Why Chemistry is the Most Important Ingredient in Relationships

Chemistry, is energy.  It cannot be created or destroyed. Some call it physical attraction; but, Chemistry, is biological. It happens when your DNA gets excited by the other person’s DNA.

As we head into the New Year I know that many of you are engaging the, Law of Attraction, to bring you a spouse or a mate in 2021.

We are not meant to be alone. The Bible says that Two are better than one, because If either of them falls down, one can help the other,  so we are hard wired with the need to share our lives with a significant other.

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What are the 3 most important qualities in Relationships

I want to share three of the foundational qualities of love, relationships.

  • Compatibility,
  • Chemistry, and
  • Communication
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Let’s start with, compatibility. There is a significant amount of dating sites connecting couples based on, compatibility.

Is Compatibility the most Important quality in Relationships'

Compatibility, is important; but not the most important. Compatibility, is based on likes and dislikes, Like Religious preferences, standard of living, education etc.

But there is an old saying that says opposites attract.

There is also a new word floating around the internet and that is, polarity. Polarity is like the north and South Pole. Opposite ends of the spectrum and we need this polarity in relationships to keep the fires burning.

So when you marry someone who is just like you and you are so, compatible, love coaches say that sooner or later married couples stop having sex because there is no, polarity.

Book: reclaim your visibility, Black Fathers
Book: reclaim your visibility, Black Fathers

What is Chemistry?

Now let’s look at, Chemistry. Chemistry, is energy.  It cannot be created or destroyed. Some call it physical attraction; but, Chemistry, is biological. It happens when your DNA gets excited by the other person’s DNA. It is random; but absolutely essential for a long lasting, love connection. It is what makes your heart ache when you are apart.

Chemistry, is also reflected in the bedroom. A lack of, chemistry, will mean boring, emotionless sex. A high degree of, chemistry, will mean intense, life-altering, heart-pounding sex that causes your mind to cosmically splatter itself on the walls of your consciousness. Good times.

Some call , chemistry, connection but whatever you call it, you know when it is there and when it is not.

Some call, chemistry, meeting your, soul mate. I do believe that our souls know when we connect to our perfect match. When you meet your,  soul mate, the connection is immediate, you feel the, chemistry.

Steve Harvey said that his wife walked into one of his comedy shows in a crowd of hundreds and he stopped what he was doing and told her she was going to be his wife. There are thousands of stories like this to highlight what, chemistry, looks like.

When my husband first saw me, he said he felt this warm feeling in his body that is DNA, that is, chemistry!  The first time I spoke to my husband  my heart did summersaults for a week! Definitely, chemistry.

But here is the question of the day. Can you have a successful marriage with, compatibility, and no, chemistry? I am sure you can with commitment; but it would be equivalent to being married to your roommate.

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Is Effective Communication the foundation for a Happy Marriage?

Finally, let’s look at, communication

Communication, usually gets the blame when a marriage or relationship fail, because if there is no, communication, you can’t have a successful marriage or relationship.

We all have different, communication, styles so, effective communication, is the most important and the least understood dynamic. It is the deal breaker.

Conclusion: Chemistry Compatibility Communication

As we wrap up, I want to leave you with some of the main differences between men and women.

  • Women are all about their feelings, Men don’t trust feelings.
  • Women connect emotionally with “talking,” Men talk to pass on data, period.
  • Women have to feel good to do good, Men have to do good to feel good.
  • Women want to hear all about it, Men don’t want to talk about it.
  • Women need to feel connected to have sex, Men connect with sex.
  • Women’s happiness resides in the state of their relationships;  all their relationships. Men’s happiness resides in their accomplishments and their ability to provide and protect their love ones.
  • Women get depressed when they feel like all they do is give but that they don’t get back, while Men get depressed when they feel no one appreciates them.

Understanding these differences is the first step towards creating successful long  lasting relationships. Check out John Gray book “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus”

Additional Resources

How Single Women over 40 Find Love


How to Find your Soulmate

How to Create Positive Core Beliefs


Do you know that your, core beliefs, affect everything you do in life? Well it’s true.  What you believe is how you show up in every circumstance in your life.

Listen to full interview here: 

For example: Do you consistently find yourself in situations where men are trying to bully you or treat you less than you are worth? It may because of a, core belief, that started with how your father treated your mother or even you.

Introduction Core Beliefs 

Your, core belief, could be that you are a victim and that belief keeps you trapped in that story.

The thing about a, core belief, is that it cannot be easily changed.

Here is a quote from Tony Robbins that explains the power of, core beliefs,:

“All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in, core beliefs. So how do we change? The most effective way is to get your brain to associate massive pain to the old belief. You must feel deep in your gut that not only has this, core belief cost you pain in the past, but it's costing you in the present and, ultimately, can only bring you pain in the future. Then you must associate tremendous pleasure to the idea of adopting a new, empowering belief.”

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

We all have existing, core beliefs, in four areas:

  • How we feel love,
  • our self-worth,
  • how we feel security, and
  • fulfillment.
  • Life after death. 

Your, core beliefs, can't be changed simply by throwing out an old one and adopting a new one, like changing your wardrobe. The change must come at the level of self-awareness to help you achieve any goal. 

Examples of, Positive Core Beliefs 

A, positive core belief, is pure and direct. It gives you a clear sense of who you are. It isn’t confused, conflicted, or compromised. Let’s take steps to make this the kind of, core belief, you are activating. Step one is to bring your, core beliefs, into awareness. The four key beliefs you want to activate are:

  • I am loving and lovable.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am safe and trusting.
  • I am fulfilled and whole.

The bible teaches that for God to answer prayer you must first believe and have faith that God is first able and willing to give you the desires of your heart; but there are ways to improve the chances that God will answer your prayer. A prayer is a special kind of intention or, core belief.  Therefore, the rules that apply to the,  Power of intentions, which are rules about consciousness, apply.

Your prayer will be answered, or not, depending on events happening out of sight – but not out of mind. The mind furnishes the mechanics of making any intention come true. An intention or prayer request, sent to God needs faith to rocket it to the heavens. An intention to graduate at the top of your class or to marry the man of your dreams takes focus, diligence and action. The bible also teaches “Faith  Without Works Is Dead”.

Are you rejecting love because of your, core belief? 

If you have not found love even after several tries, then you have to look deeply at what you are doing to push love away.  Do you have a, core belief, that you are unlovable? How much pain is that belief causing you? It will take a lot of work; but you have to believe that God’s light shines in you and that you deserving of love and happiness.

Do you feel empty inside all the time even though you have all the outward symbols of success like a nice home, a loving husband, a good job, 2 kids and a dog? Then your, core belief, could be that you need to make a contribution to the world like Mother Theresa or like Nelson Mandela to feel fulfilled. You have to change that, core belief, that maybe your purpose is to support your children and help them to fulfill their purpose in the world.  Sometimes our role in God’s kingdom is not to change the world but to change one person!

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Here is A Self-Awareness Exercise to help you understand Your, Core Beliefs,

Look upon what's happening now in your life as a reflection of your, core beliefs.

Are there any patterns you see? For example:

  • Do all your relationships fail?
  • Are you in constant debt?
  • Do you find it hard to keep friends?

Listen to yourself. Once you figure it out, then turn it around. Ask yourself:

  • What do I want?
  • What would I have to believe in order to have this?

Next, you're going to re-program yourself.

You may need the help of a coach like, Myrna Young, or mentor but; self-awareness is the key to changing your, core beliefs,

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As Tony Robbins says, you must associate tremendous pleasure to your new, core belief,  For example. See yourself in a loving and fulfilling relationship, going on dream vacations and having a wonderful life together and believe that you are a woman any man can love!

Additional resources:


Our Cognitive Bias: Construction Of The Self-Concept

Self-concept refers to how one perceives themselves, their past experiences, their abilities, their prospects for the future, and any other aspect of the self. Aaron Beck’s cognitive triad, discussed below, deals with self-concept and the construction of the self. The basic idea of how our self-concepts and cognitive biases affect our lives has to do with automatic thoughts.

For example, someone with a negative “self-referential schema” is more likely to take things personally, leading to automatic thoughts like “People are not talking to me because I am an unlikable person”, rather than exploring other possibilities (Disner et al., 2017). A negative self-referential schema can also lead to increased severity of depression symptoms. Most importantly, a negative self-concept can lead to an unending cycle of negative thoughts.

This is because people with negative self-referential schemas exhibit an attentional bias. For example, when asked to decide whether an adjective is self-referential or not, people with depression are more likely to endorse negative adjectives than healthy controls, and they show an attentional bias by being quicker to endorse negative adjectives and quicker to reject positive adjectives than healthy controls (Disner et al., 2017). In turn, being likelier to endorse negative adjectives is correlated with longer “retrospectively reported” depressive episodes, demonstrating the cycle of negativity.

How to Live in Infinite Possibility

In the world of, Quantum physics, it was discovered that matter can be both a particle and a wave. That everything exists in the wave format, infinite possibility,  until it is observed. So to live in, infinite possibility, is to know that you have a, vortex, of un-manifested possibility waiting to become your reality. 

In this episode Life coach Myrna Young teaches on living in the state of, infinite possibility. Quantum physics, tells us that until something is observed, it is in the form on the infinite.

