overcome challenges and find new opportunities for growth.

Introduction About The Guest(s):

Nancy Rugart Plummer is a survivor of stage four ovarian cancer and metastatic brain cancer. She is the founder of Becoming the Best You and is a wellness and relationship coach, author, and columnist. Nancy helps men and women navigate life challenges to become upbeat, unstoppable, and unafraid. Her inspiring book, “Becoming the Best You: The Lessons Cancer Taught Me,” is due out this month.

Robert Rugart is the co-founder of Becoming the Best You. He left his job in finance to help write the book with his mother, Nancy, and to inspire and empower caregivers based on his own experiences as a caregiver for his mother, grandfather, and wife.

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Cancer diagnosic stage 4 ovarian cancer

Myrna: All right. Well, Nancy, before we started recording, I mentioned that I am reading the book Outlive right now by Dr. Peter Attia, and his book is basically talking about the four horsemen, which are the top killers right now. And cancer is one of the top ones, number one is Heart disease.

So what he talks about is early detection as a survival necessity. So I'm going to start off by saying you got diagnosed with, stage four ovarian cancer, which is really not early detection, and you had, metastatic brain cancer, which means that the cancer is already spread. I am extremely curious to know your story. Let's start with the, ovarian cancer. How was it diagnosed? How did you treat it? And then we can go on to the, metastatic brain cancer.

Nancy: It was definitely a marathon. It all started in the fall of 2015, and I had been dealing with bloating for months on end. I'd been dealing with needing to urinate all the time, and yet at the same time being constipated up to a week. And I knew that something was wrong. I didn't know what it was. So I made an emergency appointment with my OBGYN of 25 years. And I felt, since he was a superstar in the world of gynecology, that he would be the person I could trust and give me answers to my pain.

He took one look at me with my hair done and my makeup and my beautiful outfit, expressed my concerns in this dismissive voice. He said, Nancy, look at you. You're too pretty and you've been a perfect specimen of health. I reeled inside my brain. I was thinking, oh, my God, what does wearing makeup and a pretty outfit have to do with my health? So from there, we fought a little bit head to head, and he agreed with me that he would give me an ultrasound in a couple of weeks. So I didn't tell anyone about my problem.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Cancer misdiagnosis

Anyway, I didn't share with anyone and I never heard back. I called them ten days later and they just said, your ultrasound came out clean. Your scan is clean. So in their minds, I was healthy. And for seven months I was quiet, albeit in pain.

And then in June of 2016 so seven months later, I asked a friend to take me into the emergency room I knew I couldn't go on, and I knew that I was probably at death door.

Myrna: What was happening then that you needed to go to the emergency room?

Nancy: As the months went on, I found myself being able to eat less and less, and my exhaustion was continuing, and I was feeling more and more bloated.  In my mind I kept thinking, oh, my goodness, you're not exercising enough, not doing enough core work. Even the day when I went into the emergency room, I must confess that I was doing windsprints down the lane because I was growing this abdomen. Little did I realize that it was 67oz of  cancerous fluid in me, that's a lot of ounces for someone that's not the heaviest person to start with.

Anyway, I'm in the emergency room, and the on call doctor did a quick ultrasound with me and came back with discharge papers.

Myrna: So obviously what you're saying is this cancer cannot be picked up through an ultrasound.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Stage 3 ovarian cancer diagnosis

So I looked at him, and I gathered the strength that I could. I was really sick, and I just not I haven't shared with anyone, but I think I'm dying. You have to save me. So we agreed together to do a CT scan, and he came back 3 hours later and said, ma'am, you have, stage 4 ovarian cancer.

Robert: Obviously, she had very extensive, ovarian cancer, at the time. I think when she was first diagnosed, it was late stage three. We hadn't found proof that it metastasized anywhere outside of where they deem stage three. So she was three C, and she had cancer ranging from, obviously, her pelvis all the way up to the base of her diaphragm at the bottom of her lungs. And so she needed an eight hour long surgery with,  eight different specialists.

Myrna: What was the surgery for?