Listen to the full interview here: 


Observation turns the wave, infinite possibility,  into a particle.

Let me explain:  when we are born we have, infinite possibilities. We were all born with a purpose and the talent to fulfill that purpose.  God said

“ I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

But God also gave us free will, which means that we got to choose which road we wanted to take in life. Either towards our purpose or away from it.

As a kid we dreamed big, we lived in the state of, infinite possibility,  We wanted to become doctors and lawyers, firemen and policemen, scientists and movie stars. Our future was a wave full of, infinite possibility.  Them someone told us, we were not good at math, so we could never become a doctor or a scientist; because you have to be good at math to become a doctor, so that un-manifested possibility that was in your, vortex, is no longer. 

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Your, Vortex, represents your Law of Attraction 

The wave, infinite possibility,  is now observed and has become a particle. Regardless if that statement is true or not, it is now your reality, because perception is reality. You now no longer want to be a doctor or scientist; but think about maybe becoming a nurse or Art teacher because you don't need to know math. 

I once interviewed Ilona Selke the author of the book “Dream Big, the Universe is listening”. She writes whatever you set your intention to, the universe conspires to bring it to you. That is called the Law of Attraction. If you missed that episode Download that episode now on iTunes now, or any of the podcast players.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr, I have a dream speech sees the, infinite possibility, of race

I love Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and his I have a dream speech. As a pastor and man of God, Dr King lived in the, infinite possibility, that this country would treat a man based on his character, and not the color of his skin. That possibility still exists today but it is still un-manifested in our, vortex. 

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So in this episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I want to remind you that You are the Universe apply the Law of Divine Oneness to your Life. You are made up of the same matter as the stars and the Ether. You are an infinite being with, infinite possibilities,. Do not limit yourself, because as soon as you make that observation, you become limited to what your flesh could do.

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As James Allen said, As a man thinketh so is he. You become what you think about, so think as a wave and embrace the, infinite possibilities, of your life.

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Additional Resources



How to Communicate with your Guardian Angel

We all have at least one, Guardian Angel, assigned to us and they have two jobs; one is to love us unconditionally and the other is to get us to our predetermined expiration date. 

In today's episode of the”Transform your Mind, to Transform your Life podcast, I interview, Keith Leon S.  Keith Leon S, is a multiple best-selling author, publisher and speaker who is well known as the book Guy.   His life purpose book called “Walking with my Angels” is  a true story with the foreword written by “Chicken Soup for the Soul” Jack Canfield.   Keith has appeared in numerous popular radio and television broadcast and his works have been covered by Ink magazine, LA Weekly, The Huffington Post,  and Succeed magazine just to name a few. Keith has spoken at events that included Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara DeAngelis, Dr. John GrayDr. Michael Beckwith, and Marianna Williamson.

Listen to the full interview here:

Keith also loves introducing people to their inner guidance system whom he calls heavenly helpers. Keith can you introduce us to your story. 

Keith's story of his Guardian Angel

Well it's the story of my life and how many times my, Guardian Angel,  intervened to keep me on the planet.  I should have died eight times already and miracles has kept me alive. These miracles happened when I was a child and, so even from childhood I had this question.   What was so great about me that I would be saved and so many people were not. What am I here to do that is so grand that miracles keep happening to keep me on the planet?  

It wasn't until my early 20's that I actually received the answer to that question.  I received that answer from my, earth bound Angel. My, earth bound Angel, John appeared to me as a man;  but was really my, earthbound  Angel, and told me that his job was to take me from,

“Believing in nothing to believing in  Everything”

He performed,  miracles, just to get me to open my mind and believe in him and believe that all things are possible. He  eventually did reveal my life purpose to me in a very specific way. He told me at one point he would saved my life and once he did that I would have to let him go because then he would be off to help another person.  

One of the lessons he taught me, was he took me  into a cave that was pitch black and taught me to trust even when I can’t see anything in front of me.  

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Guardian Angels and Its a Wonderful Life Movie

That part of your story reminded me of the movie a Wonderful Life. 

I also read the book “A Peaceful Warrior. ”  After reading that book I thought that the author had followed me around.  It was exactly my story! I actually had to omit a lot of things from my book  because there were the same as the author described. 

I thought he must have followed me around with the pen and paper. The story was exactly like mine. I really feel like it's the same angel!  So I actually had to omit a lot of things from my story because his experience was almost the same as mine.

You started talking to angels when you were like eight years old or younger and you talked about the times in your life's when your, Guardian Angel, saved your life or warned you of danger. I specifically remember in your book, the time when this man on the street asked you to touch his penis and your, guardian angel, told you to run and shout for your mom.

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How did you know you were talking to your, Guardian Angel, and  not a voice in your head, because we all have about 5 voices in our head?

When I was a child my, Guardian Angel,  voice came from outside of me.  His voice would come from different places. Sometimes would be up in the ceiling, sometimes in the corner, sometimes it  would be behind me or to my left, sometimes my right, sometimes right in front of me.

Because I was a child, I feel that if my, Guardian Angel, voice came from inside my head, then I would be doubting myself and questioning myself.  But because it was outside of me and I could hear it audibly, just like I hear you talking to me right now, then I was sure the voice was my, Guardian Angel.

I just learned pretty quickly that when I do what my, Guardian Angel, tells me to do, everything goes just great.

Tell us about your, Earth bound Angel, you called him John in your book.

You said the John your, earth bound Angel, told you your purpose.  You said you didn’t understand why you were so special before John showed up.


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Does everyone have a, Guardian Angel?

Everyone has at least one, Guardian Angel, assigned to them.  They just don’t know it. Like my mom. She thought she had mother's intuition.  That's what she called it; but she was being guided by her, Guardian Angel. She would say, don't go out and ride that skateboard,  you will get a fractured wrist,  and I'd be like  yeah  mama leave me alone.  I'd go ride that skateboard and fractured my wrist.

There was even a point where my, Guardian Angel, advised her at a time when she was manic depressive. There was a time when my mom was really depressed and she just decided that she was gonna kill herself and me and my sister. So she closed all the windows and turned the gas on in the house and a voice told her “you can't do that,  open the windows and turn off the gas.”  She didn't listen and the voice became louder.  “YOU CANNOT DO THAT, OPEN THE WINDOWS AND TURN OFF THE GAS.” She said the voice sounded like GOD, she freaked out and turned off the gas and opened the windows.

She didn’t tell me this story until much later when she was on her deathbed and  I was telling her that I should have died seven times already and my, Guardian Angel, saved me and she added oh yeah it should be eight times!

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We all have at least one, Guardian Angel, assigned to us and they have two jobs one is to:

  • To love you unconditionally, so they like your mom, there's nothing you could do that would make them love you less.
  • To just get you to your predetermined expiration date. There's a time that you're here on the earth, and they have to get you to that date.  So whenever you avoid  an accident or any danger your, Guardian Angel, is intervening to get you to your predetermined expiration date.  In the meanwhile they're standing by going oh my God, I could do so much more for you; but because you have free will they cannot do any more than those two things unless you invite them to do more.
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Here is how you invite your, Guardian Angel,  to do more for you

First of all say thanks a lot for keeping me safe.  I'm inviting you to show up for me. If you'd like to show yourself physically to me that's okay too. If you want to have it where I ask a question and I go out to the car and the next song that comes on the radio is the exact answer, great.  However you want to show up now that I have invited you, I will pay attention.

What is the message that like your readers to take away about, Guardian Angels, from your book “Walking with Angels”

I wanted to share with everyone in the world what I know is absolute truth and that is this.

You are directly connected to the source energy that created everything in this world.

I call it, Guardian Angels,  and you may call it intuition, our guidance system, energy, you may call it Source, God, Jehovah, Buddha.  I like to say it doesn't care what you call it, as long as you call it!

So I'm called to share with you that if you're willing to sit, ask, and listen, you will get guidance from your, Guardian Angel.

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Notice there's just three instructions, sit, ask and listen.  A lot of people sit in meditation and prayer; but are asking the wrong questions. Any question that starts with Why is not a question that you want an answer to. Instead Ask, How can I be more loving?  What can I do to create more and attract more abundance into my life?

If you're going to sit, ask and listen.  Listening being the most important of those three words. I just said we're sitting and asking; but when do we really sit long enough to get the answer?  So if you listen, you can access the answer to any question that you have; because you are in direct communication with  the Creator.

Your words have power, and here's what I want you to know.  You have more power within you than you'll ever know.  You have more power in your little finger than you think you have in your whole entire body.  And so my book will show you all the ways that you may have been disconnected from your source.

It will share with you how to reopen the floodgates to start manifesting your dreams and your desires and to access the inner knowing that you have within you.

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What is the difference between a, Guardian Angel, and, Archangels,

Guardian Angels, like I said, we all have at least one assigned to us. They have a clear job.  To love you unconditionally and get you to your predetermined expiration date.  They're like your buddy, they're with you all the time.

Arc Angels, are  more famous Angels. Like, Archangel Michael. Arc Angels, are really great at specific things. People have been channeling them for years.

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Archangel Michael,  is the warrior who fights against Satan and his emissaries. The defender of those who love God. The protector of the people of God.

The, Archangel Michael, the ‘celestial warrior’, is the protector of swordsmen and masters of arms. His skills as a judger of souls have also made him the patron of all trades that involve the use of assessments, such as traders, pharmacists, pastry chefs. He is also patron saint of the Police.

Archangel Michael, is  the protector. You can say,  Archangel Michael, I'm going to see my mom every for Thanksgiving dinner.  Will you wrap your wings of protection around me right now and if anything negative comes at me energetically, let it bounce off your wings and hit the floor.  Because the, Archangel Michael, can be anyplace and anywhere, he can be doing that for me and be doing that for someone across the U.S and someone in Africa or  someone in India simultaneously.

You start with your, guardian angel,  and then you step up to the, Archangels.  So, Archangel Michael, can give support that would help me move forward.

Archangel Gabriel, is one of the spirits closest to God, before his heavenly throne, the one who revealed to Daniel the secrets of God’s plan, announced to Zechariah the birth of John the Baptist  and to Mary that of Jesus.

Archangel Gabrielle,  is the saint who opens doors for you.  Like a business and things that you want to manifest.

Archangel Raphael, stands before the throne of God , accompanied and protects Tobias in his perilous journey and healed his father from blindness and his future bride from the influence of evil.

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Additional Resources, Archangels


How to Stop Self Sabotaging Behaviors





How Black Fathers Can replace the Absentee Dad Myth

Black Fathers, are so valuable, we are so important.  We have to take care of ourselves, we have to get over this idea of stepping back or I can't deal with this and be there for our black families.

Carl Stokes Jr. is an author, keynote speaker, professor and social worker and author of the  brand new book  “A Straightforward Guide for Black Fathers to Improve Themselves and their Relationships with their Children”  So this post is about Fatherhood, and the Issue of, Black Fathers, because in the black community we have the label of the, black fathers,  are usually, absentee Dads.

Listen to the full interview here:

Introduction Why Black Fathers need to be visible

Dr Carl decided to write this book and mentor, black fathers, because it is something that the black community needs to get better at.  Carl Stokes Jr. is an award-winning social worker, educator, college instructor and recently received his doctorate in education. His dissertation focuses on, Black Fathers, and their perseverance in community colleges. Dr Carl is passionate about working to uplift the black community.   He also enjoys teaching, parenting classes, for a small non-profit organization.

Myrna – As a black man tell us your story of your relationship with your, father, and your current relationships with your daughters. I'm curious to know, because a lot of times we work on areas that we have lived through.

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Dr Carl – What's interesting is that my answer is both. I grew up with my, black father, and without my, black father.   My dad was in the home until I was about 10 or 11 years old, unfortunately though during that time he had fallen victim to the crack cocaine epidemic of the 80s. So my, father, was in a home; but life was very difficult during that time; because of what he was going through.

However, he was still in the home, there was still benefits of his presence. Then things got really bad to the point where we were basically forced out.  I went through that whole period of teenage years and everything without guidance of my, father.  So, as an adult, I can see the difference between an, absentee dad, and a, Black father, in the home.  Because even though my, father,  wasn't at his best, when he was in the home I benefited form him being visible.

Why Black Fathers should be visible to their kids

Myrna – So between the ages of 1 and 10 your dad was in the home; but he even though he couldn't be a, father, because he was under the influence of crack cocaine, what you are saying is that the fact your, father, was in the home; it had some positive effect on you.

Dr Carl – Absolutely! Discipline wise, teaching me how to protect and take care of my mother, because he was gone a lot.  He would have conversations with me. It was nice having a, father, to talk to. It was a benefit to me and my younger brother.

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I can sit here and say that I did get lessons from having that male presence in the house. I can also say I also experienced domestic violence and theft. I also experienced run-ins with the police and people from the street and all that. I wouldn't say stick it out regardless, because I just as easily could have went the other way. I was just fortunate enough to take the more positive path.

Why is being a visible Black Father is Important

Myrna – Let's transition to your relationship with your daughters. You have three daughters. How do you parent them knowing that you didn't have a, father, since you were 10 years old?

Dr Carl – Okay, this is where it gets a little bit interesting and sort of complicated, because I became a, black father, at 17 years old. I was a senior in high school, unfortunately because I was so young and because I didn't have the guidance and I was immature, I ended up not handling my, parenting, as a, Black father, the way I should have. My daughter’s mother decided to move to Atlanta Georgia and take my daughter with her.

I didn't know I had rights. I didn't know that I shouldn’t have allowed her to take my daughter without working out any arrangements. The separation caused damage to the relationship between me and my first daughter. When I became a, Black Father, to my other two daughters, I vowed that nothing was going to stop me from being a good dad. Fatherhood, became my absolute top priority.

Soundcloud Transform your mind podcast
Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Replacing the Absentee Black Father Myth

Myrna – Why is it that traditionally, black fathers, have been absent? We know we've got the crack epidemic, we know we've got prison; but even when none of those circumstances are present, black fathers, still don't make it a priority to parent their children. Why do you think that is the situation?

Dr Carl – We kind of lowered our own expectations as, Black dads. We have very little guidance and then when we put the other things in a mix;

  • incarceration,
  • impoverished conditions,
  • relationship struggles and finances.
  • It causes extra stress and strain on, Black fathers, and their relationships with their kids.

Myrna – I actually just started reading Mike Tyson's book “Undisputed Truth”. If you want to hear about a messed up Black family with no role models, this is the book to read.  I couldn’t believe all the stuff that Mike Tyson lived through as a child without a, Black father, and an, absentee dad. How can, Black Dads, have a relationship with their kids and a relationship as a husband when all they know is dysfunction?

A Guide for Black Fathers

Why did you write the book “Reclaim your Visibility: A Straightforward Guide for Black Men to Improve Themselves and their Relationship with your Children?

Dr Carl – I wrote this book simply because of this: I got it wrong for many years and I want to assist in the idea of, black fathers,  not having to go through being an, absentee dad, and learn from my mistakes. My eldest daughter and I  had a very rocky path and I don't want that to go in vain. I don't want to just talk about the plight of, Black Fatherhood,  I want to do something about it. If I can help one, Black Father, have a better relationship with their child or children, then it's totally worth it.

Book: reclaim your visibility, Black Fathers
Book: reclaim your visibility, Black Fathers

Myrna – What makes your guide book different from all the other, Fatherhood, books?

Dr Carl – I am not the old wise man on top of the mountain talking to the village. The reason why this book is different is I literally started to repair my relationship with my eldest daughter this past summer. So this book is about real life, not theory.

Myrna – A lot of, Black Fathers, are, absentee dads. Do you think that they can repair the damage and build back a relationship with their children?

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Dr Carl – Absolutely! We can't always take it back; but we have to learn from these mistakes and move on. That is the basis of the book and that's why it's called “A Straightforward Guide for Black Fathers to Improve Themselves and their Relationships with their Children” Because a lot of times, black fathers, need healing ourselves.

How to offer support for Black Father in College

Myrna – You mentioned that you did a doctoral thesis and research on Black Fathers in Colleges. Tell us about that.

Dr Carl – The dissertation is actually on, Black Student Fathers, and their persistence and perseverance in community Colleges. I was a community college, Black Father, with a child and a lot of times, these schools have programs for mothers; but no guidance for, Black Dads. I wanted to do something different and focus on this very specific population, black student fathers, in community college settings.

Myrna – Tell us about your media company – Stokes Media LLC.

Dr Carl – In the media piece, I do several things. This is my official company where I do speaking engagements, seminars conferences, trainings and mentoring. The other sides of my books are self-published. I'm also assisting other people to help get their stories out and become published Authors. So the whole Stokes Media concept embodies all those things.

Myrna – Tell our listeners and those watching on YouTube how to contact you and get a copy of your book.

Dr Carl – The easiest way to contact me is to go directly to my website www.drcarlstokesjr.com. You can go right to the contact page and fill out the inquiry form. You can ask questions, leave comments/feedback or whatever you want to do.

Myrna – You also mentor, Black Fathers, at a non-profit organization. Tell us about that.

Dr Carl – I actually do, parenting classes, for an agency here in Buffalo called the “Family Help Center”. So when parents are looking for assistance, I help.

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iHeart Radio

How Co-parenting can help Black Fathers stay visible

Myrna – When you do the, parenting classes, can you walk us through some of your subjects or the things that you talk about? In this conversation we've been focusing on, Black Fathers, but all fathers can benefit from your book and, parenting. What advise would you give them?

Dr Carl – I would say the number one advice I would give to parents is on, co-parenting. I don't care if you don't get along, I don't care if all broke up because he was doing this or doing that.  What's important is the child or the children. We have to learn to get along for the sake of the children and be fair to each other for the sake of the children. Your children are witnessing and understanding these arguments, these disagreements, these accusations and things like that.

We tend to think that the kids are stupid and they're not listening to anything. Let me tell you, they're taking in everything, they're taking in how you feel, they're taking in the energy that you're putting out and they are internalizing the things that they're hearing. So, co-parenting, is key especially in our community we have to get that fixed.

What is the message for Black Fathers

Myrna – What is the message that you want them to take away with when they close the book?