Nancy: So what was it A bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is the surgical removal of both ovaries and both fallopian tubes to treat ovarian cancer. The goal of the procedure is to remove any cancerous cells and prevent the chance for recurrence.

They had to take out 22 inches of my bowels. So I was given an ostomy. That was its own journey.

Myrna: All right, so let's fast forward to the end. Sure. When did you get the all clear that the cancer was gone? I'm assuming that after all your treatments and I'm assuming you took chemotherapy as well.

Nancy: Yeah, I had chemo every week for my chemotherapy. As long as the chemotherapy. So six months.

Myrna: At the end of the six months, they said, you're cancer free. So everything they took out the cancer stuff, and so why did they say it was stage four? Because I understand stage four means that it's moved.

Nancy: And I just want to share to every, cancer survivor, out there and caregiver that when the bell rings, you ring your bell in your remission. Cancer is not over. All the scars and all the wounds and all the issues you've had in your life, especially for me, was just ashes. I had lost my father, lost my marriage, lost my home, and it was a tough journey. Fast forward. I was so frail. I moved to Miami, packed up my stuff, where one of my dearest friends was welcoming me, and I could never have dealt with the cold and the weather in Philadelphia.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Metastatic Brain Cancer diagnosis

Seven months later, I go to Rome with a friend, on vacation, great time. And two days later, I collapse from a grand mal seizure. They took me to a public hospital in Rome, and I awaken 16 hours later to see six men in diapers and a gown. And I looked down at myself. I was also in a gown and diapers. I have no idea why I'm in there. No one's speaking in English. There's no air conditioning. It was a bit of Hitchcock movie. And I'm thinking, oh, my God, I must have cancer again.

4 hours later, the neurologist comes in and speaks to me in English and says, you suffered a grain mal seizure. You have a brain tumor. My daughter flies in, bless her heart. She comes in so sweet. She flies into Rome and helps me coordinate me to my transfer to Miami and undergo brain surgery.

So then they do the surgery, and they say, you have, metastatic brain cancer. Before they did the brain surgery, they said, because your brain tumor is the size of a ping pong ball and where it is located, you may be paralyzed on your right side, and you may never speak again.

They remove the tumor, and they say, yes, it is a metastasis of, ovarian cancer. The median lifespan is five months. And I'm now still alive after five years. One of the lone survivors.

Myrna: Thank be to God. Wow. Yeah. Because that's basically what I'm learning right now. If you don't catch these things early, they move. Right. And when they move, for instance, you had all these surgeries, but there's no way the surgeon can pick the ones that have moved. Wow.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Becoming a caregiver for cancer patients

Robert: You know, cancer is a war that you don't want to fight on your own. I think there were two big things. Obviously, so many things helped, notably, listening to her doctors and paying attention to medical advice and being an advocate for herself were all huge things.

From the caregiver side, I think it was very important. Like we were saying, the exercise thing to push yourself right when you're going through chemotherapy, especially when she was going through it, chemo is basically poisoning your body and hoping that the cancer dies before the rest of your body does, which normally happens because cancer is voracious and eats up lots of stuff, including the poison a lot faster than the other cells. So there's a reason why we do it.

But if you're going to win that fight, you need to stay as healthy as you can. Keep pushing yourself, keep trying to exercise when you can. And exercise doesn't have to be running wind sprints. It can be. At her lowest point, exercise was breathing into a spirometer, A spirometer is an apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs. A spirometer measures ventilation, the movement of air into and out of the lungs. The spirogram will identify two different types of abnormal ventilation patterns, obstructive and restrictive, doing single leg lifts or single weightless arm curls in her hospital bed.

Nancy: You know, I had pneumonia, and Robert got the call and was like, mom's going to die of pneumonia before she dies of chemo, right? And so he comes in, and obviously, I didn't have the wherewithal to even get that spirometer and practice my breathing and get stronger. And I tell you, he tried everything. He was cajoling me, he was pushing me, but he kept figuring out, and I'm begging caregivers alike to help your patient to learn how to push themselves when you're not there, but do every tactic you can, because he's right. If I didn't get strong enough, the chemo would have killed me.

Book Becoming The Best U
Book Becoming The Best U

Lessons Cancer taught me

Tell us about your book “Becoming the Best U – The Lessons Cancer Taught Me”

Nancy: And you know, though, I think that what was so important as Robert being my coach in writing and then him coming from the caregiver side is, know, my story wasn't written to share why I survived or how I've endured. It's about the lessons I learned.

One lesson is getting your affairs in order, and I think that everyone, whether they're going through cancer or not, should all learn, know, get your affairs in order and what that looks like. And I'd like Robert to discuss that because that's. Something that my caregivers had to talk to me about because all I could focus on was living and surviving. And now I just say to everyone, oh, don't wait until you're sick.

Robert: But if there's some cause that you really want to contribute to your plan right now could be to give them money from your estate. But if you make it past whatever you're going through, your plan could be to give them time from your future self. When you're planning a remembrance of your life or a funeral, however you want to phrase that, deciding what it is you want to be remembered for is so important.

Not only does it let you reminisce about the past and the wonderful things you've done, it also maybe I want to be remembered for something I haven't done yet. Certainly if you are near the end of life, or potentially near the end of life, it can be hard to plan for something that you haven't done yet. But you can at least, like I was saying, realize the direction you want things to go. You can make them important in your will, whatever. And then if you get through this struggle, then you can start directing your life and point your life in that way. And I think that's really important.


All right, guys, this was a very interesting conversation. I learned a lot from you. I am very blown away by your story surviving, stage four ovarian cancer, Nancy, Very blown away by your son and your daughters and the people that held you up when you needed holding. You know, I'm glad that you wrote the book and I'm glad that you came on the show to encourage those listening, whether they have a family member like myself that's going through, cancer treatments, right now or they're a survivor, and just because it's, Cancer Awareness Month.

Early detection is basically what saves lives. Go get your screening. Do the things that you need to do to improve your chances of survival. Awesome. So your book is going to be out in October, and I'm assuming that it'll be available on Amazon.

Robert: That is correct, yeah. Our website is,

Additional Resources




Be the Salt of the Earth: Add Flavor to Your Relationships

In a world that often demands conformity, being the, salt of the earth,  takes on a profound meaning. Just as salt enhances the taste of food, embodying this metaphor means infusing your life and relationships with a unique and impactful essence.

In this episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna, we'll delve into the symbolism of being the, salt of the earth, and explore how this concept can enrich your interactions, elevate your experiences, and leave a lasting impression on those around you.

Download the podcast here:

Be Salt: Embrace Authenticity

Authenticity is the foundation of being, the salt of the earth. By staying true to your values, beliefs, and personality, you create a genuine connection with others. Embracing your authentic self can lead to more meaningful relationships and inspire those around you to do the same.

Salt of the earth: Sprinkle Kindness and Compassion

Just as a pinch of salt can transform a dish, small, acts of kindness, and compassion can have a powerful impact. Gestures of empathy, generosity, and understanding can create a ripple effect, fostering an environment of love and support in both personal and community relationships.

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Transform Your Mind
Be Salt: Season with Positivity

Much like salt enhances the flavors in a meal, a positive outlook can enrich your perspective on life. The, science of positivity, has far-reaching effects on mental well-being, and helps us in cultivating a more optimistic mindset. So be the, salt of the earth, and, season your relationships with positivity.

Positivity does not mean ignoring the realities of life. It means adjusting for the brain’s natural tendency to ignore the positives of life. Whether you’re frustrated by your own negativity or the negativity of others, The, Science of Positivity, can help.

Be Salt: Preserve Relationships with Communication

Salt has been used for centuries as a preservative, and communication serves a similar role in relationships. Communication that is open, honest, and respectful preserves relationships, and helps in resolving conflicts and strengthening connections through dialogue. Sprinkle your relationships with the, salt of communication, and preserve it forever.

Are you a Closed Communicator?