Dr Carl – The predominant message of the book if I had to break it down into one main theme, I would say I would want my, black fathers, to understand how important we are to the situation. As a foundation of the family, to us being better as a community as a whole.  Black Fathers, are so valuable, we are so important, we have to take care of ourselves, we have to get over this idea of stepping back or I can't deal with this.

We have to understand how meaningful it is for us to be around and holding down our families. We hold down our households, our households work together to hold down our neighborhoods, our neighborhoods hold it down together to hold down our communities and it spreads on like that.

We don't need to worry about or hope for everybody else to do this for us, we can do it ourselves; but it starts with us being in the house and visible to our kids. Even if you don't live in the house, I'm just saying the presence of involvement is necessary. Not everybody is going to be together, and that's why we talk about, co-parenting. Our presence is so valuable, we have to make sure that we handle our business as a, black father.

Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

Myrna – Where can they get the book?

Dr Carl – You can get the book on Amazon Kindle. If you want a signed copy you can get it from me directly at www.drcarlstokesjunior.com.

If anybody wants the Audio book, go to my site www.drcarlstonesjr.com. Order the Audio book and there's a free sample on there.

Enter the code “stay visible2021” and you'll get 25% off of the Audio book.


Black Fathers, are important to the community. Any father is important to the community; but we're concentrating on our community, the black community. Our community is jacked up. Like you said you go to your friend's house and they've got a mom and a dad and food in the kitchen and everybody is getting along. You're not outside throwing things at each other and having the police come by and all that which is a lot of which is the lifestyle of some children in the, black community.

Shout out to my Atlanta audience. Hopefully your daughter can listen on the radio WDJY 99.1 FM.

I want to encourage you guys if you're watching us on YouTube to please subscribe. We're trying to grow our channel because it's much more exciting to actually see the person that I'm interviewing. So, if you're watching on YouTube, kindly subscribe so you'll be able to get the new videos as they come out every week.

If you're listening on the radio and you want to be able to hear the podcast another time other than the radio broadcast, I encourage you to subscribe to any of the 11 podcast players that the show airs on.

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If you're in iTunes, please read and review because that allows us to grow our audience as well. I also have a Facebook group called Life Coach. I invite you guys all to join.

Additional Resources

Celebrating Black Love Introducing BlackdateBox


How to Embrace Your Goddess in the Bedroom: 50 Shades of Grey Style

Would you like to have, 50 shades of Grey, in your Bedroom? Find out how to have the, sexual confidence,  of, Dakota Johnson, by embracing your, Goddess,  in the Bedroom. Life Coach Myrna Young, interviews Intimacy and Orgasmic Coach, Margo Blake. Margo is going to teach you How to Embrace Your, Goddess, in the Bedroom with,  sexual confidence.

As a teen mom Margo was forced into developing her, sexual confidence, at an early age. At 48 years old she decided to learn the secrets of the, intimacy, that had always eluded her. Even though she was always, sexually confident, She wanted to know more about the RAW, Vulnerable parts of herself that she always held back from men and address her, fear of intimacy.  She wanted to find out for herself and also to teach other women to embrace there, intimacy issues. So she started, intimacy coaching,  teaching women How to be, sexually confident, and embrace their Goddess in the bedroom, 50 shades of grey, style.

Your own, 50 Shades of Grey, in the bedroom

In celebration of the movie “50 Shades Freed” and Valentines Day, I wanted to give my listeners a gift. A gift of Awakening along the lines of the Awakening felt by, Dakota Johnson,  by Christian Grey.


Margo teaches women to use their voice to tell their partners what they want and don't want. She teaches women that men should be in servitude to them and they should have, sexual confidence, about their sexuality, embracing their Goddess and their, 50 shades of grey, in the bedroom fully!

As women of all ages are bored with their partners, the movie, 50 Shades of Grey, captures and excites women, the same way Christian Grey captures and excites, Dakota Johnson. Women are bored with the vanilla love making and vanilla lifestyle. We want our ice cream with sprinkles on top!

Melania Trump is one, Sexually Confident, woman! In an interview with Howard Stern, the First Lady disclosed some steamy information about her intimate life with the President. Read more: https://amomama.com/56829-melania-trump-confides-presidents-strong.html


Show notes: Goddess in the Bedroom 

Can you tell my audience your back story. How did you start,  intimacy coaching?

Well I'm going to try to do this very quickly because I am 54 years old and fabulous, so I'm going to try to speed it up. I was a teenage mom at 16 years old. I started to embrace my, sexuality, as a teenager but lacked, sexual confidence, and I had no, intimacy, with my partners.

I got married and divorced and when I turned 48 I felt I was missing out on life. I was close to 50 years old and my whole history of my relationships with men was sad. Men always left me. I'm going to transition out my relationship which was going on 10 years and I wanted to be me and embrace my, sexuality and become more intimate with my partners.

That's how I became an, intimacy coach, and started, intimacy coaching. I did a transformational workshop and certification with One Taste Coaching and I started to mentor clients for the last

six years. The last three years I've been on the journey of becoming an intimate orgasmic Life Coach with One Taste.

2. Question 2: What advice would you give to young women today on how to embrace their, Goddess, in the Bedroom and to How to be confident about their, sexuality?

If I had to give myself my sixteen-year-old self advice about my sexuality the first thing I would have asked was, why am I with this particular guy? As they develop, sexual confidence, you want to start telling men what you want and by doing that, we create a whole world of men of servitude. So once again the advice I would give young women and older women is learning to communicate what your desires are. I want it this way, no I don't want it that way.

50 shades of Grey
50 shades of Grey

50 Shades of Grey the Movie

In the movie, 50 Shades of Grey, Dakota Johnson,  is a young woman inexperienced in sex and becomes drawn in the world of a, dominatrix, Christian Grey. All three movies were well received; but it still received a lot of criticism about showcasing abuse of women. What do you think the message of the film, 50 shades of grey,  is for young women like, Dakota Johnson?

The movie, 50 shades of Grey, to me is is all about love and service and sex and that kind of thing

but I remember when I took my mom to see the movie. I posted it on Facebook several women responded with outrage saying how can I glorify that movie it abuses women.

Margo- I embrace the movie, it's of excited us to escape having a vanilla lifestyle. It's a different

type of lifestyle that they both agree on. It's all about giving up and surrendering to your man. It’s all about, intimacy, and, sexual confidence. That's what, Dakota Johnson, did she surrendered to the power-play. She trusted herself , and her, sexuality.

That person that posted on your Facebook page that she was abused couldn’t have seen the movie. She didn't see what you and I saw, because there was no abuse, it was it was consensual sex even though Christian Grey was a, dominatrix.

What constitutes, intimacy?

Margo what would you call, intimacy? Is it that raw vulnerable part that you allow your partner or your friends to see?

Margo- Intimacy, it's the part of you that does not lie. It's the part of you that allows your friends, your family, or your lover to look you in the eye and connect with you. So hypothetically if you are feeling sad can look at your daughter or your daughter can look at you and connect with you?

Because some of us were masks. We wear a mask our whole life, we don't allow people to see that vulnerable part of us.

Intimacy, is being able to communicate what you're feeling and not masking. Intimacy, is allowing that person to really see you without lying and without the drama.

Myrna – How does, intimacy, come into play in the bedroom? How do we find our, Goddess, in the bedroom?

Margo – Intimacy, is having the ability to tell your partner exactly how you want it, when you want it and how long you want it. That's, intimacy. You don't need to be like an army instructor, you just communicate. There's no words it's just your bodies and it's just your mind.

Additional Resources 


How to Embrace Female Sexuality and the Divine Feminine




Understanding How to Use Reiki Energy for Mind and Body

Using the, energy healing, power of, Reiki,  allows you to cause an effect in your life instead of reacting to cause and effect!

Listen to the full interview here:


I was listening to a podcast episode with Dr Joe Dispenza  a few weeks back and he was talking about his events where people heal themselves from incurable diseases by changing their energy and accessing the, healing energy, of the quantum field.

He shared a story of a woman who had a stroke two years ago which according to the medical journals is one year and 10 months past the time for damaged brain cells to regenerate. This woman healed her brain and body through meditation. She tapped into, quantum energy,  and healed her body.

Dr Dispenza says this is the Time in history when it is not enough to know, it is a time in history to know how.

How to Use the, Healing Energy, of, Reiki

  • Information stimulates thought, and fosters new connections in our brain.
  • Said another way, Information creates awareness and awareness is consciousness.
  • You can't have consciousness without energy.
  • Nobody changes anything until they change their energy.

In this episode of the, Transform your Mind, to Transform your Life radio and podcast, Life Coach,  Myrna Young and Social Worker and Mental Health Counselor, Arifah Yusuf, want to expand your consciousness on changing your energy to Change your life using, Reiki, energy and just changing your thoughts.

Instead of living by cause and effect, we want to teach you how to Cause an Effect!

Here is a story on how one woman used, Reiki,  energy healing, to Transform her mind and body .

In 1985 Tori’s life started falling apart. Her baby was only 4 months old, in hospital suffering with lung problems, her  husband was fighting for our country and the icing on the cake she was involved in a serious car accident with her oldest son who was 4 years old and in the car with her at the time of the accident. He suffered serious head injuries and she was in a coma for 72 hours.

  • When she came out of the coma, she felt this overwhelming guilt that she could not be there with her child to comfort him in the hospital.
  • She says everything she believed in, came to a sudden end. Hope was lost. She endured months and months of rehabilitation for not only her oldest son but for herself as well.  Her 6 month old baby took was still suffering with lung problems so all these events took it's toll on her family.
  • One afternoon while paging through a magazine her eye fell on a story about, Reiki. Up until this time, she had never heard of alternative or, energy healing, and found the article most interesting and informative.
  • Both her children as well as herself were in great need of, energy healing.
  • She did some research and enrolled in, Reiki,  1 and then  followed that with, Reiki,  level 2.
  • She says, Reiki,  has been an absolute life saver for her and her children. With the support of, Reiki,  and , energy healing, on all levels – body, mind and spirit she is grateful for the complete recovery of both herself and her sons.

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Reiki, Energy Healing session from, Reiki Therapist

During this, energy healing,  session my, Reiki Therapist,  first cleaned the energy out of the room, then she funneled my, energy healing, up through my head.  My head got so hot it was dripping with sweat.  The sweat was not just on my face but under my hair.

Typically  the person receiving,  Reiki, energy healing,  will lie down on a massage table, fully clothed. The, Reiki  Therapist,  would then either place hands on the client or place their hands slightly above the client’s body, but still within their energy field. Client’s often express that they feel warm, tingling sensations during a session.

When I came out of that session, I felt so good and I had clarity in my life.

  • The, Reiki, stories I just shared require advanced knowledge. I wanted to share to illustrate what is possible. But I want to share with you today how you too can transform your life by transforming your, Reiki energy, by just changing your thoughts.
  • You may be waiting your whole entire life to get the good breaks, to get the love of your life, the career you dream about, the home you dream about and you tell yourself that when I get these things I will be happy.
  • Unfortunately, thoughts of lack create more lack.
  • The trick is to begin to condition your, energy healing, and feel like you already have all those things. This is hard to do and takes a lot of visualization exercise. And if you are auditory like me almost a hat trick! But this is the secret to getting all you desire.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

How to Clear your Energy Space

Arifah, from the mental health space do you help your clients to condition their minds and improve their, Reiki energy, body? How do you get someone who is feeling angry, depressed, insignificant to get to joy and gratitude?

I created a wellness daily action plan that I share with clients to help them condition their minds and improve their energy. It includes, journaling food and water intake, as well writing down priorities, 3 things they are grateful for and quotes or music that make them feel motivated to get active. We also focus on things that have brought joy in the past, such as achievements/moments of gratitude.

During my sessions with clients I also teach a few different breathing exercises for the optimization of mind-body, energy healing,  and mindfulness exercises to help clear the mind and focus on the present. I also ask them to reflect and write down what they admire or love about themselves and a proud moment, it’s a great way to bring focus back to milestones and connect to what has worked in the past and what they need to do in the present to boost their, Reiki energy, and find their purpose.

Most the times, my clients are impacted by overthinking and challenges in their own lives, I try to remind them that we all go through this, but in those moments you have to focus on what you are willing to let go and what you want to change, making this decision alone will help increase your, Reiki  energy,  as you may feel a weight lifted, and a sense of freedom and new direction.

For example, recently my friend was told that her timing was coming and she needed to start preparing to leave this world.  She prepared her mind mentally using, Reiki, methods and began to get her affairs in order and say her farewells.  She planned her memorial to celebrate the life she lived, and thank everyone for being a part of her journey.  She also thanked her lungs, heart and other organs for helping her live until she was almost 40.

In her farewell letter, she mentioned to seize every opportunity, live life to the fullest, forgive, take risks if your heart is in it  and have gratitude.  I feel blessed to be reminded every time that we need to focus our, Reiki energy, to build ourselves up and others, if something is bringing you down, find a solution or let go.

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iHeart Radio

Meditating using, Reiki Energy

  • Getting outside can have an effect on mood and because you are exposed to the boundless, Reiki energy, that exist in nature. Feeling the sun on your face is just one way to draw in some of the vital, Reiki, energy that comes from your environment, as well bonding socially with people that are positive
  • I do a powerful meditation that helps me condition my, energy healing. It is not, Reiki, but it gives me clarity.
  • Remember You can't attract anything good if you don't feel good.
  • We have to Stop telling the story of our past and start telling the story of our future.  As humans we were given the gift of imagination and the beauty of imagination is that our creator added a bonus. He hard wired our brain to not be able to tell the difference between imagination and the real thing. So day dream copiously!

Cause an effect in your life instead of reacting to cause and effect!

  • Your thoughts produce an electrical charge and feelings produce a magnetic charge.
  • How you think and how you feel broadcasts, quantum energy, fields that influences every atom in your life.
  • Thoughts send the signal out and feelings draw it back.
  • So when you imagine you already have your dream house, your dream man, living in abundance you think and feel good, that engages the law of attraction and draws these things to you.

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  • Visualization of your story Past, Present, Future: Accessing, Reiki Energy

  • Tell the story of how You want your life to be and repeat it until you become it and your subconscious mind picks it up and manifests it.


  • Visualization exercise: 5 Ways to use Change your Life by Changing your Thoughts 

You are relaxing at the beach and notice two chairs in a distance. You decide to walk over to the chairs and investigate. As you get closer the person sitting in the chair begin to look familiar. You recognize your future self 5 years from now.

  • You have realizing all your goals and living a perfect life.
  • One chair is empty so you sit in this chair opposite and begin to interview your future self.
  • Question 1:
  • How did you overcome a challenge you face today?
  • What action steps did you take?
  • Question 2:
  • What beliefs did you let go of to have this perfect life?
  • Question 3:
  • What makes you feel proud?
  • Question 4:
  • What new habits did you acquire?
  • Question 5:
  • What part of your story excites you?
  • Arifah how does the mental health counselor teach visualization?

Most of the time, when I am working with clients I will play a visualization recording or read one out loud for clients to focus on.  For example, I love the exercise 54321 that focuses on connecting back to the present using your 4 senses.  I also, have an exercise I call memory play back, where I have clients visualize a time and place in their life they remember feeling joy, and have them share details about that day out loud while their eyes are closed.

There are many visualization and guided imagery exercises that are in self help books and credible sites online, that people can use to practice when feeling overwhelmed.   I always tell clients to ensure they practice visualization in a safe space, where they feel comfortable and can focus.

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Kidtasks – the application of good deeds now available on Google Aps.
Kidtasks  is an organizer for your children’s daily routines, but it is good for the entire family.

This is how it works.
1) Parents create a list of tasks. It could be as simple as  “feed your pet”, “brush your teeth”, “water the plants”, “do the dishes”, etc.

Parents you can even rate each task in points.
2) Family members do the tasks on the list and get points!
3) Parents set your own exchange rate. Eg  1 point may be equal to 1$. Having collected a certain amount of points, the children may ask their parents for their “salary” for their work!

Why this AP useful for PARENTS: Because it will help to give Kids a sense of responsibility and prepare them for the things they need to do when they become older.

Why this AP is useful for CHILDREN: Children will be rewarded when they help out with chores around the house! They will have the opportunity to get a “salary” or pocket money in exchange for working on their tasks.

Parents, this AP will teach your children responsibility and reward them in the process.  To download this AP head over to Google Aps and search for Kidtasks.


 Additional Resources for, Reiki, and  Energy Healing 



How to Dream Big in the Quantum Matrix


What is Reiki


How to Live in Infinite Possibility

Can 5G Radiation look Like Coronavirus symptoms?

5G, radiation can mimic the symptoms  of coronavirus. The, coronavirus, comes into your body and replicates. It creates a massive inflammation reaction that your body is trying to fight, and your body fights as long as it can; but as soon as it runs out of defense mechanisms,  like the glutathione is depleted or any other type of defense mechanism set up to fight inflammation, then you're going to see cell death.

That cell death mounts and then you get pneumonia.  That transforms into  acute respiratory distress syndrome.  Your lungs fill up with fluids, then you can’t exchange anymore oxygen and you die.

Listen to the full interview here:

What is 5G?

5G, electromagnetic, radiation, can cause changes in your cells which mimic a lot of different types of insults, electromagnetic, radiation,  can do things like:

  • create oxidative stress
  • and the oxidative stress creates all of their downstream things you know that's
  • like DNA damage that's like mutations
  • triggering pathways for cell death that ultimately could possibly lead to cancer
  • you see premature aging
  • immediately what happens in these environments of, radiation, you will you disrupt cellular processes. Disrupting your cellular metabolism
  • you're disrupting how your cells make energy
  • you're disrupting how your cells provide defenses and things like glutathione which is one of your cells chief defense mechanisms. It gets used up.  When your body is under constant assault, and it's not just from cell phone networks it's from all kinds of different things we live in a soup of toxic exposure and each one of those different assaults are pulling on the same set of resources.
  • If your cells don't stay healthy then your tissues aren't healthy, and when your tissues aren't healthy, then your organs aren't healthy, and if your organs aren't healthy then the human isn't healthy.

In this episode I interview Dr Joe Nieusma, CEO/Chief Toxicologist at Superior Toxicology & Wellness, an international scientific consulting firm he founded. Dr Nieusma is also the a co-founder for TwinOxide North America. A company working to improve water quality in all aspects of life.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

Why is the Government moving ahead with, 5G, regardless of the harmful repercussions?