You are a, closed communicator, if you do any of the following:

  • you become defensive,
  • resistant,
  • bitchy,
  • moody,
  • easy to anger,
  • confrontational,
  • and not open to feedback.
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RadioPublic Transform your mind
Salt of the earth: Leave a Lasting Legacy

Salt has a lasting impact, and so do the actions and values we pass down through generations. Being the, salt of the earth, can contribute to a meaningful legacy, shaping the way you're remembered by your children, family, and friends. Leave a legacy behind for your family and friends.

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Transform Your Mind

As you journey through life, remember that being the, salt of the earth, means embracing your uniqueness, spreading kindness, seasoning experiences with positivity, and preserving the bonds you hold dear. By embodying this concept, you have the power to create a more flavorful and fulfilling existence, leaving behind a legacy that enhances the lives of others. So go forth, be the salt of the earth, and savor every moment of your remarkable journey.

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Building Trust: Why Jesus Asked Simon for a Push

Building trust, is essential to building relationships. The Bible teaches us that after Jesus was baptized, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and performed miracles and healed the sick with one touch. So why did Jesus ask Simon for a push when he clearly could do it himself? In the episode of 5 min Fridays with Coach Myrna I want to look at how we can establish trust by, asking for help.

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The Familiar bible Story:

This biblical account in the New Testament, found in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 5:1-11), narrates how Jesus met Simon, a fisherman, by the Sea of Galilee. Simon had been out fishing all night without success. Jesus approached, stepped into Simon's boat, and asked him to push out a little from the shore so that He could teach the crowd gathered there. Simon agreed, and Jesus taught from the boat.

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The Unexpected Request: Another way of building trust

It's essential to grasp the significance of this seemingly mundane request. By, Jesus asking Simon for a push, Jesus established a connection of trust with him. He didn't immediately launch into a sermon or a call to discipleship. Instead, he met Simon's immediate need, displaying empathy and practicality. In a similar way Pastors know they need to feed the body of their sheep before they feed the soul. We can’t pay attention to the word if our bellies are hungry.

The Metaphor of the Push:

This request for a push can be seen as a metaphor for the way Jesus interacts with all of us. Before inviting us to follow Him, He often first meets us at our point of need, offering assistance, understanding, and guidance. This approach signifies Jesus' concern for our well-being and His willingness to meet us where we are and teaches us, how to ask for help.

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After building trust: The Call to Discipleship:

After teaching from the boat, Jesus astonished Simon by instructing him to let down the nets for a catch. Despite Simon's initial doubts, he followed Jesus' guidance and witnessed an incredible catch of fish. Building trust, allows others to obey your instructions. It was at this moment of abundance that Jesus formally called Simon, James, and John to be His disciples, saying, “Don't be afraid; from now on, you will fish for people.”


Check out how the master operates. First, he establishes or, builds trust, by, asking for help, then he performs a, miracle of abundance, and when we are in disbelief, he says follow me if you want more.

The story of, Jesus asking Simon for a push, before calling him to be a disciple holds a powerful lesson for all believers. It reminds us that Jesus meets us in our everyday lives, cares for our immediate needs, and only then extends His invitation to follow Him. This approach embodies the compassion and wisdom of Jesus' ministry, showing that His call is founded on a deep understanding of our human experience.

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Exploring Consciousness: Transform Your Life with Yoga

Exploring the link between consciousness and yoga and how to, transform your life with yoga.  In this post, Kim Tang, a yoga master,  shares her personal journey of discovering yoga and how it helped her forgive and, release past traumas. She explains that yoga is not just about physical postures, but also about cultivating, self-control, determination, patience, faith, and concentration.

Kim also discusses the role of chakras in our energy system and how they can provide messages about our consciousness. She emphasizes the importance of creating a field of trust and non-judgment to facilitate transformation in others. Kim's work includes teaching, how to transform your life with yoga, intuitive spiritual counsel, leading breathwork sessions, and facilitating, alchemy meditation.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Yoga is a journey through the self to the self and a spiritual practice. You can, transform your life with yoga, transform our minds, bodies, and relationships.
  • Chakras are energy centers in the body that hold different qualities of being and can provide messages about our consciousness.
  • Creating a field of trust and non-judgment is essential for facilitating transformation in others.
  • Alchemy is the process of transmuting energy and perceiving situations from a higher perspective to facilitate healing.