So why is the government moving forward with, 5G technology, when there's evidence that it hurts humans?  Well let's change the paradigm and say, at the turn of the century Henry Ford comes out with the Model T and the government moved forward with making cars even though they knew people would die riding around in cars.

Different technology move forward knowing people are going to die, because it changes the quality of life, and the risk benefit analysis still says more people are going to benefit from this being a thing. than if this wasn't a thing.

As a toxicologist and regardless of what we're talking about, could be anything; you can find in the scientific literature published papers that are Pro and that are Con every single topic.  The key is to figure out what the better science is, and what the let's see, what's the easiest way to this – separate the wheat from the chaff.  You need to know the good science which is applicable, from the junk science which is published for muddying the waters.

As a toxicologist my one of my toxicology mantras besides

The dose makes the Poison.

Is everything in moderation.  So those are the caveats of the, 5G, discussion.

5G technology, is the fifth generation of communications cellular wireless technology.

Each generation gets a little bit better than the previous generation, and what we're talking about with wireless, 5G technology, is waves.  Its energy just like a human isn't really a completely solid form, we are made up of waves and energy it's just densely packed and it looks solid.  Similarly, 5G, is just waves and although they call it a non-ionizing radiation, well it's still on the spectrum.

There's different degrees of activity of these waves, as you move up and down that spectrum of, electromagnetic radiation.  So in some cases there is evidence that there is adverse effects, and in some cases there is evidence that, 5G, is perfectly fine.  So you're walking the tightrope,  you're on the top of the fence, and the proof in the pudding is interpretation.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

But I will say that some of the things that happen with the wireless technology and that can be 3G, 4G,  5G, but it's more prevalent at, 5G, apparently the, radiation, can cause changes in your cells.

I think you have just given President Trump a pass here.

What I think is that the guy that's in charge, regardless of who he is.  It could be Trump it could be Obama, it could be Bush, it could be Clinton, it could be Eisenhower.  All those guys that are in charge and at the high office, is just the winning poster child of the party.  They're the mouthpiece and they're only as good as the people that are feeding them information, because nobody can be that up on all of these different things. Trump he's the fall guy.

I think that , 5G, is coming because they need that type of a network to do the other things that are on the horizon, like the driver-less cars, and all of those other technological advancements that that people want to see happen, that you need the you need the horsepower in the information Superhighway, in order to make that happen.

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Is the Coronavirus, 5G Radiation?

I want to jump right into another controversial theory that's been on the Internet. They're saying that the, coronavirus, is a result of the, 5G, poisoning.  I was reading an article that said that the, coronavirus, is an evolved mutation from, coronaviruses, that came before such as, MERS, and SARS, which originated from bats.

You mentioned this in our last interview, you said that they've been, coronaviruses, before, but it's the first time I've heard about it.  Apparently they're all called, coronaviruses, which is why this one is labeled, Covid-19, which is a specific one.

The same article I was reading from, Apple News, was saying these viruses always seem to starts in China.  China has reopened its markets and they're still selling bats and dogs and cats.

Don’t forget Snakes!

Coronaviruses, have been around for a while.  It's not anything super new, basically, coronaviruses, are a group of viruses that cause disease in mammals. Humans are included in that, so are birds.  They mainly target respiratory issues and gastrointestinal issues, so you're either going to get breathing difficulties that lead to pneumonia or you're going to get symptoms like massive diarrhea and dehydration and the complications.

But in humans in particular, there are about seven known strains of, coronavirus, that infect humans and some of these, like four of them cause symptoms like a cold or runny nose and headaches, coughs, sore throat that type of thing.  Some a fever, but they are very rarely fatal.

Mers, Sars, coronavirus

Then there's three!  MERS, SARS and the new SARS that have varying degrees of lethality.

Those are the ones that get all of the attention in the outbreaks like in 2003 there was the, SARS,  outbreak 10% of the people that got, SARS, ended up dying.  Between 2012 all the way up to 2019, MERS, killed 23 percent of its infected people.  So there's different types of, coronaviruses, and there's different levels of fatality involved with each of these viruses.  And then just for comparative sake the, Ebola virus, which  can kill between 50 and 80% of the infected people.

The, viruses, that killed many the outbreaks, burn out faster, because they kill their hosts and they can't jump to the next person.

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The COVID-19 is designed to be very efficient at human to human transmission.  The, coronaviruses, have been found in bats, in snakes, in pigs, and in humans.  They can go from the bats, pigs and snakes and jump to the humans, because the receptor that the virus uses to get inside the cell, called the, ACE 2 receptor, or angiotensin converting enzyme.  That receptor is also found in all of those species.  The bat has the, ACE 2  receptor, the snake has the ACE 3 receptor the pigs have and humans have the,  ACE 2 receptor.

That's the that's the highway the virus uses to jump from species to species.  So there is absolute plausibility that the virus, COVID-19, initiated in one of those animals.

Now there's also some evidence to suggest that, COVID-19, has been manipulated, because some strings of base pairs and nucleotides that are found in that virus that have only been seen in experimental versions of the, coronavirus.  I have the paper that said that and that twelve base pairs that isn't found naturally that is found in, COVID-19, is in relation to how efficient it gets from human to human and that's where that's where you say where did this really come from?

That shines all kinds of light on it.  You look at everything and the best answer that you come up with is well it could have come from animals, or it could have come from a laboratory nobody really knows.

Is, 5G radiation, making the Coronavirus more deadly?

We can talk about that, 5G radiation, that’s attacking your cells and can make fighting the virus harder. 5G radiation,  can also make fighting the, coronavirus, a losing battle, because the presence of, 5G poisoning, means that your cells are trying to draw on exactly the same defense mechanisms that the, coronavirus, would need to fight the virus.  So it's  like your big brother goes and eats all of your breakfast cereal before you go to the pantry to get it, and you reach for the empty box and you go hungry.

A lot of people eat pork,  Are pigs transferring, coronavirus, as well?

Yes. Remember the, swine flu, lots of pigs just recently died in China because of a, swine flu, that's a virus.

Then there's the respiratory illnesses from chickens that can kill an entire chicken house.  The, swine flu, could kill an entire pig farm.

There’s, mad cow disease, and that's where you get biggest degradation of neuro tissue. They basically have a brain with holes in it.

The, coronavirus, cannot be confused with,5G poisoning,  different set of symptoms. But the consensus is that the cities that are most affected by the, coronavirus, has installed, 5G, and they're also saying that Wuhan, China was the city that started with, 5G, installations.

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How to Protect Yourself from, 5G, Radio Frequency Cell Poisoning?

Dr. Joe if I have a, 5G,  refrigerator in my house that is intelligent enough to look in my fridge and tell how much food I’ve got left and then place order.  And I'm exposed to this, radio frequency cell poisoning,  what are going to be my symptoms?

We are moving forward with developing this infrastructure, with developing these technologies that everybody wants, because we're all inherently lazy.  But when you're exposed to a lot of radiation and unfortunately I haven't read the study, so I don't know that the quantitative analysis.  Which goes back to the toxicological principle that, the dose makes the poison.  And unfortunately I don't know the answer.

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Let’s move on to my next controversial topic – Coronavirus Vaccines.

Another controversial theory that's floating around the internet is that the government is making everybody get, coronavirus, because they want to make, coronavirus vaccine,  mandatory and getting the, coronavirus vaccine, is going to be absolutely mandatory for you to travel to different places. I also understand that these, coronavirus vaccines, are going to have some kind of RFI device implanted in them so they can track you.  This RFI chip is going to make the, 5G, technology work better.

That's the first time I've ever this.  Wow tell me more.  I'm interested.

Apparently,  they're not hiding this RFI implant. They are saying that they want to know who has the, coronavirus vaccine.

This would be akin to putting a locator chip in your pet where you can scan the pet and you can tell the pet’s information. There's information attached to it.  But then you could scan somebody and you would know whether or not they got the, coronavirus vaccine,  that's very interesting.

RFID is radio frequency identification data or tag.  But wow that's very intrusive government activity.  I would be absolutely floored if that move forward without people objecting.

There's multiple companies working on a, coronavirus vaccine, and the challenge is the pace at which the protein coat on the virus mutates.  The, coronavirus,  has an outer protein coat that protects the genetic material which is the RNA on the inside of that protein coat.  So the vaccine usually targets some aspect of that protein that's stable from mutation.  With the, coronavirus, they are seeing such rapid mutations, that it's been difficult to get that get that vaccine to grab hold of a stable target.  That's why there isn't a, coronavirus vaccine, yet.

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iHeart Radio

Since it looks like, 5G, is here to stay I'm wondering some kind of clothing that we can wear to prevent these this, radio frequency poisoning?

With,  5G, EMF – electromagnetic fields,  there's a whole basis of literature that talks about the Crystals.  Crystals are supposed to protect you from EMF radiation.

You can Google, EMF protective devices, and there's all kinds of little things you can buy that that may or may not work, it depends on what you believe.

C60 complete is the best supplement on the market with the carbon fullerenes which is the best antioxidant on the market.  That is backed up by black seed oil and curcumin which are both natural products that have hundreds of years of data and experience of being used in the field of plant medicine from the Far East.  Their organ protective and their anti-inflammatory and they're  good for your heart and cardiovascular system.  They're antiviral and they're antibacterial.