Bio and introduction to Yoga

When Kim Tang first discovered yoga, a fire was lit within her that has inspired her to inspire others, empowered her to empower others in their ability to expand and transform their minds, their bodies, their relationships with themselves, and the consciousness with which they conduct not only their practice, but their lives.

As an international reputed master, yoga teacher, and head coach of international yoga schools, means yoga, sports Federation, public speaker, intuitive, spiritual counselor, and breath work facilitator. Kim teaches, how to transform your life with yoga, leads trainings and seminars, teacher trainings, and holds private sessions, spiritual consults, retreats, and worldwide e learning online courses. She is here to equip you, empower you, and to support you in your expansion.

Myrna: Now, one of the other things that you mentioned is that in your bio is that our body sends us messages through yoga. So how do we decode these messages? We must in order to, transform your life with yoga.

Kim: We are at least what I'm going to call three layers of being. So if we are vibrational beings in a vibrational plane, what presents as our density is a compilation of thought identification on the causal plane. I know it's a lot to unpack, but let's just say that who you are, in truth is someone who, I'm going to say a spirit who has a precognitive agreement, something you've chosen to learn through, and that's overlaid with limiting beliefs and agreements made in fear.

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The body send us messages through emotions

And so we have these thoughts and beliefs, and they exist on a plane or a field called the causal field. And then you have another body or field called the astral field. And those are your, feelings and emotions. And your, feelings and emotions, are always in response to your thoughts and beliefs. And the body that houses your being and presents as your form is the reconciliation of the two. So any presentation of disease, injury, illness, diagnosis, and I am going to say even habitual tone and accidents can be interpreted as a message as to where your spiritual work lies in your life.

It's a little bit like a Louise Hay concept of you can heal your life, except a little like leveled up a little, a little more decipherable. So something that I could speak into, I think I already kind of did make a quick mention. And that is, for example, your hips. Structurally, your hips are your center of gravity and your seat of mobility. So you have this torso and it's suspended upon this pelvis. And the legs just animate the torso and the pelvis and hips represent spiritually your ability to move forward with major decisions in your life.

Right side with respect to masculine and left side with respect to feminine. And so there are messages that are decipherable. When you have problems with your hips, you're looking at like, where's the problem in my life with my ability to move forward? Knees typically determine which direction to go, and ankles are frequently representing, like, where are you hesitant? Where are you not allowing some claim you've made? Where do you feel tripped up, stuck and stopped?

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

How to interpret messages from the body

Shoulders represent your relationship with responsibility and your ability to trust the universe to take care of your needs. So, for example, do you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, or can you delegate? Can you trust yourself to carry your own load? There are a lot of messages that are decipherable. And I've been working so in this way that yoga's consciousness, when I teach, I teach what I call on every level of being. Otherwise, it's just gymnastics. Right. There's similarities in the postures.

So what I'm talking about is addressing this on the level of the mind, the causal field, the, feelings and emotions, the astral field, and the body, which is the reconciliation. So what happens most commonly is people have great imbalances in the body. Right sided, left sided, whatever it is. And yeah, I've become kind of masterful at the individual. I'm going to call it that very much of like a guru relationship with writing a specific prescription based on a specific body, with its specific presentation and all of those things.

Myrna: That's beautiful, right? And I've heard that I've had some guests on the show tell me that. I think I was talking about a marathon runner. Oh, no. I was talking the other day about the basketball game where Tatum hurt his ankle. And who I was speaking to is saying, if it's the right side, if the right ankle, then it means something. And I've heard people tell me that if I have pain in my tissues and my back, then it means something. So I understand what you're saying about our body sends us messages through the part of the body that are hurting or the messages that we're hurting.

So that's great. Now, I also want to circle back to something you said when you were telling us what happened, how you were able to forgive your mom. And that is like when you did the back bend and you opened up your, heart chakra. I know you mentioned the heart, right? Your, solar plexus chakra, and you use the breathwork that allowed you to free all the unforgiveness that you had for your mom. Now, let's talk about the chakras for a minute. First of all, what is a chakra? And I also see that you also do something that's called a chakra diagnosis.