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You can find Dr Joe Nieusma at Superior Toxicology and Wellness. Check out his HOPE program – Health Optimization Prescription Evaluation and it's aimed at people that are on multiple pharmaceutical products and they feel like they have absolutely no way out. There spiraling downward taking all of these pharmaceutical products and experiencing a diminished quality of life and their physician never takes time to evaluate why they're on all those drugs.  I'll do that for them.

Another product is twin oxide.  It’s a product that this disinfects hard surfaces, walls and floors and ceilings and basically makes your house virus free.

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TuneIn Radio

To listen to the entire interview with Dr Joe Nieusma, download on any of your favorite podcast players and remember to subscribe so you can get new episodes in your inbox.


Additional Resources 5G Cell Poisoning






Coronavirus: How to Protect Yourself

How to Regain Wholeness with Radionics

How to Access God Through Worship

Worship, definitely brings access because, God loves, worship. He's our creator and He loves it when we make time for Him. He wants us to actually, worship, and praise Him. To enter His gate with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

Worship,  is one of my favorite topics. I have a very special relationship with, praise and worship. Whenever I'm in, worship, I’m so moved the feeling intimacy with, God. 

My guest today is Tricie Graham. This post is how to take your, worship, to the next level. My pastor would say a church without, worship, is like absent fire; because you need to bring the fire in your worship.

Book A Higher Place of Worship
Book A Higher Place of Worship

Listen to the full interview


Introduction to, Praise and Worship

Tricie Graham was born and raised in Detroit Michigan and now resides in Chicago Illinois. She grew up in a Pentecostal Church on the West side of Detroit as the daughter of an Assistant Pastor who later became a Pastor. As a dreamer and a seer, Tricie came to be acquainted with the prophetic at a very young age. Tricie now works alongside her husband Elliott Graham in Evangelism and outreach at Good Seed Ground Ministries.

Tricie is a prophetess, teacher, dream interpreter and intercessor trained in spiritual warfare. (That's some good skills) She believes in the supernatural, God, of the Bible and has experienced miraculous encounters with, God. Tricie is passionate about helping others to achieve intimacy with, God, through a relationship with His son, Jesus Christ. She’s also a freelance writer and author of the book “A Higher Place of Worship”.

Introduction to A Higher Place of Worship

Myrna – Why did you write this book?  Tell us how this book came about and what was your inspiration for writing it?

Tricie – My inspiration for writing “A Higher Place of Worship” began with my recovery from COVID 19. I was sick in March. I was diagnosed with COVID 19. I was sick for about three weeks, I was really ill. During this sickness and even before then I was asking, God, what my next step in my life would be. Where do I go from here?

So as soon as I recovered from COVID 19, the Lord told me to go and revisit some notes from a message I had taught back in December of 2018. The message was on, worship. As I did that, I heard the Lord say that He wanted me to write a book on, worship.

Myrna – Tell us more about your, worship, message and why, God, wanted you to talk on, worship specifically?

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Tricie – I was lying in bed very scared. I had just come back from the hospital with this diagnosis and I was praying to God. I was asking Him – Lord, if you're in my corner, please show me.  I fell asleep. That night my whole body was aching; I have a headache, I have a fever and my chest was very congested. Though, I can still breathe, I'm having all these different symptoms. Scared thoughts were racing through my mind of what's going to happen next. Am I dying? 

God Had me in his Arms

With all the news all over the world that people are dying and losing their lives, I cried out to, God, with my whole being saying “Lord, if you're with me please show me.” I didn't know how the answer was going to come, so I go to sleep. That night, I dreamed of being on a balcony and as I'm on this balcony, I saw a man sitting in the corner.

As I held on to the banister, because I felt I was going to fall. I actually fell backwards onto the Balcony and this man caught me. So, when I woke up I knew that, God, heard my prayers and I knew that He had me in his arms.

Is Worship Prayer?

Myrna – But you weren't really worshiping right? You were just praying to God.

Tricie – I want to go into that. It's a higher place of, Worship. Most people when they think of the word, Worship, that is maybe lifting your hands or singing a song or maybe just having a moment with the Lord. But I want to challenge everybody to know that, worship, is spilled over into every part of your life. It includes everything we do from the time we wake up to the time we go to Sleep. That's where the idea for the name “A Higher Place of Worship” came from.

That’s the foundation message of my book. Our, worship,  should spill over into our prayer life. It should go over into maintaining a relationship with, God, outside of the church. During COVID-19, a lot of churches were closed, so how do we, worship? We have to find our place to, worship, wherever we are and that includes our homes.

Worship,  includes reading the Word of God, it includes fasting, and listening to hear the voice of God. Worship, includes so many different areas in life. God, requires us to always have a mindset of, worship, wherever we are.

How to Worship

I have a chapter called a “Permanent Place of Worship”. There's a section in there that talks about how to stay rooted and grounded in, God, no matter what's going on around you. This book could be for anybody. It could be for someone just starting out as a Christian believer, it could be for someone who’s been saved for a long time and has been in church for some years, and it's definitely for the skeptics. I want it to be for the skeptics that may not know if, God, is real so that they can experience the, God, of the Bible – the Supernatural, God, of the Bible.

I have a lot of supernatural  experiences and testimonies in the book, so that people can know that, God, is still a, Supernatural God.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

There are three sections in all.

  1. A particular section is called “Mindful Worship” – how, worship, can spill over into every area of our minds. We should, worship. the Lord with our minds because the scripture says that we should love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our minds.
  2. Changing the channel – Mindful of our thoughts and change the channel we're experiencing negative thoughts. Negative thought patterns can be changed by changing the channel. When we feed on the word of, God, we can actually change the channel.
  3. Renew our minds – God wants all of us to, worship. We're worshiping him by the renewing of our minds. We are giving Him total control because where the mind goes, the body follows. So the thought originates in your mind, then it becomes an action. God. wants our actions to line up with His word. That's why we should renew our minds with the word each day.

Use Worship to renew Our Minds

Myrna – That’s one of the reasons I named this podcast ‘Transform Your Mind’ because you know the Bible says be renewed by the transformation of your mind. You can't do anything or achieve any kind of success whether it's in a business, in your relationship, even your marriage. I have found that even transforming my mind in my marriage has made my marriage a little better.

Tricie – Anything that you need to do whether it's worshiping God, using scriptures as your foundation, in your work or whatever, it all starts with your mindset. I want to challenge Christians and non-believers alike to take it a step further to kind of go out of the box to, worship, on a different level that you haven't. A lot of Christians aren't experiencing, God, on that level, because they're not taking the time to do what it is that the Bible says to do. If you read the word of God on a regular basis and you practice it, you can experience, God, on a new level that you haven't before, even if you've been in church for 30 years. 

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Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

Does Worship Give us Access to God?

Myrna – Why do you feel that when we, worship, it opens a path to access God?

Tricie – I believe, worship, gives us access to, God, because that's the way we communicate with Him. That's the way we interact with, God, that's the way to have a relationship with Him.

Anytime you want to be close to someone, you have to make time to talk to them, you have to make time to learn about them, you have to make time to maintain that relationship.

It's no different with God as it pertains to, worship. We're supposed to keep that relationship with Him and, worship, Him on the level that we can experience Him. Worship, definitely brings access because, God, loves, worship. He wants us to, worship, Him. He's our creator and He loves it when we make time for Him. He wants us to actually, worship, and praise Him. To enter His gate with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

Is Faith different from Worship?

Myrna – What is the difference between, faith, and, worship? One of the things that I’ve learned in my walk with the Lord is that even if you, praise and worship, but you don't have, faith, then nothing happens because, faith, is the communication language of God. So can you connect the dots for us between, faith and worship?

Tricie – Absolutely, there's a scripture in Hebrews 11:

says without, faith, it's impossible to please, God, and that He that comes to, God, must first believe that He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

So, faith, is definitely a cornerstone of worshiping, God. If you don't have, faith, you won't be able to access any of the promises that He has for you. Faith, is definitely important. Probably I would say the number two thing.

Love is number one. The bible says that these three things,

Faith, Hope and Charity, but the greatest of these is charity.

So our love is definitely first; but, faith, is very important as well as number two.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

A Higher Place of Worship

Myrna – What do you want someone that reads your book; “A Higher Place of Worship” walk away with when they finished the chapters and close the book?

Tricie – I want the listeners or the readers of my book to walk away with

  • A profound sense of getting back to the original blueprint of worship – where it all began without all the lights and the smoke during, praise and worship.
  • Without all the eyes, without everybody watching you, without your pastor actually seeing you raising your hands and when nobody's there to see you pray when you have the microphone.
  • I want them to know that a real relationship with, Christ Jesus, is possible outside of church.
  • To walk away with knowing how to hear the voice of, God.
  • People to walk away knowing that when you access, God, through, worship, that your life won't be the same.
  • No matter how long they've been with, God, in a relationship that they can have a more profound sense of knowing, because God is all-knowing. When you walk with Him, there are things that He can show you. I believe each day of your life as you live, no matter how old you are living there's always room to grow in our relationship with, God.
  • Also, I want them to walk away knowing that they have access to God no matter who they are.
  • I want them to walk away knowing that, God, wants them to be stretched with, worship. They can actually get to a place that they never thought they could get. We are supposed to actually have a very intimate relationship with God. It's not just for pastors or for teachers; it's for all of us as believers.
  • We all can hear the voice of God. Yes, that's what I want everyone to walk away with.
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Conclusion A Higher Place of Worship

That's good and beautiful. The book is available on Amazon Kindle.  I can be reached on Facebook at the remnant page of my ministry page. Also they can reach me at “Tricie Graham” on Facebook as well or either Triciegraham@yahoo.com.

I want to remind you to watch us on YouTube. To subscribe to the channel so that you can watch this program as well as listen to it. If you're listening on iTunes. I would love you to post a review and to subscribe. I would also like to invite you guys to join my private Facebook group which is called “Life Coach”.

Additional Resources 


How to Communicate with your Guardian Angel


Life Coaching part 1: Who am I

In order to make permanent changes in your life, the first question you must ask is, who am I?  This question allows you to understand yourself and why you came into this body.

As a, Life coach, I want to share with you a , life coaching session, Life Coaching Part 1: Who am I,  from my 6-week Life coaching workshop.

We can never become who we were meant to be unless we can first recognize who we are by asking the question, who am I.

To know thyself is to grow thyself

So let’s dive right in.

First a little about, who I am.

I am a certified, Life coach, specializing in Mindset and consciousness. In 2012 I wrote my first book “Becoming conscious, my awakening” because I started to understand, who I am. In this episode I will take you through the process of discovering Who you are, be asking the question, who am I.

If you like this content please share with your friends and remember to rate, review and subscribe to the podcast. Thank you

Life coach Myrna Young, who am I
Life coach Myrna Young, who am I

Who am I, What are my deepest and truest values?

Your deepest values are the ones no one can move you off of. Your deepest values are the ones that if not met, hurt the most. Your truest values are the ones that make you cry.

Your deepest value could be that you would never hit your child. You were abused as a child and you vowed never to hit your child; but you get married and your spouse believes in spanking. He or she believes the bible that says spare the rod and spoil the child. So, your spouse spanks your child. It hurts you so much that you are forced to file for a divorce. Irreconcilable Differences!

Another example to find out, who am I, could be that you were brought up that nice girls do not have sex before marriage. It is a deal breaker in all your relationships. Your dates either leave you or they cheat on you; but you can't bring yourself to have premarital sex. It is one of your deepest and truest values. As a result, you are single and unmarried at 40 years old.

Your deepest values are found by asking the question, who am I. It could be about how you feel about charity. I never pass someone on the street begging. I feel it is a blessing to have a dollar to give. My husband on the other hand, feels that everybody can find a job, and only the worthless people stand at the corner and beg. That is his deepest value and this is mine.

Your deepest value could take the form of image and by asking, who am I. You may be willing to endure a passionless marriage if it gives you status in your community. There are lots of big houses with white picket fences that house very unhappy families.

One of my deepest values was on domestic abuse. My ex-husband slapped me and I divorced him. Simple as that! My value took the form that I would never become a battered woman. I didn't have to ask the question, who am I.  I knew that if he hit me once he would hit me again. My daughter was 5 years old at the time. Most women would have a value in giving their children a family with a mom and dad. But mine was more self-centered. Nobody should judge your deepest values. They are yours. You must know them and accept them. They make you who you are. A unique being!

Who am I, do I believe in One True Love?

Your truest value could be found by also asking, who am I. How do you love and receive love?
Do you believe that you could only love one person and there is only one true love for you? What happens if you get a divorce or your spouse dies? Does that mean that love is over for you?
How do you receive love?

I heard a story once about a woman who would ask her husband every day if he loved her. He would say of course I love you honey. Yet she did not believe him and would ask him again the next day. She felt love by how much attention she received from her husband. As her insecurities grew she required more and more attention. The marriage ended in divorce.

Your deepest value could be on why you feel you are on this earth, in this body. Do you take the time to consider your purpose and your legacy?

Who am I, What are my preferences and priorities?

Who am I, What kind of house would I like to live in.
What country would I like to live in if I had a choice. Do I prefer beach front, mountain view or lots of trees and greenery? Visualize yourself sitting on the porch of this house.

Who am I, how do I like my men? Do I like them tall, dark and handsome? or am I looking for the spiritual connection and don't care what form the package takes?

What kinds of music do I like? What kinds of music transports me to a good place?

What are my preferences during sex? Do I like it with the lights on or off?

What forms of entertainment do I prefer? Do I like the movies, going dancing or staying at home with a good book?

If I didn't have to work, what would I do?

Who are my priorities in Life? Do my children come first, my spouse or God?
Do I make healthy eating and exercise a priority or do I never have time to get to it?

Who am I, What genuinely makes me happy?

I love walking in the park and listening to podcasts and books about successful people in life.

I love listening to the rain and the sounds of the ocean.

Ask yourself , who am I, and put your list of preferences on paper.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Who am I, What are my subconscious patterns and ways of reacting?

How do I react when I feel rejected?

  • Do I seek revenge?
  • Do I get even or do I eat a pint of ice-cream?
    How do I look at the world?
  • Do I see abundance or do I see scarcity?
  • Do you feel jealous when your friends get a promotion or find love?
  • Are you glad for them or do you secretly hope they fail? No judgment just understanding.


Who am I, If you are happy for your friends, you are attracting abundance into your life. If you are jealous, you are saying that there is not enough to go around and you feel they have taken your share. So, you have a spirit of lack and that will not bring you abundance.

Who am I, What are your triggers?

Ask yourself? When do I pick up the phone and call my old lovers?
Is my trigger when I can’t get my lover on the phone and I think he or she is cheating on me?

I am one of those people who don't bear malice. That means that I get angry for a few days and then I forgive. Unless it is the third time. I have a 3-strike rule!

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iHeart Radio

Who am I, What do you Fear

As a Life coach, I ask my clients, what do they fear?  

This is an important workshop. Fears are bottom feeders. Fears keep you at the tail and not the head of the table. If you have fears, you must face them and replace them.
Fear can also keep you bound in a bad or abusive relationship.

Here are some common fears:

  • Do you fear getting old?
  • Do you fear being alone?
  • Do you fear being homeless?
  • Do you fear getting fat?
  • Do you fear your spouse would leave you?
  • Do you fear losing your job?
  • Do you fear death?

Fear is an energy. Thoughts are the most powerful energy force in the universe.
Thoughts can be either positive or negative.
Heading up the rear of negative thoughts is fear.
It is the bottom feeder or all the emotions.
When you live in fear, you feel bad all the time.
If you allow fear to linger in your body and in your mind. It will not only attract the thing you fear the most into your experience; but it will also bring disease to your body.
All diseases can be traced back to negative thoughts and emotions.
Negative thoughts transform your body into an acidic state.
In fear mode your body is activated in the fight or flight mode.
Your body tenses, your breathing is shallow, your heart palpitates, your blood pressure is elevated, your hands and body sweat.
Not a good place to dwell.


Today I want to teach you how to use positive energy to clear the negative energies of fear. But first I want to touch on one of the spiritual laws of the universe. i.e The Law of Sowing and Reaping.
We all know of the physical laws like gravity.
Some laws are physical and some are spiritual and quantum.
Understanding the Law of Sowing and Reaping can change your world.
Understanding that whatever you create it in the spiritual world will manifest in the physical world.
Put another way means that whatever you plant in your mind you will manifest in your physical world.

Just like planting an apple tree.
In the spiritual world,
The soil is your mind.
The seeds are your thoughts.
The water are your actions.
And the sun is your feelings.

If you allow fear to dwell in your heart and mind every day you will manifest an apple orchard in your reality.

Energy flows where attention goes.

Whatever you focus on expands.
Everything is energy and all energy attracts similar energy.
You can't put out negative energy and expect positive results.
You can't plant apple trees and expect oranges.
Likewise, you can't focus on what you fear and produce a successful result.
If you are constantly thinking of the things you fear, you are planting a seed and based in the universal law of reaping and sowing it must germinate.
The mind or consciousness is connected to reality.
Think of something strong enough or long enough to and it will eventually manifest in your reality.

These are six words you must stamp on your mind.

“You become what you think about”

When you realize that your mind is a garden you will begin to plant only the things you desire.
So, write down something that is opposite of what you fear and start giving it the same attention you have been giving your fear.
Since light conquers darkness it will eventually have your fear for lunch!

This means whatever you fear you will attract. So, if you fear being alone that is what you will be, alone. If you fear your spouse will leave you, be prepared for that reality. It is very very important to replace your fears with your desires.

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TuneIn Radio

Conclusion Life coaching session, Who am I

As we wrap up this episode, let’s recap
Ask yourself these questions:
Who am I?
What are my deepest values. What do I care about the most?
What are my preferences and priorities?
Who and what is important to me?
What makes me happy. What images make me cry?
How do I react to things or people who hurt me?
What do I fear the most?

As a certified Mindset Coach, I have designed a 6 Part Coaching program that starts off by bringing clarity to Who You Are because that is how you show up in your personal interactions.

Additional Resources 

Ask Coach Myrna: How to Start Over?


A Personal Development Blog and Podcast