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Coffee With Karina podcast

What is a chakra diagnosis

Chakras are, energy centers, in the body and these, energy centers, hold different I'm going to call it qualities of being. And I'm not just going to say human being because the higher chakras represent our connection to ourselves as divine beings. So the chakras are, energy centers, that possess or characterize our qualities of being and they are decipherable and discernible in the ways that we live our lives through, again, habits, behaviors, relationships. You can really tell where someone is open and free flowing and fully expressed and where someone is maybe sometimes they call it blocked, sometimes they call it underactive or overactive, but it's actually decipherable.

So that's the first thing. And if I were to say how was it that the breath played the key to opening the or turned the key to opening the chakras in that moment of forgiveness, the magic ingredient was the willingness and the readiness. I was ready and willing to let go. I understood that I wanted to, that I needed to, that I was intending to, I just didn't know how. And then I found it magically in a backbend with some deep breaths and it was able to release, frankly, because I let it.

And that actually becomes another important talking point that we might be able to get to. Oh, as a matter of fact it's now in the third question would be another good way to bring it in. I'm going to tell you that how do I do that for other people? I don't want to say it's funny, but now when people say to me, what do you do? That question, what do you do? I can't just say like, I'm a yoga teacher or all the other things I do. I facilitate alchemy meditation, alchemy of breath quantum healing, hypnosis technique, collaborative with yoga, sport, world global certification and teaching how to, transform your life with yoga.

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How Yoga transforms life through consciousness

Myrna: So tell us about your work as a master yogurt teacher. What do you help your clients with? How do you help people, transform your life with yoga. Do you have course or anything that you do?

Kim: There are many things I do. I think I want to do some myth busting real quick. And that is that if people were to look at my website and look at my postures, they would immediately go, oh no, I'm not advanced enough. And that could be farther from the truth. Kind of the master teacher can take kind of like everyone the most scared, broken, stiff, calcified maybe with prosthetics 70 year old who's never done yoga before. I teach, yoga for beginners.

And then the 20 year old natural flexible bindi girl that wants to be a champion of the Asana Championships and have that broad range to be able to speak to everyone from the extremes. And I'm going to say and on every level of being. So first and foremost, I serve everyone, I teach, yoga for beginners. I serve in many different types of yoga. So I think the answer to your question is this a Venn diagram. Let me describe that for the listeners. Let's say, for example, that you have two circles and they're side by side and they're the same size and they come together so closely that they start to overlap and form an almond shape. Overlap in between.

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The spiritual path and yoga

One side of that circle is all things yoga. One side of that circle is all things spirit. And not everyone who practices yoga knows that they're on a spiritual path and not everyone on a spiritual path actually does yoga. But there's this vast overlap where people are starting to understand that yoga is in fact the journey through the self to the self. That's how we, transform our life with yoga. It is the spiritual work, the spiritual reorganization of the five modifications of the mind, as well as just, self love, self acceptance, so that you have more love for humanity, more acceptance of humanity, and so on and so on.

So what I do in the way of yoga, if it's learning postures, I have an entire massive video platform on my website. I also do private sessions and those are for anything and everything. It's listed on my website. I also have three day in person events at our event center in Yucca Valley, which is the Joshua Tree area, the high desert of Southern California. So we have a private event center here for this healing arts and spiritual sciences. And I frequently have three day in person events.

And finally, I am a part of a global collaboration called Yoga Sport World. It's a teacher certification course that has satellites in Prague, Australia, Mexico City and Berkeley. And I'm a collaborator with some of the senior, most international teachers in the world. On the spirit side of that Venn diagram, I do intuitive spiritual counsel. I do, alchemy meditation, alchemy of breath, breath work, facilitation, quantum healing, hypnosis therapy. I lead an outsource spiritual study group and I do the podcast. And frankly, Myrna I consider these podcasts what I'm going to call Satsong.

And what that means is these are high level conversations with a high level agreement of a high level conversation. So I really resonate with the platforms that I accept the invitations. And so thank you for being that. Yeah. And all roads lead to the website. all right, that's easy.


Know, one of the people that I follow is two people, I should say SadhGuru and Deepak Chopra. And they all keep saying that yoga is not all about poses and stretches like the Western people call yoga. But yoga is a mind body consciousness connection, and it's our higher self. That's why we, transform our life with yoga. So that's basically what Kim was saying, that yoga leads you into consciousness and however you come into yoga, that's the same way I think that's what you said. That's the same way that you lead your life. So it's a consciousness that leads your life.

And then we talked about how the chakras are our energy system, and they send us messages regarding consciousness. This was a deep conversation. Then we end up talking about alchemy and, transmuting energy. Yeah. So each one of those little touches we could spend an entire hour talking on, right, kim because they're all so deep. So you guys are going to need more. So that's why you got to follow her and also go on our website so that you can get more. We just basically touched on it.

Thank you guys for tuning in to The Transforming Mind to Transform your life  radio podcast and television show. If you're listening to this on itunes, would love for you to rate and review. If you're watching on YouTube, I would love for you to subscribe, go over and support Kim on her work, know how to elevate your consciousness.

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The Stone the Builder Rejected, Now Cornerstone

The stone the builder rejected now cornerstone. This metaphor mirrors the human experience. Throughout history, visionaries, innovators, and creators have often encountered resistance when introducing novel ideas, unorthodox methods, or unconventional paths.
Jesus told the disciples a story of a man planting a vineyard, building a wall around it with a lookout tower and then leased it to tenants. During harvest he sent one of his servants to collect his share of thd crop but they beat him and send him back empty handed. He kept sending more servants and they beat them up too. He decided to send his only son and they beat him and killed him as well. Then Jesus said “the stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.
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Rejected children beome the cornerstone

I grew up hearing my grandmother quote this scripture and I seen it play out in families. Parents favoring one child and rejecting another and that child they rejected became the cornerstone who looked after them when they get sick or old and feeble but today I want to focus on this scripture as a, personal development tool.
This simple yet powerful saying is a reminder that what may be initially overlooked or dismissed can later prove to be essential, transformative, and foundational.
This metaphor mirrors the human experience. Throughout history, visionaries, innovators, and creators are often rejected when introducing novel ideas, unorthodox methods, or unconventional paths, then these rejected ideas become the main cornerstone.

Some rejected stones who later became the cornerstone

Consider the pioneering minds who introduced revolutionary technologies, art forms, or philosophies. Many faced skepticism and dismissal, only to have their, rejected “stones,” later become the bedrock of progress. From the Wright brothers‘ ridiculed dream of flight to the skepticism surrounding the early internet, countless examples remind us that the seeds of innovation can initially be met with doubt.
In personal journeys, too, the metaphor holds weight. People who defy societal norms or follow their passions in defiance of conventional wisdom often face rejection or misunderstanding. Yet, history has shown that those who stay true to their convictions, despite the initial rejection they encounter, can eventually shape new paradigms and redefine success.

Overlooked stones into cornerstones

The phrase's universality extends to relationships and personal growth. People who have felt rejected or marginalized can harness the, power of resilience, transforming their perceived weaknesses into sources of strength. Through determination and self-belief, individuals can evolve from, overlooked “stones” into cornerstones, of their own narratives, becoming inspirations to others who walk a similar path.
As we navigate a world of rapid change and evolving norms, the wisdom behind, “The stone the builder rejected, now become the cornerstone,” remains as relevant as ever. It encourages us to embrace the unconventional, to view rejection as an opportunity for growth, and to recognize that what society may initially dismiss can ultimately redefine and reshape the very foundation of our lives.


In essence, the Stone the Builder Rejected, Now the Cornerstone,  challenges us to value the overlooked, honor the unconventional, and find strength in our resilience. Just as the cornerstone provides stability and support, so too can our, rejected stones, lead us toward the solid ground on which we build our futures.
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